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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Toshova Sh.T.

This article examines issues of preschool education organization, such as cooperation with families. It is very important to create a healthy family environment and develop mentally and physically healthy individuals.

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Toshova Sh. T. graduate student Termiz State Pedagogical Institute



Abstract: This article examines issues of preschool education organization, such as cooperation with families. It is very important to create a healthy family environment and develop mentally and physically healthy individuals.

Key words: family, school, preschool educational organization, social development, continuous education, pedagogical technologies, social development, healthy life.


In the years of independence, the field of education was recognized as one of the priority directions for the social development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Fundamentally renewing education, which is a priority field, enriching it with content, applying advanced pedagogical technologies to the educational system and raising it to the level of advanced education are the main ideas of the educational reforms carried out in the country.

The field of pre-school education is considered the primary link of the continuous education system, and it is extremely important in raising a healthy and well-rounded child and preparing him for school.

Today, the issue of education of children of preschool educational organizations is a matter of our state and our president Sh.M. It is one of the urgent issues that Mirziyoyev is paying attention to.

At the meeting held on August 16, 2017 under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, important tasks were set for the structural reform of the preschool education system and the full inclusion of children in these institutions. was As a result of the analyzes in this regard, in a short period of time, three major documents - Decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 9 "On measures to radically improve the system of preschool education" No. PQ-3261, dated September 30 "Preschool education Decree No. PF-5198 "On measures to fundamentally improve the management of the education system" and Decision No. PQ-3305 "On the organization of activities of the Ministry of Pre-School Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan". In the program adopted for the purpose of improvement of this field, the field of preschool education as the primary link of the continuous education system, the role of preschool educational institutions in the formation of children's legal literacy in this

process, and the educational system in the republic and a well-rounded it is emphasized that the education of the next generation is the main priority of the state policy. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 29, 2016

In the course of the implementation of the tasks defined in the Resolution No. PQ-2707 "On measures to further improve the preschool education system in 2017-2021" in the field of education on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regulatory legal documents on children's rights a number of reforms are being implemented.


The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 30.09.2017 No. PF-5198 "On measures to fundamentally improve the management of the pre-school education system" provides that young children in pre-school educational institutions should be taught national and universal values, humanitarianism and ideas such as education in the spirit of high spirituality, independence in their hearts and minds, instilling the ideas of national identity more deeply, implementation of activities aimed at strengthening immunity against foreign ideas in the form of "mass culture" have been put forward.

In fact, in order for the young generation to become a well-rounded person, it should be aware of the experience of the ancestors in the field of people, the history of the country, and education. Family plays a big role in personality formation. Mentally mature, morally clean, physically strong children grow up in exemplary families. That is why creating and strengthening a healthy environment in the family is a matter of national importance. complications and conflicts are reflected in the family. Accordingly, issues of family upbringing have always been and will remain an urgent problem.

As a result of the implementation of the State program adopted in connection with the declaration of 1998 as the "Year of the Family" in our republic, the legal foundations of family relations were improved, a new version of the "Family Code" was adopted, and a number of legislative and regulatory documents were adopted. the necessary conditions aimed at ensuring material well-being have been created.

In order to make the young generation morally mature, various competitions are held in the republic. The first call "Family Code" adopted at the 11th session of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be an important legal foundation for ensuring the interests of prosperous families, formed by the commonality of Eastern and universal moral norms. According to the Constitution, "Motherhood and childhood" is protected by the state ( Article 65).

Content and methods of work of preschool educational organization in cooperation with parents. It is possible to achieve positive results in the education of children thanks to skillfully combining the forms of work of MTT with parents in a team style and individually, and organizing pedagogical

campaign work among the general population. Here are some of the most common forms of MTT staff working in partnership with parents and families:

-One-on-one work with parents. Advanced pedagogical experiences show that this type of work is of great importance. In this case, the educator studies the personal characteristics of the family and the child and takes them into account in his educational work. In the experience of our MTTs, various forms of one-on-one work with parents have been identified; visit of the tutor to the family, conducting a conversation for the parents, giving them advice, familiarizing the parents with the life of MTT.

Forms of work of MTT in cooperation with the family:

tutor visits the child's family at least twice a year.

2. General meetings twice a year.

3. Personal interviews with parents: at morning reception, during evening observation.

4. Open day twice a year.

5. Group meetings once a quarter.


Personal interviews with parents:

The interview, which is used as the most common method of working with the family in person, can be conducted during the reception of the children in the morning and during the observation in the evening. They help educators and parents get to know each other better. The teacher's morning talks with the parents are short-term, and it is very important to create a good mood and trust in the teacher.

The parents how the child was in the evening, how he slept, how the child felt. The teacher gives brief information to the parents about what the children can expect in the group today. This thing raises the mood of the child and calms the parents. Evening talks with parents are also limited in terms of time, during the evening talks with parents, shortcomings related to the child's appearance can be mentioned. Gives information about how the child spent the day in the group, what he was busy with, how he behaved, what should be paid attention to. When it is necessary to have a more detailed conversation with the parents to analyze any shortcomings and mistakes they have made in the upbringing of the child, there is a need for qualified advice and recommendations to correct the situation.

Organization of joint activity of MTT employees with parents and its content depends on conditions in MTT. Mutual support, mutual understanding, and responsibility for assigned work are created where joint activities are carried out at the required level. Parents can assist in greening the MTT area, prepare the rooms for the winter season, carry out sanitation works, prepare holiday costumes for children, and accompany children on trips. If there are photographers, seamstresses, artists among the parents, they should provide direct support to MTT. An annual plan is drawn up and posted in a visible place

for the proper organization of joint work. Parents should be asked which days they can come to MTT to help.

Organization of joint activity of MTT employees with parents and its content depends on conditions in MTT. Mutual support, mutual understanding, and responsibility for assigned work are created where joint activities are carried out at the required level. Parents can assist in greening the MTT area, prepare the rooms for the winter season, carry out sanitation works, prepare holiday costumes for children, and accompany children on trips. If there are photographers, seamstresses, artists among the parents, they should provide direct support to MTT. An annual plan is drawn up and posted in a visible place for the proper organization of joint work. Parents should be asked which days they can come to MTT to help. DISCUSSION

The child is the joy of the family, the support of the parents is the life-giving force of the society. As soon as a child is born in the family, smart parents seriously deal with this responsible task themselves without entrusting his upbringing to grandparents or public educational institutions. The great Russian writer M.Gorky wrote about the educational task of parents: "Even a chicken knows how to caress its child. Being able to educate them is a great state-wide task that requires skills and extensive life knowledge. If the daily schedule is not followed in the family, if the household chores are not properly distributed among the family members, if the woman is mistreated in the family, if there is alcoholism and other vices, then the child who grew up in such a family will have high Due to his secretiveness and lack of life experience, he cannot assess events correctly. As a result, the child becomes silent, angry, and rude. In order to raise a child properly, parents must have a high reputation in front of him, without this, upbringing is impossible. Parents' civic image, life, work, behavior, sense of responsibility for their family in front of the society are the basis of their reputation. Parents who carry out social activities together with family duties, are interested in their children's lives and lead them skillfully are the most respected people. All this applies equally to father and mother.

The child is the joy of the family, the support of the parents is the life-giving force of the society. As soon as a child is born in the family, smart parents seriously deal with this responsible task themselves without entrusting his upbringing to grandparents or public educational institutions. The great Russian writer M.Gorky wrote about the educational task of parents: "Even a chicken knows how to caress its child. Being able to educate them is a great state-wide task that requires skills and extensive life knowledge. If the daily schedule is not followed in the family, if the household chores are not properly distributed among the family members, if the woman is mistreated in the family, if there is alcoholism and other vices, then the child who grew up in such a family will have high Due to his secretiveness and lack of life experience, he cannot assess events correctly. As a result, the child becomes silent, angry, and

rude. In order to raise a child properly, parents must have a high reputation in front of him, without this, upbringing is impossible. Parents' civic image, life, work, behavior, sense of responsibility for their family in front of the society are the basis of their reputation. Parents who carry out social activities together with family duties, are interested in their children's lives and lead them skillfully are the most respected people. All this applies equally to father and mother.

Forming a child's personality from the first year of life, that is, dealing with his upbringing, is the main task of the family. In the family, rules such as respect for elders and respect for children should become a daily habit. Parents should monitor every behavior of the child. It is the duty of parents to accustom the child to the rules of family etiquette, to teach good behavior from a young age. Under the guidance of parents, children get their first ideas about the environment and life. It is important to develop children's independence, teach them to overcome difficulties, and strengthen their will.

The national spirit of the family determines the national spirit of the people. In this sense, each family is a sacred social institution that forms national psychology in its members. For thousands of years, this institution has been educating different national spiritual images of the peoples of the world. Therefore, the formation of aesthetic ideas of children in the family should also have a certain "national image ".

Other social issues in the system of factors that affect the formation of aesthetic imaginations in children, which, if they are not properly directed from the point of view of pedagogy, prevents the acquisition of the qualities being formed into a national spiritual image. These include issues such as the social environment, relatives, neighborhood, educational institutions (kindergartens), the sphere of influence of the majority of children attending educational institutions. After all, the family is not only the relationship between husband and wife, but also the relationship between parents and children, brothers, sisters, relatives. As families form and develop in society, they appear as a small part of this society. Families Social economic relations in society always affect the development of the family. The characteristics of education and upbringing in the family are also reflected in the society. Therefore, artistic and aesthetic situations in the family should be evaluated only as a means of forming the aesthetic imagination of the child growing up in the family. This educational process has a strong influence on the spirituality of society, including its aesthetic world. This, in turn, is the basis for recognition as an important socio-pedagogical problem. In addition, aesthetic relations in the family - the external expression of family life, having a strong influence on the development of moral and spiritual attitudes in the family, and consequently, on the strengthening of the family.

There are other social issues in the system of factors that affect the formation of aesthetic imaginations in children, which, if they are not properly directed from the point of view of pedagogy, prevents the acquisition of the

qualities being formed into a national spiritual image. These include issues such as the social environment, relatives, neighborhood, educational institutions (kindergartens), the sphere of influence of the majority of children attending educational institutions. After all, the family is not only the relationship between husband and wife, but also the relationship between parents and children, brothers, sisters, relatives. As families form and develop in society, they appear as a small part of this society. Families Social economic relations in society always affect the development of the family.

The characteristics of education and upbringing in the family are also reflected in the society. Therefore, artistic and aesthetic situations in the family should be evaluated only as a means of forming the aesthetic imagination of the child growing up in the family. This educational process has a strong influence on the spirituality of society, including its aesthetic world. This, in turn, is the basis for recognition as an important socio-pedagogical problem. In addition, aesthetic relations in the family - the external expression of family life, having a strong influence on the development of moral and spiritual attitudes in the family, and consequently, on the strengthening of the family.

On the other hand, age differences in the family, spiritual-aesthetic actions of father, mother, brothers, sisters, the presence of artistic-aesthetic content in the way of life, compatibility of activities and instructions are also important socio-pedagogical problems. They must comply with certain pedagogical principles, criteria and conditions.

The problem of the formation of aesthetic ideas in preschool children is of social and pedagogical importance because of the fact that the children. It is very important to meet the growing needs of the population, to organize their free time and rest, to ensure stability and moral integrity in society.


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