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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sergeeva Bella

The paper discusses the preconditions for the development of vocational cognitive activity as the basis of competence initial teacher education, which are: Federal state standard of higher professional education and primary education, learner-centered education, individualization of learning (i.e. the creation of individual educational trajectories) and competency-based training approach.

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The paper discusses the preconditions for the development of vocational cognitive activity as the basis of competence initial teacher education, which are: Federal state standard of higher professional education and primary education, learner-centered education, individualization of learning (i.e. the creation of individual educational trajectories) and competency-based training approach.


Federal state standard of higher professional education and primary education, learner-centered education, individualization of learning (i.e. the creation of individual educational trajectories) and the competence approach in education


Bella Sergeeva

PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor Kuban State University Krasnodar [email protected]

Creating a European area of a single educational space, Russia signing the Bologna Declaration, the modernization of higher education necessitated a radical revision of the goals and objectives of higher education. The study of terms and documents, with the common name of the "Bologna process", allows you to understand that integration into the European educational space is a necessary condition for the implementation of the national system of higher education that involves changing mindsets of students and teachers.

The main prerequisite for the formation of professional-educational activity of the teacher of primary education is a Federal state standard of higher professional education, namely the performance requirements of the development of the basic educational programs of undergraduate and graduate programs, which include the possession of competencies (cultural, educational and so on). As well as the Federal state educational standard of primary education, the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational programs of primary General education: personal, including the willingness and ability of students to self-development, readiness motivation for learning and knowledge, axiological installation of the students, reflecting their individual positions, social competencies, personal qualities; the readiness of the fundamentals of civil identity; transdisciplinarity, including developed studying the universal educational actions (cognitive, regulative and communicative), ensuring mastery of the core competencies that form the basis of skill learning, and interdisciplinary concepts; subject, comprising mastered by students during the study subject matter experience in specific subject areas to obtain new knowledge, its transformation and use, and the fundamental elements of the scientific knowledge underlying the modern scientific picture of the world.

Thus the requirements of the Federal state standard of higher professional education and the Federal state educational standard of primary education, States that competences

are formed in the process of formation of personality characteristics of initial teacher education, to engage in professional activ'ties with the required quality, established by the FSES and normative documents regulating the process of training and education of primary school students.

In the pedagogical literature, increasing attention is drawn to the need to prepare students of higher educational institutions to work in a fast-changing conditions of social and professional activities. Conversion carried out in political and socio-economic life of society, say a new perspective on the personality of the teacher, require professionally trained, independently thinking people. In this regard, before modern science and practice of preparation of the teacher in higher education the challenge is to ensure not only a deep and durable learning system knowledge, but to a much greater extent - the free development of personality, the creative potential of each student.

The success of any activity, including training, primarily depends on the level of intellectual development of students. At the same time, the academic performance of students depends not only on the General intellectual development and special abilities, but also the interests and motives, traits, temperament, self-awareness. An important condition for the optimization potential of future primary school teachers is their cognitive activity aimed at pedagogical activity - professional-pedagogical cognitive activity. Therefore, the most urgent task for the Russian education is the formation of cognitive acti^ty of students, i.e. professionally-pedagogical educational activity of the teacher of primary education

The concept of «cognitive activity» is considered in pedagogy in line with the ideas of enhancing the learning process. The greatest contribution to the development of this didactic problems has made the work of teachers, L.P. Aristova, M. I. Makhmutov, R. A. Nizamov, I.F. Kharlamov, T.I. Shamova, G. I. Schukina, etc. in which cognitive activity is considered as a necessary condition for conscious learning, developing thinking, developing their own active attitude to the phenomena of the world. It should be noted that among them there is consensus about the nature and content of the notion of cognitive activity.

Thus, cognitive activity is a complex concept, the content of which cannot be revealed while in the same plane (activity, readiness, skills). This multi-faceted personality formation is characterized by such symptoms as self-regulation of cognitive activity, cognitive synthesis of the motive and methods of independent behavior, sustainable positive attitude of students to the knowledge.

We will focus on the following definition of cognitive activity is a quality of personality, reflected in the ability to organize their cognitive activity and implement it to solve new cognitive problems, as well as its need and ability to acquire knowledge and ways of activity, the willingness to solve cognitive tasks and implement regulatory actions without direct assistance.

From the analysis of existing sources on the formation of cognitive activity, we did not find the concept of «professionally-cognitive activity of future teachers of primary education», which is considered as an integrative property of the individual, reflecting the self-regulation of its cognitive activity involving similarities and and universal educational actions for the acquisition of required competencies in communication with multifunctional and multidisciplinary specificity of primary education [1].

Readiness vocational educational activity of the teacher of elementary education acts as a person's quality of future specialists and is an important condition for its realization, the Foundation for achieving a high level of professionalism, his competence.

An important point in our study is associated with the problem of value orientation of pedagogical activity of teachers in the pedagogical University on the formation of professional-pedagogical educational activity of the teacher of primary education. The

fact that the subject of our study from the outset appeared before us as an alternative to the two educational paradigms - object and subject types.

The paradigm of object type is traditional. It is widely presented in the didactic work on the problem of activation of the teachings (Yu.K. Babansky, L.P. Aristova, E.Ya. Golant, M. L. Danilov, B. P. Yesipov, M. N. Skatkin, T.I. Shamova, G. I. Schukina, etc.). Here the learner is seen as the object of a targeted teaching (didactic) impacts, which need to intensify the absorption of specified from the outside, the content of educational programs. The main disadvantage of this type of learning, in our opinion, is that all the required specialist knowledge and skills teachers pass students, mainly in finished form.

It is easy to see that higher education, including teaching, was not focused on the formation mechanism of self-development of students personalities, their individual educational trajectory, and the final result is the formation of future teachers with predetermined properties, qualities, reproducing in its activities socio-defined samples. Implementation for many years this pedagogical model has resulted in higher establishments not formed the mechanism of some activity student. Recognition of hard determinism development of student learning impacts has led to the fact that his cognitive activity were considered as «derived from these impacts, adaptive, adjusting to them». Focused, therefore, the development of adaptive forms of cognitive activity.

The paradigm of the subject type requires changing "vectors" in pedagogy from the implementation of the final learning objectives (intended outcomes) to the disclosure of the cognitive abilities of each student, the disclosure of its identity, self-worth. The recognition of the individual student's main current shape of the entire educational process is the essence of the personality-oriented approach.

Learner-centered approach to learning, it differs from the traditional lies mainly in the fact that assimilated knowledge and ways of working are not an end in itself but a means to the realization of human needs "to be a person" (A.V. Petrovsky), for «the making of his subjectivity», the enrichment of personal subjective experience (I.S. Yakimanskaya), to implement the «personal functions» (V.P Serikov), for the formation of the individual as a person of culture (E.V. Bondarevskaya).

The analysis of theoretical sources, the nominating and supporting the idea of student-oriented learning shows that its methodological and theoretical bases were formed and laid by the works of many Russian scientists. Among them: the nature, the nature of the personal level of the human psyche, its conceptual and reflective sphere -L.I. Antsiferova, G. A. Kovalyov, A.N. Leontyev, V. V. Stolin, etc. the problem of personal development functions, interregional communication - M. S. Kogan, I.Ya. Lerner, etc; teaching about the role of joint activity in human development - L.S. Vygotsky.

Foreign pedagogy more fully towards the implementation of a personal approach to education is defined Kroger.com. He associates it with meaningful teaching, providing the human need to be a person, need to sort out their problems and to mobilize their inner strength and creativity. When a learner-oriented teaching, the student becomes an active entity that implements in the learning process its personal entity. The manifestation of the subjectivity of the learner in the learning activity also means the recognition of its right to make its own interest in the purpose of their activities and take up a responsibility for the realization of their own goals. Hence, the subjective position of the student is to understand the goals and methods of its activities, voluntary choosing of the proper (desired) for themselves.

The most important conditions that ensure the subject position of student teachers of primary education in the process of learning in a pedagogical University, in our opinion, are:

- the fullness of the training content professional vital to students ' problems, the desire to resolve which motivates to learn something new;

- acceptance and understanding by teachers of the student, as a personality, positive attitude, leading to the creation of a safe psychological climate;

- provide students with the possibility of free choice and help him in the selection of educational material and resources activity to build individual educational trajectory;

- reliance on the self-actualization of the person, the urge to identify and manifestation in the process of learning its inner potential for personal growth.

The «translation» of the student in the subject position, therefore, is impossible without modernization activities of the University teacher, without changing his teaching position. In the attitudes of the teacher should be the perception of the student as self-worth, treating it as an active worker, focus on building a subject - subject relations, i.e. relations of cooperation in joint creative activity in the learning process.

To understand the essence of student-oriented learning, and especially to implement it in practice, the teacher will be able only when one accepts the idea of this approach to learning as meaningful for themselves and reflecting a fundamentally new educational paradigm.

So, when a learner-oriented teaching the student becomes subject teaching at all stages of its activities, and the relationship with the teacher based on the subject-to-subject basis.

This provision of the personality-oriented model of education assumes the maximum realization of the cognitive activity of the student. The cognitive activity of the student as an expression of subjectivity is manifested not so much in adaptation to training stress as in traditional teaching, but in their self-transformation. Cognitive activity is evident not only in how a student learns normative set of samples, but also in how he converts them, as he expresses his "selective attitude to the subject and social values". Thus, learner-centered, subject-subject approach to learning involves the unambiguous interpretation of the notion of cognitive activity as a form of activity subject-personal level, allowing the training to simulate, build, maintain and manage all types and forms of his knowledge". The individual-level perceptions of cognitive activity allows to conclude that the most favorable conditions for its development will be created where the educational process is based on the paradigm of the subject type, and is implemented in the model of student-oriented learning.

In the new socio-economic conditions becomes relevant cognitive activity personality, able to make choices, to set and implement goals that go beyond the prescribed standard requirements, consciously evaluate their performance.

The degree of freedom, which gives the company the person in the pedagogical aspect means that education initial teacher education should include activities for the formation of his skills to dispose of freedom, i.e. independently to set personal and socially important purposes, to design individual trajectory of their achievements throughout the social space, to predict the possible results, schedule the time to find the necessary information, etc. With this social order is in conflict with traditional pedagogical practice, organized on the principle of uniformity, minimal social activity of students and a minimum of freedom of choice by all the subjects of the educational process goals, values, methods and forms of education.

Analysis of the educational situation shows that, despite the recommendations of the state level, the concept of individualization of education still has not found its own semantic niches and practices of embodiment in a wide educational activities, in particular in the training of future teachers of initial classes. Under the individualization of the educational process many pedagogy educational institutions continue to understand in the best case, the profile and level differentiation of the educational process. In practice, the organization of teachers of individualization of training and education are limited to the selection of teaching methods, textbooks and manuals, determine the

content of extracurricular activities, special courses. Moreover, the training process of conscious choice, preparing students for self-determination remain outside the sphere of attention of most teachers.

Individualization is one of the means of activating the learning and educational activities. The choice of methods, techniques, pace of learning to suit the individual characteristics and capabilities of students in educational institutions provide educational training effect. This question was studied N. A. Menchinskaya, E.S. Rabunsky, I.E. Unt. Individualization is considered as the requirements of individual groups of students based on similar personality-cognitive qualities, because it is almost impossible to take into account the peculiarities of each student. Individualization of cognitive activity is in the process of independent work using several different tasks for different levels of cognitive independence, differentiated according to the degree of complexity. The individualization of education creates the need for self-education.

There has been a shift from collective to individual learning, which involves personal participation of each student in the formation of individual educational trajectory, promoting regular and effective independent work, strengthening the motivation of the student to the development of the educational program at the expense of a higher differentiation of the educational assessment of the student's work. Removing hidden in the student potencies should become not only a method, but the principle of its formation. In this case, the student is encouraged to build the trajectory of his education in each of the studied subjects, creating not only knowledge, but also personal goals, program of study, methods study, however, the development of the presentation of the content and assessment of educational outcomes. This approach to building content and technology education activity student becomes a priority. Because "it is impossible to teach something man, can only help to make this discovery" (Galileo Galilei). Ultimately, the study by the student of the same real education leads not only to receive individual educational products, but also to individual educational trajectories: the Subject is a person, the knower and transforming the world around us, with consciousness and will are able to act purposefully". Organization personality of its activity is reduced to its mobilization, coordination with the activity requirements, interfacing with the activity of other people.

Modern educational practice actually has no conditions for the formation of skills of self-determination through a search of its own identity in terms of free choice. The education system operates in a tightly algorithmization mode, where both students and teachers, and the administration is forced to comply with strict rules, for which it is organized. The content of education in the form of standards, sequence learning in the form of schedules, forms the final control etc. The teachers and students, and even the pedagogical community of minimally included in the procedure of developing educational strategies and tactics of its implementation in the organization of the educational process.

However, we believe that customization is possible and necessary in terms of the pedagogical University, you may build a particular teaching activity, where the teachers and students showed maximum personal activity on building their own education programmes (both in terms of training and in terms of personal development). This involves joint (student-teacher) designing activities aimed at the development of the student teacher primary education, on the joint choice of methods, means, rates, etc. for the implementation of this activity, the joint selection of the goals and objectives of self-development, etc. All this is the essence of individual educational trajectories, development and implementation of which will allow the students to form a future elementary school teachers professionally-pedagogical cognitive activity, social competence (self-responsible choice etc) necessary for the harmonious socialization in modern society.

Practically this can be achieved through the organization of choice situations, accommodation" which actualizes the manifestation of the self in various spheres of its

activity in the University and outside the University. Enable students to develop their own educational trajectories will develop their abilities of cognition, self-determination, forecasting, planning without pedagogical coercion and hyperbolic care.

A.V.Khutorskoy considers indi^dual educational trajectory as a personal way of realizing personal potential of each student in education. Under personal potential student here refers to the totality of its aldeacentenera, cognitive, creative and other skills.

The process of identification, implementation and development of these skills occurs in the course of their educational movement along individual paths

N. N. Surtayeva treats individual educational trajectory as a sequence of elements of educational activity each student to achieve educational goals appropriate to their skills, abilities, motivations, interests, carried out by coordinating, organizing, consulting activities of the teacher in interaction with parents.

S. A. Vdovina G. A. Klimov, V. S. Merlin consider this concept as a manifestation of the style of training activities each student, depending on his motivation, learning and carried out in cooperation with the teacher.

Thus, a prerequisite for the formation of professional and pedagogical cognitive activity are individual educational trajectory, because it is a cognitive activity students have the opportunity to develop individual educational trajectory.

In connection with the transition to the European system of education, system of vocational teacher education in our country must meet international standards, so traditional approaches to the training of future primary school teacher needs to complement those which would have been directed to the development of a person's ability to operate effectively outside the classroom situations.

Analysis of trends in the development of the educational process in accordance with the needs of society and the modernization of education, shows that the increasing urgency is the idea of competence-based approach in higher professional education in General and teaching in particular.

At the present stage of development of education competence-based approach was a response to the apparent contradiction between the need to provide high quality education and inability to solve the problem in a traditional way because of the increased volume of information to be assimilated. Competence-based approach focuses on the result of education, and as a result is not the sum of learned information, and the ability of a person to act in different problem situations.

Competence-based approach, at the level of a particular science or Bush Sciences (in our case, psycho-pedagogical), essentially absorbs learner-centered, cognitive and affective approaches, changing the type of goal setting in the educational system of universities, putting at the forefront of interdisciplinary, integrated requirements to the educational process. Competence approach in demand because modern education requires substantial modernization.

In the modern Russian society the formation of new values - the values of self-development and self-education. Specialist subject is no longer able to meet the needs of modern educational practice. This requires the teacher is a professional who, «first, is the subject of pedagogical activity, and not a carrier of the totality of scientific knowledge and its transfer; secondly, focuses on the development of human faculties, not only on the transmission of knowledge, skills, and thirdly, can practically work with educational processes, build developmental educational situation, and not just to set and solve the learning task» (N. V. Klyueva).

Competence-based approach is manifested both in practice and in theory. If we talk about the practice of vocational education, teachers have long paid attention to the apparent discrepancy between the quality of training of graduates given educational

institution (school, College, University), and requirements for specialist production, employers.

V. Landseer in his article "he Concept of "minimum competency" quotes". A. Speydi, who writes: "the Knowledge, skills and concepts are important components of success in all life roles, but they do not provide. Success depends not least on attitudes, values, feelings, hopes, motivation, independence, cooperation, diligence and intuition of the people". Li Yakokka is the largest Manager, emphasizes that success in financial terms only 15 % is determined by the knowledge of his profession, and 85 % ability to communicate with colleagues, to persuade people to their point of view, to promote themselves and their ideas, and so on.

Modern philosophers also put emphasis on the fact that a shift in value orientation. So, V. Davidovich said: 'Without reliable knowledge of life is impossible, but here it is necessary to mention that not all, not all and not always know. However, in addition to knowledge absolutely necessary values, structuring and ierarhizatsii our knowledge and goals. Without value ranking knowledge often lead to disastrous consequences. The whole story - proof".

All these examples indicate the presence of a gap in the training of future teachers of initial classes, consisting in the fact that forming system subject pedagogical knowledge and skills, educational institutions pay insufficient attention to the development of many personal and social competencies (at the same level of education) the competitiveness of graduates.

In Russian pedagogy known concept of educational content (V. S. Lednev, I.Ya. Lerner, V. V. Krayevsky), which focuses on the development of social experience that includes, along with the knowledge, skills and experience emotional and value relationship of creative activity. A well-known concept of problem-based learning (D. V. Vilkeev, I.Ya. Lerner, M. I. Makhmutov, etc.), focused on the development of thinking skills, creative thinking skills to solve problems, i.e. find a way out of situations difficulties. The well-known concept raising training ((V. S. Ilyin, V. M. Korotov, H.Y. Liymets, etc.), suggesting the formation of personality in the process of learning subject knowledge. Examples of concepts and theories in pedagogy, in which the necessity of giving the students along with the knowledge and skills of properties such as autonomy, sociability, desire and willingness for self-development, cognitive activity, integrity, responsibility, creativity, etc. However, implicit in these concepts, ideas and methods of their realization was not included in the mass practice because, as we see it, they were not really in demand on the part of the state, society, education.

Today is not new that the most important thing in education is not the amount of learned information, and the ability to find her, to associate, to use and process for continuous replenishment and use in professional practice, personal acquiring person, the changes that occurred as a result of its own activity. Consequently, let us say that for mastering learning and development competence of the future teachers of initial classes must be the cognitive activity of the student in the learning process.

Competence-based approach means that the goals of education are linked to situations of applicability of the skills of the specialist in the world of work. Therefore, competency covers the ability, the willingness, knowledge and attitudes (behaviour), which are needed to perform the activity. Traditionally there are substantive, methodological and social competence. B. D. Elkonin believes that "competence is the level of involvement of the person in the activity. S.E. Shishov considers the category of competences, both General ability based on knowledge, values, habits, enabling them to establish a link between knowledge and situation, to discover the procedure (knowledge and action)that is appropriate for the problem.

Competence-based approach highlights not the awareness of the subject of education, and the ability to resolve problems in life. In the basis of the characteristics

of competence developed Century. And. V. I. Baydenko, I. A. Zimney, V. A. Kalney, A. V. Hutorskim, S.E. Shishov and others, there are two main provisions: the unity of theoretical knowledge and practical activities, as well as constant correlation of the results of each stage of the learning activities with learning objectives. Professional competence of researchers is considered as the willingness and ability to act in a particular subject area.

O.E.Lebedev notes that in relation to competency-based approach: the meaning of education is to develop the students ' ability to solve problems in various fields and activities based on the use of social experience, which is our own experience of students; the content of education is a didactically adapted social experience in solving cognitive, ideological, moral, political, and other problems; organization of educational process is to create conditions for the formation of students ' experience of independent solutions of the cognitive, communicative, organizational, moral and other problems that make up the content of education; educational result is based on the analysis of education levels achieved by the students at a certain stagetraining.

An important question about the place of the competence approach. Consider if he replaces a learner-centered approach to education and assessment of its results. From our point of view (and it is consistent with the above definitions of professional competence), competence-based approach does not deny, and deepens, expands and complements the personality-oriented approach. Competence-based approach is more appropriate in the conditions of market economy, because it implies a focus on the formation along with professional KAS (for traditional (personality-centered) approach is the main and practically the only)that are treated as the possession of professional technologies and the development of students, such universal abilities and preparedness (core competencies)that are demanded by today's labour market.

Competence-based approach - teaching activities to create conditions for inclusion of future primary school teachers in the process of formation of professional competencies the cross-curricular units, which is the result of a process of synthesis in the mind of the student professionally-oriented knowledge, generalized intellectual, communicative, creative, methodological, methodical and other skills, experience, professionally-oriented activities, motivational-value attitude to the teaching profession, the experience of communicating with entities - media pedagogical culture and students.

As a goal when implementing a competence-based approach in vocational teacher education is the formation of a competent specialist. Competence in modern pedagogy of professional education must be seen as new, due to market relations, the type of goalsetting in education systems. Consider what a novelty, what distinguishes this type of goal setting from traditional, academic approach to the formation of goals. The main difference is that the competence model is freed from the dictates of the object (subject) of the work, but not ignoring it thus puts at the forefront of interdisciplinary, integrated requirements to the educational process.

Thus, in order to become a competent specialist must possess a set of competencies, among which stand out the General competence and professional. General (key) - defining the competence corresponding to the wide spectrum of specificity, are universal, demand by all professions.

Willingness to continuously search for new, relevant knowledge for the proper implementation of information processes (search, storage, processing, distribution) is one of the core competencies of the specialist in any field, which determines the success of its personal growth and social relevance. The student understands not only the consumer but also a distributor of new knowledge, public feels the significance of their individual cognitive activity.

A.V. Hutorskoy allocates learning and cognitive competence: a set of student competencies in the field independent cognitive activity, including elements of the logical, methodological, General activity, correlated with real examinable objects. This

includes knowledge and skills of the organization of goal-setting, planning, analysis, reflection, self-assessment of learning and cognitive activity. In relation to the studied objects the student to master the creative skills of productive activity: obtaining knowledge of reality, knowledge of the methods of action in emergency situations, heuristic methods of solving problems. Within these competencies are determined by the requirements of the relevant functional literacy: the ability to distinguish between fact and speculation, possession of measuring skills, the use of probabilistic, statistical and other methods of cognition.

After A.V. Hutorskoy, the key competence of the teacher of primary education -defines the competencies that meet the wide range of specific knowledge, which is the most universal in nature and degree of applicability in professional competence.

Thus by means of the formation of key competencies is professional-pedagogical educational activity of the teacher of primary education, as being predomonantly to the formation of competence, cognitive activity stimulates the development of key competences.

I.Ya. Zimnyaya highlights competencies related to the student's performance:

- competence cognitive activity: formulation and solution of cognitive tasks; creative solutions, problem situations - their creation and resolution;

- competence activities: playing, teaching, labor, tools and ways of activity: planning, designing, modeling, forecasting, research, orientation in different activities.

In high school we need to form and develop these competencies through the implementation of a theory of activity S. L. Rubenstein, A.N. Leontyev which became the key theoretical positions to create a modern learning technologies. Learning technologies, initiate active learning and cognitive activities of students, develop their personal qualities that enable them to develop individual educational trajectory.

Based on competencies, a new system as individual competence. We believe that competence is a structural element of competence. Therefore, educational competence can be considered at that time as some of the specified requirements for training activities for the preparation of future teachers of initial classes. Without the formation of professional-pedagogical cognitive activity of the future teachers of initial classes in the learning process in the University, there will be no formation of professionally competent person, as it is impossible to become a competent specialist, not with their own activity. The cognitive activity of the student is directed to receive the profession, the acquisition of professional competence and has a practical and applied focus. In policy documents on modernization of Russian education outstanding competence in the field independent cognitive activity-based learning methods independent acquisition of knowledge from different information sources.

The result of professional education competence - ability to perform professional duties in accordance with established social standards and norms. G.N. Serikov notes that under the competence of the specialist should understand this characteristic of their qualifications, which presents the knowledge necessary for professional activity. According to A.V. Hutorskoy: competence - possession, the possession of a student is competent, including his personal relation to it, and the object of activity.

Hence, the aim of modern professional teacher education and professional competence, which is based on the cognitive activity of the specialist. This provides greater mobility of graduates in the changing conditions of the modern information society.

In turn, the integral indicator of the quality of professional education in the context of modernization, consider the competence of a specialist, which is not determined through a certain amount of knowledge and skills, and characterizes the ability of a person to mobilize in a particular situation acquired knowledge and experience. According to

academician of the Russian Academy of Education A.M. Novikov "professional competence" implies in addition to technological training, professional, a number of other components, which mainly unprofessionally experience or neprofessianalny character, but at the same time necessary today in one way or another to each specialist. It is, first of all, such qualities as independence, cognitive activity, the ability to make responsible decisions; such quality thinking, flexibility, systems thinking; such communication skills as communication, ability to dialogue and others.

With regard to professional competence, the analysis shows the presence of different points of view. According to the first view, professional competence is an integrative concept comprising three components - the mobility of knowledge, the variability of the method and critical thinking. The second viewpoint is to consider the professional competence as a system of three components: social competence (ability to group activities and cooperation with other employees, willingness to accept responsibility for the results of their hard work, knowledge of the methods of professional education); special competence (readiness to perform specific activities, the ability to solve typical professional tasks, the ability to evaluate the results of their work, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills in the specialty); individual competence (willingness to ongoing professional development and self-realization in professional work, the ability to professional reflection, overcoming professional crises and professional deformation). The third point of view shared by us, consists in defining the professional competence of the future teachers of initial classes as an aggregate of two components: vocational-technical preparedness to teach younger students, meaning the mastery of technology elementary education and a component having neprofessianalny character, but each specialist core competencies.

We consider the professional competence of the teacher of primary education as the acquisition of students with intellectual and practical steps necessary to ensure that not only freely navigate in highly variable pedagogical situations primary school, but also to convert them into socially and personally meaningful goals. We believe that the enforcement of educational standards and University, and the school will not be fully without showing professionally-pedagogical cognitive activity of the future teachers of initial classes, their desire to learn new things. So, professionally-pedagogical cognitive activity of the future teachers of initial classes is a core factor in the preparation and formation of professionally competent specialist.

In this paper we consider the notion of "competence" as a result that must be achieved in the process of formation of professionally-cognitive activity of teacher of primary education. Consider, what is the specific pedagogical activity of the teacher, which should be the basis of his competence. The specificity of pedagogical activity of the future teachers of initial classes is based on the universality of the profession. As a teacher of primary education is the only specialist teacher in the school who teach either one or two related disciplines, and knowledge and teaching methods of the entire spectrum of academic subjects basic plan in this link schools. Every day he takes the role of 3-4 specialists of the subject, so the teacher of initial classes necessary to synthesize methodological knowledge on specific subjects in a single unit.

Thus a competent teacher of primary education formed a professionally-pedagogical educational activity must have:

1. deep knowledge in region number of subjects, concepts, conceptual ideas in one way or another learning technologies;

2. fluency in a wide range of specific methods, techniques, and methods of design, organization and management of the educational process in the school;

3. the availability of skills to match the logic of the construction of the system of teaching methods, organization of the activities of the students in the framework of

educational technology with real personality characteristics of students providing the correct choice of technology;

4. the possession of the capacity to reflect in the implementation of one or another educational technology and its adjustment in the framework of the principles and conceptual ideas.

Cognitive activity takes place in the life of each of the future specialist, student at the University. And teacher of primary education is important not only to accumulate knowledge about the world, to learn scientific methods of knowing him personally, but to be able to build all this from my students. In other words professionally-cognitive activity of the future teachers of initial classes is important, as a factor contributing to the intellectual development and as a Foundation for the acquisition of professional competence.

Competence manifests itself in activity: object-informational, educational, active, communicative, value-orientation. It is impossible to identify the unmanifest competence. The important point for the development of competence, is the formation of professional-pedagogical educational activity of the teacher of primary education, because competence will contribute to the acquisition by the student of sustainable knowledge, skills, experience and personal qualities that determine its readiness for future learning and cognitive activity.

According to G. I. Schukina the importance of competence in cognitive acti^ty due to the fact that cognitive activ^y provides the knowledge, abilities and skills; promotes education worldview, moral qualities of students; develops their cognitive powers, personal education, independence; identifies and implements potential students; attaches to search and creative activity.

Professional - educational activity of the teacher of primary education is one of the leading forms of student activities. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of cognitive activity for the overall development of the student and the formation of his personality. Thus, professional-pedagogical educational activity of the teacher of primary education are an integral part of competence, it is its Foundation, without it, the teacher is not ready for professional work; competence is a system property of the individual, so it is not reduced to "simple" sum of its parts - competencies. Competence is the result of synthesis in the human consciousness of its individual components. The process and the result of the synthesis depends on the conditions of cultural-educational space of the University.

The formation of cognitive acti^ty of students, future teachers of primary education in the process of professional training is of great importance. The value of this personality is that it plays a crucial role in the formation and development of professionally important qualities of future teachers, such as competence, self-development, in the formation of students as subjects of training, and then professional activity.

In conclusion we can conclude the following: the training of future teachers of primary education at the University during the implementation of the personality-oriented approach, competence approach, individualization of learning, is the formation of professional educational activity of the teacher of primary education. We need to focus not on enforcement activity and the motivation to her, about the necessity of creation of pedagogical conditions of the spawning activity of the student in cognitive activity. And this insight marks the transition from a predominantly regulatory, algorithmization, programmed forms and methods of organization of educational process in the University to develop, problem, research, search, ensuring the generation of positive motivation teaching students that will lead to the strengthening of professional and pedagogical cognitive activity of the future teachers of initial classes, its transition to a new qualitative level and as a consequence the formation of a competent specialist.


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The article examines the main problems of modern education in Russia: the stereotypeness of thinking, perpetuated by the current format of the unified exam and the transformation of verbal behavior, caused by the strategies of preparation for the USE.


cliche, creativity, composition, unified state exam in Russian language, pattern,

transformation of thinking


Marina Sitdikova

PhD in Philology, teacher the Bashkir Lyceum №2, Ufa [email protected]

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