PRACTICE OF DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS MOTIVATION WHEN USING GAMIFICATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Khaitova N.

Background. The article discusses gamification, which is seen as one of the most effective ways for general secondary education institutions to develop the motivation of primary school students.Methods. In this article were used methods questionnaire, study of documents, pedagogical study.Results. the research of scientists who have conducted scientific research on the possibilities of applying the elements of gamification to education has been analyzed.Conclusion. The article emphasizes the need for the organization of socio-pedagogical activities aimed at the formation of basic competencies in a harmoniously developed person in society.

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DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.53885/edinres.2021.64.27.026 Хаитова Назокат,

Жиззах давлат педагогика институти, бошлангич таълим факультети, бошлангич таълим методикаси кафедраси уцитувчиси,


Хаитова Назокат,

Преподаватель Джизакского государственного педагогического института, факультет начального образования, кафедра методики

начального образования


Khaitova Nazokat,

Lecturer of the Department of Methods of Early Education, Faculty of Early Education, Djizak State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan

Abstract: Background. The article discusses gamification, which is seen as one of the most effective ways for general secondary education institutions to develop the motivation of primary school students.

Methods. In this article were used methods questionnaire, study of documents, pedagogical study.

Results. the research of scientists who have conducted scientific research on the possibilities of applying the elements of gamification to education has been analyzed.

Conclusion. The article emphasizes the need for the organization of socio-pedagogical activities aimed at the formation of basic competencies in a harmoniously developed person in society.

Keywords: primary education, motivation, gamification, game technologies,

Introduction. Reading through computer games has already become a practice. Games can use simulations and strategies. On their basis, schoolchildren can acquire research or practical skills that, for some reason,



TabMUM ea umoea^on madK,UK,omnap (2021 uum №4) ISSN 2181-1709 (P)


are difficult to acquire in real life. For example, a student may learn to combine math, reading, and spelling to complete an in-game task and score points. Any teacher wants his students to enter the classroom with pleasure, interest, commitment, without wasting their time and not controlling student discipline. The introduction of game elements into the lesson significantly improves student performance. And this confirms the didactic nature of gamification technology and serves as a psychological basis for including gamification in the learning process.

Materials and methods. The use of playful elements in education is not new. Since the 17th century, teachers have been using teaching methods that include elements of play. For a student who responds well in a simple lesson, the teacher grades good and excellent in the class journal and diary. The harder he works, the better the student will do. With regard to the psychological aspect of using the game process, the main feature of any game is determined by the ability to attract the attention of the person playing the game and keep it for a long time. "The strength of the game is that this player loses the time limit and can forget about the need for exercise, food and even sleep" [1]. Students could do this without difficulty.

Results and discussion. The realities of modern reality are such that specific political and social trends have emerged in all countries of the world. Together, they have led to the fact that the relevance of the issue of the quality of education has significantly increased. Moreover, the search for new, nonstandard approaches to increasing the level of efficiency in managing various educational systems began to be carried out everywhere. So, one of the newest technologies for organizing the educational process is gamification.

Gamification is a relatively new methodology, and therefore has insufficient knowledge, but at the same time has broad educational potential. It can be used in various spheres of human life, but in the last decade it has been considered as one of the most promising innovative approaches to teaching in secondary school.

In the countries of the Commonwealth, a number of studies have been carried out on the training of specialists in the education system and their professional development. Scientists of our country D.Shavkieva, E.G.Ovsyannikova, E.Yuldashev, scientists from the CIS countries T.E.Paksomova, I.Kurylev, L.Varenina, M.G.Ermolaeva, D.N.Kavtaradze, K.D.Ushinsky, L.E.Popok, O.S.Karzenkova, S.V.Titova, O.V.Orlova, K.V.Chikrizova, O.M.Karpenko, A.V.Lukyanova, A.V.Abramova and others contribute to the education of children and adults. Foreign scientists K.Kapp, L.Cohen, L.Manion, K.Morrison, M.Lining conducted research on gamification and motivation in education.

Games involve the use of in-game thinking and game mechanics in a non-

game context to grab the user's attention and solve problems. Gameplay in education is the process of applying the game in various fields of education, which makes it possible to interpret the game as a method of teaching and upbringing, as a form of teaching, and as a means of organizing a holistic learning process. D.Shavkieva's research is mainly devoted to the use of gamification in the process of teaching English on demand.

• develop teachers' competence to form an understanding of information technologies, advanced foreign experience in this area and apply it in practice;

• serves to develop students' creative abilities, opportunities for enhancing knowledge and increasing their future professional competence.

• in the context of digital technologies, students will have the opportunity to effectively organize teaching English using geography, organize and conduct online and offline seminars and trainings based on information technology, special training courses;

• studying the competencies of students in future specialties on the basis of information and communication technologies and developing proposals for their implementation;

• teaching students English using digital technologies in the context of digital technologies serves to develop recommendations based on measuring and monitoring the level of development of creative abilities aimed at future employment. But, in our opinion, it is advisable to start lessons enriched with elements of gamification from the initial stage of lifelong learning, since this stimulates the child's motivation for the lesson. It was also shown that the object of this study is higher education, which is fundamentally different from our study [2].

In her research, E.G.Ovsyannikova explores the use of gamification in the process of club activities to form an interest in music among primary schoolchildren [3]. According to the researcher, role play in early school age may be the most effective application of this type of technique. In role play, the child plays out the characters' life situations in a unique way, understands the meaning of action and activity, and emotionally learns in the complex social world of adults. In the free play of children, the energy of fear, aggression and tension leaves and weakens, which greatly facilitates a real relationship. In our opinion, this study reveals the psychological significance of gamification, and its educational and pedagogical potential is not taken into account.

E.Yuldashev believes that games as a method of teaching in practice have long been associated only with primary school. The researcher notes that in recent years, gaming technologies in the form of innovative methods have become widely used at the stages of education, as well as in universities [4].

Some authors contrast the gamification of learning with play learning, arguing that gamification occurs only when learning takes place in a non-


TabMUM ea uнноeaцuон mad^^mnap (2021 urn №4) ISSN 2181-1709 (P)


play context, such as a classroom, and when a number of play elements are organized into a system or "play layer" that acts in coordination with learning in this ordinary class [7]. Playful learning, on the other hand, includes games designed to encourage learning.

It should be noted that education is already partly gamified. So, the correct performance of the exercise by a child determines his receipt of a good grade, and vice versa, making a number of mistakes by him implies getting a bad one.

Conclusion. The elements of the game create constant feedback, which, in turn, makes it possible to correct the behavior of the «player», i.e. the student, in addition, helps to optimize the assimilation of the material, sometimes increases the activity of participation, just like in a regular (real or virtual) game itself by itself allows us to gradually complicate the set tasks, i.e. we move from a simple level to a more complex one [5]. This «game» helps to increase motivation, and high motivation helps to overcome the fear of the most difficult material, which many are «afraid» of. The use of game elements can vary: for example, whether we give the "player" "good" and "bad" badges, or whether we receive an incentive, are all seen as integral to the game. Games are usually understood as the use of digital technology, which is still characteristic of computer games. Usually gamification is more useful in distance learning where strong motivation is required, and it is mainly used in overseas education. According to foreign colleagues, the share of users who successfully completed the course usually does not exceed 7% of the number of registered users. Of course, taking a course without very strong motivation at this stage is a huge problem. Even in primary school, this problem is no less than in distance learning. Especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020-2021, when the public education system operates almost 70% online, the role of gamification has become more relevant.


5. Orlova O.V., Titova V.N. Gamification as a way of organizing education // Bulletin of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. 2015. No. 9. S. 60-64.

6. Shavkieva Dilfuza. Pedagogical and conceptual bases of teaching English to students using gamification in the context of digital technologies. Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference «Innovative technologies for learning foreign languages.» (October 16-17, 2020) -Samarkand .: SamDChTI, 2020.79-p.

7. Ovsyannikova E.G. Increasing the interest of young people in music and theater through circle work in primary grades. Materials of the scientific and practical seminar «The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan: science, education and upbringing of youth» on December 3, 2019. - Volume IV., T. 4. - Tashkent: Branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University in the


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