PLACING A CUSTOM 3D OBJECT IN THE VIRTUAL WORLD ENVIRONMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Ключевые слова
3D virtual worlds / polygonal simplification algorithms / Polyreduction algorithms / virtual 3D object (artifact / internal and external texture) / vAcademia / virtual reality for education

Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Mikhail Morozov Nikolaevich, Nuraliev Fakhriddin Murodullaevich, Hamidov Vakhid Sabirovich, Giyosov Ulugbek Eshpulatovich

This text offers with the design and placing of virtual reality systems. We present a project aiming at integrating immersive virtual reality technologies into a three-dimensional virtual world. We use an educational platform vAcademia as a test bed for the project, and focus on improving the learning process and, subsequently – the outcomes. In addition, Design and geometric models of 3D objects for virtual environments, in particular exterior, interior and characters, and their computer algorithms were developed. Also, we will create our software as a part of the VRML platform interface for a virtual 3D classroom, so college students, can sign in to direction that they may attend in a virtual world. Algorithms have been developed for Mesh type PR (reducing the size of polygons) and Simplify poly (simplifying the number of polygons) that affect 3D objects in a virtual software system without losing quality.

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Journal of Advances in 0 00) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

Engineering Technology Vol.2(2) 2020 & ENGINEERING GEOMETRY

DOI: 10.24412/2181 -1431 -2020-2-3-8

UDC 004.946 ©Morozov M.N., Nuraliev F.M, Hamidov V.S, Giyosov U.E.


Mikhail Morozov Nikolaevich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Informatics and System Programming, Head of the Laboratory of Multimedia Systems, Volga State Technological University, 424006 Yoshkar-Ola, Russia, Nuraliev Fakhriddin Murodullaevich - Doctor of technical sciences, Dean of the television technology, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Amir Temur str. 108, Hamidov Vakhid Sabirovich - Doctor of Physics Sciences, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Amir Temur str. 108, Giyosov Ulugbek Eshpulatovich- postgraduate researcher, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Amir Temur str. 108

Annotation. This text offers with the design and placing of синов майдончаси сифатида фойдаланамиз ва уцув virtual reality systems. We present a project aiming at жараёнида натижаларни яхшилашга эътибор integrating immersive virtual reality technologies into a three- царатамиз. Бундан ташцари, виртуал объектлар, dimensional virtual world. We use an educational platform хусусан ташци куриниши, ички куриниши ва белгилар vAcademia as a test bed for the project, and focus on учун 3Д объектларнинг дизайни ва геометрик improving the learning process and, subsequently - the моделлари, хамда уларнинг компьютер алгоритмлари outcomes. In addition, Design and geometric models of 3D ишлаб чицилган. Бундан ташцари, биз уцувчиларни objects for virtual environments, in particular exterior, interior виртуал дунёда ташриф буюрадиган тизимга and characters, and their computer algorithms were киришлари учун биз узимизнинг дастурий developed. Also, we will create our software as a part of the таъминотимизни виртуал 3Д синф учун VRML(Virtual VRML platform interface for a virtual 3D classroom, so college reality modeling lenguage) платформа интерфейси students, can sign in to direction that they may attend in сифатида яратамиз. Меш типидаги PR (купбурчак a virtual world. Algorithms have been developed for Mesh х,ажмини камайтириш) ва Simplify Poly (купбурчак сонини type PR (reducing the size of polygons) and Simplify poly соддалаштириш) учун алгоритмлар ишлаб чицилган (simplifying the number of polygons) that affect 3D objects in булиб, улар виртуал дастурий таъминот тизимидаги a virtual software system without losing quality. 3Д объектларга сифатини йуцотмасдан таъсир цилади.

Keywords: 3D virtual worlds, polygonal simplification Калит сузлари: Виртуал 3Д борлиц, купбурчак algorithms, Polyreduction algorithms, virtual 3D object соддалаштириш алгоритмлари, полигонларни (artifact, internal and external texture), vAcademia, virtual камайтириш алгоритмлари, виртуал 3Д объектлар reality for education. (артифакт, ички ва ташци текстуралар), вАсадемиа,

Аннотация. Этот текст предлагает с дизайном и таълим учун виртуал борлиц. размещением систем виртуальной реальности. Мы

представляем проект, направленный на интеграцию Introduction. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

технологий иммерсивной виртуальной реальности в

трехмерный виртуальный мир. Мы используем are not new technologies. But several constraints образовательную платформу vAcademia в качестве Prevented their actual ad°ption. Recent technol°gical испытательной площадки для проекта и делаем упор на progresses added to the proliferation of affordable улучшение процесса обучения и, как следствие, на hardware and software have made AR and VR more результаты. Кроме того были разработаны viable and desirable in many domains, including

Дизайнерские и геометрические модели ^-объектов education; they have been relaunched with new

для виртуальных сред, в частности экстерьера,

интерьера и персонаж.эй, а также их компьютерные previously unimaginable. The nature of AR

алгоритмы. Кроме того, мы создадим наше and VR promises new teaching and learning model that

программное обеспечение как часть интерфейса better meet the needs of the 21st century learner.

платформы VRML для виртуального 3D-класса, чтобы Three-dimensional Virtual Worlds(VW) provide both

студенты колледжа могли войти в систему, которую opportunities and challenges for education, and many

они могут посещать в виртуальном мире. Были topics in this area need further research[1,2]. Despite

разработаны алгоритмы для Mesh fype PR (уменьшение the repeated positive conclusions, 3D VWs have not размера полигонов) и Simplify poly (упрощение . ■ J ^ _ixi-x

количества полигонов), которые вшяют на 3D- become widely used, and researchers often report that

объекты в виртуальной программной системе без their studies have experimental nature. The most

потери качества. common problems with applying 3D VWs in the

Ключевые слова: виртуальные 3D-миры, алгоритмы everyday teaching are steep learning curve and

полигонального упрощения, алгоритмы полисредукции, demand for computational and network resources [3].

виртуальный ^-объект (артефакт внутренняя и as stated in recent surveys, the use of these внешняя текстуры), vAcademia, виртуальная

technologies as learning environments is a new

реальность для образования.

Аннотация. Ушбу матн виртуал хацицат тизимларини emerging trend and sti" under development [4]. While лойих,алаштириш ва жойлаштиришни таклиф цилади. the computers and networks are constantly improving, Биз диццатни жалб циладиган виртуал хацицат the 3D VWs also require significant improvement to технологияларини уч улчовли виртуал дунёга make them more convenient for educators and to deal интеграциялашга царатилган лойихани тацдим этамиз. ^^

Биз вАсадемиа таълим платформасидан лойиханинг

with the steep learning curve. These facts motivate further research in the area.

The general motivation for designing the vAcademia-Kinect prototype is providing users of the 3D VW with a possibility to control their avatars with natural gestures. Our specific motivation for designing this system lies in making the teachers able to conduct regular lectures and presentations in the physical and in the virtual world at the same time, controlling their avatars with natural gestures.

We use two available technologies to implement the proposed system, Kinect and vAcademia. Kinect is used for capturing the movement of a lecturer (Fig. 1), while vAcademia is used for creating and recording the virtual replica of a lecture (Fig. 2). The third component of the system is a software plugin for vAcademia that translates the motion data from Kinect, the sound, and the contents of the whiteboard into the 3D VW.

Such a hybrid experience can be captured using the virtual recording feature of vAcademia. Several techniques are used by educators for getting content out of traditional classes, such as video recording of face-to-face lectures and recording of web conferences.

Fig. 1. Lecture capturing process in Real world

These methods allow creating cheap educational content for asynchronous learning. 3D VWs are also used for generating such content, but learning activities are usually recorded as 'flat' 2D video, which eliminates many advantages of 3D VWs, such as sense of presence. [4]

The principles of creating an interactive virtual learning environment are as follows:

Implement learning content as if students were participating in a normal natural learning environment;

Encourage effective participation. Here you can see all the participants, the presentation file, information about the session; There will be an opportunity to implement the lesson through various learning scenarios and serious games. Office and learning environment modeling;

❖ Diversity of teaching aids. It includes presentations, a webcam, a file sharing app, and voting systems.

❖ Support for student group status;

Today, a number of systems for evaluating virtual education in foreign countries (Codeingame.com, vAcademia.com, fun-mooc.fr, rwaq.com, VirBela.org etc.)

Fig. 2. Lecture streaming process in virtual world

Main part. Virtual worlds as learning environments

• Three-dimensional representation of learners and objects

• Interaction in simulated contexts

• Sense of presence

• Variety of tools

• Low cost and high safety

Virtual objects (artifacts)

What is possible only in Virtually: S You can simulate the environment S You can simulate events S You can simulate joint actions

Further training or retraining of teachers involved in virtual learning can be achieved by increasing the level of their training. To solve these problems, it is necessary, first of all, to revise the existing regulatory legal acts on virtual education and develop standards and rules necessary for the implementation of virtual education. Also, it is necessary to analyze the current technical condition of existing computer networks, increase their speed and take measures to strengthen their material and technical base. 3D Auditorium-Trainers who address in the 3D Auditorium will have the option to stack explicit introductions from VLE and even transfer slides. Homeroom/Meeting Room-These rooms can be utilized as a gathering territory for venture accomplices, or as a study hall for a little gathering of understudies. We will

survey the model of the college, a few understudies pick their subject over the span of the learning plan. Presently understudies can encounter the themes they are learning. The utilization of augmented reality innovation has been appeared to build understudy cooperation and consideration, while vivid and intelligent situations urge understudies to become dynamic students. Adaptive Social learning

Collaborative lessons

Real-time changes to optimize learning

Cognitive load theory:

• Reduce destruction

• Emphasize effort on learning not just doing

• Learning is enhanced by pointer & guided exercise

Worked example and 'faded example' are better than full problem solving

and SketchUp format are 3DwareHouse library.[4]

presented in the Google

Fig. 3. Educational Virtual World Educational activities

> Problem based learning

> Enquiry based learning

> Game based learning

> Role playing

> Virtual Quests

> Collaborative Simulations(learn by simulation)

> Collaborative construction(building activities)

> Design course(internal and external artifact, game fashion architectural)

> Virtual laboratories

> Virtual field work Customizing objects in the Virtual World Currently supported models are Collada, 3DS, OBJ, SketchUp (SKP). Without installing additional plugins, you can export 3D models from 3dsmax, Maya, Blender to 3DS and OBJ format. Export from 3dsmax and Maya to Collada format can be done through the ColladaMax and ColladaMaya plugins, respectively. Blender exports models in Collada format without installing additional plugins with numerous simplifications and errors. A more accurate export to Collada can be achieved by installing plugins, for example the Collada Plug-in from Illusoft. A large number of free 3D models in Collada

Fig. 4. Ready 3D model in the web site( https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/)

If the 3D model is only in SketchUp format (* .SKP), conversion from this format to Collada is possible. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Install Google SketchUp (this is a free editor, available for free download from the Internet).

2. Open the SKP file in SketchUp (File ^ Open).

3. Export the model to Collada format (File ^ Export ^ 3D-model ^ Collada file (* .dae).

4. SketchUp will export the 3d model into a set of files -a 3d model DAE file and several textures (PNG, JPG, etc). You must zip all of these files into one zip archive (folder structure doesn't matter).

5. You can use this archive to upload to the Resource Collection.

6. If the loaded model does not have textures, you can load a file in the dae format directly into the Resource Collection.

3D models in 3DS and OBJ format can be downloaded from a large number of online model libraries, for example, http://www.all3dmodel.com or purchased a collection of models on disk. Note that a model without textures is often provided for download (no texture files). In this case, the model will be displayed in gray. The 3D model loaded into the collection of resources must contain no more than 50,000 polygons and no more than 12 textures. In total, custom objects within one location must have no more than 50,000 polygons, the number of objects does not matter. Polygon counting does not include nestable non-user objects from the vAcademia Object Gallery. Placing objects is also available in a special location "My home". Custom objects placed in it must contain no more than 100,000 polygons in total. Placing custom 3D models is possible inside temporary locations and locations in designated activities. In spontaneous, unplanned activities, you cannot place custom 3D objects.


To place your 3D model in the world, first convert it to Collada, 3DS, OBJ or SKP format and zip it together with textures. If the 3D model has no textures, you can load the dae file (or 3ds file, obj file, SKP file) of the model directly instead of an archive.

1. Placing a custom 3D object in the vAcademia virtual world

2. 1. Make a 3D model in 3dsmax. Export (File -> Export) the model to 3DS format. Transfer the 3DS file and the desired textures to a separate folder. Zip all files (both model and textures).

3. In vAcademia, open the resource collection.


Файлы и палки <£)

Создать папку $ Создать ссылку

Загрузки Ç)

О Загрузить файл

Fig. 5. Select "Upload File".

4. Select your file and wait for the download to finish. If the download was successful, the following window will appear.

Загрузка модели

I— Выберите превью-картинку для модели:

Была успешно загружена модель: stul

■ Параметры модели —

Максимальный из размеров: Тип коллизии:


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0 Отбрасывать тени

| Сохранить |

Fig. 6. Enter the primary size (for example, 80 cm) and click the "Save"

Polygon reduction algorithms aren't the only way to create a model with fewer faces. Artists will always be able to do a better job of representing a model using fewer polygons than any reduction algorithm. Polygonal simplification techniques offer one solution for

developers grappling with complex models. These methods simplify the polygonal geometry of small, distant, or otherwise unimportant portions of the model, seeking to reduce the rendering cost without a significant loss in the scene's visual content. This is at once a very

current and a very old idea in computer graphics. As early as 1976, James Clark described the benefits of representing objects within a scene at several resolutions,1

and flight simulators have long used hand-crafted multi resolution airplane models to guarantee a constant frame rate. Recently, a flurry of research has targeted generating such models automatically. If you're considering using polygonal simplification to speed up your 3D application, this article should help you choose among the bewildering array of published algorithms.[8]

triangles triangles

triangles triangles

Fig. 7. Managing model complexity by varying the level of detail used for rendering small or distant objects. Polygonal simplification can create multiple levels of detail such as these.

(a) (b)

Fig. 7. (a) Atop-down depiction of an ordinary classroom is shown, in which a teacher can look directly at one student. (b) In a

VR classroom, the teacher could be looking at each student simultaneously, at least from the perspective of each student.

This is physically impossible in the real world, but it is easy to make in VR because each student could see a different version of the virtual world. Of course, the students

might reason that the teacher could not possibly be paying attention to all of

them, but the chance that she might be watching could have a significant effect

on learning outcomes. The classroom could also appear to have a small number of students, while in reality thousands of students are in attendance Constructive Solid Geometry allows the construction of complex 3D graphical shapes using:

4- Object selection -the user can point at objects and select them, placing them into one of several clipboards.

i- Object transform-perform translate, rotate, and

scale operations, in a variety of different ways. i- Create primitives - 3D primitives can be created in the virtual world, from infinite planes as the simplest, to complex graphical models such as a water heater. 4- Combine primitives - previously constructed and manipulated primitives may be combined together using Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) operations to produce higher level graphical objects.

Implication of 3d modeling by software and experimental result

IntelligentBox is a constructive visual software development system for interactive 3D graphic applications. With IntelligentBox system, it is possible to construct 3D graphic applications such as Virtual Reality Applications by means of combining individually existing 3D primitive components through direct manipulations on a computer screen. IntelligentBox provides reactive 3D visual software components called Boxes.

Each Box has a unique function and a 3D visible shape. It is possible to construct composite complex (intelligent) Boxes by composing an individually existing Box with another Box to combine their functionalities through direct manipulations on a computer screen. In IntelligentBox, this construction process is regarded as a construction process of 3D graphics applications.[6]

Fig. 8. (a) After Simplifying 3D Tradeshow stand model, (b) Another 3D Tradeshow stand model 2, (c) Full view of Pavilion 2

Acknowledgements. We thank Dr.Mixail Morozov for his encouragement and help in this work. The work has been partially supported by the Department of Informatics and System Programming, Head of the Laboratory of Multimedia Systems, Volga State Technological University.

Conclusion. The educational programs helped to shift the official language theme from classroom to computer classroom, which made the learning process fun and enjoyable for students and facilitated the teacher to complete the assessment. The use of virtual reality technologies can increase students' interest and attention, while the immersive and interactive environment encourages students to become active students. "Tell me and I will forget; Show me and I may remember; Involve me and I will understand"[7]


[1] Burkle M., Kinshuk (2009) Learning in Virtual Worlds: The Challenges and Opportunities. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on CyberWorlds (CW), Bradford, UK, September 7-11

[2] Kluge S., Riley E.: Teaching in Virtual Worlds: Opportunities and Challenges. The Journal of Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology 5 (1):127-135, (2008)

[3] Kumar S., Chhugani J., Kim C., Kim D., Nguyen A., Dubey P., Bienia C., Kim Y.: Second Life and the New Generation of Virtual Worlds. Computer 41 (9):46-53, (2008)

[4] Mikhail Fominykha, Ekaterina Prasolova-F0rland, Mikhail Morozov, Andrey Smorkalov , Judith MolkaDanielsen, Increasing Immersivenss into a 3D Virtual World: Motion-Tracking and Natural Navigation in vAcademia, 20 13 International Conference on Applied Computing, Computer Science, and Computer Engineering, sciencedirect.com

[5] Yoshihiro Okada, Taiki Ura : IntelligentBox for Web-Based VR Applications (WebIBVR) and Its Collaborative Virtual Environments, Proc. of 8th International Conference on Emerging Internet, Data & Web Technologies (EIDWT 2020), Vj

Springer(Advances in Internet, Data and Web Technologies, Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies 47), pp. 503515, Feb. 2020.

[6] Yoshihiro Okada : Web Version of IntelligentBox (WebIB) and Its Extension for Web-Based VR Applications - WebIBVR, Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA-2019), Springer, LNNS 97, pp. 303-314, Oct. 2019.

[7] Nuraliev F.M., Giyosov U.E,( 2019), „Integration of virtual reality and 3D modeling use of environments in education', International Conference On Information Science And Communications Technologies ICISCT 2019 Applications, Trends

And Opportunities, 4-6 November 2019,Tashkent Uzbekistan,

https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/ 8982113/proceeding

[8] David P. Luebke, University of Virginia, A Developer's Survey of Polygonal Simplification Algorithms, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~luebke.

[9] Rosario, Octavio P. Martins, 3D and VR models in civil engineering education: construction, rehabilitation and maintenance,Automation Construction 19 (7) (2010) 819-828, https://doi. org/10.1016/j.autcon.2010.05.006

[10] Marschner Steve, Shirley Peter. Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Fourth Edition, Cornell University with,2016

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