PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION METHODS: CHARACTERISTICS AND FUNCTIONAL PURPOSE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
pre-school education / modern pedagogy / characteristics and functional purpose / education

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dilnoza Abdurashidovna Mutalova

The emergence and development of pedagogy as a science is associated with the practical need of society to study and generalize the historical experience of preparing new generations to participate in the production of material and spiritual values. Modern pedagogy is a special area of the science of human education at all age stages of its development. Each science has its own subject, i.e. she studies a certain area of reality. For pedagogy, such an area of reality is education. She studies the essence of upbringing, its deep internal mechanisms, the relationship with the development of the personality and the external conditions of its existence. Therefore, the most basic concept of pedagogy is education, all other concepts concretize and expand it

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Dilnoza Abdurashidovna Mutalova

Lecturer of the Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute


The emergence and development of pedagogy as a science is associated with the practical need of society to study and generalize the historical experience of preparing new generations to participate in the production of material and spiritual values. Modern pedagogy is a special area of the science of human education at all age stages of its development. Each science has its own subject, i.e. she studies a certain area of reality. For pedagogy, such an area of reality is education. She studies the essence of upbringing, its deep internal mechanisms, the relationship with the development of the personality and the external conditions of its existence. Therefore, the most basic concept of pedagogy is education, all other concepts concretize and expand it.

Keywords: pre-school education, modern pedagogy, characteristics and functional purpose, education.


The content of upbringing is understood as a system of knowledge, skills, skills, methods of activity, relationships, qualities and personality traits that the younger generation must master in accordance with the goals and objectives. It follows from this definition that the content of upbringing reflects its goal and objectives, is aimed at their optimal achievement and ensures the readiness of the forming personality for optimal entry into society. The content of upbringing is focused on the development of the individual in accordance with the requirements that are imposed on a person by society, the state and the world as a whole at this historical stage of its development.

Pedagogy as a science has always sought to theoretically streamline a huge variety of methods of education. This problem in the theory of education is called the classification of methods of education. Any classification of upbringing methods is based on a certain criterion, i.e. the main feature, the basis on which the methods are grouped and isolated.


I.F. Kharlamov writes that "upbringing is a conscious, specially organized activity of an educator with the aim of forming certain qualities and characteristics of a developing personality." Education is a process of purposeful personality formation. The process of upbringing is a process of formation, development of a personality, which includes both purposeful influence from the outside and self-education of the individual. This is a specially organized, controlled and controlled interaction of educators and pupils, the ultimate goal of which is the formation of a personality that is necessary and useful to society. In these two definitions, the subjective position of the educator and the object position of the educated are traced. The teacher knows what needs to be purposefully formed in the child and what qualities he needs. This is a deterministic upbringing. The personality of the child, her interests, individual qualities and abilities in the activities of the educator are difficult to discern.

V. A. Slastenin characterized the concept of "education" as one of the leading in pedagogy. It is used in a broad and narrow sense. Education in a broad sense is viewed as a social phenomenon, as the impact of society on the individual. In this case, education is practically equated with socialization. Upbringing in a narrow sense is considered as a specially organized activity of teachers and pupils to realize the goals of education in the conditions of the pedagogical process. The activity of teachers in this case is called educational work. V.A. Slastenin considered upbringing as a humanistic upbringing, which has as its goal the harmonious development of the individual and presupposes the human nature of relations between the participants in the pedagogical process. Awareness of this tendency put pedagogy in front of the need to revise the previously existing adaptive paradigm, which appealed to certain personal parameters, among which the greatest value was ideology, discipline, diligence, social orientation, collectivism. This was the main content of the "social order" for which pedagogical science worked during the Soviet period of its existence. The exit of V.A. Slastenin sees in the study of personality and orientation towards its development, which corresponds to the ideas of humanistic education. Humanistic education is carried out in acts of socialization, education and self-development proper, each of which contributes to the harmonization of the personality, forms a new mentality. The humanistic perspectives of revival make in demand not only such personal qualities as practicality, dynamism, intellectual development, but above all culture, intelligence, education, planetary thinking, professional competence. This definition is largely consonant with the author of this book. However, it is utopia to set the goal of harmonious personal development.

There are still no criteria that would allow us to talk about the practice of harmonious development of the individual, teachers do not have such knowledge and professional abilities to implement this process, there are no appropriate conditions in the educational and upbringing process. It is rather not a goal, it is an ideal goal.

The methods of education should be understood as the ways of professional interaction between a teacher and a child in order to solve educational and educational problems. The method of educating a child's individuality is divided into its constituent elements (parts, details), which are called methodological techniques. In relation to the method, the techniques are of a private, subordinate nature. They do not have an independent pedagogical task, but obey the task pursued by this method. Upbringing methods are methods of interconnected activities of educators and pupils aimed at solving the problems of upbringing. A parenting method is a way to influence a child. The choice of upbringing methods is carried out in accordance with the pedagogical goals, which are set taking into account the educational environment, age, individual - typological characteristics of students, the level of upbringing of a particular child and the team as a whole. The method of upbringing always depends on the specific characteristics of the child and "his social situation of development" (L.S. Vygotsky). Finally, the method of education is always determined by the personal and professional qualities of the educator himself. Describing the methods of education, one cannot fail to mention the method of education. This is an integral part of the method, one of its "building blocks".


We have determined the methods by which educational activities are carried


1. Methods by which a feeling of joy, a positive emotional mood, self-confidence is aroused: the method of joyful perspective is joyful events that await a person and people who are significant to him in the near future; the method of passion for fun - humor always helps to overcome difficulties, optimism creates a major mood in life; the method of encouragement and praise - this method arouses in the child a sense of joy from what has been done, faith in himself and the desire to do even better through approval (facial expressions, gestures, glances, words); the method of self-observation of one's emotions is a method by which a child can understand under the influence of what reasons a particular emotion or feeling arises. This is necessary to maintain a positive emotional outlook in life.

2. Methods of physical recovery of the child: the method of the optimal mode of life; the method of gradualness - teaching the child to be consistent and deliberate in order to avoid an intermittent lifestyle leading to diseases; method of physical exercise and sports; the method of recreation is to ensure a calm rest of the body.

3. Methods of the child's mental health: the method of extinguishing negative experiences - a way of "thinking through" such emotions as resentment, shame, hatred, anger, fear, guilt, determining the causes of their occurrence and, as a result, extinguishing negative emotions; a method for eliminating bad habits; a method of developing good habits and positive character traits; relaxation method - a way to relax the body in order to calm down, create inner comfort.

4. Methods associated with supporting the emotional and moral sphere of the child: passion for a good deed; passion for the heroic - passion for moral deeds in the name of people, the Motherland. This method arouses a sense of pride, respect for one's history, fosters courage, the ability to calmly and firmly endure difficulties; method of tradition - creative use of positive experience; passion for the beautiful - a feeling of aesthetic joy is aroused, the desire to learn about the beauty of nature, people, cultural monuments, and to protect it; passion for the mysterious - a feeling of curiosity is aroused, a desire to learn the secrets of the world and the universe, spirituality, religion, culture; personal example is a way of developing positive qualities on the personal example of a teacher.

5. Methods of strengthening a sense of responsibility: trust - develops faith in oneself; request - an appeal to a child for help in order to get them pleasure from an independently performed act; conversation-reflection - discussion of issues aimed at finding and making each participant a moral decision; lecture - the educator reveals the meaning of moral concepts; assignment - an appeal to a child with a task of a creative nature, giving him the right to choose the ways to solve it.

6. Methods by which the child's will is strengthened: reminder; doubt (this method arouses a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself and there is a desire to correct their mistakes, to become better); reaching agreement with oneself is a method by which a feeling of tolerance for internal disagreement is achieved and a desire arises to correct character traits; achieving harmony with the environment is a method of protection from irritation and troubles caused by the natural, clothing, human environment by mastering the methods of cyanogenic thinking.

7. The method of cooperation (organization of joint activities in which a pessimist teenager could be successful and show his best qualities), the method of compassion (creation of an emotionally rich space that is personally significant for

the child, for example, helping homeless animals and discussing this problem with the children), the method of co-creation (to help the child to see the beautiful, to participate in joint creative activities).


Summing up, we can conclude that the methods of education are methods of pedagogical influence on children, aimed at achieving the tasks of education. Therefore, a modern teacher should be imbued with the idea that raising a child is a collective matter, caring for successful results requires unity (coordination of approaches to education, its content, methods of implementation) of the forces of all interested adults.

With the help of methods of upbringing and development of children, their behavior is corrected, personality traits are formed, the experience of their activities, communication and relationships is enriched.

Education methods are aimed at the holistic development and education of the individual. Therefore, it is natural that in the upbringing process with the help of upbringing methods, the teacher, influencing the availability, provides for the development and upbringing not of individual qualities, abilities and skills, but the integral formation of the personality.

The effectiveness of upbringing methods increases if they are used in the process of organized various activities of the child, since only in activity is the formation and development of certain personality traits and skills possible.

The methods of education are used in unity, in interconnection. It is impossible, for example, to use the method of encouragement without applying the method of persuasion (explanation, conversation, example).

In this case, teachers select methods, focusing on the patterns inherent in a specially organized educational process.

All methods of education are addressed to the personality of the pupil. But if educational influences are not accepted by the child and do not become an internal stimulus for his behavior, then we can talk about individual work, about the selection of methods that correspond to the peculiarities of upbringing, the organization of special pedagogical situations.


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