PRAGMATICS OF COMMUNICATION: SPEECH ACTS OF COMMUNICATIVE COMFORT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
pragmatics / interpersonal communication / speech acts / greetings / compliments / межличностная коммуникация / речевые акты / поздравления / комплименты / прагматика / міжособистісна комунікація / мовленнєві акти / вітання / компліменти

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Solodka Anzhelika

The article deals with the studying of pragmatic aspect of speech communication and its management. There were described the functioning of the speech strategy directed to the optimization of interpersonal communication within informal daily communication at the stages of initiation and maintenance. It analyzed speech strategies of interpersonal communication’s optimization from the point of view of their successful and unsuccessful use.

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Прагматика коммуникации: речевые акты коммуникативного комфорта

Статья посвящена изучению прагматического аспекта речевой коммуникации. Описано функционирование речевой стратегии, направленной на оптимизацию межличностного общения на уровне ежедневного общения на этапах инициирования и поддержки. В статье обсуждаются стратегии межличностного общения с точки зрения их успешного использования.


ISSN 2415-3168 (Online), ISSN 2226-3055 (Print)


СЕР1Я: Ф1ЛОЛОГ1Я, 2018, ВИП. 18

УДК 8П.Ш'27:316.723

А. Solodka


The article deals with the studying ofpragmatic aspect of speech communication and its management. There were described the functioning of the speech strategy directed to the optimization of interpersonal communication within informal daily communication at the stages of initiation and maintenance. It analyzed speech strategies of interpersonal communication's optimization from the point of view of their successful and unsuccessful use.

Key words: pragmatics, interpersonal communication, speech acts, greetings, compliments

Pragmatics has been a paramount part in the field of intercultural communication for linguists. It concerns the study of linguistic interaction between people and it analyzes conversation and the speech acts [6]. To acquire pragmatic competence, speakers must also have a good command of speech acts. Searle considers that «a speech act is the basic or minimal unit of linguistic communication» [5, p. 16]. Speech acts are very important because they let people express themselves in universal ways and with appropriate knowledge; therefore, knowing how to use speech acts, allows the speaker to have communicative competence.

The process of interpersonal communication (IC) is defined as speech behavior of communicants and their ability to manage it. Form and content of communicative actions of partners and also their strategic organization which can promote or interfere with achievement of success in communication are essential [6].

The aim of this article is to present the comprehensive analysis of the conditions, factors and means promoting optimization of interpersonal communication. The objects of this research are the speech strategies applied in daily communication for successful interaction.

Indicators of success of the interpersonal communication (IC) are its effectiveness (when communicators achieve their goals); appropriateness (normative actions of communicators according to the situation, requirements and communicative expectations of the partner) and communicative comfort (a favorable environment for communication). Actions, aimed at establishing communication comfort, contribute to the increasing of the possibility of successful communication and represent the process of optimizing IC [2].

The process of optimizing IC is related to the winning of the interlocutor affection; competent establishment, maintenance and «breaking» of the speech contact.

The implementation of actions aimed at achieving communicative comfort is carried out with the help of speech strategies. Strategies of communicative comfort are equally important at all stages of the communication process (initiation, maintenance and completion) and have a number of specific functions united by a common orientation towards harmonious interaction. Bearing in mind the rules of their construction in speech, the variety of pragmatic dependence on the age and sex characteristics of communicants, it is possible to successfully implement communicative goals and promote a favorable social image.

IC is characterized, first of all, by its targeting, and, consequently, by the strategic organization of its participants' actions. By entering into communication, communicators seek to achieve success, which is measured according to how they manage to realize their own

ISSN 2415-3168 (Online), ISSN 2226-3055 (Print) BICHHK MAPiynO-HbCbKOro flEP^ABHOTO yfflBEPCHTETY

ŒPM: ®imnOrM, 2018, BHn. 18

intentions without ruining the goals of the communication partner. It is the effectiveness and appropriateness of communicative actions of communicators that traditionally are the main criteria for the success of interpersonal interaction. At the same time, the communicative situation in which this interaction takes place is essential.

The most desirable condition is the atmosphere of communicative comfort, which is another important criterion for the success of the IC. Analysis of strategies aimed at establishing communicative comfort is central to this work, and the process of its formation is viewed as the optimization of IC.

Identifying and describing specific tool for optimizing IC that will be effective in any situation, serving as a «panacea» for all communicative problems, is an extremely difficult task. Any communicative action is able to function as a means of optimizing communication - depending on how it is perceived by the communication partners and how it will meet the requirements of the situation. Therefore, when talking about strategies aimed at optimizing IC, it is advisable to consider them only from the point of view of a specific communicative goal - «to communicate successfully».

It should be emphasized that successful communication is not always equated with a non-conflict, enjoyable interaction. Frequently interaction is becoming optimal in tense atmosphere, in conditions far from «comfortable». However, in discussions about everyday communication, it seems legitimate to follow E.Goffman's point of view that most people prefer a non-conflicting, «flat» interaction.

The positive tone of communication facilitates the establishment of harmonious relations between the interlocutors. The comfort of interaction is connected with the benevolent mood of the interlocutors, their attention to each other's personalities, and also with the topic of the conversation; demonstration of their desire to communicate and be in interaction with each other.

The creation of communicative comfort is an essential means of optimizing the IC process and is associated with the winning of the interlocutor affection and possibility «to preserve the face» in communication.

These tasks are realized under the condition of the developed ability of communicants to successfully establish, maintain and «open» the speech contact.

Thus, communicative comfort consists of: affection form of interpersonal attraction; the principles of polite communication; attention to the «contact» element of the situation.

These actions are carried out with the help of speech strategies applied in three stages of communication: its initiation, maintenance and completion. Speech strategy is understood as part of communicative behavior or interaction, in which a series of different verbal means (and / or non-verbal means) are used to achieve communicative goals.

These strategies have been covered as means of phatic communication or means associated with the actualization of the phatic function of language.

The beginning of the interaction is, perhaps, the most important stage, on the success of which depends the further development of communication. This stage is a kind of «bridge» for the subsequent stages of communication.

At the stage of initiating communication, the interlocutors establish certain relations with each other or confirm and maintain the relations established earlier. The desire of communicants to create a favorable psychological atmosphere, the discovery of common thoughts, assessments, interests, the demonstration of interest and «participation» in each other, - all these actions and motivations characterize the initial stage of successful communication.

ISSN 2415-3168 (Online), ISSN 2226-3055 (Print)


CEPM: ®LmnOrW, 2018, BHn. 18

The main tasks of the initial stage of communication include: attracting the attention of the interlocutor; creating a positive tone of communication; formation of «bonds of community» with the interlocutor.

The implementation of these tasks can be accomplished with the help of the following strategic tools: greetings, compliments and small talk. The choice of the data of ritualized strategies for analysis is explained by the fact that, as practice shows, they are the most widely used means of communicative comfort used in the initial phase of communication. The high frequency and universality of their use allow to consider greetings, compliments as the most representative means of optimizing IC at the stage of its initiation.

All kinds of greetings serve for the immediate beginning of communication and fulfil, first of all, the task of attracting the attention of the interlocutor and his «activation». In addition, they allow the speakers to demonstrate their desire to enter a dialogue and accept each other's society, disclose information about the state of relations between communicants and perform the function of maintaining interpersonal contacts.

The exchange of greetings occurs often at an automatic level. But exactly how people greet each other in many ways determines the success of communication. The demonstration of positive feelings about the meeting, the ability of the communicants to pay enough attention to each other, the desire to justify the communicative expectations of the partner -all this can make an important contribution to a successful beginning of communication.

The greetings in their structure are extremely heterogeneous. Their real use in speech is far from the standard. Phrases that start communication are characterized by a variety of components, their consistency and compatibility. The studied speech material made it possible to reveal that, along with the traditional sequence of welcome components (a welcome formula from each speaker, with possible inclusion of a ritual «quasi-question» about health, the state of the interlocutor, as well as a possible issue relating to the situation of interpersonal interaction) other their use: certain components of the beginning of communication may be absent, used in another combination and replace each other.

The analysis of the addressee's response to the health / health question helped to identify the code of its desemantization and turning into a welcome remark, synonymous with traditional Hi, Hello, used as a supplement to them or instead of them and, as a consequence, does not require an answer: How's itgoing?What's up?

The addressee interprets the phrase How's it going? As a greeting and reacts to it accordingly - using a similar «quasi-question» that performs the function of the Hi, Hello.

For the optimal beginning of communication it is important that, when the situation requires, the addressee could interpret the welcoming question as an appellative and adequately respond to it; this allows communication to be further developed and move from the initial phase to the next.

It is noteworthy that the frequency of contacting communicants affects the form and content of their greeting remarks to each other: the more communicants communicate, the less need for extended greetings: so they can be more spontaneous and / or informal, less stereotyped and more suitable for the situation, being expressed with the help of a larger arsenal of means.

Under the conditions of the initial phase of communication, the task of attracting attention and creating a favorable atmosphere of communication is performed by appeals that are often included in welcome phrases, becoming an important part of the greeting. They have the function of expressing the subjective attitude to addressee.

The success of communication is largely determined by how interlocutors are willing to communicate and have positive feelings for each other. Communicative task of the initial stage of interaction, associated with the formation of a positive tone of communication, is


СЕР1Я: Ф1ЛОЛОГ1Я, 2018, ВИП. 18

therefore fundamentally significant. The means of its implementation is a compliment, the distinguishing feature of which in English is its formulary character.

Manes defines compliments as those speech acts which have the reflection and expression of cultural values because of their nature as judgments, over expressions of approval or admiration of another's work, appearance or taste [3; 4]. The objective of compliment expressions is to establish or to reinforce solidarity. Many of the values reflected through compliments are personal appearance, new acquisitions, possessions, talents and skills.

Broadly speaking, a compliment can be understood as a statement containing a comment about a positive event, characteristics, acquisitions, achievements that are related to the addressee and are regarded as the sender of the message, and its recipient is positive [1].

Soft words are positive signs of attention given to the addressee, and have a certain intention, that is, they represent strategic speech actions. They are associated with one of the maxims of politeness - the maximum of approval, therefore they can positively influence the status of the interlocutor, being «social bonds» that serve to form and maintain goodwill and sympathy between communicants.

The formation of a favorable atmosphere of communication is associated with the use of the most tactful and unambiguous from the point of view of both the speaker and the addressee: I love your hair! Oh, that's cute!

Choosing soft words, it is essential to take into account the communicative expectations of the addressee, which are largely determined by his gender. For example, soft words to men are successful if they are related to their acquisitions, achievements: Cool bike! Good job! I like your newest piece of art work. In the case of the approval of any aspect of a man's appearance, the emphasis on his merit in improving this aspect can affect the positive perception of a compliment: You've been working out, you're looking built!

A certain degree of control over the process of generating compliments, as the results of the research show, is also necessary in order to alternate soft words related to the external attributes of the addressee: I like your outfit; I like the way, and compliments directed at his personality, internal characteristics: You're so smart; I can really count on you.

Compliments organized in a veiled form and relating to such areas of the personality of the communication partner, whose approval he / she clearly desires (as a rule they are connected with certain his / her efforts) are usually more likely to succeed.

The reaction of the addressee to the compliment often serves as the clearest indicator of how a compliment was pleasant to its recipient, that is, how much the speaker managed to realize his / her goal. The embarrassment of the addressee, confusion or compulsory response is evidences of the communicative failure of the speaker.

The phenomenon of an unsuitable compliment is connected with the situations when it is planned by the speaker as a positive comment to the addressee, however the latter judges it as an unpleasant judgment in his / her address. As a result of the analysis of speech material the following groups of compliments were distinguished, the impact of which on the recipient is opposite to the intentions of the speaker:

1) statements in which the author of the compliment evaluates the characteristic of the recipient as a positive trait but the recipient does not perceive it in such way (mismatch in the assessment of any quality of the sender and recipient of the compliment):

Emily, 49: It's when somebody sees a quality in me that they like..., but it's the quality I wished I didn't show much ... For example, I am very outspoken and somebody may compliment me for being outspoken, because they're shy. But when they compliment on it, it makes me sensitive about the fact that I may be too outspoken sometimes.

ISSN 2415-3168 (Online), ISSN 2226-3055 (Print)


CEPL3: ®rnOHOn^, 2018, BHn. 18

2) compliments by which the speaker seeks to provide emotional support to the addressee in the context of a specific situation but yet ignores the wider context of his feelings and experiences:

Andrea had a boyfriend who was very bad at compliments. He was trying to say something nice, but did not succeed. If he saw her exercising, he'd say: «A few sessions like that, and you'll fit back into your jeans in no time». In his eyes he was trying to be encouraging, but in her eyes he was still pointing out that she didn't look the way he wanted her to look.

3) statements that are planned as positive and in which the change in the quality of the addressee is emphasized for the better; however the addressee believes that he / she owns this quality completely and does not need to improve it:

Nancy, 45: «Gee, you really improved in something» (I didn't think I needed to improve in) would be the worst compliment; or «Gosh, you're just such a better parent than you used to be», That'd be a terrible compliment because I hope I was a good parent.

4) unexpected or inappropriate compliments from the point of view of the addressee related to the fact that some of his act, action, aspects of his / her appearance causes the speaker positive evaluation - a reaction, contradicting the one to which the addressee calculates or finds adequate:

Ryan, 23: If there's something I absolutely hate or dislike, or I think it's so boring, but for some reason I'm wearing it, or doing it, or writing, or talking about it, and someone says «Oh, I really like this...»;

5) statements that can be perceived in two ways: and as a compliment and as a criticism, something not entirely pleasant:

Allan, 35: If somebody says: «Oh, you're so funny», then I'd be wondering what they meant by that. Because there are different kinds of «funny»;

6) compliments that characterized by repeatability, cliché:

Steve, 18: Compliments are always great. But Ifeel that sometimes people overuse them and that's when I find somebody fake. The things that are repetitive lose their value.

Thus a compliment is unsuccessful if it does not satisfy the recipient's expectations: it contains the approval of any quality, action, details of appearance that the addressee does not consider worthy of approval; if it accentuates the change in the characteristics of the addressee for the better but in his / her opinion he / she possessed constantly and sufficiently. In addition, equivocation, ambiguity of the commentary can lead to the fact that it will be perceived negatively. Finally, the repetition of the compliment and its high frequency deprive this speech act of value for the addressee.

The exchange of greetings and compliments leads to the creation of a favorable communicative environment. The subsequent actions, aimed at its maintenance and development, are connected with the demonstration of interest in each other, joy and pleasure from interaction, union and community in the process of communication by the communicators. For realizing these goals a small-talk - communication on a topic relating to the communicative situation or the communicants themselves, which does not have an aim to exchange of cognitive information, can help.

«HI, Jo, how are you?» It was Mark Foster, the respected political editor of the Sunday Times. They kissed cheeks warmly. «Haven't seen you for ages». «No, not since that night at Liz's place. Wasn't it fun? And what great gossip». «How are Liz and the beautiful Katya? Actually, I saw Katya lunching at Locketts last week...» From the corner of her eye, Joanna saw the furious fluttering of the tickets at the top of the stairs. «Sorry, Mark, my mother-in-law's freaking out, have to dash. Let's meet for lunch, give me a ring» (J. Corbett).


СЕР1Я: Ф1ЛОЛОГ1Я, 2018, ВИП. 18

The question of choosing the topic of a small talk is very significant for the competent implementation of communication. The most common topics are the discussion of current, recent, planned events: What are you doing this weekend? How was your trip? The traffic was awful!; studies, work: How's school? I'm so busy - I've got a huge task to do; the cinema, television, sports: Did you watch the match?; common acquaintances, friends: Do you know that Alice is moving out ?; Have you seen Paul lately ?; personal hobbies: I am having this big exhibition tomorrow, I'm so excited!

There were some differences in the selection of topics between men and women. The discussion of clothing, shopping, markets, as well as talking about children characterized exclusively female interaction. While the topics about sports and the opposite sex were the subject of male small talks.

Conclusions. The theoretical importance of this work consists in concrete development of one of current problems of a pragmalinguistics - problems of studying of pragmatic aspect of speech communication, its management, which depends on a situation of communication and impact on psychological state of communicants.

There were described the functioning of the speech strategy directed to the optimization of interpersonal communication within informal daily communication at three stages: initiation; maintenance and conclusion. It was drawn up a picture of modern English communicative rituals: greetings, compliments, keeping in touch, farewell formulas, etc., and analyzed speech strategies of interpersonal communication's optimization from the point of view of their successful and unsuccessful use.

It includes the possibility of applying the results of this study in practice of teaching English: in the process of teaching dialogic speech and polite discourse, developing the skills of managing dialogic interaction, strategies and tactics of communication.


1. Barnlund D. C. Intercultural encounters : The management of compliments by Japanese and Americans / D. C. Barnlund, S. Araki // Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1985. - Vol. 16, Issue 1. - P. 9-26.

2. Hymes D. On communicative Competence / D. Hymes // Sociolinguistics: Selected readings / ed. J. B. Prides, J. Holmes. - Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1972. - P. 282-293.

3. Manes J. Compliments : A mirror of cultural values / J. Manes // Sociolinguistics and Language Acquisition / eds. N. Wolfson, E. Judd. - Rowley, MA : Newbury House, 1983. -P. 82-95.

4. Manes J. The compliment formula / J. Manes, N. Wolfson // Conversational Routine: Explorations in Standardized Communication Situations and Prepatterned Speech / ed. F. Coulmas. - The Hague, New York : Mouton Publishers, 1981. - P. 116-132.

5. Searle J. Speech Acts : An Essay in the Philosophy of Language / J. Searle. -London : Cambridge University Press, 1969. - 203 p.

6. Wierzbicka A. Cross-cultural Pragmatics : The Semantics of Human Interaction / A. Wierzbicka. - Berlin ; New York : Mouton de Gruyter, 2003. - 502 p.

Submitted April 30th, 2018.

A. Солодка


Стаття присвячена вивченню прагматичного аспекту мовленневог комунтаци. Описано функщонування мовленневог стратеги, спрямованог на оптим1зац1ю мгжособистгсного стлкування на ргвнг щоденного стлкування на етапах гнгцгювання

¡ББМ 2415-3168 (ОпИпе), ¡ББМ 2226-3055 (Рпй)


СЕР1Я: Ф1ЛОЛОГ1Я, 2018, ВИП. 18

та пгдтримки. У статтг обговорюються стратеггг мгжособистгсного стлкування з точки зору гх успшного використання.

Процес м1жособист1сного стлкування визначено як комунтативну поведтку та здаттсть комун1кант1в керувати нею в1дпов1дно до форми та зм1сту комунтативних дгй партнер1в. Метою статт1 е комплексний анал1з умов, фактор1в та засоб1в сприяння оптим1заци м1жособист1сного стлкування. Об'ектами цього досл1дження е стратеги, що застосовуються в щоденному стлкуванш для успшног взаемоди.

Показники устху м1жособист1сного стлкування - це його ефективтсть (коли комунгканти досягають свогх цглей); доцгльнгсть (нормативна дгг комунгкантгв в1дпов1дно до ситуацгг, вимоги та комун1кативн1 очтування партнера) та комунтативний комфорт (сприятливе середовище для стлкування). Дгг, спрямованг на встановлення комунгкацгйного комфорту, сприяють пгдвищенню можливостг успшного стлкування та процесу оптимгзаци комунгкацгг. Таким чином, комунтативний комфорт складаеться з: привабливог форми м1жособист1сного залучення; принцитв ведення стлкування; уваги до певного елементу ситуаци.

Ц1 дгг здтснюються за допомогою мовних стратегт, що застосовуються в трьох етапах стлкування: його ¡нщювання, тдтримання та завершення. Стратеги мовлення розумтться як частини комунтативно'г поведгнки або взаемоди, в яких для досягнення комунтативних цглей використовуеться сер1я вербальних засоб1в.

Тому комунтативне завдання ¡нщювання взаемоди, пов'язане з формуванням позитивного тону стлкування, I е принципово значущим. ЗаЫб його реалЬаци - це комплгмент, в1дм1нною рисою якого е його формулярний характер.

Теоретичне значення щег проблеми е одним з прагматичних аспектгв мовного стлкування, його управлгння, яке залежить в1д ситуацгг стлкування та впливу на психологгчний стан комунгкантгв.

Клю^о^^ слова: прагматика, м1жособист1сна комунтацЫ, мовленнев1 акти, втання, комплгменти.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

УДК 81'42:821.133.1-1.09 О. В. Сташслав


У своему досл1дженн1 з урахуванням л1нгвокультуролог1чного пгдходу ми проанал1зували особливост1 синтаксичних структур у поезгг французьких модерн1ст1в, зокрема на матергалг творчост1 французького поета Г. Аполлгнера. Встановлено, що специфгчне мгсце в систем1 художтх новацт поета займае синтаксична будова мови, а саме - розчленован синтаксичн структури. Результати анал1зу уможливлюють визначення таких синтаксичних структур у поетичному 1д1остил1 Г. Аполлгнера як базис, на якому виникла, розвинулась й отримала свое подальше розповсюдження синтаксична сепаратизацЫ.

Ключовi слова: модертзм, л1нгвокультуролог1чний п1дх1д, оновлення художньог форми, розчленован синтаксичн структури, актуал1зувальний синтаксис, сепаратизацЫ.

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