Научная статья на тему 'Preparation and comparative Analysis of some organic compounds to be used as clean fertilizer instead of contaminated chemical fertilizer on vegetable plants'

Preparation and comparative Analysis of some organic compounds to be used as clean fertilizer instead of contaminated chemical fertilizer on vegetable plants Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — H. S. M. Al-Delfi, N. A. Al-Saadie, A. Al-Lami, F. H. Abeer, G. M. Bello

This experiment was conducted during spring of 2010 with the use of Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) design in three replicates in order to study the effect of humic substances (Fulvic and Humic acids) as an alternative from contaminant chemical fertilizer on quality of tomato fruits (percentage of total soluble solids, percentage of total acids, vitamin C and nitrate contents) and total yield. Results showed that addition of humic substances has significantly affected all the studied parameters except production as compared to the chemical fertilizer. Addition of humic substances credited higher percentage value of total soluble solids, percentage of total acids, vitamin C and lower value of fruit nitrite NO3 content in average 6.49, 0.63, 25.78 and 40.0 compared to 5.88, 0.54, 21.23 and 82.2 when chemical fertilizer was used. Result showed that addition of mineral fertilizer to tomato plant through irrigation did not significantly differ in yield from plant that received organic compound through soil application.

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Проанализированы результаты исследований, проводившихся весной 2010 г. с использованием рендомизированного дизайна полного блока (RCBD) в трех повторах, с целью изучения влияния гуминовых веществ (фульвовых и гуминовых кислот) на качество плодов томата (процент от общего числа растворимых сухих веществ, процент от общего числа кислот, витамин С и содержание нитратов) и на общий урожай, по сравнению с загрязненными химическими удобрениями. Добавление гуминовых веществ увеличило процент общего количества растворимых сухих веществ, процент общего количества кислот и содержание витамина С и уменьшило содержание нитрита NO3 в плодах – в среднем 6,49; 0,63; 25,78 и 40,0 по сравнению с 5,88; 0,54; 21,23 и 82,2 при использовании химических удобрений. Результаты показали, что добавление минеральных удобрений растениям томата через орошение не увеличило существенно урожай по сравнению с урожаем растений, которые получили органическое соединение через внесение в почву.

Текст научной работы на тему «Preparation and comparative Analysis of some organic compounds to be used as clean fertilizer instead of contaminated chemical fertilizer on vegetable plants»

2. Голуб, И. А. Инновационные разработки для белорусского льноводства / И. А. Голуб // Льноводство: реалии и перспективы: материалы Международной научно-практической конференции; аг. Устье, Витебской обл., 27-28 июня 2013 г. / Институт льна. - Могилев, 2013. - С. 3-8.

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5. Каргопольцев, Л. Н. Создание высокопродуктивных сортов льна-долгунца на Могилевской ОСХОС / Л. Н. Кар-гопольцев, П. Р. Хамутовский // Сборник научных трудов. - Томск, 1997. - С. 28-34.

6. Кожановский, В. А. Основные направления повышения эффективности льняного подкомплекса Республики Беларусь / В. А. Кожановский, Е. К. Соколова // Льноводство: реалии и перспективы: материалы Международной научно-практической конференции; аг. Устье, Витебской обл., 27-28 июня 2013 г. / Институт льна. - Могилев, 2013. - С. 9-13.

7. Методические указания по селекции льна-долгунца / Сост. А.Р. Рогаш [и др.] - Торжок, 1987. - 44 с.

8. О внесении дополнений и изменений в государственный реестр сортов [Электронный ресурс] / Государственная инспекция по испытанию и охране сортов растений. - Режим доступа: М1р://8огйе81Ьу/(1/306784Л1/рпка7-142-о-упе8ету-dopolnenii-i-izmeneniy-v-gosudarstvennyy-reestr-sortov.pdf. - Дата доступа: 17.03.2014.

9. Описание сортов растений [Электронный ресурс] / Государственная инспекция по испытанию и охране сортов растений. - Режим доступа: http://sorttest.by/d/306784/d/len-dolgunec.pdf. - Дата доступа: 18.03.2014.

10. Отраслевой регламент. Возделывание льна-долгунца. Типовые технологические процессы. - Минск: Институт системных исследований в АПК НАН Беларуси, 2012.- 47 с.

11. Пыльнев, В. В. Частная селекция полевых культур / В. В. Пыльнев [и др.] - М.: Колос, 2005. - 552 с.

12. Соловьев, А. Я. Льноводство / А. Я. Соловьев. - М.: Агропромиздат, 1989. - 320 с.

13. Хамутовский, П. Р. Новые сорта льна-долгунца Могилевской опытной станции / П. Р. Хамутовский, Л. Н. Каргопольцев, Г. И. Таранухо // Вестник Белорусской государственной сельскохозяйственной академии. - 2008. - № 3. - С. 44-47.

14. Юхновец, Л. В. Лен-долгунец: результаты испытания сортов сельскохозяйственных культур в Республике Беларусь за 2008-2010 гг. / Л. В. Юхновец. - Минск, 2011. - С. 138-170.

УДК 631.82.022.3




(Поступила в редакцию 07.04.14)

This experiment was conducted during spring of 2010 with the use of Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) design in three replicates in order to study the effect of humic substances (Fulvic and Humic acids) as an alternative from contaminant chemical fertilizer on quality of tomato fruits (percentage of total soluble solids, percentage of total acids, vitamin C and nitrate contents) and total yield. Results showed that addition of humic substances has significantly affected all the studied parameters except production as compared to the chemical fertilizer. Addition of humic substances credited higher percentage value of total soluble solids, percentage of total acids, vitamin C and lower value of fruit nitrite NO3 content - in average 6.49, 0.63, 25.78 and 40.0 compared to 5.88, 0.54, 21.23 and 82.2 when chemical fertilizer was used. Result showed that addition of mineral fertilizer to tomato plant through irrigation did not significantly differ in yield from plant that received organic compound through soil application.

Проанализированы результаты исследований, проводившихся весной 2010 г. с использованием рендомизированного дизайна полного блока (RCBD) в трех повторах, с целью изучения влияния гуминовых веществ (фульвовых и гуминовых кислот) на качество плодов томата (процент от общего числа растворимых сухих веществ, процент от общего числа кислот, витамин С и содержание нитратов) и на общий урожай, по сравнению с загрязненными химическими удобрениями. Добавление гуминовых веществ увеличило процент общего количества растворимых сухих веществ, процент общего количества кислот и содержание витамина С и уменьшило содержание нитрита NO3 в плодах - в среднем 6,49; 0,63; 25,78 и 40,0 по сравнению с 5,88; 0,54; 21,23 и 82,2 при использовании химических удобрений. Результаты показали, что добавление минеральных удобрений растениям томата через орошение не увеличило существенно урожай по сравнению с урожаем растений, которые получили органическое соединение через внесение в почву.


The exponential increase in the number of the world's population and the accompanying parallel increase in the demand for food have led to the development of human-related methods in the production process to increase production within the same unit area. This includes the extensive use of chemical fertilizers which is added directly to the soil in order to supply the plant its required nutrients. Intensive agriculture or the so-called Green Revolution led to the depletion of organic substance by soil and increasing the speed of decomposition [15]. As with the difficulty of maintaining a balance appropriate Ionian in the soil by adding compost chemotherapy, this only led to the deterioration of one of the most important elements of the environment and soil degradation productivity [4]. So this current agricultural system as described in many countries of the world [3] can be observed as:

1. Does not hold the status of permanence.

2. Low productivity.

3. With a significant degree in the destruction of the environment.

It also added that excessive chemical fertilizers and pesticides, both led to a deterioration of the quality of the product, prompting attention to the continuing risks to human and animal health system without taking into account other environmental factors

Launched in recent years, the use of organic fertilizers is harmful to humans, animals, plants and water (fulvic and humic acids) low concentrations to improve soil properties, especially biological ones, feeding and increase production quality and quantity instead of mineral fertilizers. In addition to the high soil content of, humic acids it also reduces the problem of nitrates washing a trend which can also reduces the amount of chemical fertilizers added to the soil. As well as the use of these organic compounds, Humic and Fulvic acids efficiently reduce erosion of the soil as a result of increased root growth and complexity within the soil and thus reduce erosion. In addition to the effect of these acids on the quality characteristics of the product as it works to reduce the nitrate content level of vegetables from 25-40 % and increase the concentration of vitamins and amino contents in the plant

The humic acids are organic non- crystalline multi electrolytes with a wide range of molecular weights. fulvic acid's molecular weight less than 103 Daltons while humic acid molecular weight is 1x106 to 5x103 Daltons. As revealed by [12], the nature shape of these compounds as chain and ringed-cyclic He explained that the adoption of the phenolic and benzene carboxylic type used in technology has helped a lot in the 14 th Century to understand these complex compounds by measuring the effectiveness of fulvic and humic acids in 14th Century.

Results of [8] showed that spraying plants with humid organic compounds concentration of 0.01 % led to increase the ability of plants to withstand environmental stresses and decrease the severity of morbidity, which in turn reduced the amount of pesticide added. In another study, it revealed out the role of amino acids as materials adopted for plant growth, increase production, improve the quality and increases the ability of plants to withstand natural disease [9]

Materials and method of the study

The study was conducted on the soil of a fusion research station nursery "Alghriat" of the preparation of organic fertilizers and mushroom cultivation project Soil samples were collected randomly before the commencement of the study of depth (0-20 cm) then mixed together and used to determine the physical and chemical properties characteristics of the soil (Table 1). Research has been carried out according to a global experiment design included a randomized complete block including two factors (Humic acids, chemical fertilizer) and three replications were observed

Table 1. Some soil properties used in the cultivation of tomato crop

Soil properties Value

The interaction of soil pH 1: 1 7.5

Electrical conductivity EC 1:1 Dessié Siemens 4.8 m -1

Calcium carbonate CaCO3 g kg -1 soil 191.1

Organic matter g kg -1 soil 1.6

NH4 mg kg -1 soil 14.2

NO3 mg kg -1 soil 20.1

WP ready mg kg -1 soil 3.9

Potassium mg kg -1 soil 103

The content of the soil was estimated from the elements and the status of organic matter. The concentration of potassium as much as stated in [1] and estimated amount of nitrogen depended on Bremner method while available phosphorus depends on Olsen method. Estimated EC and pH in saturated paste extracted by

glass electrode and ion exchange capacity (CEC) by substitution of NH4-acetate. The total amount of carbon wet oxidation by Dichromate are described in [10] and converted into organic matter after multiplying the amount organic carbon by 1.724. Used of traditional chemical methods of segmentation of plants waste specific organic chemical compounds which depend on the ability of dissolving acids and bases metal of these organic compounds in solvents. When an organic substance is treated with a concentrated solution of NaOH of 0.5 standard would lead to the separation of humic compounds of this plant residues and the following chart illustrates the organic compounds extraction and segmentation [13].

The seeds of tomatoes were planted as a biological indicator on 15/3/2010 on both sides of each water drippers to get two plants in each side of the water dripper after germination. The distance between the drippers is 40 cm. that is 25 number of drippers in each experimental unit, thus, making the number of plants to be 100 plants in each module pilot. A sift solutions of organic compounds with water for irrigation and chemical fertilizers to the soil as follows: 180 kg of N ha-1 from urea fertilizer containing 46 % N; 60 kg P ha-1 of super phosphate 21 % P. and 125 kg of K ha-1 from potassium sulfate 41.5 % K. According to the use chemical fertilizers guide cm3 per liter of fulvic and humic acids in water

Cumulative tomato data taken for the entire space pilot unit and collected samples of tomato fruits from each experimental unit are washed and then squeezed. Juice filtered for quality characteristics determination. As it has been to estimate the percentage of total soluble solids using a Hand refractometer and the estimated percentage of total acidity and fruit content of vitamin C and nitrate NO3 according to in the [2]

Results and discussion

The results in table 1 indicated that the addition of chemical fertilizers has led to a significant increase compared of the total production of organic compounds of humic acids, which amounted to total production of 7.78 and 7.57 tons per acre respectively. Percentage of increase in production of chemical fertilizer compared to humic acids is 2.77 %. The increase may be due to poor soils with organic matter, Iraqi result of increased consumption and the lack of additional annual vegetation.

Table 2. The effect of chemical fertilizer and humic acids in winning total

Fertilizer Winning total, (ton acres)1

Chemical fertilizer 7.78

Humic acids 7.57

Less significant difference to Add = 0.025 and 0.057 tons acres -1 when the level of significance 0.05 and 0.01 respectively.

The results also revealed in figure. Addition to that, the organic compounds in the form of humic and fulvic acids led to a significant increase in the percentage of soluble solids and total acidity compared to mineral fertilizer additive, which average percentage of 6.49, 0.63 and 5.88, 0.54 , respectively. Increase reached in the percentage of soluble solids when adding organic compounds (10.4 %) compared to chemical fertilizers, the percentage increase of the total acidity of 16.7 %. The food ingredients depend on the quality characteristics of the fruit, which are key indicators of the quality and suitability of the food industry .While increase in the percentage of total soluble solids resulted in increased concentration of juice, as well as the proportion of total acidity. This gives an increase in the ratio of total soluble solids through the formation of amino acids and converted to organic acids during the vital events of living cells, which are dissolved in fruit juice and will become the proportion of food ingredients[7]. These results are in consistent with that found by [11].



Organic compounds



Chemical fertilizer

I Total acidity ■ Soluble solid matters








Fig. The effect of chemical fertilizers on some qualities of tomato fruits compared to using humic acid (fulvic and humic acid)

Results also indicated in table 3. Addition of organic compounds as an organic fertilizer made significant differences at the level of 0.01 in increasing the proportion of vitamin C, reducing the percentage of nitrate content in the fruits of tomato juice. The accumulation of large amounts of nitrates in the leaves and roots resulting in a change in the taste of fruit and vegetables, change colors and smells. while the contamination of these compounds in soil and water affect of the use of artificial fertilizers and because of human eating contaminated food or water with nitrates can lead to high oxidized hemoglobin in the brain which leads to inability to deliver oxygen to body tissue, the most dangerous effects of compounds nitrates as it interacts with the material acids in food to turn into a toxic substance called nitrogmaen and this material cause injury to the liver, lung and nervous system and is one of the substances that cause the occurrence of cancer and embryos deformities [5]

Table 3. Effect of the treatment of tomato plants with humic substances and chemical fertilizers in the average

percentage of vitamin C and nitrate content

Fertilizer Vitamin C (mg/100 ml juice)* Nitrate content (mg kg -1) **

Chemical fertilizer 21.23 82.2

Humic acids 25.78 40

* Less significant difference = 2.01 mg/100 ml of tomato juice fruits at 0.01 level of significance. ** Less significant difference = 37.25 mg / kg of tomato fruit at the 0.01 level of significance.

Has added organic compounds highest rate in proportion Viamban C amounted to 25.78 mg vitamin / 100 ml juice and the lowest rate in the content of the fruits of nitrates 40 mg kg -1 compared to fertilizer chemical rapid melting, which can contaminate soil and plant nitrate as the value of vitamin C and nitrate content in fruits 21.32 and 82.2 respectively. Percentage of percentage increase in the value of the concentration of vitamin C mg / 100 ml juice 21.4 % while the percentage decline in the content of the fruits of tomato of nitrates in fruits of tomato 51.3 % when using organic compounds as a source of plant nutrition compared to using chemical fertilizer mineral, consistent results with Tugarinof 0.2002.

The results showed that obtained Koznitsov, 2003 to be treated with a compound Alheiomat Center acidic humus (humic fulvic) Humat in the form of sodium and potassium Humat 80 % (powder soluble in water). Led to the reduction of the content of potato tubers of nitrates compared with the treatment of mineral fertilizers and comparison, it has decreased the amount of nitrates (mg / kg fresh weight) by 40 % for the comparison and 62.5 % for mineral fertilizers.


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