Научная статья на тему 'Повышение конкурентоспособности компании в России на основе инноваций'

Повышение конкурентоспособности компании в России на основе инноваций Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Уразбахтина Камилла Ильдаровна

В статье представлена попытка исследования инновации, как популярного инструмента ведения бизнеса. На данный момент можно выделить большое количество новаторских идей, которые помогают повысить экономическую эффективность. Главное понимать, что инновации это не цель, а средства.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Повышение конкурентоспособности компании в России на основе инноваций»


2. Модернизация российской системы социального страхования: отчет о научно-исследовательской работе / Науч. рук. М. Л. Седова; испол.: О. С. Горлова, Я. А. Данилина, В. А. Молчков, Л. Д. Сангинова. - М. : Финансовый университет, 2010. - 161с.

© Титоренко Е.М., 2016

УДК 33

Уразбахтина Камилла Ильдаровна, студентка ФГБОУ ВО «Башкирский государственный университет» Научный руководитель: Шарипова В. А., к.филол.н., доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки для

профессиональных коммуникаций»




В статье представлена попытка исследования инновации, как популярного инструмента ведения бизнеса. На данный момент можно выделить большое количество новаторских идей, которые помогают повысить экономическую эффективность. Главное понимать, что инновации — это не цель, а средства.

Ключевые слова Инновации, экономическая эффективность, конкуренция, бизнес


The paper presents an attempt to research innovations as a popular tool for doing business. At this point you can select a large number of innovative ideas that help improve economic efficiency. The main thing to realize that innovation - is not a goal but a means.

Key words

Innovation, economic efficiency, competitiveness, business.

The problem of raising the competitiveness of Russian companies on the foreign and the domestic market is more than relevant, despite a number of protectionist measures taken by the government. The policy of import substitution, the devaluation of the Russian currency, food embargo definitely eased the conditions of competition, the current situation is very favorable for the development of domestic production. Import substitution and devaluation open up broad prospects - protectionist barriers, higher prices for imported goods and cheaper labor costs can and should be used to improve the economic efficiency of domestic firms.

In general, the competitiveness of the individual companies, in practice, determined by the ratio of price and quality of the product manufactured by the company. It is obvious that any rational consumer strives to best meet their own needs, while spending a minimum of resources. Accordingly, the competition will win the top company offering the highest quality and popular products at the best price for the consumer. Reduced selling prices, without compromising the profitability of the enterprise is possible only on the basis of increasing economic efficiency: reduction of costs of the enterprise for a given product quality or improve the quality of maintaining the current level of costs.

Increase of economic efficiency is accomplished by systematic work on optimization of costs towards the


efficiency of economic activities of the company can be achieved by increasing productivity. To do this, finance renewal of fixed assets, to invest in the skills of workers to build an effective system of control, the rational organization of production and work space.

Optimization of business processes - a complex and painstaking work to "cut off" all the extra expenses on continuous improvement of the cost structure. Sharp same abrupt increase economic efficiency is only possible on the basis of innovative, breakthrough solutions in the production, management and marketing - innovation.

Problems of innovative development of the economy today paid a lot of attention. This topic is actively discussed, hosts a variety of forums, exhibitions, fairs and other events. Despite the difficult economic situation in the country preserved positive dynamics of the cost of innovation[1].

However, it seems that for a number of government officials, entrepreneurs, citizens and innovation investments are converted into a special kind of mantra, magic spells that can solve, at least, the main problems of the Russian economy. The widespread introduction of innovation really provide a breakthrough in economic development. Today, the Russian economy is no doubt about the position of catching up. This is due primarily to the technological gap between the developed western countries. In particular, this manifests itself as production machines and equipment.

It is no secret that the installation of foreign equipment is positioned as a competitive advantage in the domestic market, which is not unreasonable. Russian cars are often inferior in quality and effectiveness of the Western competitors. It is obvious that as long as Russian companies are exploiting Western equipment supplied abroad made its continuous improvement. Naturally, Western companies will play the role of locomotive of technological development. Change the situation can only hard intellectual work of finding and introducing new technological and management solutions - innovations.

However, innovation for innovation do not have any economic sense. Introduction of innovations - is nothing more than a tool to increase the economic efficiency of business. The ultimate goal - not statistics, not the reports to their superiors, and the large-scale rearmament of the Russian economy, increase the economic efficiency of each particular individual companies.

Perhaps the main feature of the innovation - the complexity of their implementation and the high cost. Research and development (R & D), typically require complex and expensive equipment and highly qualified researchers. Moreover, the process of development of technological innovation requires serious work and costs. Innovative activity is a profound synthesis of research and organizational work. Indeed, innovation involves the search for solutions, scientific research, requires creativity. However, before the research, development, invention, technology begins to make a profit, you need to master innovation, to introduce the Company to synchronize with the economic processes taking place in the company.

In the formation of innovation policy - both public and corporate - it is important to understand that innovation - not a goal but a means. The introduction of innovative solutions should serve to improve the economic efficiency of Russian companies and the competitiveness of the national economy as a whole. On the other hand, the Russian Federation will be on the catch-up position, until you can build a search engine, the development and implementation of innovative solutions - both in production and in the management and implementation. Moreover, the development of innovative activities should be based not only on stimulating research and development. An integral part of innovation is the introduction of innovative solutions in the business practices of the company. Despite many difficulties, exceptional expensive and high-risk investments in innovative technology and management solutions allow to achieve a significant increase in the efficiency of the national economy. Russia's "economic miracle" can be carried out solely on the basis of an innovative model of development[2].

Список использованной литературы:

1. Основные показатели инновационной деятельности // www.gks.ru - Федеральная служба государственной статистики Российской Федерации [Электронный ресурс] URL: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/business/nauka/innov-n16.xls (Дата обращения: 16.11.2015)

2. Абрамов В.Л. Маркетинговое управление конкурентоспособностью экономических систем //Маркетинг в России и за рубежом, 2005.- № 5(49). 101, 104с.

© Уразбахтина К.И., 2016

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