Научная статья на тему 'Понимание развития PR-текстов в процессе оцифровки и интернализации информационного пространства'

Понимание развития PR-текстов в процессе оцифровки и интернализации информационного пространства Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Андреева С.М., Андреева А.М., Безуглова О.В.

В статье рассматриваются проблемы медиа-дискурса, PR, который выступает в роли посредника между обществом и реальностью новостного дискурса, приобретает особое значение, которое характеризуется богатством контента и фактором времени.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Понимание развития PR-текстов в процессе оцифровки и интернализации информационного пространства»


УДК 800



S.M. Andreeva1), A.M. Andreeva2), O.V. Bezuglova3)

1 2 3)

' ' -Belgorod state institute of arts and culture 1)e-mail: sandreeva@bgiik.ru 2'3)e-mail: aandreeva@bgiik.ru

The article deals with the problems of media discourse, PR, which acts as a mediator between the society and the reality of news discourse acquires special importance, which is characterized by content-richness and the time factor.

Keywords: discourse, PR, PR-communication, communicative space.

Today the information space media discourse is one of the main sources of people's knowledge about the world and the events occurring there. Media discourse is a syncretic formation in which all other types of discourses are mediated by, and are subordinate to the main goal of the media as a social institution - to provide differential impact on a large audience through its informing and evaluation of the reported information. As the mass media acts as a mediator between the society and the reality of news discourse acquires special importance, which is characterized by content-richness and the time factor. The subject of the speech in this type of discourse is a socially significant event which is not yet known to the addressee.

The presentation of news event before outlining the basic material plays an important role in the news discourse plays. At the same time the modern information environment is characterized by the formation of an impressive array of texts about a certain event. Thus, the text ceases to be only an integral part of mass media discourse, it begins to participate in the implementation of a separate discourse - event.

Today the question of understanding of development of PR-texts in the digitalization process (transferring of information in a digital form) and internalization of information space gets a special urgency.

With the emergence of the global Internet space, the speed of the journalists' work has increased, terms and frequency of delivery of materials were changed. It is important

that such a channel of mass information like the Internet affects not only the form, speed of information transmission, but also its content.

According to M.G. Shilina «Digitization and the development of Internet communications cause an increasing share of virtual electronic formats of communication in media mix of public relations»1.

Typology of public relations texts, proposed in recent years by domestic researchers, did not include a full consideration of Internet texts until nowadays.

Definition of the electronic PR-text belongs to O.G. Filatova, who taking as a base the traditional definition of PR-text formulated by Krivonosov A.D., and writes that it is «a short text, filled with a sufficient amount of keywords, containing PR-information, initiated by the basic subject of PR, serving for formation and increment of publicity capital of basic PR-subject addressed to a particular segment of the public, having concealed authorship, distributed in the Internet by posting on the corporate web site» .

Electronic PR-text has recently become the most common means of PR-communication between the basic subject and target public. In addition to distribution channels, specificity of the Internet text is also nearly limitless opportunities for expanding of information by using hyperlinks. The hypertextuality of electronic PR-text involves interactive relationships between addresser and addressee of PR-communication. At the same time the addressee decides how many links he will use. The more interesting the additional material is presented in the links and the more urgent it is for the user, the longer he will contact with the PR-text and the more information he will receive.

It is also noted that there is the attraction of Internet texts of public relations to the multimedia (links to video and audio materials), or at least to visualization (use of photos in the text, «pictures», animated scenes, etc.). the presence in electronic PR-text of keywords helps the user to optimize the search for relevant information. Clear structuredness, split into blocks, graphic isolation contribute to more rapid and adequate understanding of the content of PR-text placed on the Internet.

The attempt to typologize electronic PR-texts belongs to L.V. Balakhonskoy and I.A. Bykov. Among New genres of electronic PR-text authors propose to allocate Internet release, release in social media, video story of the company, video clip with questions and answers, the user profile in social networks or blogs, video and audio application for media, video and audio reference to employees, partners and customers, email, greeting electronic postcard .

Within the integral part of the study PR-discourse there should be carried out theoretical analysis of media discourse. The term «media discourse» is used in the sphere of the study of PR-communication.

In «Encyclopedia of Public Relations» media is defined as «advertising channels or channels (agents) of communication»4. T.G. Dobrosklonskaya, delimiting the notion of «text», «media» and «media discourse», believes that «the text is a message, media text is a message plus channel, and the media discourse is a message with all the other components

1 Shilin M.G. Internet hypertext of public relations: the characteristics, features and trends [electronic resource] / M.G. Shilin 2010. URL: http://www.mediascope.ru/node/567.

2 Filatov O.G. Electronic PR-Text / / Internet technologies in public relations: Textbook / Ed. I.A. Bykov,

0.G. Filatova St. Petersburg 2010. P. 111.

3 Balakhonskaya, L.V. Features of building and distributing of digital PR-texts / L.V. Balakhonskaya,

1.A. Bykov / / Russian PRology: trends and drivers: Collection of scientific papers in honor of prof. A.D. Krivonosova / Executive Editor K.V. Kiuru. Chelyabinsk. 2011. P. 23.

4 Encyclopedia of public relations M.: IMAGE - Contact 2009. P. 153.

of the communication»5. M.R. Zheltukhina defines mass medial discourse as «hierarchically organized multistage complex of texts, texts in which of smaller structural - meaningful volume are included in the larger text entire (texts of the press, radio, television, Internet)»6. In the scientific literature there are several related terms, synonymous media discourse: «mass medial discourse», «mass - information discourse». V.A. Tyrygina combines two definitions - media discourse and mass-information discourse - into one, as in the title of work «The problem of genre in mass-information discourse» appears mass - information discourse, but in the study there is provided a definition for media discourse, media discourse exists in the collective consciousness of the speakers as linguocultural concept and contains certain ideas about verbal behavior in mass media as a sphere of human activity. The members of society have the knowledge about the goals of communication, consisting in the transmitting of information of different types, have visual representations of the channels of communication in the given sphere - newspaper, radio - receiver box, computer, etc., through which information is transmitted to distance7.

Based on the analysis of the scientific literature it can be assumed that the discourse of PR is a unified system of signs that studies the complex of statements that perform specific pragmatic, socio-cultural, psychological, communication problems through focused social action and through interaction of individuals, influencing the formation of the cognitive processes of society.

Media discourse is a part of the discourse of PR in general, because from the standpoint of semiotics, discourse of PR structures the semantic communicative field and forms the mental activities of society, proceeding from the purposes and objectives of social communication, so the discourse of PR is characterized by the special features of «informative goal-setting of participants of the communicative act, as such goal orientation


proposes the transmission of information or satisfying the need for information» .

In contemporary society the rapid development of new and improvement of traditional technologies of transmission, processing and storage of information have predetermined emergence of modern approaches to the understanding of discourse and discourse analysis as special forms peculiar to one culture or another, falling under the influence of the traditional social system, correlating with a particular society. In this context, the relevance of the representation is the study of particular types and forms of discourse, as well as methods of discourse analysis closely connected with «PR».

«PR» studies the communicative space of the society, implemented through types and forms of mass communication through the prism of communicative - information channels. The communicative - information channels are exploring ways and form of communication by means of which there are processes of creation, dissemination, exchange and storage of information based on modern information technologies and the newest technology. It can be concluded that the discourse of PR studies the complex of sentences that perform specific pragmatic, socio-cultural, psychological, communication problems

5 Dobrosklonskaya T.G. Mediatext as a unit of discourse of the media / / Actual processes in different types of discourse: the political, media, advertising and Internet discourses - Communication: Proceedings of the international conference. (19-21 June 2009). M.; Yaroslavl; Remder, 2009. P. 124.

6 Zheltukhina, M.R. Interaction of discourse in the mass media space / / Actual processes in different types of discourse: the political, media, advertising and Internet discourses - Communication: Proceedings of the international. conf. (19-21 June 2009). M.; Yaroslavl: Remder 2009. P. 138.

7 Tyrygina, V.A. The problem of genre in mass - information discourse: Autoabstract of the dissertation of the Doctor of Philology. M., 2008. P. 18.

8 Olomskaya N.N. Functional - stylistic genre variations in the discourse of PR from a position of communication theory / / Vestn. Vyat. State. Humanitarian Univ. Philology and art history. Kirov, 2010. № 1 (2). P. 27.

through targeted social action in the interaction of individuals, influenced the formation of processes of society.

It is possible to identify the basic components of the discourse of PR:

1) media discourse;

2) public discourse;

3) private discourse.

The public and private spheres of communication are an important part of discourse of PR; they have sustained a specific structure. In the scientific literature, the researchers determined the functional characteristics of public discourse:

1) the presence of one addresser and one or many addressees;

2) communication has public (mass) character;

3) as a rule, it is carried out by a public figure, possessing a certain social status;

4) it has a more active character «...» as it aims to mass;

5) the burden of responsibility for decisions is less categorical by virtue of mass communication;

6) it is realized in the form of dialogue and in the form of a monologue;

7) the subject of the discussion, focused on multiple addressee, refers to the highly intellectual areas and thus it is perceptive in terms of perception;

8) discourse has socially significant orientation9.

0.F. Rusakova and V.M. Rusakov determine the discourse of public communication as a complex system that has six basic plans:

1. intentional plan (communication project);

2. actual plan or performance (practical implementation of the communication project in live action, having sign - symbolic character);

3. virtual plan (mental mechanisms of transmission and perception of semantic units of communication, including value orientations, methods of identification, repertoire of interpretation and other mental operations);

4. contextual plan (an extension of the semantic field on the basis of sociocultural, historical and other contexts);

5. psychological plan of a discourse that penetrates all other plans being their emotionally charged component;

6. «sedimentary» plan (Capturing of all the aforementioned plans in the form of precedent texts, landmarks of culture, memorable places, monumental images and symbols)10.

Intentional plan of a discourse of public communication is defined by the authors as a certain set of elements of the communication project, ensuring the promotion of communicative intentions from conception to implementation. In this regard, the intentional plan of a discourse consists of elements of communicative intentions (ideas, design, motives and communication settings); strategic planning elements (strategic goals and objectives of public speaking); elements of resource support of the project (management resources (personal, administrative, organizational), information resources and material resources, financial resources, etc.); elements of modeling the image of target audience (modeling of demographic and socio-cultural portrait of audience, modeling of communicative intentions and audience requests, modeling of behavioral responses of the audience) and elements of modeling of communication barriers (modeling of images of communication provocateurs and methods of their neutralization, modeling of possible conflicts and

9 Patyukova R.V. Constitutive status of the image in the public communication. Krasnodar: Kuban. State University, 2009. P. 23.

10 Rusakova O.F. PR-Discourse: Theoretical and methodological analysis / O.F. Rusakova, V.M. Rusakov, Ekaterinburg: Ural Branch of RAS, Institute of Intern. ties 2008, pp. 340. URL: http / / www.madipi.ru.

methods of resolution, modeling of possible external barriers of communication and ways of their overcoming)11.

Actual plan or performance is a communicative act, including the use of verbal, nonverbal forms of communication, as in this case, the process of encoding and decoding of key figures within the real representation of intention of discourse. Virtual plan of a discourse of public communication implements the transmitting and assimilation of meaning of broadcast messages, where the central communicative - semiotic figure acts core of values of messages being virtual or symbolic exchange between subjects of public communication. Contextual plan of a discourse is carried out by interpretation of the transmitted in symbolic forms messages by decoding the hidden meanings. «Sediment» or psychological plan of a discourse of public communication depends on the emotional component of discourse and

defines the following functions: cultural - historical representation, meaning-generation and


identification, communicative and emotional domination .

In its turn private discourse has the following functional characteristics:

1) the presence of one addresser and one addressee;

2) private nature of communication;

3) it can be carried out by both public and non-public person;

4) it is narrowly directed in comparison with the public nature of communication due to the limited number of communicants;

5) shift of responsibility in making some or other decisions in the implementation of private discourse is more categorical, that is associated with specific of private discourse;

6) it is implemented in form of a dialogue, and in the form of a monologue;

7) the subject matter is private and narrowly projected on the addressee;

8) it has socially significant and individual orientation13.

The private sphere of communication is implemented, as a rule, in the limited space of discourse of PR, because it has narrowly directed specific character, communicative intentions of which are limited by private manifestations of motives, intentions, ideas and communicative settings. In addition, private discourse implements the goals and objectives of an individual that models his communicative intentions according to his personal behavior strategies.

Proceeding from the aforesaid, we would like to conclude that the discourse of PR is a primarily sign system inseparably existing in the communicative space and performing a variety of functions performed by the types and forms of mass communication through the prism of communicative - information channels.


1. Balakhonskaya L.V. Features of building and distributing of digital PR-texts / L.V. Balakhonskaya,

1.A. Bykov / / Russian PRology: trends and drivers: Collection of scientific papers in honor of prof. A.D. Krivonosova / Executive Editor K.V. Kiuru. Chelyabinsk. 2011.

2. Vorontsova T.A. On the relation between the public discourse - the language of the media - public speech / / Vestn. Udmurt. Univ. Ser. History and Philology. 2008. Issue 3. P. 17-22.

3. Dobrosklonskaya T.G. Mediatext as a unit of discourse of the media / / Actual processes in different types of discourse: the political, media, advertising and Internet discourses - Communication: Proceedings of the international conference. (19-21 June 2009). M.; Yaroslavl; Remder, 2009. P. 122-129.

11 Rusakova O.F. PR-Discourse: Theoretical and methodological analysis / O.F. Rusakova, V.M. Rusakov, Ekaterinburg: Ural Branch of RAS, Institute of Intern. ties 2008, pp.340. URL: http / / www.madipi.ru.

12 In the same place.

13 Patyukova R.V. Constitutive status of the image in the public communication. Krasnodar: Kuban. State University, 2009. P. 23-24.

4. Zheltukhina M.R. Interaction of discourse in the mass media space / / Actual processes in different types of discourse: the political, media, advertising and Internet discourses - Communication: Proceedings of the international. conf. (19-21 June 2009). M.; Yaroslavl: Remder 2009. P. 137-143.

5. Olomskaya N.N. Functional - stylistic genre variations in the discourse of PR from a position of communication theory / / Vestn. Vyat. State. Humanitarian Univ. Philology and art history. Kirov, 2010. № 1 (2). P. 24-29.

6. Patyukova R.V. Constitutive status of the image in the public communication. Krasnodar: Kuban. State University, 2009. P. 206.

7. Rusakova O.F. PR-Discourse: Theoretical and methodological analysis / O.F. Rusakova, V.M. Rusakov, Ekaterinburg: Ural Branch of RAS, Institute of Intern. ties 2008, pp. 340. URL: http / / www.madipi.ru.

8. Tyrygina V.A. The problem of genre in mass - information discourse: Autoabstract of the dissertation of the Doctor of Philology. M., 2008. P. 45.

9. Encyclopedia of public relations. M.: IMAGE - Contact 2009. Pp. 300.

10 Filatov O.G. Electronic PR-Text / / Internet technologies in public relations: Textbook / Ed. I.A. Bykov, O.G. Filatova. St. Petersburg, 2010.

11. Shilin M.G. Internet hypertext of public relations: the characteristics, features and trends [electronic resource] / M.G. Shilin. 2010. Mode of access: http://www.mediascope.ru/node/567.


С.М. Андреева1^ А.М. Андреева2), О.В. Безуглова3)

^'■^Белгородский государственный институт искусств и культуры 1)е-ша11; sandreeva@bgiik.ru 2'3)е-шаП: aandreeva@bgiik.ru

В статье рассматриваются проблемы медиа-дискурса, PR, который выступает в роли посредника между обществом и реальностью новостного дискурса, приобретает особое значение, которое характеризуется богатством контента и фактором времени.

Ключевые слова: дискурс, PR, PR-коммуникация, коммуникативное пространство.

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