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Ключевые слова
category of modality / voice / diathesis / passive voice / emotionality / категория модальности / залог / диатеза / пассивный залог / эмоциональность / оценочность

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Davletbaeva A.F., Varukha I.V.

The article studies features of actualization of modality and emotionality in media texts in Chinese and English constructions of the passive voice. The authors believe that modality is a general language category that includes an emotional-evaluative component. This universal is realized both at the lexical and grammatical levels in all language systems of the world, since it objectifies the speaker’s inner “I” through the prism of cognitive thought processes, reflecting the attitude of the subject of speech towards the reality surrounding him. The article reveals in detail the classification model of the passive voice in the Chinese language, describes the existing typological models, and evaluates the emotional expression of statements conveyed in the form of passive diathesis using the function word 被 (bèi). The authors reveal that the pragmatic function of the passive voice formed with the lexeme 被 (bèi) is to convey a negatively colored connotative plan of the statement, which is clearly seen in media texts in which this voice form is used to focus on negative actions. related to the semantic field of destruction. The dominant form of the passive voice in the English language is the construction be + Past Participle, however, scientists admit that the construction ‘get + Past Participle’ expresses passive diathesis as well. Comparing passive diathesis in English and Chinese media texts, it may be noticed that English passive constructions are mostly used to create an atmosphere of neutrally impersonal enumeration of facts, only with rare emotional evaluative judgments, expressed by the construction with the verb ‘get’. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using the obtained materials in the process of teaching Chinese and English. The authors investigate the dual relationship between language and thinking, the reflection of philosophical, religious and other worldviews in the categories of voice, modality and emotionality, studying the example of the Chinese and English linguocultural communities.

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Настоящая статья посвящена исследованию особенностей актуализации модальности и эмоциональности в медиатекстах на китайском и английском языках, написанных с использованием пассивного залога. Авторы работы придерживаются мнения, что модальность представляет собой общеязыковую категорию, которая включает в себя эмоционально-оценочный компонент. Данная универсалия реализуется и на лексическом, и на грамматическом уровнях во всех языковых системах мира, поскольку объективирует внутреннее «я» говорящего через призму когнитивных мыслительных процессов, отражая отношение субъекта речи к окружающей его действительности. В статье подробно раскрывается классификационная модель страдательного залога в китайском языке, описываются существующие типологические модели, дается оценка эмоциональной экспрессии высказываний, облеченных в форму пассивной диатезы с использованием служебного слова 被 (bèi). Авторы придерживаются мнения, что прагматическая функция страдательного залога, образуемого с помощью лексемы 被 (bèi), заключается в передаче отрицательно окрашенного коннотативного плана высказывания, что хорошо видно на примере медиатекстов, в которых данная залоговая форма используется с целью акцентирования внимания на негативных действиях, относящихся к семантическому полю деструкции. В английском языке также существует форма пассивной диатезы, используемой в медиатекстах для создания отрицательно окрашенной атмосферы, содержащей компонент эмоциональной оценочности суждений. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в возможности использования полученных материалов в процессе обучения китайскому и английскому языкам. Авторами делается вывод о дуальной взаимосвязи языка и мышления, об отражении философских, религиозных и иных мировоззрений в категориях залога и модальности на примере китайской и английской лингвокультурных сообществ.


душе. (... you, in your works, are like a person, who tears his hair and furiously wants to let passers-by know what is happening in his soul).

(3) Галочка, милая моя, дорогая, пользуясь случаем, хочу сказать о том, что очень люблю тебя и безумно хочу видеть. (My lovely, dear Galochka, on this occasion I want to say that I love you so much and madly want to see you).


Thus, in the Chinese and Russian languages the modal verbs of willingness may be characterized as possessing a neutral emotional status, as the component of a psycho-emotional state of a speaker is added to the utterance by means of other lexical units, in the Chinese language it is done mainly with the help of adverbial lexis, in the Russian it is done with the help of adverbs, as well as particles, parenthesis and etc. The purpose and tasks of the research have been fulfilled: the authors of this article believe that the categories of emotionality and modality, within the framework of the modal meaning of willingness, in the Chinese and Russian languages can be only partly adjacent and they can't be fixed together with the absolute certainty, so in

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the given language systems the investigated categories can be considered separately and independently. On the contrary, in the English language the modal verb of willingness is capable of expressing emotions without any additional components. So, the categories of modality and emotionality may be thought of as adjacent to a certain extent. The scientific novelty of the research is that for the first time the modal verbs of willingness in the languages with different structures have been analyzed from the point of view of their emotional meaning. This is a perspective sphere of studies, which helps to point out the integrative mechanisms of interaction of modality and emotionality in different languages, determining the theoretical and practical significance of the given work. Nevertheless, the present research can't be claimed as the complete one, as the authors investigated only a small part of the intersecting concepts, which does not allow to make extensive and self-asserting conclusions. The authors of the article hope that a wide range of scientists will join the study of the given issue and a rich language material will be collected, which will allow to deeply consider the problem under investigation.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 26.06.22

УДК 811.581.11

Davletbaeva A.F., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Bashkir State University (Ufa, Russia), E-mail: davletbaeva-1987@mail.ru

Varukha I.V., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Bashkir State University (Ufa, Russia), E-mail: i.v.varukha@gmail.com

PRAGMATIC COMPONENT OF ACTUALIZATION OF MODALITY AND EMOTIONALITY OF THE PASSIVE VOICE IN CHINESE AND ENGLISH ON THE MATERIAL OF MEDIA TEXTS. The article studies features of actualization of modality and emotionality in media texts in Chinese and English constructions of the passive voice. The authors believe that modality is a general language category that includes an emotional-evaluative component. This universal is realized both at the lexical and grammatical levels in all language systems of the world, since it objectifies the speaker's inner "I" through the prism of cognitive thought processes, reflecting the attitude of the subject of speech towards the reality surrounding him. The article reveals in detail the classification model of the passive voice in the Chinese language, describes the existing typological models, and evaluates the emotional expression of statements conveyed in the form of passive diathesis using the function word Ш (bei). The authors reveal that the pragmatic function of the passive voice formed with the lexeme Ш (bei) is to convey a negatively colored connotative plan of the statement, which is clearly seen in media texts in which this voice form is used to focus on negative actions. related to the semantic field of destruction. The dominant form of the passive voice in the English language is the construction be + Past Participle, however, scientists admit that the construction 'get + Past Participle' expresses passive diathesis as well. Comparing passive diathesis in English and Chinese media texts, it may be noticed that English passive constructions are mostly used to create an atmosphere of neutrally impersonal enumeration of facts, only with rare emotional evaluative judgments, expressed by the construction with the verb 'get'. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using the obtained materials in the process of teaching Chinese and English. The authors

investigate the dual relationship between language and thinking, the reflection of philosophical, religious and other worldviews in the categories of voice, modality and emotionality, studying the example of the Chinese and English linguocultural communities.

Key words: category of modality, voice, diathesis, passive voice, emotionality.

А.Ф. Даелетбаееа, канд. филол. наук, доц., Башкирский государственный университет, г. Уфа, E-mail: davletbaeva-1987@mail.ru

И.В. Варуха, канд. филол. наук, доц., Башкирский государственный университет, г. Уфа, E-mail: i.v.varukha@gmail.com


Настоящая статья посвящена исследованию особенностей актуализации модальности и эмоциональности в медиатекстах на китайском и английском языках, написанных с использованием пассивного залога. Авторы работы придерживаются мнения, что модальность представляет собой общеязыковую категорию, которая включает в себя эмоционально-оценочный компонент. Данная универсалия реализуется и на лексическом, и на грамматическом уровнях во всех языковых системах мира, поскольку объективирует внутреннее «я» говорящего через призму когнитивных мыслительных процессов, отражая отношение субъекта речи к окружающей его действительности. В статье подробно раскрывается классификационная модель страдательного залога в китайском языке, описываются существующие типологические модели, дается оценка эмоциональной экспрессии высказываний, облеченных в форму пассивной диатезы с использованием служебного слова Ш (bei). Авторы придерживаются мнения, что прагматическая функция страдательного залога, образуемого с помощью лексемы Ш (bei), заключается в передаче отрицательно окрашенного коннотативного плана высказывания, что хорошо видно на примере медиатекстов, в которых данная залоговая форма используется с целью акцентирования внимания на негативных действиях, относящихся к семантическому полю деструкции. В английском языке также существует форма пассивной диатезы, используемой в медиатекстах для создания отрицательно окрашенной атмосферы, содержащей компонент эмоциональной оценочности суждений. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в возможности использования полученных материалов в процессе обучения китайскому и английскому языкам. Авторами делается вывод о дуальной взаимосвязи языка и мышления, об отражении философских, религиозных и иных мировоззрений в категориях залога и модальности на примере китайской и английской лингвокультурных сообществ.

Ключевые слова: категория модальности, залог, диатеза, пассивный залог, эмоциональность, оценочность.


The study of active and passive constructions is one of the most interesting fields of the contemporary research, which is widely represented in the works of Russian, as well as foreign linguists. The names of the following researchers can be mentioned among those who have contributed in the theoretical and practical foundation of the grammatical category of voice: A.A. Kholodovich, V.S. Khrakovsky, E.E. Kordi, V.B. Kasevich, S.E. Yakhontov, Ya.G. Testelets. The question of the all-sided study of the peculiarities of the passive voice in the Chinese and English languages was investigated by I.I. Akimova, E. Tovyanskaya, T.G. Bochina, Van Tsuy, Charles N. Lee, Sandra A. Thompson, Lu Tsyanmin. Sjun Chzhunzhu, Gao Shunzuan, Lu Uekhua, I.I. Pribytok, G.A. Veikhman, M.Y. Bloch and others. The works of the authors, listed above, are completed and fundamental analytical papers, in which the peculiarity and manysid-edness of the topic, researched by the authors of the very article, is fully covered. The relevance of the given research is determined by the fact that the category of voice is revealed via the analysis of reactions of modality, which are sent up by a speaker to represent the subjective attitude towards the meaning of an utterance. The authors of the article attempt to consider the linguopragmatic component of the passive voice in the Chinese and English languages. The results of the research can be applied in teaching of the languages mentioned, what grounds the practical significance of the given paper. The theoretical significance resides in the development of the existing knowledge about the unique features proper to the category of modality in the Chinese and English languages, as well as in the strengthening of the grounds of scientific research devoted to the given topic. The purpose of the research is to analyze the linguocultural and cognitive features of the English and Chinese communities through the lens of modal-voice relations, actualized in a language. The tasks of the given work are focused on the sphere of the description of the passive voice of the Chinese and English languages, as well as on the analysis of the pragmatic potential, contained in the utterances, which take the form of the passive diathesis. The research is done using the material from media-texts, which are one of the most effective ways to form the public opinion. The scientific novelty is determined by the fact that the study of the Chinese and English grammar is a complicated and relevant task of the contemporary linguistics, as well as the fact that the given sphere of investigation is characterized by the high degree of ambiguity, as it represents the total of questions which do not have definitive answers so far.


Initial scientific and methodological principles of the research and explanation of the theoretical aspects of the category of voice dates back to the history of study of the Indo-European language family. In a huge mass of various concepts, the voice is understood as diathesis, which finds its grammatical reflection in the verb [1, p. 411]. The work by N.V. Pestova and E.M. Sumenkova, which is devoted to the analysis of the pragmatic orientation of the passive voice, gives the following definition: "Voice (diathesis) is a grammatical category of a verb, which denotes, according to a widely spread point of view, different relations between the subject and object of an action" [2, p. 48].

From the point of view of the analytical and structural approach to the problem of determining of the initial diathesis, scientists have worked out the principle, implying that the situation in which the hypothetical participant acts as the subject will be considered as the active diathesis and manifest the state of the active voice. The distinctive feature of such a diathesis is the complete lack of any exponential units, which are

capable to act as indicative elements of the active voice. The inverted situation in which the participant, acting as the subject in the initial diathesis, looses its grammatical and syntactic function, actualizes the passive diathesis, which corresponds to the passive voice. In many language systems, including the Chinese language, the latter form may include a certain system of signal marking indicators.

In other words, the active form of the voice implies the very sentence structure, where the acting person acts as the subject, and the object, acted upon, acts as the object in the sentence. This diathesis, according to the classification, described in the work of Kleiman, is called basic [3, p. 1991]. Analyzing the initial form of the active voice and comparing its final form with other structural variations, which function in different languages, the scientist distinguishes secondary voices. The passive voice is among them as the object of an action acts as the subject.

All forms of the active voice are characterized by the fact that the leading role is dedicated to the doer (agent) and the action itself, while the central task of the passive voice is shifting of the notional accents towards the object of an action (patient) and drawing the maximum attention to it. A.M. Kushina analyses the passive constructions in the English language and writes that the given constructions are used to lower the communicative status of an agent, as a person who writes or speaks tries to remove it from the position of the subject [4, p. 2018].

The constructions of the passive voice in the Chinese language are, with no doubt, an important vector of the contemporary sinology, as the degree of investigating of this branch of linguistics has a lot of issues, which demand a detailed analysis and comprehensive consideration based on varied language material.

The foundational approach of the contemporary study of linguistic phenomena postulates the necessity to keep to the principles of anthropocentrism. Thus, the global reconsideration of linguistic issues from the point of view of the objectivation of the surrounding reality through the prism of mechanisms and laws of the human mind, opens new horizons for the analysis of the peculiarities of voice systems.

Analyzing the structural features of the diathesis of the Sino-Tibetan language family, Kleiman points out that it is quite difficult to distinguish the initial and derivative forms. Since the pragmatic aspect is the dominant, i.e. it presupposes "including the attitude of a speaker into the semantics of an utterance" [5, p. 103]. The evidence basis of the fact that the Chinese passive construction, formed with the help of the function word □ (bei), includes the component of speaker's attitude towards the meaning of an utterance is widely discussed in the works of E. Tovyanskaya, Charles N. Lee and Sandra A. Tompson, Gao Shuntsuan and other scientists. Speaking about the conno-tational level of utterances in the form of the passive diathesis, we notice its mainly negative emotional colouring [5; 6].

The category of voice in the Chinese language is closely connected with modality, as the psycho-emotional state of a speaker directly correlates with modal reflections, actualized in an utterance on the grammatical and lexical levels. Modality, to a certain extent, serves as the embodiment of the inner "I" of the subject of speech, actualizes the emotional message of the addressee and makes it clear for the addressant. The authors of the article share the point of view of T. V. Romanova, who claims that there exist "objective grounds to include emotional expression into modality" [7, p. 73; 8; 9].

Referring to the issue of the evolution of conceptual principles to denote the passive voice, A.A. Kholodovich distinguishes two approaches: the first one, called "traditional" explains the passive constructions from the point of view of their semantic,

syntactic and morphological features; the second one is based solely on semantic and syntactic grounds. Speaking about the traditional definition of the passive constructions, the Russian scientist points out the necessity to start from the following two postulates: 1) the presence of a verb, which has a specific passive form in the position of the predicate and 2) "an object takes the position of the subject and a subject takes the position of the object" [9, p. 25].

However, when defining the passive constructions, A.A. Kholodovich writes in a more general way. A special accent is made on the statement that "any constructions, in which a certain lexically determined doer does not take the position of the subject, are considered to be passive" [10, p. 25].

The latter explanation, which excludes the obligatory presence of a verb, used in the passive form, from the definition of the passive voice, is relevant and true for the Chinese language. The potential for morphological variability of words is rather low in this language and it does not suppose the existence of one and the same verb in different images, as can be possible in other language systems. Consequently, such notion as 'form of a verb', firmly established in the linguistic lexicon, who are specialized in Romano-Germanic languages, for instance, is incorrect for the Chinese language. Thus, the semantic and syntactic criterion to identify the passive constructions is considered to be in priority while analyzing the analytical structure of Chinese voice forms.

According to Ya.G. Testelets, in general the issue of the classification of the passive constructions circles around the analysis of a wide range of situations, the variety of which depends on the matter of "what happens to the 'vacant' place of the subject" [1, p. 411].

In the Chinese language the passive voice takes the structural form when the position of the subject is occupied by an object of an action, so the classification, generally adopted for languages of the Indo-European family, is not absolutely genuine for this language [11].

To terminologically name sentences of the passive formation in the Chinese language the notion " SS^" (beidong ju) is used. It is literally translated into the Russian language as "a passive sentence". As part of the analysis of existing typological models of the passive diathesis, it is customary to distinguish two main types: "SSSWttS (wu biaozhi de beidong ju), i.e. an unmarked sentence with the passive formation, and "^SSItt^" (you biaozhi de beidong ju), i.e. a marked sentence with the passive formation. Gao Shuntsuan in his work "Sii'S^^ft®^", refer-

ring to Van Khuan (I states that there are 7 typological types of sentences, which takes the form of the passive diathesis, in the Chinese language. They are: 1) • (wuzhuyuju), i.e. a sentence without the subject; 2) SSSISS^ (wu biaozhi de beidong ju), i.e. an unmarked sentence with the passive formation; 3) sentences with the verbal constructions g (shou) (ai),S (zao); 4) sentences with the words M K (jiayi) and (dedao) as indicators of passivity; 5) sentences with i (you) as an indicator of passivity; 6) sentences with the grammatical structure ¿....ft (shL.de); 7) sentences with S (bei) as an indicator of passivity [12, p. 29].

Sentences with the passive formation are varied, however, the focus of attention of the very article is occupied by the form of the passive diathesis, which is formed using the functional markerS (bei), as it is most frequently used in the written and oral speech. Learners of the Chinese language start their acquaintance with the passive voice studying the syntactic grounds of this very construction. Nevertheless, while the structural features of such sentences are thoroughly researched, their pragmatical function is partially studied and understanding and mastering this component facilitates the grasp of the language competences at a high level. Let's consider the examples taken from media-texts, published in news sites of Chinese Internet-sources:

/ A 56-year-old Italian tourist died from a shark's bite at his thigh when he was attacked by it on the island San-Andres, Columbia, 18 of March. (The source link: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1727956984842726600&w-fr=spider&for=pc, the access date 06.05.2022).

i^^ftttffl^M^o / The automobile plant in Poona, Maharashtra, was closed for almost 6 hours and the leopard was finally caught by the rescue group of wild life. (The source link: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1727966406714710847&wfr=spider&-for=pc, the access date 06.05.2022).


/ On date 20 at the local time a 30-year-old woman was arrested in the valley of Marna in the region of Paris. That day her partner found the corps of two babies in the fridge at home and called the police immediately. (The source link: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1727872139759321258&wfr=spi-der&for=pc, the access date 06.05.2022).


fttna / According to the last report of the

US Fire Tracker mass forest fires in 11 Texas districts have been ongoing for three days, as a result, one person has been killed and more than 140 houses have been burnt. (The source link: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1679047330447004361&w-fr=spider&for=pc, the access date 06.05.2022).

The examples (1)-(4) shows that the goal of published news is dramatizing and creating of the negative atmosphere of desperation and tragedy of what happened. This leads us to understand the pragmatics of the Chinese passive voice, the essence of which is to represent modality through the prism of negatively coloured emotionality, which aim is to make the addressee form the negative evaluation of the given circumstances.

In the English language the passive voice is built with the help of the construction, the first member of which is the auxiliary verb 'be', and the position of the second member is occupied by the past participle of a verb. As the subject direct and indirect objects can be used, as well as the locative. It should be noted that the first position of the passive construction can be occupied by the verb 'to get'. Recognition of 'get' as a form word of the passive construction is quite a new phenomenon in grammar, though, it has become widely spread in linguistics in the last few decades. The use of this verb is often explained as adding the meaning 'to become' and scientists underline the absence of the agent in the given passive constructions, that means that the construction 'get + Past Participle' is not used when an animate doer of the action is implied and it does not have the syntactical actant with the preposition 'by'. Linguists point out the semantic peculiarity and the dynamic development of the passive construction with 'get'. There is an opinion that it appeared as a spoken form of the passive voice, which possesses expressively emotional color [13; 14]. N.A. Pavlova and E.V. Pankina research the passive construction with the verb 'to get' in terms of possessing an emotionally expressive component and the researchers highlight the fact that sentences with 'get' are characterized by the presence of disapproving evaluation and expression of negation or negative consequences [15]. Let's consider the use of the passive constructions in media-texts of English internet sources Voice of America (The source link: https://www. voanews.com/, the access date 06.05.2022) and The Times (The source link: https:// epaper.thetimes.co.uk/, the access date 06.05.2022).

(1) Yellow crime tape blocks off an area where two Baltimore city police officers were shot and a suspect was killed, July 13, 2021, in Baltimore, Maryland.

(2) Policing is necessary and needs to be invested in.

(3) "The history of the African continent and in general in colonized countries, is that when language had to be translated, it was translated in a very narrow way," he said.

(4) Biden will be joined at the White House event by his wife, Jill, and Doug Emhoff, husband of Vice President Kamala Harris.

(5) "Police do slow down partly out of fear of being the next officer to get dragged on social media or in the news," Nix says.

(6) People also chose not to come forward because they either feared getting infected with Covid 19 or did not want to burden the NHS.

The analysis of the examples shows that passive constructions in the English language are used in the following cases: 1) when it is irrelevant who or what is responsible for the action (1, 2); 2) when the action itself is stressed (3, 4); 3) when it is necessary to add some emotional coloring to the action the verb 'get' is used (5, 6). The use of English passive voice has the neutral character, so reports, official announcements, scientific texts and description of processes in other types of texts are rich in such constructions. Only the use of the verb 'get' in the position of the first member of a passive construction may indicate the presence of an emotionally expressive component.


Therefore, in many language systems of the world the passive voice may have the negative connotation, as it is unconsciously perceived by a speaker as an undesirable form of abidance or torture, experience of a certain form of action. The way of thinking of the English and Chinese lingvocultural communities, where the active live position is considered to be the key component of the evolution of the human relations system, presupposes the use of the passive diathesis which includes the pragmatical semantics of actualization of the negative modal and emotional reflections. The authors of the research consider that its purpose which consists of the comparative analysis of the key features of the Chinese and English linguocultural communities from the point of view of the pragmatics and semantics of the category of modality and its connection with the category of voice, has been successfully achieved. The tasks centered in the sphere of description of modal and emotional components of the passive voice has been fulfilled. The scientific novelty of the given research consists in the attempt to analyze the categorical relations of the modality, emotionality and voice, using the material of the languages with different structures. The given article attempts to analyze the theoretical and practical meaning of the passive diathesis in the languages with different structures and, from the point of view of the authors, has the potential for further scientific research.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 26.06.22

УДК 811'58

Dashieva S.Ts-D., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Banzarov Buryat State University (Ulan-Ude, Russia), E-mail: soelma_d@mail.ru

Bayartueva E.Zh., Cand. of Sciences (History), senior lecturer, East Siberia State University of Technology and Management (Ulan-Ude, Russia),

E-mail: lenabayar@mail.ru

SEMANTIC FEATURES OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS WITH THE COMPONENT-SOMATISM "HEART" IN DIFFERENT STRUCTURAL LANGUAGES (ON THE EXAMPLE OF CHINESE, BURYAT, RUSSIAN LANGUAGES). The article highlights semantic features of the lexeme "heart", as the most frequent component of phraseological units in the Chinese, Buryat and Russian languages. Comparison of the phraseological material of languages with different structures seems interesting for revealing the picture of the world of three peoples with significant cultural differences. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the study of somatic phraseology in unrelated languages is not sufficiently represented, and in the linguoculturological aspect they have not become the subject of study. The authors aim to identify and describe the semantic field of phraseological units with the heart somatism component in the Chinese, Buryat and Russian languages, since the way of life of the studied peoples has significant differences, which is reflected in the language. As a result of the comparative analysis, the authors revealed similarities and differences, which are explained by historical, philosophical, religious-mythological and geographical factors.

Key words: semantics, somatism, phraseologism, Chinese language, Buryat language, Russian language, lexeme, heart.

С.Ц-Д. Дашиееа, канд. филол. наук, доц., Бурятский государственный университета им. Доржи Банзарова, г. Улан-Удэ, E-mail: soelma_d@mail.ru

Е.Ж. Баяртуееа, канд. ист. наук, доц., Восточно-Сибирский государственный университет технологий и управления, г. Улан-Удэ,

E-mail: lenabayar@mail.ru


Статья посвящена изучению семантических особенностей лексемы «сердце» как наиболее частотного компонента фразеологических единиц в китайском, бурятском и русском языках. Сопоставление фразеологического материала разноструктурных языков представляется нам интересным для раскрытия картины мира трех народов, имеющих существенные культурные различия. Актуальность исследования обусловлена тем, что соматическая фразеология в неродственных языках изучена недостаточно и в лингвокультурологическом аспекте не становилась предметом исследования. Авторы ставят своей целью выявить и описать семантическое поле фразеологических единиц с компонентом-соматизмом сердце в китайском, бурятском и русском языках, поскольку образ жизни изучаемых народов имеет этноспецифические маркеры, что нашло отражение в языке. В результате проведенного сравнительно-сопоставительного анализа авторами выявлены сходства и отличия, которые объясняются историческими, философскими, религиозно-мифологическими и географическими факторами.

Ключевые слова: семантика, соматизм, фразеологизм, китайский язык, бурятский язык, русский язык, лексема, сердце.

Семантическое многообразие фразеологической лексики является причиной появления многочисленных исследований, имеющих целью раскрыть лингво-культурные особенности языка, отразить его мировоззренческое ядро. Сопоставление фразеологического материала разноструктурных языков (китайского, бурятского и русского) представляется нам интересным для раскрытия картины мира трех народов, имеющих существенные культурные различия. Актуальность

исследования обусловлена тем, что изучение соматической фразеологии в неродственных языках представлено недостаточно, и в лингвокультурологическом аспекте она не становилась предметом изучения.

Цель статьи - выявить и описать семантическое поле фразеологических единиц с компонентом-соматизмом сердце в китайском, бурятском и русском языках. Китайский, бурятский и русский языки относятся к разным языковым се-

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