POLITENESS MAXIMS IN SAAD AL-HARIRI’S AND FRANçOIS HOLLANDE’S SPEECHES ON REFUGEES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Abdulsada Mohammed Nasser, Yacoub Balsam Yousif

We consider the politeness maxims implied in the discussion on refugees between Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Al-Hariri and French President Francois Hollande. Based on the approach of the six-maxims of politeness by G. Leach (1983), the study is aimed at recognizing these maxims, describing their forms and revealing the intended goals. Mutual understanding is considered as a key element of the pragmatic analysis of the selected two speeches. A thorough study of words, phrases and sentences was carried out in order to sort and highlight all forms of mutual understanding. We make a brief comparison of the two speeches in terms of mutual understanding and politeness. Firstly, the study presents the preliminary stages of studying the definition of key terms, examines politeness in detail, builds on Leach's theory of politeness, and reviews several related studies. Secondly, a sample of two speeches is selected, analyzed and examined for politeness. It is concluded that the two speeches studied are very sympathetic towards refugees and that the corresponding references contain several forms of courtesy rules. We note the difference between the Arab and European discourse about refugees and their suffering.

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Неофилология ISSN 2587-6953 (Print) ISSN 2782-5868 (Online)

Neofilologiya = Neophilology


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DOI 10.20310/2587-6953-2022-8-4-733-742

Politeness maxims in Saad Al-Hariri's and François Hollande's speeches on refugees

Mohammed Nasser ABDULSADA H, Balsam Yousif YACOUB

Wasit University Hay A1 Rabee, Wasit 00964, Republic of Iraq H malsharhani(S)uo wasit. edu. iq

Abstract. We consider the politeness maxims implied in the discussion on refugees between Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Al-Hariri and French President Francois Hollande. Based on the approach of the six-maxims of politeness by G. Leach (1983), the study is aimed at recognizing these maxims, describing their forms and revealing the intended goals. Mutual understanding is considered as a key element of the pragmatic analysis of the selected two speeches. A thorough study of words, phrases and sentences was carried out in order to sort and highlight all forms of mutual understanding. We make a brief comparison of the two speeches in terms of mutual understanding and politeness. Firstly, the study presents the preliminary stages of studying the definition of key terms, examines politeness in detail, builds on Leach's theory of politeness, and reviews several related studies. Secondly, a sample of two speeches is selected, analyzed and examined for politeness. It is concluded that the two speeches studied are very sympathetic towards refugees and that the corresponding references contain several forms of courtesy rules. We note the difference between the Arab and European discourse about refugees and their suffering.

Keywords: politeness, pragmatic maxims, refugees, sympathy, political discourse, political speeches

For citation: Abdulsada M.N., Yacoub B.Y. Politeness maxims in Saad Al-Hariri's and François Hollande's speeches on refugees. Neofilologiya - Neophilology, 2022, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 733-742. https://doi.org/ 10.20310/2587-6953-2022-8-4-733-742


© Abdulsada M.N., Yacoub B.Y., 2022 Neophilology, 2022, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 733-742.


DOI 10.20310/2587-6953-2022-8-4-733-742

Принципы вежливости в выступлениях Саада Аль-Харири и Франсуа Олланда о беженцах

Мохаммед Нассер АБДУЛСАДА Н, Бальзам Юсиф ЯКУБ

Васитский университет 00964, Республика Ирак, Васит, Хай Аль Раби H malsharhanitaîuowasit. edu. iq

Аннотация. Рассмотрены принципы вежливости, подразумеваемые в обсуждении, посвященном беженцам, между премьер-министром Ливана Саадом Аль-Харири и президентом Франции Франсуа Олландом. Опираясь на подход шести принципов вежливости Г. Лича (1983), исследование направлено на распознавание этих принципов, описание их форм и раскрытие предполагаемых целей. Взаимопонимание рассмотрено как ключевой элемент прагматического анализа отобранных двух речей. Проведено тщательное исследование слов, словосочетаний и предложений, чтобы отсортировать и выделить все формы взаимопонимания. Проведено краткое сравнение двух речей с точки зрения взаимопонимания и вежливости. Во-первых, исследование представляет предварительные этапы изучения определения ключевых терминов, подробно рассматривает вежливость, опирается на теорию вежливости Лича и делает обзор нескольких связанных исследований. Во-вторых, выбирается образец из двух речей, анализируется и исследуется на предмет вежливости. Сделан вывод о том, что две исследуемые речи очень сочувственно относятся к беженцам и что соответствующие ссылки содержат несколько форм правил вежливости. Отмечена разница между арабским и европейским дискурсом о беженцах и их страданиях.

Ключевые слова: вежливость, прагматические принципы, беженцы, сочувствие, политический дискурс, политические выступления

Для цитирования: Abdulsada M.N., Yacoub B.Y. Politeness Maxims in Saad Al-Hariri's and François Hollande's Speeches on Refugees // Неофилология. 2022. T. 8, № 4. С. 733-742. https://doi.org/10.20310/2587-6953-2022-8-4-733-742 (In English, Abstr. in Russian)

Материалы статьи доступны по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution («Атрибуция») 4.0 Всемирная OPEN ^ ACCESS

1. Introduction

Language and humans are inextricably linked. People need language to communicate and form connections. So language becomes the main mode of communication. Language allows individuals to express themselves, share knowledge, laugh with others, and order others to perform things. I. Taylor and M. Taylor [1, p. 5] said that language is a system of signals used to communicate. Using language, whether spoken or written, individuals convey their thoughts and ideas. In everyday conversation, language becomes a vital vehicle for conveying and receiving meaning. People utilize spoken language to

communicate effectively. People may immediately communicate with others. Their words have a deeper significance beyond the plain meaning. This is due to the context of the words. People use actions to attain their aims.

2. Background and Theoretical Foundations

P. Levinson and P. Brown's concept of politeness held that a face has two aspects: positive and negative [2]. It happens when someone wants to be liked, accepted, regarded, and acknowledged. A negative face is the desire to be unhindered and to act as one pleases (Levinson et al., 1978). According to R. Lakoff, "societies

create politeness to avoid personal friction" [3, p. 64]. The same definition is given by G. Leech, who adds that it "may be quantified in terms of the degree of effort invested towards avoiding a conflict scenario" [4, p. 19]. "Acknowledging others autonomy and preventing interference (negative politeness) while encouraging closeness and admiration (positive politeness)" [4, p. 24].

Numerous scholars in the 1970s and 1980s believed that "politeness" influenced language choice and relational meaning negotiation. P. Levinson et al., R. Lakoff, and G. Leech were early and significant advances to the study of politeness [2; 5; 6]. These academics suggested that there are not only syntactic criteria that define sentence grammaticality but also pragmatic norms that determine proper language usage [7]. In addition, R. Lakoff and G. Elen have investigated the concept of politeness [5; 8]. According to R. Lakoff, politeness is "a framework for interpersonal connections" [3, p. 88]. According to R.J. Watts, societies develop politeness to reduce conflict in personal contact, which leads one to feel that conflict in personal contact is undesirable [9]. Politeness is one manner in which communities develop methods to reduce conflict. Consequently, politeness is a set of principles for cooperative behavior [10].

People may harm or endanger another's face, according to P. Levinson et al. [2]. Their theory of politeness is a complicated framework for softening aggressive behaviors. Conversely, a "Face-Threatening-Act" is one that threatens to destroy or harm someone's appearance [11, p. 325-327]. The coin has 2 aspects, according to G. Elen [8, p. 45].

A positive politeness strategy is one that appeals to the hearer's (H) need to be accepted and appreciated, according to M.K. Khattab [12]. Positive Face: "interactants' persistent positive self-image or 'personality" [13]. Everyone wants to be attractive". Unlike the obvious on-record method, this strategy shows respect for the recipient. This strategy helps close friends bridge social gaps. Disputes are positive-face threatening acts, according to S. Levinson et al. [14]. "Eliminate conflict," say Levinson et al. [14, p. 112-113].

3. Related Literature

Several studies have previously investigated refugees' crises and suffering in various parts of

the world through different modes, methodologies, and approaches. R. Schweitzer et al. explored the status of the prejudicially-treated refugees in Australia [15]. The questionnaire-based study highlighted the refugee-related risks and conditions, including public opinion, prejudice, media, public acceptance, and anti-migration views. R. Schweitzer et al. posited that there is a variation among the Australians over the refugees and immigrants and whether their presence amounts to a threat.

S. Fotopoulos and M. Kaimaklioti examined how the Greek, German, and British online media have covered the refugee wave in Europe [16]. The findings stated that the media in three nations depicted the refugees' situation in different terms. Additionally, the shaky EU-Turkey deal and the mismanagement of the refugee issue contributed to the worsening of the refugees' conditions, and therefore the changing portrayal of refugee image in media.

F. Sabouni analyzed the status of Syrian refugees living in the United Kingdom by conducting an all-need analysis of refugees' necessities and requirements [17]. F. Sabouni concluded that the trip of the Syrian refugees into Europe had involved multiple psychological, emotional, and physical barriers, obstacles, and impairments.

A.S. Haider and S. Olimy researched the image of refugees, asylum-seekers, and immigrants in the state-run Jordan News Agency (PETRA) [18]. Using a corpus of Arabic newspaper reports published between 2012 and 2016, the study revealed a remarkable shift in sentiments on refugees and migrants.

N. Oztiirk and S. Ayvaz examined popular attitudes and feelings on the globally-popularized, humanity-touching crisis of Syrian refugees in many Turkish- and English-posted tweets using sentiment analytics [19]. The study concluded that most Turkish-posted tweets reflected compassion, emotionality, and pro-refugee stances, while most English-posted tweets were neutral and anti-refugee.

S. Galyga et al. elaborated on the media-framed representations of refugees and migrants in the mainstream European media [20]. The study identified a five-country rhetorical representation underlying discourse and semantic levels. S. Galyga et al. found that the language of the press may alter persons' and administra-

tions' perspectives on crucial subjects and occurrences such as immigration and refugee.

L. Ashby investigated sympathy debated in the Canadian newspapers over illegals" children held in immigration facilities [21]. The study uncovered pro-immigrant sympathy in selected politically and ideologically different news articles. L. Ashby's study found that these newspapers used framing and hedging as linguistic tools to attract the public compassion toward illegal immigrants.

The present study is similar to the above-mentioned studies. It is, however, different. It investigates refugees" suffering through a comparison between Arab and European political discourse. It is, also, concerned with sympathy as a key theme. The tool follows a six-maxim model of politeness.

4. The Statement of Research

This research focuses on refugees" suffering by analyzing two sympathy-enriched speeches, one given by the former Lebanese prime minister Saad Al-Hariri and another given by the former French president François Hollande. The research, also, draws on differences and similarities in politeness maxims used in the said speeches. To address these different sub-themes, two research questions are formulated:

1. Which politeness maxims (PMs) were used in the two speeches?

2. How do the two speeches reflect on refugees" suffering through sympathy?

François Hollande (Table 1). The two speeches were reproduced from the relevant sources along with the other information, as detailed in Table (2) below. 25 excerpts were chosen for analysis;

12 excerpts by the Lebanese prime minister and

13 excerpts by the French president. This paper is limited to the above-mentioned speeches, with an emphasis on refugee-centric sympathy contained therein following G. Leech's politeness model (6 maxims of politeness were chosen) [6]. These two politicians" speeches were chosen in particular because they are representative of the refugees" suffering, they carry a considerable amount of sympathy towards refugees, France and Lebanon have been the most tolerant countries in treating, aiding, and supporting refugees, and they imply different senses of politeness.

6. Methodology, Approach, and Procedures

The research is qualitative in nature, which means that percentages and frequencies are not only derived but are also elaborated on. The approach is pragmatic politeness, following G. Leech's maxims of politeness [6]. To accomplish this research, these steps are followed;

1. Choosing two political speeches on refugees; downloading, transcribing, and annotating.

2. Adopting a model of analysis.

3. Analyzing the two speeches by sorting refugee-sympathetic sentences.

4. Reaching conclusions and findings.

7. Analysis

5. Data, Source, and Limitations

The data chosen for analysis are two refugee-centric speeches given by two different politicians, the former Lebanese prime minister Saad Al-Hariri and the former French president

The analysis of the two speeches under study is conducted in terms of maxims, namely, politeness maxims (PMs). These are tact, generosity, approbation, agreement, and sympathy


Sample information Первичные данные для исследования

Table 1 Таблица 1

№ Speaker Nationality Position Date Source

1 Saad Al-Harairi Lebanese Prime Minister September 7, 2015 https: //youtu.be/njkLBfLhcyk

2 François Hollande French President February 1,2018 https: //yoiitu.be/pH4cAoau4PQ

Fig. 1. The model of analysis following G. Leech [6]

Рис. 1. Модель анализа по Дж. Личу [6]

1. The Tact maxim strives to reduce the expense to others while maximizing their gain [6]. It is more concerned with the hearer or others than with the hearer. This is true only for impositive or commissive phrases.

For instance, if I could explain this [6].

2. Generosity maxim aims at maximizing self-benefit while minimizing self-cost. It is directed towards the speaker. It is exclusively used in impositive or commissive phrases, as in the following:

Yon relax while I take care of the dishes [6].

3. Approbation maxim reduces criticism and increases the admiration for the speaker. It is used to compliment people. It is not applicable to declarative or expressive phrases [6]. That is better than praising others or being quiet, for instance:

Jan, I'm sure you 're a genius - could you please explain how to solve this math problem? [6].

4. The Modesty maxim refers to the practice of minimizing self-praise and increasing self-criticism. It is not applicable to declarative or expressive phrases. For instance:

I'm so foolish - I forgot to take notes throughout our talk! Have you? [6].

5. The Agreement maxim decreases conflict between oneself and others and increases agreement between oneself and others. It is appropriate for aggressive statements.

I do not want my daughter to accomplish this; rather, I wish for her to do that [6].

6. Sympathy maxim decreases hostility toward others and maximizes affection for others. It is relevant solely to affirmative phrases:

Teacher: Alice. I'm hoping it won't be too long until she reverts to her normal self. The compassion maxim conveys the teacher's concern for Alice.


The Analysis of Saad Al-Hariri's (henceforth SH) Speech

Sympathy Maxim

Extract. 1

"Seven years Lebanon has been hosting all these refugees and this is one family. "

Sympathy maxim, according to G. Leech, increases self-other empathy and decreases self-other hostility [6]. SH applauds the fact that refugees in Lebanon live together as a family unit.

Extract. 2

"One family tiny and I think Lebanon has shown hospitality like no country has shown. "

SH commends Lebanon for hosting refugees in a manner that no other nation does.

Extract. 3

"We believe in human rights, in humanity, and in the right of refugees to return to their own country. "

As a consequence, SH indicates that they will continue to shelter refugees. He provides the impression that he sympathizes with refugees" right to return to their homeland.

Extract. 4

"We believe that what is happening in Syria is something exciting or a conflict that has led to a large number of victims and has led the Syrian people to despair. "

SH commends the fact that what is occurring in Syria caused the Syrian people to despair.

Extract. 5

"We should create help jobs a good thing, but what we should see is that our brothers are working to earn a living. "

SH refers to refugees as brothers as a consequence.

Extract. 6

"But I firmly believe that whoever these refugees live in dignity, and that their children go to school so that a new generation of Syrians will be able to return to their country to contribute to building it."

SH makes reference to refugees' longing to return to their homeland.

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Extract. 7

"I hope we see more smiles on the faces of these refugees. Thank you to everyone. "

SH asserts that the time has come to address the issue of refugees and assist them in returning to their homeland.

Tact Maxim

SH Speech

Extract. 1

"So we are here today to make sure that launching a CRP project or initiative is for the benefit of the refugees and the host community as well. "

Tact maxim of politeness seeks to minimize the discussion of ideas that indicate harm to others while maximizing the presentation of viewpoints that imply a benefit to others. SH lowers the cost to others by saying that the benefit of the refugees outweighs the cost to others, and he increases the value to others by claiming that this direct help and the benefit of the host community outweigh the cost to others.

Extract. 2

"Our doors will remain open, but we will ask you more and more, and we will pressure you more and more for the interests of the refugees and for the interests of the host community. "

SH reduces the cost to others by arguing that the benefit to refugees overcomes the cost to others, while increasing the value to others by stating that this direct assistance and benefit to the host community surpass the cost to others.

Extract. 3

"We should not fail, this will be a disgrace to us in the year two thousand and eighteen in this twenty-first century. "

SH minimizes the cost to others by reducing our response, and maximizes the benefit to others by considering what may happen in the future.

Generosity Maxim

SH Speech

Extract. 1

"My government has always looked at this issue and strives to do more, as all the ministers, the United Nations, all the ambassadors, all the donors who have worked with us. "

This extract demonstrates an abundance of generosity maxim. SH applies the generosity maxim of politeness, which is dedicated to minimizing self-profit via the creation of the appearance that Lebanon is committed to addressing refugee issues. Additionally, since resolving such a problem is complex, this maxim is focused to minimizing the expense to other nations.

Extract. 2

"but I tell you that we are much better than some countries that do not allow these refugees into their country. We at least opened our doors, and at least we saw Elias among the victims of this conflict. "

SH adheres to the PMs of generosity, which is devoted to limiting self-profit by creating the illusion that Lebanon is committed to resolving refugee issues. Additionally, given the complexity of addressing such a crisis, this maxim is geared toward reducing the cost to other countries.

The Analysis of François Hollande's (henceforth FH) Speech

Generosity Maxim

Extract. 1

"Thousands of refugees on the way to Europe on the European roads a lifeless child washed in the Turkish shore. "

This extract demonstrates an abundance of generosity. FH employs the generosity maxim of civility, which is devoted to minimizing self-profit by creating the illusion that France is committed to resolving the issues of immigration. Additionally, given the difficulty of resolving such a dilemma, this maxim is devoted to minimizing the cost to Turkey.

Extract. 2

"It is France's duty to offer asylum. The French flesh is a matter of history reason why we have this responsibility. "

FH dedicated to minimize profit to self by showing that it will be a France's duty to offer asylum. Furthermore, since it is difficult to work on such a problem, this maxim maximizes their responsibility.

Extract. 3

"A history that have been match by generations of refugees who have come to France of the past decades in order to build the country together. "

FH is committed to maximizing self-profit by demonstrating that it is France's obligation to grant shelter. Additionally, while working on such an issue is tough, this maxim is committed to maximizing their duty, which has been matched by generations of refugees who have migrated to France over the last years.

Sympathy Maxim

FH Speech

Extract. 1

'A matter, the symbol of three thousand who have perished on the martialing waters since the beginning of the year. "

According to G. Leech, sympathy maxim promotes self-other empathy and reduces self-other hostility [6]. FH commends that since the start of the year thousands of migrants are died on martialing water.

Extract. 2

"I welcome this it is got to be organized in serious and dignified manner and in order to do that the minister of the interior will be meeting those males concerned next today. "

FH praises the serious and polite way in which asylum seekers are welcomed.

Tact Maxim

FH Speech

Extract. 1

"This is why faced with the strategy with this critical situation I have proposed together with Angela Merkel, a mechanism standing, binding mechanism to let refugees into countries and this reputes this a fit among all of the European countries."

Tact maxim of courtesy attempts to limit the presentation of ideas that suggest cost to

others while promoting the presentation of ideas that imply a benefit to others. FH minimizes the cost to others by proposing a mechanism with Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, to address this critical situation, and he maximizes the benefit to others by stating that this reputes a fit for all European countries the ablative ward here is binding compensatory this makes sense to put what has been done or not done over the last few months and France is prepared to assume its share.

Extract. 2

"The European commission is proposing all shall soon propose that 120000 refugees be distributed resettled over the next two years. "

FH minimizes the expense to others by asserting that it is our duty to follow all regulations and maximize the value to the European Commission, since these regulations are intended to aid refugees.

Extract. 3

"I believe that France's committed we will do it because this is a proposal that we are seen be forward that we want to see adopted by all Europeans. "

FH reduces the expense to others by stating that France is dedicated to doing so, and he maximizes the benefit to others by approving it by all Europeans.

Extract. 4

"Many males, may communities, many associations, many churches and private individuals, I already providing such shelter to asylum seekers."

FH minimizes the cost to others by stating that it is our responsibility to implement all policies in order to ensure their realization and maximization of benefit to others, as these policies are for the benefit of refugees.

Extract. 5

"It is an overall response and in order for you to effectively we need in border controls. "

FH minimizes the cost to others by claiming that we are the ones in need of direct protection and maximizes the value to others by claiming that this direct protection is being given for the benefit of refugees and Europe.

Extract. 6

"This is one condition that must be made for the external borders of Europe to be protected that is also to be sure that we will come to the refugee 's humanity. "

FH reduces the expense to others by protecting Europe's external borders, and he maximizes the benefit to refugees.

Extract. 7

"we must give massive humanitarian assistance to countries, to associations, to the high commissions of the re fugees. "

FH minimizes the cost to others by declaring that we are the ones in need of direct protection and maximizes the value to others by stating that this direct protection and assistance is offered for the benefit of refugees.

Extract. 8

"We must also work on the countries of the origin and the countries of transit in order to set up sentence that may welcome those who are flaming from the reasons. "

FH reduces the expense to others by establishing a sentence that may welcome people who are enraged for any purpose, and he maximizes the benefit to others by establishing a genuine policy framework.

8. Results and Discussion

The current study investigated two political speeches (SH and FH) in terms of PMs. In SH's

speech, sympathy maxim is the dominating tactic (64.71%) followed by tact maxim (23.53 %), whereas in FH's speech, tact maxim is prevalent (72.22 %) followed by generosity maxim (16.67 %). SH used generosity maxim by 11.76 %, whereas FH used sympathy maxim by 11.11 %.

Thus, concerning SH, he favored sympathy maxim to other forms of politeness because he was more likely to foster sympathy between self and other and aid in the alleviation of hatred between self and other, followed by tact maxim. FH used Tact maxim more frequently than other forms of politeness because he was more likely to minimize the cost to others and maximize their benefit from working with and assisting refugees, followed by sympathy and generosity maxims because he was more likely to maximize their cost in relation to the immigration problem.

Both SH and FH refrained from using agreement maxim, approbation maxim, and modesty maxim (Table 2). The goal of agreement maxim is to reduce disagreement between oneself and others; to enhance agreement between oneself and others; and to avoid using hostile language. Approbation maxim minimizes criticism of others and enhance appreciation of others. They did not use any adverbial words since they are just interested in resolving the refugee situation. While the purpose of modesty maxim is to limit self-praise and increase self-criticism, it did not apply to declarative or expressive expressions.

Frequency of PMs in SH and FH speeches Частота правил вежливости в речи Саада Харири и Француа Оланда

Table 2 Таблица 2

SH's speech FH's speech

Occurrence Percentage, % Occurrence Percentage, %

1. Tact 4 23.53 13 72.22

2. Approbation 0 0 0 0

3. Generosity 2 11.76 3 16.67

4. Agreement 0 0 0 0

5. Modesty 0 0 0 0

6. Sympathy 11 64.71 2 11.11

Total 17 100 18 100

9. Findings

In the light of the discussions and analysis elaborated on above, this paper concludes.

1. In both speeches, tact, generosity, and sympathy maxims are the highest maxims used, while approbation, agreement, and modesty are the lowest maxims used. This is relevant to research question (1); Which PMs were used in the two speeches?

2. In both speeches, the focus was on fostering and enhancing sympathy with refugees and distancing oneself from criticizing, attacking, or belittling refugees. This indicates that the two politicians were highly aware of their attitudes and stances on refugees in the public media. This is, also, relevant to research question (2); How do the two speeches reflect on refugees' suffering through sympathy.

3. In both speeches, there is a considerable focus on supporting refugees, promising more aid, and encouraging the others to provide refugees with shelter and safe haven.

10. Suggestions for Further Studies

The paper suggests the following further studies:

1. Refugee-centric sympathy can be investigated in generic news coverage in media outlets as well, including TV channels, print or online newspapers, or on internet websites.

2. Refugee-centric sympathy can be investigated in celebrities' speeches, clergymen's speeches, and public speakers.

3. The topic can also be tackled through critical discourse analysis.

4. The topic can be further investigated in American public or political discourse.

Referenses/Список источников

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4. Leech G. Explorations in Semantics and Pragmatics. John Benjamins Publ., 1980, 133 p.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Information about the authors

Mohammed N. Abdulsada, Associate Professor of English, Teacher of English, Linguistics and ESP of College of Basic Education, Wasit University, Wasit, Republic of Iraq, ORCID: 0000-0002-5353-2858, malsharhani(S!uowasit.edu.iq

Contribution: this study is an attempt to understand how politicians react to human-touching issues, including displacement and refuge-seeking. This paper, therefore, adds to the previous and related studies concerned with refugee-focused politics, by revealing the intentions, practices, and attitudes held by statesmen and stakeholders towards people forced to relocate in transnational and cross-the-border movements. The study, also, intends to highlight human feelings. The paper may contribute to future studies by getting the public attention to such deeply painful catastrophes. Study conception developed, part of article was drafting and was editing.

Balsam Y. Yaqoub, M.A. researcher of linguistics, Wasit University, Wasit, Republic of Iraq, ORCID: 00000001-9915-8593, malsharhani@uowasit.edu.iq

Contribution: this study was carried out in the field of comparative studies, translation, morphology, discourse analysis and syntax. Source material acquisition, part of article drafting.

Conflict of Interests

There is not any conflict of interest in this research design, or in the items, data, or techniques contained, used, or discussed in this paper.


There is not any certain financial grant or funding received in the authorship, analysis, or publication of this paper or in any experiments, applications, analyses, or procedures contained herein from any public, scientific, commercial, government, private, or a state agency.


The author obtained all the ethical approvals necessary to accomplish this research.

The article was submitted 19.06.2022 Approved after reviewing 22.08.2022 Accepted for publication 09.09.2022

Информация об авторах

Абдулсада Мохаммед Насер, доцент английского языка, преподаватель английского языка, лингвистики и ESP Колледжа базового образования, Университет Васит, г. Васит, Республика Ирак, ORCID: 0000-00025 3 53-2 85 8, mal sharhani(a!uowa sit. edu. iq

Вклад в статью: данное исследование представляет собой попытку понять, как политики реагируют на проблемы, затрагивающие людей, включая перемещение и поиск убежища. Таким образом, эта работа дополняет предыдущие и связанные с ними исследования, посвященные политике, ориентированной на беженцев, раскрывая намерения, практику и отношение государственных деятелей и заинтересованных сторон к людям, вынужденным переселиться в результате транснациональных и трансграничных перемещений. Исследование также призвано подчеркнуть человеческие чувства. Работа может внести вклад в будущие исследования, привлекая внимание общественности к таким глубоко болезненным катастрофам. Разработана концепция исследования, написана часть статьи и отредактировано.

Якуб Бальзам Юсиф, магистр гуманитарных наук по лингвистике, Университет Васит, г. Васит, Республика Ирак, ORCID: 0000-0001-9915-8593, malsharha-ni(a!iiowasit.edu.iq

Вклад в статью: данное исследование проведено в области сравнительных исследований, перевода, морфологии, анализа дискурса и синтаксиса. Проведен сбор первичного материала, написана часть статьи.

Конфликт интересов

Конфликт интересов в этом исследовании или в элементах, данных или методах, содержащихся, используемых или обсуждаемых в этой статье, отсутствует.


При написании, анализе или публикации этой статьи или в любых экспериментах, приложениях, анализах или процедурах, содержащихся в ней, не было какого-либо финансового гранта или финансирования, полученного от какого-либо государственного, научного, коммерческого, государственного, частного или государственного учреждения.


Автор получил все этические одобрения, необходимые для проведения этого исследования.

Статья поступила в редакцию 19.06.2022

Одобрена после рецензирования 22.08.2022

Принята к публикации 09.09.2022

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