PREOPERATIVE ANXIETY REDUCTION WITH CLASSICAL MUSIC THERAPY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Andirja Sukma E.F., Nugroho A., Jamtani I., Saunar R.Y.

Surgery is a traumatic experience that threatens everyone who will undergo surgery. This anxiety is usually motivated by the threat of death, pain, bleeding. Purpose. This research was quasi-experiment with post-test only control group design approach. Methods. This research is cross sectional, using quasi experimental methods with one group pre-test and post-test without control group. The sample in this study patients who will undergo surgery in the preparation room of the Fatmawati General Hospital is 20 respondents. Data collection using the HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Ratting Scale) questionnaire. Results. It was concluded that there was a significant influence of patient anxiety before and after the administration of classical music therapy. The results of the study before being given an intervention have anxiety categories of mild (10%), severe (70%) value of p=0.014. After being given an intervention they have mild (80%), severe (5%) anxiety value of p= 0.021. Conclusion. It is expected that the results of this study can be applied as an SOP for the application of classical music therapy while the patient is in the preparation room of the Fatmawati General Hospital.

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УДК 616.89-089.163:78 МРНТИ 76.29.52, 76.29.39



'Nursing Bachelor Program, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia Maju 2Nursing Department, Fatmawati Central General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia 'Surgery Department, Fatmawati Central General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia

Andirja Sukma E.F. - https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0312-8507

Nugroho A. - https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9066-8685

Jamtani I - https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4809-0063

Saunar R.Y. - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4723-2071

Preoperative Anxiety Reduction with Classical Music Therapy

E.F. Andirja Sukma1,2, A. Nugroho2, I. Jamtani2, R.Y. Sauna^ 'Nursing Bachelor Program, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia Maju

2Fatmawati Central General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia

Surgery is a traumatic experience that threatens everyone who will undergo surgery. This anxiety is usually motivated by the threat of death, pain, bleeding. Purpose. This research was quasi-experiment with post-test only control group design approach.

Methods. This research is cross sectional, using quasi experimental methods with one group pre-test and post-test without control group. The sample in this study patients who will undergo surgery in the preparation room of the Fatmawati General Hospital is 20 respondents. Data collection using the HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Ratting Scale) questionnaire.

Results. It was concluded that there was a significant influence of patient anxiety before and after the administration of classical music therapy. The results of the study before being given an intervention have anxiety categories of mild (10%), severe (70%) value of p=0.014. After being given an intervention they have mild (80%), severe (5%) anxiety value of p= 0.021.

Conclusion. It is expected that the results of this study can be applied as an SOP for the application of classical music therapy while the patient is in the preparation room of the Fatmawati General Hospital. Keywords: music, surgery, anxiety.


библиографиялыщ сттеме/ библиографическая ссылка:

Andirja Sukma EF, Nugroho А, Jamatani I, Saunar RY. Preoperative Anxiety Reduction with Classical Music Therapy. West Kazakhstan Medical Journal. 2020;62(4):250-252

Андирджа Сукма ЭФ, Нугрохо А, Джамтани И, Саунар РЮ. Классикальщ музыкальщ терапия кемепмен операция алдындаFы мазасыздьщты темендету. West Kazakhstan Medical Journal.2020;62(4):250-252

Андирджа Сукма ЭФ, Нугрохо А, Джамтани И, Саунар РЮ. Предоперационное снижение

тревожности с помощью классической музыкальной терапии. West Kazakhstan Medical Journal.2020;62(4):250-252

Классикалык музыкалык терапия кемепмен операция алдывдаFы мазасыздыкты темендету

Э. Ф. Андирджа Сукма1Д, А. Нугрохо2, И. Джамтан^, Р. Ю. Саунар2

'Секолах Тингги Ильму Кесехатан, Маджу, Индонезия

2фатмавати жалпы бежндеп ортальщ ауруханасы, Джакарта, Индонезия

Хирургия - б^л операция жасайтындардьщ барлыгына ;ауш тeндiрегiн травматикальщ тэжiрибе. Б^л алацдаушылык;, эдетте, eлiм, ауырсыну, ;ан кету каутнен туындайды.

Максаты: Б^л тек тесттен кешн бакылау тобын жоспарлау тэсшмен квази-экспериментк зерттеу болды.

Эдктер. Б^л зерттеу квази-эксперименталды эдiстердi колданып, бiр топты алдын-ала тестiлеуден етшзш, кейн бакылау тобынсыз тестiлеуден еткен зерттеу болып табылады. Фатмавати жалпы ауруханасыныц дайынды; белмесшде операция жасайтын наукастарды осы зерттеуде iрiктеу 20 респондент к^райды. Hars сауалнамасын (Hamilton Anxiety Ratting Scale) пайдаланып деректердi жинау.

Нэтижелер. Классикалык музыкалык терапияга дешн жэне одан кейiн пациенттщ мазасыздыгыныц айтарлыктай эсерi туралы корытынды жасалды. Араласканга дейш ЖYргiзiлген зерттеу нэтижелерi жещл (10%), ауыр (70%) p = 0,014 дабыл санатына ие. Араласудан кейн олар жещл (80%), ауыр (5%) мазасыздыкты p = 0,021 керсетедг


Nugroho A

e-mail: adiyusuf97@gmail.com

Received/ Келт tyctí/ Поступила: 18.11.2020


Басылымра к,абылданды/ Принята к публикации: 23.12.2020

ISSN 2707-6180 (Print) © 2020 The Authors Published by West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University

Preoperative Anxiety Reduction with Classical Music Therapy

«¡орытынды. Осы зерттеудщ нэтижелерш пациент Фатмавати жалпы ауруханасыныц дайындьщ белмесшде болган кезде классикам; музыкальщ терапияны ;олдану ушш SOP (стандартты операциялы; процедура) ретшде к;олдануга болады деп кугшуде. Негiзгi свздер: музыка, хирургия, мазасыздыц.

Предоперационное снижение тревожности с помощью классической музыкальной терапии

Э. Ф. Андирджа Сукма1-2, А. Нугрохо2, И. Джамтани2, Р. Ю. Саунар2 'Программа бакалавриата по сестринскому делу, Секолах Тингги Ильму Кесехатан, Индонезия, Маджу

2Центральная больница общего профиля Фатмавати, Джакарта, Индонезия

Хирургия - это травмирующий опыт, который угрожает каждому, кто перенесет операцию. Это беспокойство обычно мотивируется угрозой смерти, боли, кровотечения.

Цель: это исследование было квазиэкспериментальным с подходом к планированию контрольной группы только после тестирования. Методы. Это исследование является перекрестным с использованием квазиэкспериментальных методов с предварительным тестированием одной группы и последующим тестом без контрольной группы. Выборка в этом исследовании пациентов, которым предстоит операция в подготовительной комнате больницы общего профиля Фатмавати, составляет 20 респондентов. Сбор данных с использованием опросника HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Ratting Scale).

Результаты. Был сделан вывод о значительном влиянии тревожности пациента до и после проведения классической музыкальной терапии. Результаты исследования, проведенного до вмешательства, имеют категории тревоги легкой (10%), тяжелой (70%) величины (p = 0,014). После вмешательства у них наблюдается легкая (80%), тяжелая (5%) тревожность (p = 0,021). Выводы. Ожидается, что результаты этого исследования могут быть применены в качестве СОП ( стандартная операционная процедура ) для применения классической музыкальной терапии, когда пациент находится в подготовительной комнате больницы общего профиля Фатмавати. Ключевые слова: музыка, хирургия, тревога.


Surgery is a traumatic experience harboring every patient prior to surgical procedure. Many reasons for this anxiety including fear of death, pain and symptoms related to the primary pathology subjected to surgery. Nursing interventions are necessary to alleviate the preoperative anxiety, including health education, relaxation exercise and encouragement of spiritual practices. Music therapy are among many relaxation exercises which thought to have effect on alpha wave in the brain to stimulate relaxation and decrease stress response, with end result of muscle relaxation and reduce emotional stress. This study aims to know the effect of classical music therapy on the reduction of anxiety among patients in preo-operation room prior to surgery.


A cross sectional quasi-experimental study with one group pre-post-test without control group was performed in pre-operative room Fatmawati Central General Hospital. Twenty patient were subjected to Classical music therapy. Pre and post intervention anxiety were measured using HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Ratting Scale). Univariate analysis were performed for level of anxiety, age and sex.


There were 6 (30%) male and 14 (70%) female in this study. All were subjected for major surgery including liver resection, colorectal cancer surgery, esophagus and gastric surgery. Before intervention, 70% respondents had a severe anxiety, while only 5% had severe anxiety in the post intervention.


Increase anxiety prior to surgery usually corresponds to several symptoms including easy to wake up during the night, increase pulse rate, shivering, fear of operating room, and fear of a failed surgery. [1] All of this may harbor the commencement of surgical procedure since patient might in the end refuse to have surgery.

Table 1. Patient anxiety scale (n=20)


f % f %

Mild 2 10 16 80

Moderate 3 15 2 10

Severe 14 70 1 5

Panic 1 5 1 5

Our study has shown the effect of music intervention in overcoming anxiety prior to surgical intervention.

62 (4) 2020 West Kazakhstan Medical Journal


E.F. Andirja Sukma, A. Nugroho, I. Jamtani, R.Y. Saunar

Listening to music is naturally a type of entertainment for the soul, thus utilization of this activity as and nursing intervention is ideal due to its cost effectiveness in nature and absence of side effects.[2] Music may also serve as sedative to distract and inhibit the perception of anxiety. [3]

There are three type of music for therapeutic purpose according to Mok, namely classical music, contemporary pop music and Chinese music.[4] In order to induce the relaxing effect, the particular music should have a low pitch, slow rhythm and low volume.[5]

Classical music may increase the release of endogenous opioid, endorphin and encephalin with morphin like activity to reduce anxiety,[6] through Gama Amino

Butyric Acid (GABA) from the midbrain. This substance inhibit electrical impulses between neurons and eliminate anxiety substance neurotransmitter at the perception center and somatic sensoric interpretation in the brain, which in turn reducing anxiety level. We feel that the introduction of classical music therapy before surgical procedure may induce a peace of mind and soul, by which endogenous opioid is produce and reduce the anxiety.[7]

In summary, classical music therapy prior to surgical procedure is beneficial to reduce the level of anxiety in surgical patients. This practice should be the standard nursing care in pre-operative room, be it cost effective and side effect free.


1. Cole LC, & LoBiondo-Wood G. Music as an adjuvant therapy in control of pain and symptoms in hospitalized adults: A systematic review. Pain Management Nursing. 2014;15(1):406-425.

2. Suryana, Dayat. (2012). Terapi Music. http://books.google.co.id_/ books?id=fuCO5gqmoVcC&printsec=frontcover&hl=id&source=g bs_vpt_buy#v=onepage&q&f=false downloaded 3rd March 2014

3. Alexander, 2001. Terapi Musik Bidang Keperawatan. Jakarta: Mitra Wacana Media

4. Wijinarko, N. 2007. Efektifitas Terapi Music Terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Kecemasan Klien di ruang ICU-ICCU Rumah Sakit Mardi

Rahayu Kudus. Semarang: PSIK FK Undip

5. Dharma, S. Metodologi Penelitian Keperawatan. (ed.1). Jakarta : Trans Info Media; 2011

6. Dearholt, S. L., & Dang, D. Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Models and Guidelines, (2nd ed.)Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International;2012

7. Hall JE. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology. 13th ed. Philadelphia (PA): Elsevier, Inc.; 2016.


All the authors read and approved the fnal manuscript. FUNDING

No funding was received.


We have no conflicts of interest to declare.


Informed consent was obtained for publication of this report. Ethics committee approval was not required for this report.

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