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Аннотация научной статьи по физике, автор научной работы — Sevastyanov G.M.

This paper presents the solutions for the plane-strain extrusion of porous material. We consider the problem of a stationary plastic flow through a wedge shaped die. We neglect friction between the die and the deformed material since it is rather a negative effect and should be avoided in manufacturing. The elliptic Green type yield condition and its piecewise-linear approximation are adopted for this problem. In the last case, we obtain analytical solution that links extrusion pressure and area reduction to the initial and final density of the porous material. For elliptic Green yield condition the problem reduced to nonlinear ODE that integrated numerically. The results are compared with known solution for Gurson model. The extrusion pressure predicted by the piecewise-linear model is lower than what obtained by the elliptic Green model. In turn, the pressure predicted by elliptic Green model is lower than the pressure obtained in the frame of Gurson model. At low values of area reduction, all three models predict approximately the same extrusion pressure. With a small initial porosity of the material, the Gurson model gives results that are close to the elliptic Green model, and with a large initial porosity, to the piecewise-linear Green model.

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Sevastyanov G.M. Plane-Strain Extrusion of a Green Type Porous Plastic Material through a Wedge-Shaped Die // Вестник Пермского национального исследовательского политехнического университета. Механика. - 2022. - № 2. - С. 5-9. DOI: 10.15593/perm.mech/2022.2.01

Sevastyanov G.M. Plane-Strain Extrusion of a Green Type Porous Plastic Material through a Wedge-Shaped Die. PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin, 2022, no. 2, pp. 5-9. DOI: 10.15593/perm.mech/2022.2.01

пермскии политех



Research article

DOI: 10.15593/perm.mech/2022.2.01 UDK 539.374


G.M. Sevastyanov

Institute of Machinery and Metallurgy, Khabarovsk Federal Research Center FEBRAS, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russian Federation



Received: 03 February 2022 Approved: 23 June 2022 Accepted for publication: 08 July 2022


porous solids, plasticity, Green type yield condition, Gurson criterion, plane-strain condition, wedge-shaped die.

This paper presents the solutions for the plane-strain extrusion of porous material. We consider the problem of a stationary plastic flow through a wedge shaped die. We neglect friction between the die and the deformed material since it is rather a negative effect and should be avoided in manufacturing. The elliptic Green type yield condition and its piecewise-linear approximation are adopted for this problem. In the last case, we obtain analytical solution that links extrusion pressure and area reduction to the initial and final density of the porous material. For elliptic Green yield condition the problem reduced to nonlinear ODE that integrated numerically. The results are compared with known solution for Gurson model. The extrusion pressure predicted by the piecewise-linear model is lower than what obtained by the elliptic Green model. In turn, the pressure predicted by elliptic Green model is lower than the pressure obtained in the frame of Gurson model. At low values of area reduction, all three models predict approximately the same extrusion pressure. With a small initial porosity of the material, the Gurson model gives results that are close to the elliptic Green model, and with a large initial porosity, to the piece-wise-linear Green model.


Extrusion is a valuable technological process that has long been used for continuous metal processing as well as in pharmacy and food industry [1-3].

When the die walls are smooth enough and the taper angle is small, a radial flow of the material is realized during extrusion. Plane strain radial plastic flow is one of the classical problems in the theory of plasticity. The first known solution was obtained by Nadai [4], who determined the stress field in an ideal plastic material. The stationary velocity field corresponding to this solution was found by

Hill [5] and, independently, by Sokolovsky [6]. Sokolovsky also found a complete solution to the problem for the material with power-law hardening according to the Hollomon equation. The result of Durban and Budiansky [7] is obtained for linear-hardening material (Ludwik equation). Haddow and Danyluk obtained an elastic-plastic solution of the same problem for non-hardening material in the framework of the Prandtl - Reuss theory [8]. Some other analytical and numerical results can be found in [9-12]. All the mentioned results were obtained for plastically incom-

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)

pressible materials. Plastically compressible (porous) materials can be described by the classical Mohr - Coulomb, Drucker - Prager, or Mises - Schleicher yield conditions. Although the associated plasticity for these yield conditions can leads to known discrepancies between the calculated volumetric strain and the experimental one, they often used to construct the models of complex media on the base of micromechanical solutions [13-15]. More precise yield conditions (for example, Green type models [16] and Gur-son model [17]) are explicitly depend on the relative density (or porosity) of the material. For the Gurson model, an approximate analytical solution (of the first order in porosity) for stationary plane-strain radial plastic flow is known [18]. The Gurson model is also utilized to analyze plane-strain extrusion in [19-21]. Numerical results for the anisotropic model are presented in [22]. For Green type models, a number of results for axisymmetric extrusion were presented [23-25]; also the analytical solution [26; 27] for equal channel angular extrusion can be mentioned.

The present paper provides the solutions to the planestrain problem of a stationary plastic flow through a wedge shaped die (Fig. 1). For the piecewise-linear Green type criterion, an exact analytical solution is obtained. For elliptic Green yield condition the problem reduced to nonlinear ODE that integrated numerically. As in [18; 28], friction between the die and the deformed material is neglected since it is rather a negative effect and should be avoided in manufacturing. The results are compared with solution [18] for Gurson model.


o o o To o U o ►o ° ................

o ° o° O O O ^ o Y 'out


Fig. 1. Plane-strain extrusion through a wedge-shaped die

1. Plane-strain radial flow

The problem with cylindrical symmetry is considered. The radial flow is described by velocity vector v = vrer, vr < 0 . It is assumed that the cylindrical surface r = r0 is a free boundary (see Fig. 1).

The strain rate tensor has the following form


= 2 [(V® v )T + (V® v )]

Öv^ v _ = —-er ® er +—em ® em

9r r r r 9 9

V-(pv) = -dp/dt = 0.

is satisfied, where t is the time, p is the dimensionless density of the porous material (the value p = 1 corresponds to a

d 1 d d porosity-free material), V = er--h e---h ez — is the

dr r d^ dz

Hamiltonian. Hence, for the problem under consideration, it follows that

rpvr = const. From (1) it follows that




' 1+r^p '

p dr



The equilibrium equation r (darr /dr) + arr - a w = 0 with respect to (2) takes the form





a„ - a„

L +1


From (2) it also follows that density distribution obeys the equation

r T ln_ouL = - I




L(p)+1 p


2. Green type elliptic yield criterion

We utilize the elliptic Green yield condition and the associated flow rule

0 = (a/as)2 +(x/is)2 -1 = 0, D = A90/9o.


where functions xs (p) and as (p) are shear and volumetric plastic moduli, respectively; a = tr c/3 is the mean stress, t is the shear stress intensity, x2 = tr c2/2 - tr2 c/6 , c is the (macroscopic) Cauchy stress tensor, A is a scalar plastic multiplier.

From (5) it follows that (see Appendix A)

c D + SI tr D

V2xs VtrD2 +$tr2D ' where I is the unit tensor, & = (as /xs )2 /2 -1/3. Hence



1 - L

4L + 2 XL +1 L + X


>/2x, VI-^ VL2 + 2XL +1 '

For stationary flow, the continuity equation

where X = S(1 + S)_1.

Substituting (6) into (3), one can obtain nonlinear firstorder ODE that determines the function L (p) . Boundary

rr a<P9

Sevastyanov G.M. /BecmnuK nHHnY. Mexanum 2 (2022) 5-9

condition L (pout ) = -^(poMt ) is according to (6) since the

surface r = rout is traction-free, i-e- arr (roUt ) = 0.

With calculated L (p) , formulas (4) and (6) determine density and pressure in the channel.

3. Green type piecewise-linear yield criterion

Under the plane-strain condition, the following piece-wise-linear criterion can be utilized:

O = ( - a3 )/( ) + a + a31/(2a, ) -1 = 0. (7)

Here a1 and a3 are the largest and smallest eigenvalues of the stress tensor, respectively. In the problem under consideration it is reasonable to assume that a1 = arr, a3 = aw, a1 + a3 < 0 and according to (7) the following is obtained

2x„ as

a — x

s s

a „ + x„

a „ + x„


The normality rule associated with (7) leads to the expressions

D = , D ,

rr 2a „ x ' w 2a „ x „

L (p)= Dr- = —1 +

W Dw as +Xs

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and according to (4)

r 1

ln ___

' Pout , ^

in p- + ro^dp

p ; x p



Taking into account the equalities (8) and (9), the equilibrium equation (3) takes the form

5a r


= a„ +a„

and hence

arr =—P jas(p)pr-



Equations (10) and (12) define the pressure distribution in the channel in a parametric form with the parameter pe[pm,pout]. This solution is valid for pin >p, where p*

can be determined from (12) with arr (p* ) = -as (p*) . When pin = p*, the stress state at the inlet of a channel is hydrostatic compression.

4. Results and discussion

The model [29] was utilized to determine the plastic modules:

2 pK = >/3pK

^^/T—P , Xs =V5 — 2p

where K is the shear yield stress of a porosity-free material.

Fig. 2 shows the dimensionless extrusion pressure P/ k , where P = -crr|r , versus area reduction R = 1 - rout/rin

calculated according the obtained solutions for different values of initial density.

Fig. 3 shows the density of the material at the inlet of the channel, required to achieve the specified values of relative density at the outlet of the channel.

For comparison, we write down an approximate solution [18] for the Gurson model

Pn = 1 — (1 — Pout ) ep—a ,


PIk = — 2ln(1 — R) — (2l£))1 — ptn)e_P|—t=== dÇ ,

— 1

a = cosh(>/3/2) , p = cosh ((3/2 — V3ln(1 — R)) .

PI K 1

1,6 1,4

1,2 1,0 0 0,6 0,4 0,2 0

P , = 0,99 / out ' /

Pout= 0,95 №.

- A O C

P out U,OJ








0,5 0,6 R

Fig. 2. Extrusion pressure and area reduction required to achieve the specified values of final density: x - Gurson model (solution [18]), blue line - elliptic Green type model (numerical solution), red line - piecewise-linear Green type model (eqs. (10) and (12)), dash line corresponds to P/к_-2ln(l-R) (incompressible von Mises material)









......* x^^ X. p out = 0,99


X. s\

5 X x x >

X k X k \x

X k X

X k





0,5 0,6 R

Fig. 3. Initial density and area reduction required to achieve the specified values of final density: x - Gurson model (solution [18]), blue line - elliptic Green type model (numerical solution), red line - piecewise-linear Green type model (eq. (10))

It should be noted regarding the elliptic Green model and Gurson model that extrusion pressure depends nonmonotoni-cally on the area reduction R. With R above a certain value, there is a zone near the channel inlet where the pressure increases in the direction of material motion. This effect is pronounced for the Gurson model and is barely noticeable for the elliptical Green model. In addition, for both models, when area reduction is above a certain value, the compaction begins outside the tapered region.

The extrusion pressure predicted by the piecewise-linear model is lower than what obtained by the elliptic Green model. In turn, the pressure predicted by elliptic Green model is lower than what can be calculated by solution [18], obtained in the frame of Gurson model. At low values of area reduction R, all three models predict approximately the same extrusion pressure. With a small initial porosity of the material, the Gurson model gives results that are close to the elliptic Green model, and with a large initial porosity, to the piecewise-linear Green model.

tr D = A




and trc = (3a2 trD)/(2A). Substituting the last expression in (13), we express the stress tensor as

f 2x2 ^2

G = -


v ^ ,

a; tr D x2

—-1 +—D

2A A


and then

g2 = D2


D 2x2 tr D fx[Ï + I tr2 D fx2 a2'



Applying the trace operator to both sides of the last equality, we find

tr g 2 =-


tr D2 +

f M -1 ^

V4x4 - 3

tr2 D

Appendix A. Stress derivation for Green model

and then

For the yield condition

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® = (CT/CT,)2 + (X/X,)2 -1 = 0;

X2 = tr G72 - tr2 g/6, CT = tr g/3

the normality rule leads to the following expression for plastic strain rate tensor [30]

D = A-

9Q = A

"9g = ~9

= A


va2 2xs ,

v 3 a? x? y

9 tr2 G A 9 tr G2

+ -

9g 2x„ 9g

tr G G

-1 + —T


Applying the trace operator to both sides of equality (13), we find

x2 =

trG2 tr2G

2 A2

tr D2 -

tr2 D

Substituting this expression together with (14) into the yield condition, we obtain the following expression for the plastic multiplier

f A^2

= tr D2 +

f 1 ai -1 '

2 x2 3

tr2 D.

Substituting this expression into (15), after some algebra, we have

g = D + SI tr D 1

V2xs Vtr D2 + Str2 D 2

fa V


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Финансирование. Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 20-01-00147. Конфликт интересов. Автор заявляет об отсутствии конфликта интересов.

Financing. This work was supported by RFBR (grant number 20-01-00147). Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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