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Ключевые слова
coaching / technology / efficiency / staff / prerequisites / advanced approaches in the field of mentoring / business consulting / management / коучинг / технологія / ефективність / персонал / передумови / передові підходи в галузі наставництва / бізнесконсультування / менеджмент

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — O. Skorobagatska

Formulation of the problem. The new philosophy of staff management involves the formation of employees’ favorable work perception in the company, encouraging the interaction culture, the use of powerful analytics tools and giving employees the opportunity to control their own careers. Modern organizational coaching technologies help to build the potential of the staff management function, helping to achieve the goals of the organization. The article examines the essence and prerequisites for the emergence of coaching technologies in the staff management system. The history of origin is analyzed. It has been found that the coaching paradigm as a special style of interaction has developed based on the search for advanced approaches in the field of mentoring, business counseling, psychological counseling and even psychotherapy. Options for the coaching application in staff coaching, business coaching and working with staff are considered. It has been found that coaching is a process aimed at achieving goals in various life spheres and activity. It arose at the junction of psychology, management, philosophy, logic and life experience. One of the equivalents of the coaching idea is “joint achievement” or “developmental counseling”. It has been proven that in Ukraine coaching has become the most widespread in the counseling field, and some managers use it as a method of staff management in order to effectively form motivation. It has been found that coaching technology includes the method of Socratic dialogue. Materials and methods. Solving the highlighted aim, a set of methods of scientific research adequate to them were used, theoretical: a comparative analysis of coaching technology in the mainstream development of the modern society; a systematic analysis of prerequisites for the coaching technologies emergence in the staff management system. The main coaching sources are singled out, namely: the method of Socratic dialogue, the psychoanalytic theory of S. Freud, K. Jung; humanistic approach in psychotherapy (K. Rogers, A. Maslow, A. Adler); methods of practicing effective sports coaches (T. Gallwey); D. Goleman’s concept of emotional intelligence (EQ). Results. Modern research in the psychology of leadership confirms that emotional competence is a much more important factor in achieving successful results in working with people than technical knowledge and skills. Understanding emotions, the ability to manage them, the ability to develop high motivation, correctly recognize the emotions of others and competently build relationships with them increases the modern leader effectiveness. In other words, coaching technology becomes a very promising method in the modern staff management system. Conclusions. The essence and preconditions study of the coaching technologies in the staff management system allows to conclude that the sources of coaching are considered Socratic dialogue method, psychoanalytic theory, humanistic approach in psychotherapy, methods of practicing sports coaches, the concept of emotional intelligence (EQ) D. Goleman. Coaching as a type of management focuses on the process of developing the employees’ potential, helps to maximize their personal productivity and the success of the company as a whole.

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Формулювання проблеми. Нова філософія управління персоналом передбачає формування у співробітників сприятливого сприйняття роботи у компанії, заохочення культури взаємодії, застосування потужних інструментів аналітики та надання працівникам можливості контролювати розвиток власної кар'єри. Сучасні організаційні коучингові технології допомагають нарощувати потенціал функції управління персоналом, сприяючи досягненню цілей організації. У статті досліджено сутність та передумови виникнення коучингових технологій в системі управління персоналом. Проаналізовано історію виникнення. З’ясовано, що парадигма коучингу як особливого стилю взаємодії розвинулася на основі пошуків передових підходів в галузі наставництва, бізнес-консультування, психологічного консультування і навіть психотерапії. З’ясовано, що коучинг – це процес, спрямований на досягнення цілей у різних сферах життя та діяльності. Він виник на стику психології, управління, філософії, логіки та життєвого досвіду. Одним із еквівалентів ідеї коучингу є «спільне досягнення» або «розвиваюче консультування». Доведено, що в Україні коучинг отримав найбільш широке поширення в області консультування, а також деякі керівники застосовують його як метод управління персоналом з метою ефективного формування мотивації. Матеріали і методи. Вирішуючи виділену мету, було використано набір методів наукових досліджень, адекватних їм, теоретичний: порівняльний аналіз коучингових технологій у загальноприйнятому розвитку сучасного суспільства; систематичний аналіз передумов для тренерських технологій, що з’являються в системі управління персоналом. Результати. Сучасні дослідження з психології лідерства підтверджують, що емоційна компетентність є набагато важливішим фактором досягнення успішних результатів у роботі з людьми, ніж технічні знання та вміння. Розуміння емоцій, здатність керувати ними, здатність розвивати високу мотивацію, правильно розпізнавати емоції інших людей і грамотно будувати з ними стосунки підвищує ефективність сучасного керівника. Тому, технологія коучингу є досить перспективним методом у сучасній системі управління персоналом. Висновки. Вивчення сутності та передумов виникнення коучингових технологій в системі управління персоналом дозволяє зробити висновок, що джерелами коучингу вважають сократівській метод діалогу, психоаналітичну теорію, гуманістичний підхід у психотерапії, методики практикуючих спортивних тренерів, концепцію емоційного інтелекту (EQ) Д. Гоулмена.


Scientific journal ISSN 2413-158X (online)


Has been issued since 2013.

Науковий журнал


Видасться з 2013.


Скоробагатська О.1. Передумови виникнення коучингових технолог1й у системi управл1ння персоналом. Ф/'зико-математичнаосв'!та. 2021. Випуск 1(27). С. 18-22.

Skorobagatska О. Prerequisites for the coaching technologies origin in the staff management system. Physical and Mathematical Education. 2021. Issue 1(27). Р. 18-22.

DOI 10.31110/2413-1571-2021-027-1-003 UDC 005.7:005.95/.96

O. Skorobagatska

A.S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Ukraine

ksenjakulik@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0002-5072-5195



Formulation of the problem. The new philosophy of staff management involves the formation of employees' favorable work perception in the company, encouraging the interaction culture, the use of powerful analytics tools and giving employees the opportunity to control their own careers. Modern organizational coaching technologies help to build the potential of the staff management function, helping to achieve the goals of the organization.

The article examines the essence and prerequisites for the emergence of coaching technologies in the staff management system. The history of origin is analyzed. It has been found that the coaching paradigm as a special style of interaction has developed based on the search for advanced approaches in the field of mentoring, business counseling, psychological counseling and even psychotherapy. Options for the coaching application in staff coaching, business coaching and working with staff are considered. It has been found that coaching is a process aimed at achieving goals in various life spheres and activity. It arose at the junction of psychology, management, philosophy, logic and life experience. One of the equivalents of the coaching idea is "joint achievement" or "developmental counseling". It has been proven that in Ukraine coaching has become the most widespread in the counseling field, and some managers use it as a method of staff management in order to effectively form motivation. It has been found that coaching technology includes the method of Socratic dialogue.

Materials and methods. Solving the highlighted aim, a set of methods of scientific research adequate to them were used, theoretical: a comparative analysis of coaching technology in the mainstream development of the modern society; a systematic analysis of prerequisites for the coaching technologies emergence in the staff management system. The main coaching sources are singled out, namely: the method of Socratic dialogue, the psychoanalytic theory of S. Freud, K. Jung; humanistic approach in psychotherapy (K. Rogers, A. Maslow, A. Adler); methods of practicing effective sports coaches (T. Gallwey); D. Goleman's concept of emotional intelligence (EQ).

Results. Modern research in the psychology of leadership confirms that emotional competence is a much more important factor in achieving successful results in working with people than technical knowledge and skills. Understanding emotions, the ability to manage them, the ability to develop high motivation, correctly recognize the emotions of others and competently build relationships with them increases the modern leader effectiveness. In other words, coaching technology becomes a very promising method in the modern staff management system.

Conclusions. The essence and preconditions study of the coaching technologies in the staff management system allows to conclude that the sources of coaching are considered Socratic dialogue method, psychoanalytic theory, humanistic approach in psychotherapy, methods of practicing sports coaches, the concept of emotional intelligence (EQ) D. Goleman. Coaching as a type of management focuses on the process of developing the employees' potential, helps to maximize their personal productivity and the success of the company as a whole.

Keywords: coaching, technology, efficiency, staff, prerequisites, advanced approaches in the field of mentoring, business consulting, management.


The problem formulation. Management counseling based on coaching technology has been developing in recent decades and is now an established system, an interdisciplinary field that includes methods of active observation and listening, question technology, project techniques, neurolinguistic programming, elements of deep psychology and psychotherapy. In the conditions of innovative economy formation built on new knowledge, requirements to the staff competences of the enterprises and the

© O. Skorobagatska, 2021.

organizations essentially grow and quickly change. The new staff management philosophy involves the formation of employees' favorable work perception in the company, encouraging the interaction culture, the use of powerful analytics tools and giving employees the opportunity to control their own careers. Modern organizational coaching technologies help to build the potential of the staff management function, helping to achieve the organization goals.

Research relevance. M. Danilova, J. Gibner, T. Golvy, D. Goleman, T. J. Leonard, E. were engaged in research of coaching theoretical bases. Parslow, R. Pryor, M. Ray, A. Savkin, J. Smart, N. Smith, F. Stone, N. Tomashek, J. Whitmore. Among domestic scientists, aspects of coaching in the management context were studied by V. Gurievskaya, V. Zhukovskaya, V. Kulik, N. Lev, E. Logvinovsky, O. Martsinkovskaya, A. Mazaraki, M. Nagara, V. Pavlov, H. Peredalo, I. Petrovska, N. Sychova.

The psychological theory influence on the coaching technology development is considered: from A. Adler's theory coaching borrowed the exercise of goal setting, life planning, modeling the future; One of K. Jung's methods is successfully used in coaching - to inspire a person to reconsider his life and convince him to develop in accordance with their natural talents, to find application for them in life and purposefully improve their personality. K. Rogers's theory, according to which all people have the ability to build their lives so that it gives them personal satisfaction and at the same time was constructive in social terms, became the basis of "life coaching"; for the coaching development is of great importance the theory of A. Maslow, who studied the self-actualization phenomenon. The methods of effective sports coaches have made a great contribution to the development of coaching technology. Thomas J. Leonard, T. Galway, and J. Whitmore became key figures in the coaching origin process as an independent training method. The modern coaching development was significantly influenced by the concept of D. Goleman's emotional intelligence.

The aim of the article is a theoretical analysis of the preconditions for the coaching technologies emergence in the staff management system.


Solving the highlighted aim, a set of methods of scientific research adequate to them were used, theoretical: a comparative analysis of coaching technology in the mainstream development of the modern society; a systematic analysis of prerequisites for the coaching technologies emergence in the staff management system. The main coaching sources are singled out, namely: the method of Socratic dialogue, the psychoanalytic theory of S. Freud, K. Jung; humanistic approach in psychotherapy (K. Rogers, A. Maslow, A. Adler); methods of practicing effective sports coaches (T. Gallwey); D. Goleman's concept of emotional intelligence (EQ).


In today's world, the topic of coaching has become one of the most popular in the management and consulting field. According to European experts, coaching is one of the most effective management methods. Most counselors define coaching not only as a direct learning method, but also as a philosophy, the technologies and methods system aimed at the most productive setting and goals achievement.

Coaching as a new counseling form emerged in the early 1980s. Initially, this term meant a special training athletes' form who claim outstanding results. Later, coaching began to be used by successful businessmen, politicians, public figures and show business stars as an effective method of achieving serious personal goals. In the 1980s, coaching began to play an important role in business. The coaching effectiveness soon became known throughout the world. But a serious attitude to the coaching role in the organizational development field was prepared by works on situational leadership, where coaching is seen as a leadership style aimed at developing the staff initiative and independence.

In the West, the coaching paradigm as a special interaction style has developed based on the search for advanced approaches in the mentoring field, business counseling, psychological counseling and even psychotherapy. This technology has helped people develop, learn new skills and achieve great success. Personal and corporate goals have become more conscious and consistent. Now this very effective way of achieving concrete results in life and business is gaining recognition around the world.

Coaching is the person's individual training to achieve important goals, increase the planning effectiveness, mobilize internal capacity, develop the necessary skills and abilities, and develop improved strategies for obtaining results. This technique is designed to empower people who are aware of the need for change and who set themselves the task of professional and personal growth. It can be aimed at implementing plans in various life areas: business, career, education, interpersonal relationships and family. All methods used in coaching are aimed primarily at focusing person's attention on purposeful actions and motivation for these actions.

Coaching also exists as a management type that focuses on the developing process of the employees' potential, helping to maximize their personal productivity and the company success as a whole. Many organizations have begun to apply the principles of coaching, increasing the effectiveness of each employee at each organizational level.

Personal coaching helps to identify goals and optimal steps to achieve them; increase the client's independence and responsibility; to enjoy their activities; learn to find new effective cooperation ways; make the right decisions quickly in difficult situations; to coordinate individual goals with the goals of the organization; make your life richer; open new opportunities; earn more and spend less; to enrich life with new productive staff relationships.

Business coaching allows you to effectively solve the following tasks: creating cohesive work teams; introduction of new goods and services to the market; intangible motivation of staff; change management; access to new markets; project management (from department to organization); increase sales efficiency; project teams creation; competitive advantages formation; product or company positioning; staff training.

The most obvious options for applying coaching in working with staff: staff motivation; rating; powers delegation; problem solving; relations settlement; planning and inspection; work in groups; performance of tasks; staff development.

To achieve these goals, coaching uses scientifically sound methods, techniques of personal growth and practical experience. It is a process of self-development that gives clients a clear idea, who they are, what they do, what they want and why they want it. No other method takes into account the personal history, which allows you to rely on his best qualities.

According to a Manchester Inc. study, organizations that invest in coaching their top executives make almost six times as much profit. Firstly, it's because coaching focuses people on doing things that increase an organization's profits. Secondly, it gives the client company "capital" of staff self-motivation and responsibility, which maximizes the productivity and efficiency of the organization, leads to increased profits.

Coaching does not provide "valuable advice", but provides the client with real methods and skills. Their use allows to find the right solutions in a particular situation, optimal for the employee and the company. This technology reliably adapts the organization and the person to high competition in the market. After all, the efficiency and productivity level of the organization is a huge resource.

Thus, coaching is a very effective technology in modern work with the staff, which helps to learn new skills and achieve great success, and companies to reach a new effective level. Consider the essence and prerequisites for the coaching technologies emergence in the staff management system.

The word "coach", which became established in England in the XVI century, translates as "something that quickly delivers to the goal". In the second half of the XIX century, English students began to call this term private tutors. Already in the early 90s of the XIX century, the word was firmly established in the sports lexicon as the sports coach name, and then moved to denote any activity related to mentoring, training, counseling. "Coaching" is a transliteration of English "coaching", which can be translated as "training, preparation, training".

Coaching is a process aimed at achieving goals in various life spheres and activity. It arose at the junction of psychology, management, philosophy, logic and life experience. One of the coaching idea equivalents is joint achievement" or "developmental counseling" (Whitmore, 2012).

It is believed that coaching was finally formed as a separate profession in the early 90's of XX century. In the United States, the coaching profession was officially recognized in 2001 through the establishment and operation of the International Coaching Federation.

In Ukraine, coaching has become most widespread in the field of counseling, although recently some managers have begun to use it as a staff management method in order to effectively form the motivation and adequate behavior of their employees.

Coaching sources should be considered in 5 main areas:

1. Socratic method of dialogue. Mayevtika.

2. Psychoanalytic theory of S. Freud, K. Jung.

3. The humanistic approach in psychotherapy (K. Rogers, A. Maslow, A. Adler).

4. Methods of practicing effective sports coaches (T. Gallwey).

5. The emotional intelligence concept (EQ) D. Goleman.

The direct learning method, based on the actualization of individual experience as a means of participants' self-expression in the learning process and as a means of most effective behavior, is called "maevtika", by analogy with the method of dialogue developed by the ancient philosopher Socrates.

The Socratic dialogue method is a specially organized system of logical questions construction: each subsequent question is conditioned by the interlocutor's preliminary answer. As you know, the main provisions of the Socratic dialogue art are as follows: the establishment that all knowledge a person already has, that he has the knowledge fullness; consciousness derives an understanding of the truth from itself; anti-dogmatism, which is expressed in the claims rejection to the possession of reliable knowledge; knowledge is something more than just a thought, it cannot be obtained in a ready form; a person must expend considerable effort to "find" knowledge; according to Socrates, only that knowledge is strong, valuable to man, which is extracted by the thinking subject himself; the task of a coach-manager is to help a person acquire knowledge by asking the right questions.

Coaching technology includes the Socrates method: in modern practice, coaching is recognized as effective and uses the technique of special question organization in order to update the individual experience.

From A. Adler's theory, coaching borrowed the attitude to each person as his own life creator. Exercise for goal setting, life planning, modeling the future - all these techniques are widespread today in coaching. A. Adler believed that everyone can change their destiny and life, if you set a goal and will consciously move towards it.

One of K. Jung's methods is successfully used in coaching - to inspire a person to reconsider his life and convince him to develop in accordance with their natural talents, to find application for them in life and purposefully improve their personality.

The humanistic psychology founder K. Rogers has created a new direction, according to which all people have the ability to build their lives so that it gives them personal satisfaction and at the same time was constructive in social terms. K. Rogers insisted that people have a desire to develop in a positive direction. This was one of the first steps towards what is today "life coaching". Thus, the coach must create an atmosphere in which you can openly express yourself, your feelings, and thus help improve the other person in accordance with his own intentions and goals.

For the coaching development is of great importance the A. Maslow's theory, who studied the self-actualization phenomenon. He analyzed the individuals' lives, who lived with the fullness and awareness sense of their existence, and constantly progressed. He believed that man by nature strives for mental balance, positivity, self-realization, creative activity (Trop, Clifford, 2008).

The methods of effective sports coaches have made a great contribution to the coaching technology development. Thomas J. Leonard, Timothy Gallwey, and J. Whitmore became key figures in the coaching emergence process as an independent training method.

The coaching founder, Thomas J. Leonard, introduced the "coach"concept, borrowing it from sports (English Coach -tutor, instructor, coach) and achieved outstanding results by creating a coaching industry. In addition, his clients often needed

not only tax and financial planning skills, but also conversations on personal topics that were not directly related to a specific problem. Yes, he realized that his clients wanted from him what could be called "life planning". In 1982, Thomas Leonard bega n coaching and was the first to use the term in a non-sporting context.

T. Leonard was professionally engaged in coaching. He founded the International Association of Certified Coaches, the University of Coaches, and published the largest website in the Today's coaching industry. T. Leonard defines coaching as a system of realization of participants' joint, social, personal and creative potential of the development process in order to obtain the most effective result (Leonard, 2012).

T. Gallwey, author of the bestseller "The Inner Tennis Game", proposed the use of the sports principles in business. His technique of "internal play" has become widespread and is used in sports, business, health care and education. It is also the coaching basis (Gallwey, 2012).

T. Gallwey emphasizes that the big difference between better and worse results is obvious and cannot be explained solely by the abilities lack. Differences are directly related to the way you learn or make changes in performance. T. Galway noted that trusting the expert coach assessment, the athlete reduces his responsibility to the accurate execution level what he is told. As a result of this approach, a person's willingness to self-improve and take responsibility for this training suffers. According to T. Gallwey's theory, the "opponent in the head" is much more dangerous than the opponent on the other side of the "grid". The coach's task is to help the player eliminate or mitigate internal obstacles. As a result, a person's natural ability to learn and achieve efficiency will be manifested. The "Inner Game" purpose is to reduce any interference in the disclosure and realization of the man's full potential. Business training is based on awareness, trust and conscious choice (Gallwey, 2012).

The Inner Game core is the fact that we have more human potential (I2) than we think, and that we hinder the realization of this potential (I1) more than we would like. The methodology basis of the Inner Game is an invaluable awareness of the existing reality, whether it is simple behavior or complex business situations; understanding that we need to present as clearly as possible the results we want to get; as well as trust in their own resources to move towards the desired results. Trust here means some reduction in the control level not in relation to external factors, but in relation to personal internal potential. It is this trust that allows the "flow" in the work or game, makes them effective and fun (Gallwey, 2012).


The application of the internal game method is to find the best ways to manage change and has certain tasks:

1. Help all company employees to learn and think independently.

2. Help managers to learn to be business coaches;

3. Help managers to learn creating "educational organizations" (Gallwey, 2012).

T. Gallwey grasped the very coaching essence: coaching reveals a person's potential and thus helps him to achieve maximum efficiency (Gallwey, 2010).

The founder of the corporate business direction and management in coaching, John Whitmore, defined coaching as a goals system, employee potential development. In 1992, he published a book, "Coaching for Performance", which "Management Today" magazine describes as "the best in the field". This coaching guide is aimed at both beginners and professionals (Leonard, 2012; Whitmore, 2005).

The modern coaching development was significantly influenced by the emotional intelligence concept of D. Goleman. The work of New York Times journalist D. Goleman was a breakthrough in the human resource efficiency study. His book "Emotional Intelligence" became a real bestseller. In 1995, Daniel Goleman discovered that no less important role than "IQ" is played by another remarkable factor - "EQ" (emotional intelligence), an emotional intelligence indicator, as control over their own emotions, as well as the ability to perceive other people's feelings characterize intelligence more precisely than the ability to think logically. The results of these studies were later the management basis in the coaching style (Goulman, Boyatsis, Mackie, 2008).

D. Goleman's research has shown that IQ does not correlate with business success. According to research from Harvard University, only 15% of a leader's effectiveness is determined by his intelligence (IQ), and 85% - emotional competence (or emotional intelligence - EQ). The results of D. Goleman's research later laid the foundation for coaching-style management: what a person feels has a much greater impact on his work quality than what he knows how to do; the ability to listen and hear others is much more important than the ability to use one's own knowledge; the ability to ask the right questions is much more important than the ability to give direct and clear instructions; all changes and moving forward begin with inner self-consciousness; each subsequent step is necessarily based on an understanding of the ultimate goal. According to D. Goleman, firstly, you should be able to manage your life, and secondly - to have a wide range of social skills. Together, they form a tool for positive influence on others and external change (Goulman, Boyatsis, Mackie, 2008).

Thus, the developed skills of emotional competence allow the leader to consider their emotions and their staff emotions as a management resource, and thus increase their activities efficiency and entire organization effectiveness. Top managers of successful companies take this factor into account, which allows them to make better use of existing professional knowledge and experience, to be more successful and efficient.

E. Parslow, M. Ray considered coaching as a systematic approach to the corporate culture formation (Parslow, Ray, 2003).

Modern research in the leadership psychology confirms that emotional competence is a much more important factor in

achieving successful results in working with people than technical knowledge and skills. Understanding emotions, the ability to manage them, the ability to develop high motivation, correctly recognize others' emotions and competently build relationships with them increases the modern leader effectiveness. If the manager does not think about the problem of emotional competence, his work results can be very low.


The essence and preconditions study of coaching technologies in the staff management system allows us to conclude that the coaching sources are considered Socratic dialogue method, psychoanalytic theory, humanistic approach in psychotherapy, practicing sports coaches methods, the emotional intelligence concept (EQ) D. Goleman. Coaching as a management type focuses on the developing the employees' potential process, helps to maximize their personal productivity and the company success of the as a whole. Thus, in our opinion, further research deserves to study aspects of staff capacity development in the context of organizational coaching.


1. Gallwey, T. (2010). Tennis. Psychology of a successful game. M .: Olimp-Biznes. 208 s.

2. Gallwey, T. (2012). Work as an internal game. Disclosure of personal potential. M.: Alpina Publisher. 417 p.

3. Goulman, D., Boyatsis R., Mackie E. (2008). Emotional leadership: The art of managing people based on emotional intelligence / trans. with English 3rd ed. M.: Alpina Business Books. 301 p.

4. Danui, M. (2007). Effective coaching: coaching lessons / trans. with English M .: Dobraya kniga. 288 s.

5. Danilova, M. A., Frolova E. V. (2003). Coaching: origins, approaches, prospects: trans. with English S. Shvetsova. SaitsPetersburg. 110 p.

6. Leonard, T. J. (2012). Founder of personal coaching. URL: http: // icennosty.blogspot.com/2012/08/blog-post_ 21.html;

7. Maximov, V. E. (2004). Coaching from A to Z. Everything is possible. Saits-Petersburg. 272 p.

8. Ognev, A. (2003). Organizational counseling in the style of coaching. S.Pb.. 186 p.

9. Parslow, E., Ray, M. (2003). Coaching in training. Practical methods and techniques. Saits-Petersburg. 204 p.

10. Tracy, B. (2009). Technology of achievement: turbo coaching by Brian Tracy. M.: Alpina Publishers. 224 p.

11. Trop, S., Clifford, J. (2008). Coaching in training. A guide for coach and manager. 63 p.

12. Whitmore, D. (2005). High performance coaching / trans. with English M.: Management and Business. 168 p.

13. Whitmore, J. (2012). The leader's inner strength: Coaching as a method of staff management. M.: Alpina Publisher. 309 p.


О.1. Скоробагатська

Сумський державний педагогiчний ушверситет ÍMeHÍ А.С. Макаренка, Укра)на


Формулювання проблеми. Нова фiлософiя управлiння персоналом передбачае формування у спiвробiтникiв сприятливого сприйняття роботи у компанН, заохочення культури взаемодй', застосування потужних iнструментiв аналiтики та надання працвникам можливостi контролювати розвиток власно)кар'ери. Сучасш органiзацiйнi коучинговi технологи' допомагають нарощувати потенцал функцй'управлiння персоналом, сприяючи досягненню цлей органiзацi)'. У статт '1 досл'джено сутнiсть та передумови виникнення коучингових технологй в системi управлiння персоналом. Проаналiзовано iсторiю виникнення. З'ясовано, що парадигма коучингу як особливого стилю взаемодй розвинулася на основi пошуюв передових п'дход 'ю в галуз'1 наставництва, б'знес-консультування, психологичного консультування i навiть психотерап'й. З'ясовано, що коучинг - це процес, спрямований на досягнення цлей у р'зних сферах життя та д'яльностi. Вт виник на стику психологК, управлiння, флософ) логки та життевого досв'ду. Одним ¡з екв'юалент'ю ¡де) коучингу е «спльне досягнення» або «розвиваюче консультування». Доведено, що в Укра)ш коучинг отримав найбiльш широке поширення в областi консультування, а також деяк керiвники застосовують його як метод управлiння персоналом з метою ефективного формування мотивацН. Матер ¡али iметоди. Вирiшуючи видiлену мету, було використано набiр метод 'ю наукових досл'джень, адекватних )м, теоретичний: порiвняльний аналiз коучингових технологй у загальноприйнятому розвитку сучасного суспiльства; систематичний аналiз передумов для тренерських технологй, що з'являються в системi управлiння персоналом. Результати. Сучасш досл 'дження з психологи лiдерства пдтверджують, що емоцйна компетентнсть е набагато важлuвiшuм фактором досягнення успiшнuх результат'в у роботi з людьми, нж технiчнi знання та вмння. Розумiння емо^й, здатнiсть керувати ними, здатнсть розвивати високу мотива^ю, правильно розпiзнаватu емоцК iншuх людей i грамотно будувати з ними стосунки пiдвuщуе ефектuвнiсть сучасного керiвнuка. Тому, технологiя коучингу е досить перспективним методом у сучаснiй сuстемi управлiння персоналом. Висновки. Вивчення сутностi та передумов виникнення коучингових технологй в сuстемi управлiння персоналом дозволяе зробити висновок, що джерелами коучингу вважають сократiвськiй метод дiалогу, псuхоаналiтuчну теорiю, гуманстичний п'дх'д у психотерапЦ методики практикуючих спортивних тренерiв, концеп^ю емо^йного нтелекту (EQ) Д. Гоулмена. Ключовi слова: коучинг, технологiя, ефектuвнiсть, персонал, передумови, передовi пiдходu в галузi наставництва, б'знес-консультування, менеджмент.

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