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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mukhina Tatyana

The paper deals with a problem of prevention of youth involvement in religious organizations of destructive orientation. The author gives the pedagogical model and proves the conditions of prevention of youth involvement in destructive religious organizations in educational institutions.

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15. Vasiliev V., Lazarev V. Conflicts of local government: a view from the province // Russian newspaper. 2011. №38. p.23

16. Avakyan S.A. Problems of legislation in the field of local government // Local Law. 2011. №2-3. p.14



Abstract. The paper deals with a problem of prevention of youth involvement in religious organizations of destructive orientation. The author gives the pedagogical model and proves the conditions of prevention of youth involvement in destructive religious organizations in educational institutions.

Keywords: religious sectarianism, pedagogical prevention, prevention of youth involvement in destructive religious sects.


PhD in Pedagogics, senior teacher, Department of Social Pedagogics and Psychology Vladimir State University tanea. muhina@mail. ru

Distinctive feature of spiritual processes in Russia of the last decades is revaluation of traditional values and standards of behavior, social stresses and loss of life meaning, demoralization of personality and dehumanization relations, change of family relationship, ethnic and political, international and religious conflicts. Economic, social and political crises in the country create favorable circumstances for replication of nonconventional religious ideas among the population.

The analysis of philosophical, theological, psychological, sociological and social and psychological literature on the problem of religious sectarianism allows drawing a conclusion that existence of religious sects has cultural and historical conditions. However, modern religious sects with disruptive signs lead to alienation of youth from family, educational institutions and society. Religious sects are form of search of youth social statement and form of leaving from the problems, complicating social adaptation of an individual. Values and standards of behavior, which young people acquire in such organizations, negatively influence on the formation and evolution of a personality. The world outlook, activity and existential vacuum define the need of pedagogical activity, directed on prevention of student's involvement in destructive religious sects, as people processes of vital self-determination, full self-expression and self-improvement are being broken under the influence of such sects on young.

Estimating the disruptiveness of religious sect and existence of psychological and/or other type of violence over the personality in its activity, traditionally consider such parameters as nature of leadership, contents and structure of the doctrine, requirement of membership maintenance in a group.

Sharing the points of view of I.A. Galitskaya and I.V. Metlik [1, 29-42], we consider that the main criteria of religious organization disruptiveness are:

1) requirement to brake off the social communications with the immediate environment, first of all with relatives, friends and people, who are in the sect;

2) rejection of rational, critical thinking at adherents of the religious organization;

3) declaration of exclusive wisdom, divinity of a leader and indisputable absolute validity of doctrine;

4) cultivation of dependence on sect and creation of obstacles for a free exit from it;

5) distorted interpretation of humanity ideas.

The prevention of youth involvement in destructive religious sects is a complex social problem, which successful solution is provided with integrated and interdisciplinary approach. Therefore, the concept of the prevention of youth involvement in religious sects has to cover medical, pedagogical, psychosocial and legal models of prevention.

The medical model is focused on overcoming the medical and social consequences of the stay in religious sect. It provides informing a man about negative influence of sectarian activity.

The main goal of psychosocial model of prevention is development of psychological skills of opposition on pressure and manipulative influence; formation of psychological immunity, abilities to resolve the conflicts and make a right choice in a recruitment situation.

Legal model provides improvement of legislative base of the Russian Federation about religions and freedoms of worship.

Pedagogical model of prevention is based on educational activity methods of educational institutions specialists and is directed on formation of knowledge of social and psychological consequences of involvement of youth in destructive religious sects for formation the firm anti-sectarian installation and refusal of involvement in sect as to an unacceptable way of personal self-realization.

The pedagogical model is presented in the form of three interconnected blocks: theory-methodological, psychology-pedagogical and technological.

The theory-methodological block reflects the purpose of the pedagogical model - creation of optimum pedagogical conditions for the maximum satisfaction of the pupil's needs for self-development, self-determination, self-education and self-realization, based on system, activity, complex and humanistic approaches.

The psychology-pedagogical block defines pedagogical conditions and the content of work, account of personal and age features of pupils.

The pedagogical conditions, providing efficiency of prevention process, are the following:

- identification of young people, who could be involved in religious sects;

- carrying out systematic anti-sectarian actions for pupils and their parents;

- increase of the level of teachers' professional competence and scientific and methodical ensuring of preventive activities;

- increase of psychological and pedagogical culture of parents for their involvement in anti-sectarian education;

- realization of pedagogical model of prevention.

This model is applicable to different organizational structures of pedagogical process (educational process in general, educational subject, educational lesson) and can be realized both on material of any training course, and within the whole educational process.

The technological block is presented diagnostics, stages of model's realization consistently reveal, each of which is focused on achievement of specific goals.

The pedagogical model of prevention synthesizes three preventive components:

• psychological (formation of knowledge about a person, feelings, abilities; formation of an adequate self-assessment, positive "self-concept"),

• educational (formation of knowledge about healthy lifestyle, abilities to make a choice, set the vital purposes of humane character and seek for their achievement),

• social (formation of skills of communication, self-realization, self-affirmation).

The purpose of pedagogical model of the prevention is creation of optimum pedagogical conditions for the maximum satisfaction of requirements of self-development and self-realization of a child's identity.

The goal is concretized in the following tasks: increase of pupils' consciousness; formation of critical thinking and ability to make a right choice; upbringing of healthy lifestyle culture; formation of active living position; inclusion in the positive social relations; inclusion in independent creative activity; identification of the reasons of personal deformation; activation of explanatory and educational work among pupils and parents; coordination of activities of all departments and experts.

Subjects of work are pupils, parents, teachers (social teacher, class teachers, subject teachers, educational psychologist, deputy director in educational work, tutors, additional education teachers, school librarian).

Educational tools are different types of activities: training, game, work, sport, creativity, communication and relations.

For creation of the pedagogical model the prevention, it is necessary to define its functions in ensuring development and functioning of pedagogical process. There are diagnostic, educational, organizing, predictive, preventive and communicative functions.

The main stages of model's realization are:

1. Organization of psychology and pedagogical supervision and diagnostics. The purpose of this stage is collecting data about pupils, complex psychology and pedagogical diagnostics for revealing the problem spheres. It assumes the inspection of pupils; identification of risk group; monitoring of pupils' adaptation; registration of social passports of class and school; analysis of the obtained data; registration of pupils, who are systematically skipping classes or having various violations of behavior; identification of families, which are in social and dangerous situation and not coping with performance of educational functions. Pupils with single violations or without any problem are the object of preventive work. Pupils with systematic violations of behavior or with problems of various etymology, with needs in psychological and pedagogical help and correction, become the object of individual work.

2. Preventive work with pupils is organized for the purpose of possible behavior deviations prevention, including preventions of involvement of pupils in religious sects. In educational institutions, the subjects of educational process are engaged in primary and partially secondary prevention.

The problems of primary prevention provide purposeful pedagogical activity of teacher, social teacher and psychologist: formation of pro-social behavior and life meaningful reference points (formation of positive self-assessment; activation of critical thinking; development of abilities to resist group pressure; formation of skills of constructive permission of conflict situations; organization of legal education of pupils; carrying out councils of prevention; control of observance of the rights and duties of pupils; self-government development; organization of cultural leisure and social directed activity of pupils; organization of volunteer activity; participation of certain pupils, class and school in school, regional and city competitions); formation of installations and skills of healthy lifestyle (medical and sanitary education; prevention of addictions, involvement of pupils in sports sections; associations of additional education; involvement of pupils to participation in school and city campaigns; sports contests; carrying out organizational and methodical actions, promoting formation of healthy lifestyle of pupils - class hours, round-table discussions with involvement of narrow experts; carrying out training occupations for pupils' mental health strengthening; organization of individual psychological and pedagogical consultations).

For the organization of prevention process, it is possible to use the prevention models, offered by A.G. Makeeva [2].

Information model focuses attention to negative consequences for physical and mental health of person and has the intimidating character. Owing to age mental features of pupils, such tactics is ineffective.

The model of the actual knowledge meaning, granting full and reliable information about religious sects, assigns to young people a passive part of listeners as the main forms of work are lecture occupations.

The model of behavioral skills is focused on formation of behavior certain skills in situations of risk in religious sect involvement, and also skills of overcoming negative social pressure, solution of problems of interpersonal communication. They assume studying of mechanisms of involvement of youth in sects and mechanisms of psychological protection. Forms of education organization at this model are trainings, role-playing games, etc., directed on development of certain behavioral schemes and skills of refusal.

In our opinion, the most productive is the constructive and positive model, as it has not prohibitive, but alternative character. The basis of constructive and positive prevention programs is formation of positive behavioral skills of constructive communication, rational choice and responsibility for consequences of this choice, decision-making in conflict situations, preventions of becoming ripe problems, overcoming stress, etc. by means of active forms of psychology and pedagogical interaction (communicative trainings, role-playing games, trainings of personal growth and etc.). It allows to pass from simple informing about negative consequences of involvement in religious sects to psychological and pedagogical technologies of formation of life meaningful orientations, valuable attitude towards health (physical and mental) and active psychological protection in risk situations.

3. Correctional work with pupils of risk group is directed on early identification and prevention of deviations in development of personality and includes the following kinds of activity:

1) profound individual diagnostics and drawing up the card of personal development (studying of pupil - character accentuation, temperament, level of claims, uneasiness, self-

assessment); determination of level of intellectual development and pedagogical neglect; diagnostics of relationship in collective; studying of typical violations of behavior and identification of their reasons;

2) drawing up the individual program of correctional work, which is turning on two blocks of actions: individual occupations and conversations (correction of self-assessment, school uneasiness, aggression removal, training in adequate forms of behavior, ways of constructive resolution of conflicts), group games and trainings in class collective;

3) implementation of individual program with participation of parents, teachers, educational psychologist, social teacher and other experts.

4. Work with pupils' families is the integral condition of complex influence and is realized through the following directions:

• studying of relationship between parents and children, determination of style of family education, early identification of dysfunctional families;

• educational work: conversations, consultations, seminars, PTA meetings, parental general compulsory education, educational and explanatory activity, acquaintance with standard and legal documents, etc.;

• psychological and pedagogical maintenance for creation of optimum conditions for interaction and mutual understanding in a family;

• assistance and support in education of children, in overcoming family problems and difficulties in education;

• carrying out scheduled maintenance on the prevention of neglect of minors, assistance on elimination of a crisis situation in a family;

• promotion of culture of the inter-generational substantial leisure, directed on satisfaction of physical, spiritual and social needs;

• patronage of dysfunctional families.

Increase of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents for the purpose of their involvement in anti-sectarian education is provided by "school for parents", pedagogical family club.

5. Tracking of work productivity is the final stage and it assumes tracking the dynamics of personal development and the analysis of the reached results.

The special attention needs to be paid to the increase of level of teachers professional competence and scientific-methodically ensuring of preventive activities. Lack of information in the field of prevention and unpreparedness to scheduled maintenance in this direction are caused by lack of special literature on this perspective, lack of qualified methodical help, seminars, and conferences, advanced training courses raising the questions of religious sectarianism.

It is expedient to add programs of professional development of heads and teachers of all educational institutions with theoretical and practical training on the problem of prevention of youth involvement in religious sects. During preparation for carrying out scheduled maintenance, teachers have to realize personal responsibility for health and development of pupils, have adequate ideas of various aspects of religious sectarianism, direct readiness for realization of preventive actions. Special courses are necessary for both social teachers, psychologists, subject teachers and administration of educational institution. The teachers, who had special training, are capable to conduct lessons for positive prevention and reveal pupils of risk group.

The complex pedagogical activity, directed on assistance to pupils in their self-education, self-realization and search of life meaning promote disclosure of personal resources, support and youth help. During the work, pupils realize humanistic values of life, importance of self-education, self-realization and dialogical communication.

Pedagogical prevention of pupils' involvement in religious sects as part of general educational system is directed on formation of humanistic valuable orientations, positive self-assessment and culture of behavior. It promotes the increase of personal autonomy and the maintenance of psychological protection in risk situations, on development of opposition skills in situations of group pressure, constructive solution of conflict situations and skills of healthy lifestyle for younger generation.


1. Galitskaya, I.A. New religious cults and school / I.A. Galitskaya, V. I. Metlik. - M.: September, 2001. -208 pages of ISBN 5-88753-041-3

2. Makeeva, A.G. Pedagogicheskaya prevention of drug addiction in school / A.G. Makeeva; otv. edition of M. A. Ushakov. - M.: September, 1999. - 142 pages.

3. Social and pedagogical prevention of dependence on psychoactive agents of children and teenagers: the textbook for stud.uchrezhdeniye vyssh. pof. educations / V. A. Popov, M. V. Danilova, T.V. Egorova, etc.; under the editorship of V.A. Popov. - M.: Academy, 2013. - 176 pages of ISBN 978-5-7695-7425-2

4. Formation of lifevalued orientations of the personality - a factor of prevention of social deviations of youth / Under a general edition of V.A. Popov. - Vladimir: VGPU, 2008. - 260 pages of ISBN 978-5-87846-612-7


Abstract. The paper deal with the nature and dynamics of the interaction between male and female as an important aspect of Hermann Hesse's philosophy. Duality of female nature at different stages of works aroused ambiguous attitude of the writer and was a source of ideological and philosophical quest. The problem of relationship between generations, men and women, the natural and the spiritual principles in a human are presented are viewed as the aspects of the single worldview problem, continuing relevance at the present stage of culture and society. Keywords: worldview, figure of a mother, love, nature, spirituality


PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Chair of Philosophy and History, Orel State Agrarian University

more-nz@rambler. ru

I. The image of a mother in H. Hesse's works.

Modern media, films and literature are filled with plots, happpening against of painful irreparable destruction of intergenerational relationships and interactions. If earlier conflicts between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, son-in-law and mother-in-law were typical, now we can see plenty of horrific stories about the way the different family members (including mothers and children) hate, betray, maim and kill each other. Today Hamlet's phrase "...The time is out of joint" became apparent and tangible meaning.

One can neither overestimate nor appreciate the role of a mother in a person's life, and the German writer Hermann Hesse in his work honored the memory of his extraordinary mother's by sets of rows, full of love, devotion, tenderness and prophetic reticence.

The paper tries to trace the transformation of the writer's views on females and to consider their intersection with the statements of some German and Russian philosophers.

H. Hesse's stories and novels, written in the period up to 1918, are largely autobiographical and full of sincere gratitude to parents, and especially to mother, for warmth, wisdom and care, warmed the author during his lifetime. After travelling, you can go back home with new experiences and changes in your mind, and meet the most important thing, without which no one can live, -mother's love: «И теперь мама смотрела на меня своими прекрасными глазами и читала то, что было написано на моём лице, и, возможно, обдумывала, что она должна сказать и спросить» [2: 74]

Characters of young, beautiful, full of life and love of mothers fill the early Hesse's works: «Как чудесно звучит мягкий, лёгкий и звонкий, как птичья трель, голос матери! Он такой добрый и приветливый, и по-особенному благородный, как и сама мать». [2: 285]. However, the beauty is not a single advantage, because these women are endowed with foresight, can easily penetrate into the depths of their children souls and sometimes find themselves wiser and harder than their husbands. In the story "Walter ^mpf" (1906), the mother of the main character had guessed that he should not be a trader, as his father desired, because «... тот самый внутренний нерв, который составляет истинную суть человека и таинственным образом влияет на его судьбу, эту искру жизни он получил от матери» [2: 170]. His mother had a poetic character. Full personal crash, which foresaw his mother: disbelief, material and spiritual ruin, indifference to

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