Научная статья на тему 'Понятие эквивалентности во фразеологии (на основе узбекского и английского языков)'

Понятие эквивалентности во фразеологии (на основе узбекского и английского языков) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Шералиева Ширин Абдисаломовна

В данной статье рассматриваются эквиваленты фразеологических единиц в английском и узбекском языках, их общие источники, типы эквивалентности и методы перевода. Несколько работ ученых на эту тему были исследованы. Различные взгляды на концепцию (ученые) были показаны в качестве примеров. В данной исследовательской работе была предпринята попытка изучить понятие эквивалентности во фразеологии на основе узбекского и английского языков. Кроме того, актуальность работы обусловлена глубоким интересом языковых специалистов к лингвистическим особенностям множественных выражений, их типам и способам формирования, а также сложностям их перевода на другие языки. Фразеологические единицы приходят в нашу речь по-разному, и результат этого процесса отображается в более выразительной и красочной речи. Не существует живого языка без заданных фраз и чем глубже знание языка, тем больше фраз встречается в лексике говорящего.

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This article discusses the equivalents of phraseological units in English and Uzbek languages, their common sources, types of equivalence and translation methods. Several works of scientists on this subject have been investigated. Different views of the concept (by scientists) were shown as examples. This research work attempted to examine the concept of equivalence in phraseology based on Uzbek and English languages. Besides that, the topicality of the work is conditioned by the profound interest of language specialists in the linguistic peculiarities of set expressions, their types and ways of forming, as well as the difficulties of their translation and rendering into other languages. Phraseological units come to our speech in many ways and the result of this process is displayed in a more expressive and colorful speech. There is no living language without set phrases and the deeper the knowledge of the language the more phrases occurs in speaker’s vocabulary.

Текст научной работы на тему «Понятие эквивалентности во фразеологии (на основе узбекского и английского языков)»

2. Penguin Modern Poets 10: The Mersey Sound. Penguin. 1967, revised and enlarged 1974.

3. Lucie-Smith, Edward. ed. Introduction. The Liverpool Scene. New York: Doubleday, 1968. (Hereafter referred to as The Liverpool Scene).

4. The War With the 'Establishment', in Chapter 2 of Cookson, Linda. Brian Patten. Northcote House, 1997.

5. Lindop Grevel. Poetry Rhetoric and the Mass Audience: The case of the Liverpool poets. British Poetry Since, 1960.

6. Booth Martin. British Poetry 1964-84: Driving Through the Barricades. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985.



Abstract: this article discusses the equivalents of phraseological units in English and Uzbek languages, their common sources, types of equivalence and translation methods. Several works of scientists on this subject have been investigated. Different views of the concept (by scientists) were shown as examples. This research work attempted to examine the concept of equivalence in phraseology based on Uzbek and English languages. Besides that, the topicality of the work is conditioned by the profound interest of language specialists in the linguistic peculiarities of set expressions, their types and ways of forming, as well as the difficulties of their translation and rendering into other languages. Phraseological units come to our speech in many ways and the result of this process is displayed in a more expressive and colorful speech. There is no living language without set phrases and the deeper the knowledge of the language the more phrases occurs in speaker's vocabulary. Keywords: phraseology; phrase; phraseological unit; PU; equivalent; words combination; example.


Шералиева Ш.А.

Шералиева Ширин Абдисаломовна - преподаватель, кафедра методики преподавания английского языка, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье рассматриваются эквиваленты фразеологических единиц в английском и узбекском языках, их общие источники, типы эквивалентности и методы перевода. Несколько работ ученых на эту тему были исследованы. Различные взгляды на концепцию (ученые) были показаны в качестве примеров. В данной исследовательской работе была предпринята попытка изучить понятие эквивалентности во фразеологии на основе узбекского и английского языков. Кроме того, актуальность работы обусловлена глубоким интересом языковых специалистов к лингвистическим особенностям множественных выражений, их типам и способам формирования, а также сложностям их перевода на другие языки. Фразеологические единицы приходят в нашу речь по-разному, и результат этого

процесса отображается в более выразительной и красочной речи. Не существует живого языка без заданных фраз и чем глубже знание языка, тем больше фраз встречается в лексике говорящего.

Ключевые слова: фразеология; фраза; фразеологическая единица; ФЕ; эквивалент; словосочетание; пример.

UDC 81'44

Phraseology is a section of linguistic science that studies the system of stable expressions of a particular language and a system of such stable expressions. It is a very young branch of linguistic science and its purpose, objectives and object of study were formed only by 1950.

N.M. Shansky defined Phraseologism and phraseological unit, as it is "the general name of semantically stable combination of words that are not produced in speech (as syntactic structures similar to them - phrases or sentences), but are reproduced in it in a socially fixed behind them is a stable ratio of semantic content and a certain lexicographic composition." Semantic shifts in the meanings of lexical components, stability and reproducibility are interconnected universal and distinctive features of phraseological units" [2].

Phraseologisms are a kind of cultural phenomenon. So this is not the result of people, but the result of the collective intelligence of civilization, which was influenced by politics, trade, crafts, religion and art. English phraseological units are affected by English culture, they focus on social activities. In phraseological unity, the connotation of the whole is never equal to the sum designations of elements. This is the new meaning that appeared in the result of a specific "chemical" combination of words.

Significantly more attention is paid to reference relevance, forming the subject-logical content of phraseological units than its figurative and associative background. The role that they play is of interest, image, motivation, rethinking in the formation of phraseological values, and not a function of the phraseological unit itself in the resulting phraseological value. The meaning of the phraseological unit substrate is very important in terms of functional features of phraseological units and its text-forming potentials. Without establishing and analyzing text-forming potentials of phraseological units, it seems impossible to fully understand their ontological characteristics. Such a study is especially fruitful on the material of equivalent interlanguage correspondences, when it can be considered and the textual significance of phraseological units having the identical phraseological meaning, but somewhat different text-forming potentials, due to the fact that they are elements of different language systems and rely on different substrates.

Translation theory reflects the need to take into account both systemic semantic and text-forming features of linguistic units, which is manifested in the distinction between equivalence and adequacy. In turn, comparison at the text level involves a preliminary comparison of phraseological units as elements of the system.

Phraseological units in other languages, in particular in English, are of a specific nature, therefore their literal translation into Uzbek does not always reflect expression, connotation, that vivid meaning that the idiom had in the original language. Differences in the picture of the world, culture, worldview of different people make it impossible in some cases, the interchangeability of phraseological units in the translation. When translated into Uzbek, English phraseological units sometimes completely change their meaning, for example: to take the edge off-оламдан утмоц; to take the chair - "йигилишни очиб бермоц" but at the same time it can translated - as "стулни олмоц" as a free word combination. In some cases this concerns phraseological units based on realiae. If phraseological unit has neither equivalents nor analogues in translated language then it is translated in the dictionary order that is the phraseological unit of foreign language not equal to a phraseological unit of translated language is transferred by other, not phraseological means.

V.S. Vinogradov identifies four possibilities for transmitting the content of the phraseological unit. Firstly, in the language of translation, phraseological unit appears which

has the same meaning, the same stylistic coloring and the same internal form. For example: to take off the mask -асл юзини курсатмоц; to take in hand -цулга олмоц;

Secondly, in the language of translation there are equivalent phraseological units, the meaning and stylistic coloring of which are similar to the meaning and stylistic coloring of the original, and the internal form of these units coincides in the nature of imagery (the so-called partial equivalents). For example: to take the law of somebody -цонун юзасидан куриб чицмоц;

Thirdly, in the language of translation there is stylistically equivalent phraseological unit with the same or similar meaning, but with a different internal form. For example: to take somebody under one's guidance -уз царамогига олмок;

The fourth case is when a translation language has words that are relevant in their meaning and stylistic coloring. Translation by means of a word is feasible if there is no hint of the image that underlies the phraseological unit, there is no two-dimensional approach to the perception of such a turn [3].

In this case, only semantic, emotional, stylistic and functional information inherent in the original phraseological unit is transmitted. Thus, "in a phraseological unit translation, phraseology or a word may have an equivalent amount of information."

From the point of view of the translator, phraseological units are divided into phraseological units that have equivalents in the target language and equivalent phraseological units. Equivalents are complete and partial. Full equivalents are equivalents that coincide with the phraseological units of the original language in meaning, lexical composition, imagery, stylistic orientation and grammatical structure. Such units include phraseological units of an international nature, based on mythological traditions, historical facts and phraseological units of biblical origin.

The partial equivalent, transmitting the meaning, contains lexical, grammatical or lexical-grammatical differences. Therefore, we can say that the partial equivalent in terms of the adequacy of the translation is equivalent to the full equivalent. Equivalents translate international phraseology, which includes phraseological units that have entered different languages from historical sources, mythology, have been borrowed from language to language, or have arisen among different nations independently of one another due to the commonality of human thinking, the proximity of certain aspects of social life of different peoples, their labor activity.

Analysis and comparison of pairs of correlated phraseological configurations shows, however, that their correlation, their "presumption equivalence is far from homogeneous. We give examples of different ratios of binary phraseological texts.

1. The following binary texts have identical relations:

a) If you want her to like you, just talk about animals. That's her Achille's heel [1].

Агар сиз унга ёцишини истасангиз,шунчаки уайвонлар уацида гапиринг. Бу унинг заиф нуцтаси [4].

From the above examples we can notice that English and Russian examples are the same, because the coincidence of such phraseological units connected with the commonality of European culture, as how to becoming phraseology of both English and Russian languages is a big influence rendered by ancient mythology and the bible speaking sources of many PU. But In Uzbek, in comparison with English and Russian, such phraseological units do not submit. Therefore it is translated in a different way but the meaning is the same.

b) Hold your tongue. You've said enough already.

Тилингизни тийинг. Сиз етарлича гапириб булдингиз.

2. Various relationships have texts:

c) "Whom have you got in mind for this committee?" asked the Squire abruptly. "My father", said Michael, "and we'd thought of Marquers Shropshire". "Very long in the tooth." "But very spry", said Sir Lawerence. (J. Galsworthy, "Swan Song", part II, ch. VI.)

Let us explain that the different equivalence of the meaning of the texts in the above examples is determined either by the complete equivalence of phraseological units

(example a), or their partial structural equivalence (example b), or their partial semantic equivalence (example c).

Taking everything mentioned above into consideration, it is useful to mention that, by comparison of various ways of translation of national colored phraseological units it is necessary to consider, that the word for word translation well transfers national color of the original, though sometimes it is necessary to use notes because calqued image can be insufficiently clear. On the other hand, use of a neutral Uzbek phraseological unit recreates figurative character of the text due to loss of its national originality in translation. Knowing merits and demerits of each possible ways of translation well, the translator chooses that one which answers the best to the conditions of a context in every concrete case.

References / Список литературы

1. Kunin A.V. English - Russian phraseological dictionary. About. 5000 units. 7th ed., stereotip. M.: Rus. Yaz. Media, 2006. 571 p.

2. Shanskiy N.M. "Frazeologiya sovremennogo russkogo yazyka". Izd. 3-ye, ispr. i dop. M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1985. 160 s.

3. Vinogradov V.V. The basic concepts of Russian phraseology as linguistic discipline. Leningrad: Science, 1946.

4. YusupovA.L. Inglizcha o'zbekcha idiomalar lug'ati. Toshkent, 2014. 10 p.

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