Научная статья на тему 'Principles of inclusion implementation as a factor of successful training of students with disabilities majoring in translation and translation studies'

Principles of inclusion implementation as a factor of successful training of students with disabilities majoring in translation and translation studies Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
inclusion / disability / principles of inclusion / teaching techniques / students with SEN / flashcards / algorithm

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dzhabrailova V. S.

Inclusive education demands a real change at both policy and practice levels regarding education. Learners are placed at the centre of a system that needs to be able to recognize, accept and respond to learner diversity. Inclusive education aims to respond to the principles of efficiency, equality and equity, where diversity is perceived as an asset. Learners also need to be prepared to engage in society, to access meaningful citizenship and to acknowledge the values of human rights, freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination. To implement the above mentioned there must be principles enabling the inclusion. The main aim of the article is to study the most important principles of inclusive education.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Principles of inclusion implementation as a factor of successful training of students with disabilities majoring in translation and translation studies»

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время на поиск слов в словаре, а, во-вторых, у них еще до чтения текста будет установка на то, что именно эти слова необходимо запомнить.

Задание 1. Найти синонимы / антонимы в предлагаемой группе слов. Важно, чтобы в группе слов были новые лексические единицы, а также уже знакомые учащимся слова.

Задание 2. Составьте предложения с указанными словами.

2) Текстовый этап.

Задание 1. Прочитать фрагменты из текста, которые характеризуют того или иного героя.

Задание 2. Найти предложения, подтверждающие или отрицающие определенное мнение.

Задание 3. Составить вопросы к тексту, ответы на которые могут послужить планом для пересказа прочитанного.

Задание 4. Ответить на вопросы к прочитанному тексту.

3) Послетекстовый этап.

Примеры заданий для развития лексических и грамматических навыков:

Задание 1. Перевести предложения, в которые включены лексические единицы из списка незнакомых слов. Мы предлагаем также тренировать при этом уже знакомые учащимся грамматические структуры.

Задание 2. Вставить в предложение пропущенные лексические единицы (из списка незнакомых слов).

Задание 3. Перевести ряд предложений на одно грамматическое явление, используя лексические единицы из списка незнакомых слов.

Задание 4. Вставить в предложения предлоги, связанные с управлением глаголов.

Примеры заданий на развитие умений говорения:

Задание 1. Пересказать текст от лица одного из персонажей.

Задание 2. Охарактеризовать одного из героев произведения.

Задание 3. Представить, что один из учащихся - какой-либо персонаж произведения, задать ему вопросы.

Задание 4. Объяснить поведение одного из героев, высказать свою точку зрения.

Задание 5. Подобрать пословицы, которые подходят по смыслу к данной ситуации. Составить небольшие ситуации, используя данные пословицы.

Задание 6. Инсценировать ситуации из текста.

Задание 7. Составить небольшие диалоги, используя выражения или пословицы из прочитанного текста.

Таким образом, при разработке учебно-методических материалов по домашнему чтению необходимо предложить учащимся как тренировочные упражнения, так и задания творческого характера, побуждающие к беседе, сообщению и высказыванию собственного мнения.

Список литературы

1. Наказнюк Н.И. Принципы отбора текстов для занятий по домашнему чтению для студентов лингвистических специальностей // Вопросы методики преподавания в ВУЗе. Выпуск 10: Сборник статей. - СПб.: Нестор, 2007. - С. 138-143.

2. Фоломкина С.К. Обучение чтению на иностранном языке в неязыковом вузе. - М.: Высшая школа, 2005.

UDC 376.2:378

Dzhabrailova V.S.

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Inclusive Higher Education «Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics », Russia, Moscow



Abstract. Inclusive education demands a real change at both policy and practice levels regarding education. Learners are placed at the centre of a system that needs to be able to recognize, accept and respond to learner diversity. Inclusive education aims to respond to the principles of efficiency, equality and equity, where diversity is perceived as an asset. Learners also need to be prepared to engage in society, to access meaningful citizenship and to acknowledge the values of human rights, freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination. To implement the above mentioned there must be principles enabling the inclusion. The main aim of the article is to study the most important principles of inclusive education.

Keywords: inclusion, disability, principles of inclusion, teaching techniques, students with SEN, flashcards, algorithm,

Although there is currently no internationally agreed definition regarding inclusive education, the concept of 'inclusion' has been debated for many years. The idea of inclusion implies that it is not the student who should prepare for inclusion in the education system, but the system itself should be ready to include any student [2, p.6]. The concept itself was originally related to disability. This was the case in the 1990s, when talking about combating the discrimination or segregation that learners with special educational needs (SEN)

due to disability faced in gaining full access to and participation in mainstream educational provision. Inclusive education is the process of developing general education, which implies access to education for all, in terms of adapting to the various needs of all students, which provides access to education for students with special educational needs [1, p.375].

The ultimate goal of professional training is to master the competencies prescribed in the curriculum and steering documents. Thus, the main task of a



teacher in the audience is to organize the process of mastering knowledge in the most qualitative manner, taking into account the individual characteristics of learners with special educational needs. When doing this, the following core principles of inclusion should be considered:

1) the principle of pedagogical optimism (lat. optimusis the best). As stated in "Key Principles for Promoting Quality in Inclusive Education" from the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education: "All teachers should have positive attitudes towards all learners and the will to work collaboratively with colleagues" [4, p.14]. Special pedagogy comes from the fact that all people are able learn. The principle of pedagogical optimism is based on the idea of L.S. Vygotsky about the "zone of proximal development" of a person, testifying to the leading role of training in his or her development and allowing to predict the beginning, course and results of the individual correctional and developmental program. The principle of pedagogical optimism does not accept the "ceiling" theory, according to which human development ceases, as it were, at the level reached, above which it cannot continue;

2) the principle of early pedagogical assistance. Contemporary special pedagogy considers one of the key conditions for successful correctional and pedagogical assistance to ensure the early detection and early diagnosis of deviations in the development of a student in order to determine his or her special educational needs;

3) the principle of correctional and compensating educational orientation. This principle involves reliance on the potentials of a learner's health and basing the educational process on employing intact sense analyzers, functions and systems of the body in accordance with the specific nature of their arrested development;

4) the principle of social adaptation in educational orientation allows one to overcome or significantly reduce "social marginalization", to form various structures of social competence, psychological preparedness for living in the surrounding social and cultural environment;

5) the principle of brain building, language and communication skills development as a means of special education. All categories of students with disabilities have their own specific problems in the development of speech, thinking and communication patterns, therefore the most important general educational need for them is the need for correctional and educational assistance in developing speech, thinking and communication habits;

6) the principle of activity approach in training and education. Collective practical activity instructed by a teacher (work in pairs, small groups) is common in special education, which creates natural environment for motivated speech communication, and enhancing an atmosphere for such communication;

7) the principle of differentiated and individual approach. The differentiated approach to students with special educational needs in a collective learning process is due to the presence of varying typological features, even within the same category of disorders. Individual approach is the specification of a differentiated approach. It is aimed at creating a favorable learning environment, taking into account both the individual

characteristics of each student and his or her specific features inherent to students with this or that category of developmental disabilities;

8) the principle of special pedagogical guidance necessity. The educational and cognitive activity of a student with any developmental disorder differs from those of an ordinary student and requires constant and patient teachers' guidance.

When teaching translation and its aspects, the main difficulty for the teacher at the lesson is to relate the individual abilities of students with SEN to the necessity of the educational standard compliance. Teaching the disciplines of "Translation and Translation Studies" major requires correlating with the principles of pedagogical optimism, the principle of correctional and compensating educational orientation, the principle of social adaptation in educational orientation, the principle of brain building, language and communication skills development as a means of special education, the principle of the activity approach in training and education, the principle of differentiated and individual approach and the principle of special pedagogical guidance necessity.

In accordance with the basic principles, the following methods and teaching techniques can be considered:

1. The beginning of the lesson:

- the first version of the working procedure -students with disabilities are working with flashcards to reinforce the previous didactic material (meanwhile the teacher is working with other students, explaining a new topic, which cannot be explained in the same mode to students with SEN). Here you can offer students a flashcard with the concepts of the previous lesson and students should give these concepts a written description. At the same time, the flashcard may contain hint words or sentences with missing words in order to make it easier for students to define the concept. It is also possible to use tasks of the following structure: in one column concepts are given, in the other the definitions of these concepts are provided (students should indicate with an arrow to which concept this or that definition corresponds, thus matching them). After this type of activities the students can become engaged in work with flashcards offering practical examples;

- the second option is that while students with no special educational needs are working with flashcards to recall information on the studied issues (because they are more independent), the teacher conducts vocabulary work or other types of work with SEN-students to make them revise the basic concepts relating to the topic of the previous lesson.

Vocabulary activities must be compulsive, facilitated both, verbally and with the help of the flashcards. The teacher can talk to students to evaluate the volume of knowledge obtained at the previous lessons. Here visual aids can also be useful (pictures, manuals, practical data, objects). You can offer students a task of the "10 words" type: the teacher offers students 10 concepts already known to them relating them to the topics covered. After that, the flashcards with the concepts are removed, and students must reproduce all the words that they remember in their notebooks, and then students orally give definitions of these words. After that, the students are to perform a practical task, so that they remember how to use these concepts in practice.

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2. The main course of the lesson:

- the first version of the working procedure -students without disabilities perform tasks provided on the flashcards, working on a new topic (performing translation). The teacher meanwhile is explaining a new topic to students with disabilities, adapting it to their capacities. In this case, the following techniques are used: visualization (each action or word must be supported by a picture, a scheme, a card, a practical action); gradual transition from one action or concept to another; constant communicative speech accompaniment by the teacher, not saturated, but short and clear, i.e. speech information is absorbed in a small amount. The next stage is the material revision. One or two students perform a task in front of the whole class. The teacher actively helps. Then the students with SEN perform individual tasks related to the new topic, and the teacher meanwhile is controlling the tasks performed by the rest of the students without disabilities;

- the second option is that the teacher can begin explaining the new topic to all students in the group. In this case only simple topics, both in terms of volume and content of the material should be chosen. Then high-achieving students are to perform individual tasks on their own when the teacher is explaining to the low-performing students the content of the new topic, and only then offer them independent tasks and switch to checking tasks performed by the first group of students.

Each task that is offered to students with SEN must also meet a specific algorithm of actions. Verbal tasks are performed according to the following algorithm:

- the teacher pronounces the task itself (that is, what we will do), then the students (or one student) pronounce the task after the teacher; you can use flashcards with prop words or with prop sentences;

- the teacher instructs on the procedure, tells how to carry out the task: what should be done first, what should follow, what result these actions will evoke; the students or one student pronounce the task after the teacher. Here flashcards with an algorithm of actions, illustrations that reflect the algorithm for performing tasks, schemes and tables should be offered;

- guided performing of the task itself: again we return to the point where we started the task - students perform, check with the teacher;

- the final check of the assignment, errors analysis (the teacher points at them, then the students make sure they have understood).

Written tasks are also to be formulated in accordance with the above mentioned principles. When doing this, the following algorithm is recommended:

- the teacher pronounces the task (that is, what should be done), the students (or one student) pronounce the task after the teacher, you can use flashcards with prop words or with prop sentences;

- the students are given flashcards with a task for independent work (the algorithm of actions is written in the card itself or on the blackboard);

- task check: the teacher can check the task individually, approaching each student; the teacher asks each student to verbally say what outcome of the task is, either one student answers, all the students are looking to see if they have completed this task correctly in their cards; at the same time, all the errors and ways to eliminate them are pronounced.


A lesson in an inclusive classroom where there are students with disabilities should involve a large amount of visual aids to simplify the perception of the material. The reason is that students with intellectual disabilities rely on the perception of their visual-figurative thinking when they perceive the material. They cannot fully use verbal thinking, because it is disturbed or slowed down in them. K.D.Ushinsky attached great importance to visual learning as a method that should be more often used in the lessons in the initial period, because: first, it stimulates elementary mental processes; secondly, it develops oral speech; thirdly, it contributes to a better consolidation of the studied material in the memory of students.

One of the main requirements for the lesson is to take into account the poor concentration of students with disabilities, their exhaustion and satiation of monotonous activities. Therefore, in class, the teacher must change different types of activities:

a) it is better to begin a lesson with tasks that train memory, attention;

b) difficult intellectual tasks are to be referred to only in the middle of a lesson;

c) alternate tasks related to training with tasks that have only a corrective direction (visual gymnastics, the use of tasks for the development of fine motor skills, the development of perception and thinking skills);

d) use play, competition, role-playing games, mini performances (i.e., all those activities that affect students' emotions and connect knowledge to their lives).

Depending on the complexity of the studied topic, the explanation of homework has an individual or frontal character. Its verification is carried out alternately or jointly depending on the complexity of the task for independent homework, and performance is evaluated with regard to individual capabilities of each student.

In conclusion, we present the findings of the study, which consist in the fact that when teaching students with disabilities it is necessary:

- to simplify tasks for students with disabilities, focusing on the main ideas;

- to replace written assignments with alternative ones: for example, a student dictates answers to any recording platform (for example, in android);

- to offer a variety of tasks to choose from according to their content, the form of implementation;

- to specify individual goals and objectives for students with disabilities;

- to provide for PC access for the student to do the


- to sensibly reduce the amount of work performed by the student;

- to provide for work in pairs, in groups;

- to reconsider the rules that infringe the rights of the student;

- to give clear instructions for work;

- to provide the change of activity for students during the lesson, the alternation of active work with rest;

- the student should be able to leave the classroom and stay in the "quiet zone" if he or she is under stress;

- to facilitate mandatory use of visual aids;

- to ask the students to put away anything that can distract them from work;



- instead of essays and statements, suggest recording the answers to the questions asked by the teacher;

- the task written on the blackboard must be duplicated in the printout for the student;

-to avoid setting the task of rewriting;

- to teach how to use electronic dictionaries and use them in translation classes;

- the task should be concise, specific, with one


- to motivate the student to repeat the assignment;

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- when formulating a task, it is necessary to stand next to the student or remain in the mode of established eye contact;

- to give the student the opportunity to complete the job started;

- it is necessary to note the good behavior of the student, not the bad one;

- do not pay attention to minor violations of discipline;

- to be prepared for the fact that the behavior of the student may be associated with taking medications;

- to use an interim assessment to reflect progress;

- allow the student to rewrite the work in order to get a better mark.

Summing up, we can claim that the best socialization of students with disabilities, contributing to their

learning, occurs when the boundary between them and healthy people is erased and they feel they are equal participants in the educational process [3, p.101] which is possible with the proper respect for the principles of inclusion.


1. Пугачев А. С. Инклюзивное образование // Молодой ученый. — 2012. — №10. — С. 374-377. — URL https://moluch.ru/archive/45/5498/ (дата обращения: 21.01.2019).

2. Alekhina S. V. Principles of inclusion in the context of development of modern education. Psiholog-icheskaja nauka i obrazovanie [Psychological Science and Education], 2014, no.1. P. 5-16.

3. Dzhabrailova V. S. Inclusion as a key factor of physically impaired students' educational process management// International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies: materials of the International research and practice conference November 30h, 2016, Salisbury, United Kingdom: Scientific public organization "Professional science", 2016. pp. 92-102.

4. EADSNE, 2011. Key Principles for Promoting Quality in Inclusive Education - Recommendations for Practice. Odense, Denmark: European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education. 2011. 26 p.

УДК: 378.6

Карапузиков А.А.


Уральский институт государственной противопожарной службы МЧС России


Karapuzikov A.A.

Ural Institute of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia




Подготовка курсантов вузов МЧС России к действиям в экстремальных ситуациях является сложным процессом, включающий в себя разнообразные подходы и методы обучения к профессиональным действиям. Одним из направлений подготовки является психологическая готовность курсантов к действиям в экстремальных ситуациях. В статье рассмотрена проблема психологической готовности курсантов, дано определение термина «психологическая готовность» со взглядами разных авторов. В результате обобщены все отмеченные определения сущности готовности.


Preparing cadets of higher education institutions of the EMERCOM of Russia for actions in extreme situations is a complex process, which includes a variety of approaches and training methods for professional actions. One of the areas of training is the psychological readiness of students to act in extreme situations. The article deals with the problem ofpsychological readiness ofstudents, the definition of the term "psychological readiness " with the views of various authors is given. As a result, all noted definitions of the essence of readiness are summarized.

Ключевые слова: психологическая готовность, экстремальная ситуация, личность, деятельность, действия.

Keywords: psychological readiness, extreme situation, personality, activity, actions.

Психологическая готовность курсантов вузов МЧС России к деятельности в экстремальных ситуациях сосредоточивает в себе требуемые и достаточные для продуктивного решения обозначенной цели компоненты предстоящего действия. Степень

психологической готовности к реализации профессиональных задач в условиях экстремальных ситуаций имеет важное значение, когда затрагивается обеспечение надежности и безопасности сотрудников МЧС России [7]. В отечественной литературе

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