Научная статья на тему 'Поддержка малого бизнеса и частного предпримательства в Узбекистане'

Поддержка малого бизнеса и частного предпримательства в Узбекистане Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Салаев С.К., Таджиев Б.У.

В данной статье рассмотрены особенности и опыт всесторонней поддержки малого бизнеса и частного предпринимательства. Приведено оценка международных организаций по социально-экономическому развитию Узбекистана в 2015 году, а также проанализировано состояние деловой среды в республике.

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Support small business and private entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan

The article describes the features of the development and experience of the full support of small business and private entrepreneurship. Powered assessment of international organizations on socio-economic development of Uzbekistan in 2015, as well as analyzes of the business environment in the country.

Текст научной работы на тему «Поддержка малого бизнеса и частного предпримательства в Узбекистане»

New university

Economics & Law 2016. № 5 (63)

ISSN 2221-7347

UDC 338.22.021.1

S.K. Salaev , B.U. Tadjiev


The article describes the features of the development and experience of the full support of small business and private entrepreneurship. Powered assessment of international organizations on socio-economic development of Uzbekistan in 2015, as well as analyzes of the business environment in the country.

Keywords: small business and private entrepreneurship (SBPE), business environment, business environment, support for small business.

In the last ten years, despite the ongoing global financial and economic crisis, the growth of gross domestic product (GDP) in Uzbekistan is not less than 8 per cent of the annual budget is executed with a surplus of 0.1 to 0.4 percent of GDP, and the inflation rate from 5 to 8 percent and.t.d

According to the rating authoritative World Economic Forum of Uzbekistan is among the five countries with the fastest growing economy in the world by the end of 2014-2015, and forecast growth for 2016-2017.

In addition, in 2015, Uzbekistan became one of the 14 countries that have received awards for achieving the Millennium Development Goals in the area of food security by Member States by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) [1].

Despite the significant slowdown in world trade and a reduction in external demand, the decline in world prices for key export commodities of the country, Uzbekistan has managed to achieve a positive balance in foreign trade turnover, which allowed for the growth of state reserves.

About progress and strengthening of macroeconomic stability in the country shows a low level of public debt that does not exceed 18.5 percent of GDP, an increase of Welfare of the population. For example, in 2015 the real total per capita income rose by 9.6 per cent, the share of revenues from en-tre-neurial activity increased to 52 percent compared to 47.1 percent in 2010, significantly higher than in the CIS countries [1, 2].

In Uzbekistan, a special attention is given to reduce the level of social stratification. Income ratio of 10 percent of the richest population and 10 percent of the least well - the so-called "decile coefficient" - a steady downward trend, and in 2015 was 7.7, compared with 8.5 in 2010. And an international measure of the stratification of the population by income - Gini index in 2015 was 0.280 against 0.390 in 2000 and its level is much lower than in many developed and developing countries [1,2].

Qualitative changes in the level and structure of availability of durable goods, most of which are now produced in our country. In particular, the provision of households reached 42 cars per 100 families, which is 1.5 times more than five years ago, personal computers - 47 with the growth in this period by 3.9 times, air conditioning - 31, or, respectively, 1, 7 times, mobile phones - 234, or 1.6 times. It should be noted that on conducted under the auspices of the United Nations with the participation of a group of independent organizations and international experts in 2015-rated 158 countries on such indicators of the world, as a "happiness index", which characterizes the ability of a country to provide its residents a happy life, Uzbekistan took the 44th place against the 60-th place in 2013 [1].

© Salaev S.K., Tadjiev B.U., 2016. DOI: 10.15350/2221-7347.2016.5

*'Salaev Sanatbek Komilovich - dean of the faculty "Tourism and economy", Doctor of Economics Sciences, professor, Urgench State University (UrSU) named after Al-Khwarizmi, Uzbekistan.

Tadjiev Behzod Umidjanovich - assistant of the Department "Professional education" faculty "Tourism and economy", UrSU named after Al-Khwarizmi, Uzbekistan.

Новый университет

Экономика и право 2016. № 5 (63)

ISSN 2221-7347

In our opinion, all of the above and the results achieved macroeconomic stability will play a special role SBPE. In the results-Tate SBPE comprehensive support, in the years of independence this sector of the economy has become the locomotive of the economy, and today the knitting-Mast is very important, significant role in the development of state and society.

Thanks to the measures SBPE share in GDP increased from 31 percent in 2000 to 56.7 per cent at the moment, or 1.8 times. In this area today produced one third of all industrial and agricultural products 98 percent. It employs more than 77 per cent of the total employed population [1].

The ongoing work in Uzbekistan to improve the business climate is reflected in its positive business environment ratings-governmental international economic organizations. In October 2015 the World Bank published the rating of "Doing Business", where Uzbekistan in just one year has risen by 16 points and took 87 th place. Of particular note is that according to criteria such as "support for new business," Uzbekistan is currently ranked 42 th in the world, to ensure the fulfillment of the concluded contracts - 32 th, on the effectiveness of the bankruptcy system is economically insolvent enterprises -75th. According to the indicator "loans to small businesses," Uzbekistan over the past three years has risen from 154 th to 42 th place, improving only in the past year its ranking by 63 positions. [1]

As noted in the World Bank report, Uzbekistan is currently among the top ten countries in the world that in the last year achieved the best results in improving the business environment for business.

We believe that in an increasingly toughening competi-tion on the world markets becomes fundamental priority improving the competitiveness of the economy of Uzbekistan, strengthening support for exporting enterprises, fully promote the participation in the export SBPE subjects.

As noted by President Islam Karimov ".Imenno is enormous in these areas is still untapped potential. It should be borne in mind that, unlike the industrial exporting enterprises, small businesses and farmers are exempt from the mandatory sale of banks to 50 per cent of foreign exchange earnings from their exports themselves should be interested in promoting their products on the export " [1].

Analyses have shown that it is necessary to critically review the system of benefits provided by the exporters, to take additional measures to further simplify customs procedures, reduce the time of implementation and the reduction of tariffs for carrying out foreign trade operations. Essential to broader introduce the electronic form of registration of all documents and licensing procedures related to the export of products.

In Uzbekistan, created in 2013 under the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activities "Export Support Fund of small business and private entrepreneurship" has a very positive impact small businesses to promote their goods and services to foreign markets. Therefore, in the report of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan devoted to the results of socio-economic development in 2015 emphasizes the need to strengthen the financial capacity of the Fund to expand its powers, functions, and a list of financial services available to them, to create in the regions of its business units.

In Uzbekistan crucial to restore proper order and increasing managerial responsibility and position-governmental law enforcement, regulatory and administrative structures for illegal interference in the business was the adoption of a number of laws and regulations. In particular, introduced the principle of the priority of the rights of entrepreneurs in their relations with government, law enforcement and regulatory authorities.

In more than 40 legal acts amended and supplemented, related to the simplification and facilitation to create and implement-tion of business entities. In particular, the introduction of a new order, according to which a criminal case is not excited and the person shall be released from liability if he has committed a crime provided for in the case of tax evasion and other mandatory payments, but completely compensated caused damage to the state within 30 days after detection of offenses.

The issues of strengthening safeguards and protect the legitimate rights of private owners and entrepreneurs of paramount importance is attached to strengthening the role of the judiciary. The courts have the right to suspend execution of the decision of the supervisory authority, contested by the subject SBPE, for a period of consideration of the relevant claim.

The legislation introduced the rule that only by court order may be the removal of the property businesses in connection with violation of tax and customs legislation, significantly reduced processing times of the complaint.

New university

Economics & Law 2016. № 5 (63)

ISSN 2221-7347

Now check the activities of micro-firms, small businesses and farms will be carried out in a planned manner is not more than once every 4 years, and other economic entities - no more than once in 3 years, and only by a decision of the National Council on coordination of controlling bodies. In this case the duration of the planned inspections of non-financial and economic activity, reduced from 30 to 10 calendar days. It is important to note that these standards are set in relation to private banking and financial institutions.

Strengthen the administrative sanctions for violation of the order of inspections and audits of financial and economic the figure-of businesses by law enforcement and regulatory authorities, violation of the procedure for public services, illegal Held-lished of business entities and transactions on their bank accounts, unreasonable reclamation information on the availability of funds in their accounts, the forced involvement of entre-teley to charity and other activities related to divert-tion of funds, and others. In respect of officers-ating controls, law enforcement and other government agencies, which have repeatedly violated the legislation on protection of freedom of enterprise, entrepreneurial activity, will apply criminal measures of liability. The relevant provisions have already been made to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In 2015, based on a single call center service of JSC "Uzbektelecom" and "helpline" Prosecutor General's Office implemented the system around the clock reception SBPE subjects of complaints concerning undue interference in their activities of government, law enforcement and regulatory authorities, obstruction of business and violation of property rights. Thanks to the introduction of electronic forms of relationships between public authorities and stakeholders SBPE in 2015, 42.8 thousand SBPE entities registered via the Internet on a single portal of interactive public services providing access to 260 different types of interactive services. If in 2013-2014 entrepreneurs and citizens of a little over 102 thousand services were rendered, only for 2015 their number exceeded 420,000. Today, 100 percent of the tax and statistical reports shall electronically via the Internet.

On January 1, 2016 Common centers for the provision of public services entities SBPE on the principle of "one window" started functioning in all regions of the country also introduced a completely new mechanism for connecting SBPE subjects in engineering and communication networks, providing for the transfer of territorial businesses exploitation-tion organizations powers to the implementation of all procedures on a "turnkey" - from the receipt of technical conditions to connect to the engineering and communication networks.

In conclusion we can say that as a result created a favorable-conditions for the creation, management and integrated development SBPE, the sector becomes more very important for the medium and long term prospects of Uzbekistan.


[1] "Our main goal - despite the difficulties, determined to go forward, consistently continuing the ongoing reforms, structural changes in the economy, creating even more opportunities for the development of private property, entrepreneurship and small business," the report of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov at the enlarged meeting of the Cabinet Ministers dedicated to the socioeconomic development in 2015 and the most important priorities of economic program for 2016 // UzA.uz

[2] "All of our aspirations and programs - for the sake of further development of the country and improve the people's welfare," the report of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov at the enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the socio-economic development in 2010 and important priorities of economic program for 2011 // UzA.uz

Новый университет

Экономика и право 2016. № 5 (63)

ISSN 2221-7347

УДК 338.22.021.1

С.К. Салаев, Б.У. Таджиев


В данной статье рассмотрены особенности и опыт всесторонней поддержки малого бизнеса и частного предпринимательства. Приведено оценка международных организаций по социально-экономическому развитию Узбекистана в 2015 году, а также проанализировано состояние деловой среды в республике.

Ключевые слова: малый бизнес и частное предпринимательство (МБЧП), деловая среда, деловой климат, поддержка малого бизнеса.

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