Научная статья на тему 'Prevalence and character of the oral cavity mucosa in the workers of the manufacture of the synthetic detergents'

Prevalence and character of the oral cavity mucosa in the workers of the manufacture of the synthetic detergents Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Ibragimova Feruza Ikromovna

It is established, that among working in manufacture of synthetic washing and cleaning agents the allergic disorders and diseases of a mucous environment of a cavity of the mouth and lips with the tendency to development hyperkeratosis exfoliate cheilitis and leukoplakia of the red border of lips and cheek mucosa are widely distributed. In development of these lesions the certain negative influence is rendered by the adverse factors of manufacturing synthetic washing and cleaning agents.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Prevalence and character of the oral cavity mucosa in the workers of the manufacture of the synthetic detergents»

Section 5. Medical science

Ibragimova Feruza Ikromovna, Senior scientific employee-researcher, Assistant of Department of Orthopaedic Stomatology of the Bukhara Branch of the Tashkent State Stomatological Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan E-mail: ss-1961@mail.ru

Prevalence and character of the oral cavity mucosa in the workers of the manufacture of the synthetic detergents

Abstract: It is established, that among working in manufacture of synthetic washing and cleaning agents the allergic disorders and diseases of a mucous environment of a cavity of the mouth and lips with the tendency to development hyperkeratosis — exfoliate cheilitis and leukoplakia of the red border of lips and cheek mucosa are widely distributed. In development of these lesions the certain negative influence is rendered by the adverse factors of manufacturing synthetic washing and cleaning agents.

Keywords: oral mucosa, the synthetic detergents, the cleaning agents, allergic stoma-titis, cheilitis, leukoplakia.

At the present time due to the deep social and economical changes in Uzbekistan the main principle of the state policy was warranting the safe working conditions and saving health of the working population. However, under the real conditions there are noted exceeding con-tents of the substances over the allowable concentrations (AC) that results in damage of the wo-rkers health. Particularly this concerns of the prior pollutants of the environment for which the enormous powers of manufactories, stability in the environment, ability of the chemical substa-nces to the distribution are characteristic [1; 2].

To these manufactures the plants of the production of the various household chemicals including synthetic washing and cleaning means on the basis of superficial-active substances may be related. The modern synthetic washing and cleaning products gradually supplanting non-synthetic cleaning compositions have gained the greatest prevalence (to 80 %) among the goods of the household chemistry.

The leading unfavourable factor of the industrial environment on the enterprises producing washing and cleaning substances seems to be the dust of the raw material and ready product, and the last has the most hygienic significance because practically all worker of these plants are exposed to them without dependence of the equipment, stations of the powder transfer from the transport devices, accidents during packages [3]. Thus their greatest danger consists in sensibilizing properties capable to call allergic diseases [2; 4; 5]. In the workers having contacts with these substances there are frequently (3.3-18.5 %) found nasal catarrh, stuffiness in nose, nasal hemorrhage, sneezing, inflammation and pruritus ofthe nasal and eye mucosa. It should be noted that now there is registered the growth of the number of allergic diseases of chemical etiology among the workers and adult population not having professional contact as well as in children (to 65 %). The researchers noted "eczema of the housewives" which is registered in wo-men using synthetic detergents at home, "napkin-area dermatitis" in children of young age as the result of the effect of the residual amount of the synthetic washing substances on the bed-clothes [1; 4; 7].

At the same time the researches on study of influence of the synthetic washing and cleaning means on the mucosa of the oral cavity of workers were not performed.

The aim of this investigation was to study frequency and character of the oral mucosa damages in the workers engaged in the manufacture of the synthetic detergents in comparison with control group.

Materials and methods

The study of a condition of the oral mucosa was undertaken on 500 workers of the Navoiy and Almalik chemical plants producing household chemicals in Uzbekistan (main study group) using the WHO strategies. As the control there were examined 500 employees of administration, electrical engineers, mechanics, watchmen, population living in the surroundings of the plants, but without exposure to the effect of the chemical enterprises.

Results and discussion

The results of the researches performed have shown, that among workers participating in the manufacture of washing and cleaning agents there is determined higher (p < 0.001) frequency of the oral cavity pathology than in the control group. So, there were more frequently observed allergic stomatitis (20.3 %), leukoplakia (17.8 %), allergic cheilitis (14.4 %) and chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis (10.4 %), a some less often — allergic glossitis (9.8 %) and desquamative glossitis (9.6 %) and more less — exfoliate cheilitis (8.6 %) and chronic ruptures of lips (6.5 %). At the same time at workings of control group the first place is occupied by chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis (7.5 %), second place — by desquamative glossitis (7.4 %) and upward allergic stomatitis (5.6 %) and exfoliate cheilitis (2.2 %).

It is necessary to note, that in workers at manudacture of the detergents there were oc-curred such diseases of the mucous mucosa (33.5 %), as hyperkeratosive and erosive-ulcerative forms of leukoplakia, allergic cheilitis and chronic ruptures of lips which were absent in the stu-died participants of the control group. Allergic stomatitis and allergic glossitis were found in the both comparative groups, however their frequency among the working people was 3.9 times mo-re frequent (p < 0.001) than in the control group.

Thus, the most often pathology of the oral cavity mucosa in the workers engaged in the manufacture of the washing and cleaning agents seems to be allergic damages of the oral mouth and lips (44.5 %), which were observed consequently 5.7 times more often (p < 0.001) than similar parameters in control group (7.7 %). And anamnesis showed clearly the link between occurrence of allergic stomatitis and industrial activity of the workers. Thus in the workers there were often observed hyperemia of the vestibular part of the oral mucosa including the tongue and red edges oflips, sometimes the swelling mucosa with prints of teeth on the cheeks and lateral surface of tongue.

The special characteristics of the mouth mucosa damages in the workers engaged in the production of the detergents is the fact that during the process of investigations there was found increased

Frequency and nature of family aggregation at probands with the burdened inheritance

keratinization of the mucosal epithelial of the oral cavity as the manifestations of such diseases as leukoplakia (17.8 %) and exfoliate cheilitis (8.6 %), and the interrelation between a level of keratinization, duration and degree of the contact of the workers with manufacture pro-cess has been revealed. So, the most high level of keratinization was observed in workers manu-factured washing and cleaning agents 5.2 times higher (p < 0.001), than in the persons of control group.

Thus, on the basis of results obtained from the studies performed, it is possible to conc-lude, that among working engaged in

the manufacture of the washing and cleaning agents the al-lergic diseases and diseases of mucosa of the oral cavity and lips with tendency to development of hyperkeratosis including exfoliate cheilitis and leukoplakia of the red edges and cheek mucosa are widely distributed. It indicates that the unfavourable factors of the manufacture of the synthetic washing and cleaning agent have negative effects on frequency and character of patho-logical processes in the oral cavity mucosa and lips of the workers participating in this process.


1. Artamonova V. G., Barsukov A. F., Gadjiev A. S. The state of the upper respiratory ways at workers manufacturing synthetic deter-gents//Medicina truda I promishlennaya ecologia (in Russian). - 1997. - № 12. - P. 14-16.

2. Potemkina O. L. Toxicological-hygienic estimation of the modern means of household chemi-stry (the example of synthetic cleaning agents, and glues): The Abstract ... diss. cand. med. sciences. - St. Petersburg, 2005. - 24 p.

3. Frolova A. D., Sidorin G. I., Lukovnikova L. V. To a problem of a hygienic regulation synthetic cleaning agents//Medicina truda I promishlennaya ecologia (in Russian). - 1999. - № 11. - P. 8-12.

4. Masagutova L. M., Bakirov A. B., Fisherman I. D. Specific sensibilization and local immunity of the oral cavity under the conditions of airogenic loading//Clinical laboratory diagnostics. - 2013. - № 4. - P. 27-29.

5. Briggs E. C., Nguyen T., Wall M. A. et al. Oral antimicrobial use in outpatient cystic fibrosis pulmonary exacerbation management; a single - center experience//Clin Respir J. - 2012. - Vol. 6, № 1. - P. 56-64.

6. Lin G. H. Y., Hemming M. Ocular and dermal irritation studies of some quaternary ammonium compounds//Food-Chem-Toxical. -1996. - Vol. 34, № 2. - P. 177-182.

Khamedova Firuza Saidovna, Independent scientific the applicant, Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

E-mail: ss-1961@mail.ru

Frequency and nature of family aggregation at probands with the burdened inheritance of the inactive adenoma of hypophysis (The genealogic status in panmixia with inheritance of inactive adenoma of hypophysis)

Abstract: Study of frequency of inactive adenoma of hypophysis (IAH) cases among relatives is of great importance for a choice of strategy and tactics of treatment of these patients, development of methods of forecasting in population families with genetic predisposition to this disease. In this regard the purpose of our research in which 104 patients with IAH were included there was studied nature of family aggregation at probands with the burdened family anamnesis.

Keywords: inactive adenomas of hypophysis, tumor, family, differential diagnostics, probands, genealogical status, symptoms.

Hormonal-inactive or the nonfunctioning adenoma of a hypophysis (IAH) — one of the most frequent (25-48 %) among all tumors of a hypophysis, proceeding without any manifes-tations of the raised production of hypophyseal hormones. Frequency of IAH in the general population makes about 10 new cases a year on one million population [1-3].

Problem of diagnosis of hormonal and inactive adenomas of a hypophysis (IAH) remains extremely actual that is directly connected with that now there are no the sensitive and reliable laboratory techniques allowing to define at a presurgical stage existence of pathological hormo-nal secretion among IAH [4].

In recent years efforts of researchers on studying of etiopato-genesis of IAH are directed on clarifications of molecular and genetic factors [5]. Family forms of adenomas of a hypophysis are renowned for many years and now, according to literature make from 1-2 % to 5 % of all cases [6].

Identification of a role of heredity in origin of IAH is one of actual problems of modern neuroendocrinology. Aspects of identification of frequency of IAH cases among relatives of probands

are also essential. It is of great importance for a choice of tactics of treatment of these patients, development of methods ofprevention and forecasting in population families with genetic predisposition to this disease.

Materials and methods

104 patients with IAH are examined. In the anamnesis of 83 (79.8 %) surveyed (1st group) was absent the presence of incidence of IAH among close and dis-tant relatives — grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, etc. At 21 (20.2 %) of patients (the 2nd group) the disease was connected with heredofamilial predispo-sition. These were representatives of 6 families with the presence of two and more relatives with adenomas of a hypophysis of various types of secretion.

The analysis of the surveyed showed that both in the first and in the second group women met more often. Average age of patients of the 1st group made — 36.1 ± 11.6 years old, the 2nd — 44.5 ± 13.2 years old.

Most patients with IAH without the burdened family anamnesis were aged from 18 till 50 years (84.3 %), and more than a third

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