PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (THE COOPER TEST) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Ivanov Valentin Dmitrievich

This article addresses the need to increase the physical activity of the country's population in order to develop a healthy generation, where one of the key factors is the general physical endurance of man. According to a social survey conducted by the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Research, in 2018, 60 % of Russians periodically go in for sports, with 38 % of them being a group of people who do at least several times a week. In terms of gender, women are more likely than men to engage in comprehensive physical training (32 % vs. 13 % respectively). The author reveals the main indicators that determine the physical and physiological performance of man. The conclusions present effective methods of applying the Cooper Test to improve the endurance of athletes in various sports disciplines.

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Ivanov V.D.

Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia.ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2952-3222. Author ID: https://elibrary.ru/author_counter_click.asp?id=229821. E-mail: vdy-55@mail.ru

Annotation. This article addresses the need to increase the physical activity of the country's population in order to develop a healthy generation, where one of the key factors is the general physical endurance of man. According to a social survey conducted by the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Research, in 2018, 60 % of Russians periodically go in for sports, with 38 % of them being a group of people who do at least several times a week. In terms of gender, women are more likely than men to engage in comprehensive physical training (32 % vs. 13 % respectively). The author reveals the main indicators that determine the physical and physiological performance of man. The conclusions present effective methods of applying the Cooper Test to improve the endurance of athletes in various sports disciplines.

Keywords: endurance; maximum oxygen consumption; aerobic performance; anaerobic performance; oxygen debt; athlete.

Topicality. In our country, more and more attention is paid to the sphere of sport and physical culture, mass sports events are held: tournaments, university games and mass races. The Government is taking the necessary measures to develop sports infrastructure and supply material and technical base in federal sports centres. Despite the efforts made, one of the main problems of the modern society today is the low health condition of the population, which leads to the reduction of physical efficiency and low life expectancy in our country. According to studies, only 10% of young people have a normal level of health and this figure is deteriorating every year.

The main purpose and objectives of the study is to evaluate the physical performance of human beings using the Cooper test. In

accordance with the objective of the study, the following objectives are pursued:

- to determine a person's physical abilities, taking into account their individual physiological characteristics;

- determine the level of physical activity on a person depending on age group and body development;

- to establish a relationship between the MOC and the athletes' performance.

Results of the research and their discussion. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that a person's physical performance depends on energy reserves and the rate of their recovery [1; 2]. There are 3 types of sources for energy recovery in the body.

1. Aerobic physical performance - the ability of a person to perform iterative physical work for a long period of time, where a significant acceleration of oxidative

processes in the body is required, resulting in a high level of oxygen consumption for ener-energy recovery [7]. High MOC value is observed in marathon runners, ski racers reach 5-6 l/min or 82.0 ml/kg. /min. In untrained people, the figure is 2.80 l/min (49 ml/kg/min) for women and 4.0 l/min (57 ml/kg/min) for men.

2. Anaerobic physical performance - the ability of a person in a short period of time to perform physical work with maximum muscle contraction, which requires the body to maximize the stress of anaerobic processes for energy production. Evaluation of the anaerobic process (energy saving) in physical work is carried out by the amount of oxygen consumed at rest (oxygen debt) after exercise. In addition, the level of lactic acid in the blood is tested by blood analysis from the finger, this figure can reach 26 mmol [7].

3. Mixed type of physical performance -the ability of a person to perform work for a long period of time with the maximum limit of physical activity, in the process of which the volume of oxygen supply to the muscles increases, resulting in an increase in the level of oxygen debt in the body. And the oxygen debt, in turn, provides recovery of energy used during operation and eliminates lactic acid.

In the study of human physical endurance widely used two terms: general physical performance and special physical performance:

- general physical performance is the level of development and functioning of biological systems in the body (maximum oxygen consumption, digestive and excretion systems);

- Special physical performance determines the level of development of human physical qualities (strength, speed, agility, endurance and flexibility) [9].

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the level of physical endurance of a person is influenced by many factors, such as: sex, age, health, physical development of the body, motor activity and others [4; 5].

The overall assessment of an Athlete's level of physical fitness shall be based on the results of the completed tests, strength, endurance, flexibility, etc.

The Cooper Test is unique and is a set of tests to determine the physical fitness of the human body by performing 12-minute exercises, such as running a maximum distance. If a test taker is unable to continue running the test, he may walk at different intensities depending on his physical condition. An important condition of this test is to take into account the age characteristics of the test subject in order to evaluate the test results. The test focuses on aerobic loads, the intensity of which requires the body to use oxygen in large quantities. The body of people who do not exercise cannot replenish oxygen quickly and in sufficient quantities [3]. As a result, such people quickly become tired, their heart rate increases, and they suffer from shortness of breath with a slight increase in movement rate.

Originally, this test was developed by American Dr. Kenneth Cooper in 1968 and was intended for training soldiers in the United States. Currently, the Cooper test is widely used in various sports disciplines and the most popular tests are those for running, swimming and cycling.

In table 1. provides an assessment of physical endurance on the Cooper's 12-minute running test, and it is not recommended to use this test to assess unprepared people over 35 years of age.

As can be seen from the table, male athletes should run 3000 m between 17 and 20 years of age and this result is the highest compared to other age groups. So at the age of over 50 years this result should be equal to 2400 m. It follows that the required result decreases in proportion to the age of men. On the contrary, the established kilometrage of women within the presented age categories grows: at the age of 17-20 years it is necessary to run 2300 m, and at the age of 2029 years - 2700 m. For women aged 20-29 years is characterized by increased work capacity of the body.

If you compare the Cooper's rating with that of famous runners, the perfect result will belong to the Ethiopian runner Kenesis Bekele, who set a world record in the 5000 m race in 2004. He travelled this distance in 12 minutes and 37 seconds.

Table 1

Physical fitness assessment on the Cooper's 12-minute running test

Age Sex Excellent Good Normal Bad Very bad

13-14 M 2077+ m 2400-2700m 2200-2399 m 2100-2199m 2100-m

F 2000+ m 1900-2000m 1600-1899m 1500-1599m 1500-m

15-16 M 2800+m 2500-2800m 2300-2499m 2200-2299m 2200-m

F 2100+m 2000-2100m 1700-1999m 1600-1699m 1600-m

17-20 M 3000+m 2700-3000m 2500-2699m 2300-2499m 2300-m

F 2300+m 2100-2300m 1800-2099m 1700-1799m 1700-m

20-29 M 2800+m 2400-2800m 2200-2399m 1600-2199m 1600-m

F 2700+m 2200-2700m 1800-2199m 1500-1799m 1500-m

30-39 M 2700+m 2300-2700m 1900-2299m 1500-1899m 1500-m

F 2500+m 2000-2500m 1700-1999m 1400-1699m 1400-m

40-49 M 2500+m 2100-2500m 1700-2099m 1400-1699m 1400-m

F 2300+m 1900-2300m 1500-1899m 1200-1499m 1200-m

50+ M 2400+m 2000-2400m 1600-1999m 1400-1599m 1300-m

F 2200+m 1700-2200m 1400-1699m 1100-1399m 1100-m

Also, the Cooper Running Test result is effectively used to determine the IPC level (maximum oxygen consumption) of a person, which is calculated using the following formula:



-—^ = distance (m) - 50545


The direct connection between the MOC value and the test subject's result is shown in Fig. 1.


The higher MOC level, the faster the blood circula-c_>

The faster the blood enters the heart, the more nutrients enter th

Muscles work better and the athlete can overcome a

1 1 • i

long distance

Pic. 1. MOC link and Athlete's Outcome Table 2 below shows the average MOC value for women aged 18-25 years as being above 56 ml/min for excellent results. The average result is 34/41 ml/min and the worst is less than 28 ml/min. All values of the IPC indicator are divided by the age criteria of the subjects.

Table 2

Average MOC women's rate


Level of the MOC 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 65+

Excellent >56 >52 >45 >40 >37 >32

Good 47-56 45-52 38-45 34-40 32-37 28-32

Above the average 42-46 39-44 34-37 31-33 28-31 25-27

Moderate 38-41 35-38 31-33 28-30 25-27 22-24

Below the average 33-37 31-34 27-30 25-27 22-24 19-22

Low 28-32 26-30 22-26 20-24 18-21 17-18

Poor <28 <26 <22 <20 <18 <17

Similar to the MOC indicator for women, the MOC indicator for men decreases with increasing age of the person, while at the age of 18-25 the best result is more than 60 ml/min, after 45 years this indicator exceeds 45 ml/min, a 15 % decrease.

Table 3

Average MOC men's ratio


Level of the MOC 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 65+

Excellent >60 >56 >51 >45 >41 >37

Good 52-60 49-56 43-51 39-45 36-41 33-37

Above the average 47-51 43-48 39-42 35-38 32-35 29-32

Moderate 42-46 40-42 35-38 32-35 30-31 26-28

Below the average 37-41 35-39 31-34 29-31 26-29 22-25

Low 30-36 30-34 26-30 25-28 22-25 20-21

Poor <30 <30 <26 <25 <22 <20

When comparing the value of maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) it is necessary to take into account the body weight, age of the participant, gender, physiological and physical features of the body.

In order to increase endurance, it is proposed to take into account the following factors in addition to the cyclicality of exercises:

1) the intensity of the exercise (movement speed);

2) the duration of the exercise;

3) duration of rest intervals;

4) form of rest (active/passive rest);

5) periodicity and number of repetitions.

Conclusions. As a result of the analysis,

the author concludes that a person's endurance depends on the ability of his body to compensate for energy (physiological and physical characteristics). Application of the Cooper Test in sports disciplines allows to determine the aerobic performance of an athlete, student, etc., on the basis of which it is possible to select effective and efficient

methods to improve the physical endurance of the person for sports and medical purposes [4].

Thus, introduction into practice of modern tests to assess the functional state of the body and the use of effective preventive training programs will improve the physical condition of athletes and residents of our country. However, exercising does not always promote health, for example, heavy physical labor with varying degrees of exercise (using force components) not only worsens health, but also contributes to the development of cardiovascular disease. In this regard, nowadays, the health effects of sports are associated with the stamina and the value of maximum oxygen consumption.

Besides, according to the Cooper's test, many Russian specialists noted a correlation of athletes' playing activity with an increase in the total aerobic performance [2]. Therefore, physical education should contribute to the preservation and promotion of human health.


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7. Seluyanov V.N., Myakinchenko E.B., Holodnyak D.B., Obuhov S.M. Fiziologicheskie mehanizmyi i metodyi opredeleniya aerobnogo i anaerobnogo porogov [Physiological mechanisms and methods for determining aerobic and anaerobic thresholds]. Teoriya i praktika fiz. kulturyi [Theory and practice of Physics. cultures]. 1991, no. 10, pp. 10-18. (In Russ.).

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Для цитирования: Ivanov V.D. Physical performance evaluation (The Cooper test) / V.D. Ivanov // Актуальные проблемы педагогики и психологии. 2021. Т. 2, № 3. С. 20-25.

Information about the author Valentin Dmitrievich Ivanov

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Sports.Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia. ORCID ID: https://orcid. org/0000-0002-2952-3222. Author ID:

https://elibrary.ru/authorcounterclick.asp?id=229821. E-mail: vdy-55@mail.ru

ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY 2021. vol. 2, no. 3. pp. 20-25.


Челябинский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия. vdy-55@mail.ru

Аннотация. Настоящая статья затрагивает необходимость повышения физической активности населения страны для развития здорового поколения, где одним из ключевых факторов играет общая физическая выносливость человека. По данным социального опроса, проведенного Всероссийским центром изучения общественного мнения, в 2018 году 60 % россиян периодически занимаются спортом, при этом, 38 % составляет группа людей, занимающаяся не реже, чем несколько раз в неделю. В разрезе гендерной принадлежности, комплексной физической культурой чаще занимаются женщины, чем мужчины (32% против 13 % соответственно). Автором раскрыты основные показатели, определяющие физическую и физиологическую работоспособность человека. В заключениях представлены эффективные методы применения теста Купера для повышения выносливости спортсменов в различных спортивных дисциплинах.

Ключевые слова: выносливость; максимальное потребление кислорода; аэробная производительность; анаэробная производительность; кислородный долг; спортсмен.

Список литературы

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9. Холодов, Ж.К. Теория и методика физического воспитания и спорта / Ж.К. Холодов, В.С. Кузнецов. М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2003. 480 с.

Сведения об авторе Иванов Валентин Дмитриевич

Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры физического воспитания и спорта. Челябинский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия. ORCID ID: https://orcid. org/0000-0002-2952-3222. Author ID:

https://elibrary.ru/authorcounterclick.asp?id=229821. E-mail: vdy-55@mail.ru

Поступила в редакцию 20.02.2021. Прошла рецензирование и рекомендована к опубликованию 15.03.2021.

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