Научная статья на тему 'Physical nature of blood motion at the levels of micro- and macroworld matter compaction'

Physical nature of blood motion at the levels of micro- and macroworld matter compaction Текст научной статьи по специальности «Физика»

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Ключевые слова
blood motion / vortex jet-axial implosion rotation / electrolyte / magnetic field / electric field / nonworking motion / движение крови / вихревое струйно-осевое имплозионное вращение / электролит / магнитное поле / электрическое поле / нерабочее движение / силы Лоренца

Аннотация научной статьи по физике, автор научной работы — Sidorov Evgenii Pavlovich

the paper considers the concept of blood motion in the blood vessel systems due to the energy of blood brought into a vortex jet-axial implosion rotation excited by the Earth gravielectromagnetic energy deposition. The magnetohydrodynamic effect of occurrence of electric field and electric current in a magnetic field is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, i.e. the occurrence of an electric current in an electrolyte flow crossing the magnetic field lines (blood is comparable to salt water in regard to salt saturation). The rotation of water is induced by the ion motion of the electrolyte (blood) electric current. The ions moving in the Earth’s magnetic field are affected by the Lorentz force that twists their trajectory into a spiral and excites the spiral-axis vortex rotation of the blood stream.

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в статье рассматривается концепция транспортировки крови в системах кровеносных сосудов силами внутренней энергии крови, приведенной в вихревое струйно-осевое имплозионное вращение, которое возбуждается гравиэлектромагнитным энергетическим воздействием планеты Земля. Магнитогидродинамический эффект возникновения электрического поля и электрического тока в магнитном поле крови основан на явлении электромагнитной индукции, то есть возникновение электрического тока в потоке электролита, пересекающем силовые линии магнитного поля (кровь, по насыщению солями, сравнима с морской водой). Вращение воды (крови) наводится движением ионов электрического тока электролита. На движущиеся в магнитном поле Земли ионы действует сила Лоренца, которая закручивает их траекторию в спираль и возбуждает спирально-осевое вихревое вращение потока крови.

Текст научной работы на тему «Physical nature of blood motion at the levels of micro- and macroworld matter compaction»



Sidorov Evgenii Pavlovich - Deputy Director for scientific and technical Work, NPO AGROSTROYSERVIS, DZERZHINSK

Abstract: the paper considers the concept of blood motion in the blood vessel systems due to the energy of blood brought into a vortex jet-axial implosion rotation excited by the Earth gravielectromagnetic energy deposition. The magnetohydrodynamic effect of occurrence of electric field and electric current in a magnetic field is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, i.e. the occurrence of an electric current in an electrolyte flow crossing the magnetic field lines (blood is comparable to salt water in regard to salt saturation). The rotation of water is induced by the ion motion of the electrolyte (blood) electric current. The ions moving in the Earth's magnetic field are affected by the Lorentz force that twists their trajectory into a spiral and excites the spiral-axis vortex rotation of the blood stream.

Keywords: blood motion, vortex jet-axial implosion rotation, electrolyte, magnetic field, electric field, nonworking motion.


Сидоров Евгений Павлович - заместитель директора по научной работе, НПО Агростройсервис, г. Дзержинск

Аннотация: в статье рассматривается концепция транспортировки крови в системах кровеносных сосудов силами внутренней энергии крови, приведенной в вихревое струйно-осевое имплозионное вращение, которое возбуждается гравиэлектромагнитным энергетическим воздействием планеты Земля. Магнитогидродинамический эффект возникновения электрического поля и электрического тока в магнитном поле крови основан на явлении электромагнитной индукции, то есть возникновение электрического тока в потоке электролита, пересекающем силовые линии магнитного поля (кровь, по насыщению солями, сравнима с морской водой). Вращение воды (крови) наводится движением ионов электрического тока электролита. На движущиеся в магнитном поле Земли ионы действует сила Лоренца, которая закручивает их траекторию в спираль и возбуждает спирально-осевое вихревое вращение потока крови.

Ключевые слова: движение крови, вихревое струйно-осевое имплозионное вращение, электролит, магнитное поле, электрическое поле, нерабочее движение, силы Лоренца.

In the constantly changing natural world, there are no absolute laws and dogmas, there are only various energy

interactions that determine the fate of the whole existence.

Viktor Schauberger

Classic hemodynamics does not describe in full the mechanisms of blood transport in the cardiovascular system. Scientists working in physiology advanced a hypothesis of spiral (double roll) blood motion in the cardiovascular system.

Russian scientists, R.I. Kirsanov and V.P. Kulikov conducted studies and recorded the phenomena of spiral blood motion in the major arteries of healthy people. The studies showed that the spiral blood motion is a particular case of swirling motion of an ideal fluid.

Let us consider the physical principles of such spiral blood motion and the reason for initiating this motion. All blood vessels are closed blood transport systems of tubular, circular section. Spiral fluid motion is a motion at which the vortex lines at all their points coincide with the lines of the fluid flow. Each fluid particle not only moves progressively along its path, but also rotates about the axis tangent to this path at the particle position. In addition to the above, the motion of the whole mass motion is initiated due to the shift of successive fluid layers relative to each other. In other words, the flow rotation around its longitudinal axis and axial motion simultaneously occur. The kinetic energy of the flow rotation around its longitudinal axis is exactly equal to the kinetic energy of the longitudinal flow. Therefore, the linear rotation velocities of the flow and its longitudinal motion are the same. The spiral fluid motion is due to the particles' energy change over

time which occurs when they participate in one of the types of rotational motion in the vortex spiral flow. A constant change in the boundary conditions of the fluid flow occurs in blood transport systems, blood vessels. These are various obstacles or boundary surfaces, etc. In the straight sense, the fluid has to start wriggling and twisting in spirals forming cores and rollers along which the stream rolls along the boundary surfaces. It is a natural mechanism of flow transformation at changing external conditions, realized by the spiral motion. The reason for any fluid motion is inequality of pressure on its boundary surfaces. This pressure inequality is a water driving force aimed at decreasing the pressure. The dualism of the rotational movements of the left-hand and right-hand directions or the peripheral free vortex and the central (axial) forced vortex is manifested in a spiral water vortex and therefore the water passes along two different paths. Peripheral water masses - along a centrifugal path (the water is pressed by the centrifugal force against the walls), and the central flow has a centripetal path and represents a single central spiral flow. During centripetal spiral rotation of water in the pipe, the water flows move to a point on the water mass axis while the speed increases and the flow accelerates. The pressure at this point decreases proportionally to the flow acceleration. In other words, an additional pressure gradient occurs increasing towards the center due to the discharge in the central part of the pipe towards the motion axis. The vacuum level, and, accordingly, the flow rate will be determined by the linear rate of water spiral motion, the spiral length, and the inner diameter of the pipe. This regular pattern is clearly observed when analyzing the parameters of blood motion through the vessels. However, it should be noted that this process will remain only for as long as the external initiation of fluid rotation occurs. During centrifugal spiral rotation, the flow centrifugal force or inertial force occurs which affects the state of the liquid in the potential field of gravity perpendicular to it by increasing the potential energy at the wall and, accordingly, reducing the pressure at the pipe axis. During dynamic fluid rotation, the axial circulation is a self-sustaining non-working process. In the process of spiral vortex rotation of the fluid flow, a periodic conversion of one type of energy to another one occurs. Non-working process is a state where the initial energy of the fluid motion is preserved. And the flow finds the energy for this. Axial circulation is a mechanism that ensures the constancy of the matter energy at deformation or a reaction to the changes in the external environmental conditions. We deal with the case when the energy of the fluid motion is generated by the deformation inside the flow due to a change the in field potentials - a decrease in the axial pressure and an increase near the pipe wall. The difference between the values of the centripetal and the centrifugal forces in the vortex determines its intention to make up for the energy loss due to the force release in the direction of the spiral flow motion. And this intention is realized in maintaining the linear flow rate due to exceeding the centripetal force over the centrifugal force and, at the same time, it allows the vortex to obtain energy inside the water flow. This comes at the expense of maintaining the energy potential of water molecules during the exchange of the chemically-fixed energies of oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Considering that water has a dipole molecular structure with a plus in the hydrogen zone and a minus in the oxygen zone, during the vortex motion, the concentration of pluses in the vacuum zone and minuses in the zone of maximum water pressure near the pipe inner surface occurs. Dipoles line up in strict orientation radially over the entire inner surface and the centrifugal part of the flow. As a result of such a motion, the molecular bond strains up and starts to interact with the vacuum which was formed due to the difference in the power potentials of the centripetal and centrifugal motion fields. When the molecular structure of water is extended, a change in the angular structure, i.e. a decrease in the angle of 104.5 degrees occurs. As a result, the isosceles triangle of the interaction of oxygen bonds with two hydrogen atoms expands straining the bonds of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. When the molecule is stretched, energy flows from the vacuum to the pressure zone. Thus, in a state of constant bond extension, the energy is directed for output to the medium, that is, the bond stress increases its energy potential in the form of potential energy. And this energy immediately goes for correction of the deformation due to the vortex flow rotation. In the process of the water vortex motion, due to the opening of bonds and the formation of new ones, the transition of water molecules from one energy state to another occurs, which is represented as a deformation of their energy state in science. The circulation of the medium additional energy aimed at correcting deformations turns the water vortex motion into a spontaneous process without consumption of the external mechanical energy of rotation and, accordingly, without linear displacement. The excess kinetic energy is used to increase the potential energy near the wall by the amount of increase in the fluid kinetic energy which characterizes the value of the complementary energy maintaining the fluid rotation. It should be noted that high intensity of the processes of energy bond exchange in water molecules is determined by its special combination of molecules and the presence of hydrogen bonds. Water consists of clusters, clathrates and tetramers (80 %) which carry very high density information, which contributes to maintain the strengths of the bonds at their stretch and smooth energy transfer during the flow vortex motion at low speed. The water molecules are so close to each other that the attractive interaction forces occur between them, which form an additional energy component of potential energy due to their resistance to stretching the bonds.

Taking into account that the human blood vessels are a transport system that, according to its characteristics, is fully consistent with circular cross-section pipelines through which rotational motion of the blood consisting of plasma (90% of water) and vital elements occurs, all laws of the vortex spiral fluid motion can be applied to describe the blood motion in the human body.

All the driving forces acting at the level of substance are initiated by the transformations that occur in the microworld of molecules, atoms and elementary particles and follow the laws of quantum mechanics. Therefore, the processes occurring in a spiral screw vortex bounded by blood vessels should be also classified as physical phenomena generated by the internal interaction of the elementary particles that make up the molecules and their bonds. All structural elements of the macro- and microworld have an homogeneous essence and differ only in the degree of compaction allowing the researcher to represent the degree of parameter probability and classify them as the calculation units of the micro- or macroworld during the experiments. In accordance with the determinism law, the motion processes that occur at the level of elementary particles can induce the motion of clusters of matter, and in our case, the rotation of the blood stream. If electrically conducting fluid, for example, blood, moves in the Earth magnetic field, then electric energy is generated or electric current is induced in it. In this case, the magnetic field of the blood flow clusters is induced which we consider as water clusters. The geomagnetic field intensity at the Earth magnetic poles is from 0.6 to 0.7 Oe, and at the equator 0.3 - 0.4 Oe, and the total magnetic moment of the Earth is colossal and equals to 8.9x1025 electromagnetic units. Therefore, a different electric field in the blood vessels is induced in different regions of the Earth, which affects the intensity of the jet-axial rotation of the blood.

Within the framework of this concept of the blood motion, the assumption of stimulating the sports achievements of athletes living at the equator and competing in places with a higher magnetic field of the Earth is of interest.

The magnetohydrodynamic effect of occurrence of electric field and electric current in a magnetic field is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, i.e. the occurrence of an electric current in an electrolyte flow crossing the magnetic field lines (blood is comparable to salt water in regard to salt saturation). The rotation of water is induced by the ion motion of the electrolyte (blood) electric current. The ions moving in the Earth's magnetic field are affected by the Lorentz force that twists their trajectory into a spiral and excites the spiral-axis vortex rotation of the blood stream.

Metaphorically speaking, the Earth's magnetic field catches onto the blood magnetic field induced by its dipole moment electric current, and put the blood in a vortex spiral rotation in the opposite direction while separating the flow into centrifugal motion at the outer wall of the vessel and jet-axial implosion rotation. The latter allows for the continuous non-working motion mode. Reversal of the electric field charge to the opposite one does not affect the direction of the blood vortex rotation. The electric field of the water molecule is similar to the electric field of two point charges + q and - q located at some distance from the molecule. The dipole moment of a water molecule is 6.17 x 104 C/m. The electric field intensity can be determined from the principle of superposition of electrostatic fields through an electric charge. Based on this knowledge, we can calculate the value of the energy force of the excitation of blood rotation and see the root cause of its motion. And these calculations are confirmed by the latest discoveries in the elementary particle physics of a cluster of matter.

Clusters of matter should be considered as both individual atoms, and molecules formed from them, in the unified and inseparable balanced system of interactions of their internal fields with the external fields (for example: the Earth's field). Clusters of matter can be at rest and polarized, and, at the moment of the occurrence of an external gravielectromagnetic signal of the reference force, the internal fields of the blood cluster are excited by external fields (Earth) with the occurrence of translational-rotational motion. The resultant clusters of translational-rotational motion already possess new properties compared to clusters of the rest state, such as density, temperature, thermal conductivity, and others that correspond to the SI system. The main reason for development and maintenance of jet-axial blood motion through the vessels is functioning of implosion rotation at which the effects of the recently discovered "Tornado" law are manifested. During the jet implosion, a mechanical macrovortex is generated in the form of a technical antigravitational monopole of the same sign with the central field of the Earth, with which it interacts and repels during its motion creating the conditions for the blood weight reduction . The particles of the blood cluster are simultaneously twisted away from the walls of the vessels, which contributes to reduce the resistance to its motion by organizing internal screwing along the guide and narrowing line of the blood flow to its central axis.

This blood ability can be used in case of circulatory diseases associated with arrhythmia, obstruction and occlusion of blood vessels by installing specifically directed semi-open corkscrew nanochannels in a vessel.

At certain values of the blood stream double twisting at quarter-wavelength of a convergent cone, the effect of water vortex polarization occurs and the blood can be densified to any degree of hardness on exit from the volume phase of coherent waves.

And this physical ability of the blood can be used for the cleaning blood vessels.

Strange though it may seem, the nature created a circulatory system in living organisms, also based on the same principles of the "Tornado" law using the vessels with an internal structure, which contributes to the blood quantum twisting at pulse-cyclic rupture of blood motion with blood vessels and heart valves. Long-term experience in monitoring the blood motion shows that the complete blood circulation time makes 27 seconds. In addition to the above, the passage of the lesser circulation is 4-5 seconds, while that of the greater circulation is 22-23 seconds. During this time, the blood must consistently fill all the volumes of the vessel sections located between the heart valves and generate the necessary pressure to open and close them, as well as generate the necessary pressure to deliver it to the saturation system with useful elements. The processes of absorption and assimilation in different organs take different time periods, so the pulse-cyclic activity of the local valves (more correctly, the parameters of the blood flow) is oriented to the main valves of the circulatory system which are located in the heart. The heart plays the part of a "spool" opening and closing valves, according to the signals of threshold states of parameters of saturation of vital organs with necessary elements. These signals are formed by the blood motion in the vessels and are manifested by the pressure limit values. In a stably working, healthy human body, the pulse displays the moments of opening and closing of the heart valves at the moment of inducing the pressure necessary for this by the blood flow, in the border areas of the cardiac chambers. However, the pulse-cyclic blood motion occurs in a continuous flow, and its cyclicity largely depends on the volumetric blood changes associated with the transmission of vital elements to the human organs, as well as the time of exudate assimilation. It should be noted once again that all the processes of blood motion must be considered at the level of movement of elementary particles and quantum transformations, so the time parameters of cyclicity are equal to second fractions. Parameters of border-line pressure for opening and closing the heart valves and the cyclicity of their actions which differ from the normative ones, show the health status of human organs. For example: a healthy person's heart rate is 60 beats per minute. Therefore, the blood flow must create pressure differences between the opening and closing the heart valves allowing to fill and empty the heart chambers involved in the greater and lesser circulation within one second. If this does not happen then processes influencing the change in the parameters of the jetaxial rotation of the blood flow occur on the path of blood circulation. Decrease or increase in the adsorption rate of metabolic products from the blood that is possible during sleep and increased physical activities, as well as disease states of organs can be noted as an example.

The human blood volume is about 4 -5 liters, and the water is 55% or 3 liters in it. Water in the human body makes approximately 75% of the volume weight. Each person has his own individual energy field, these are variable electric and magnetic fields that generate each other. It is induced by the vortex spiral rotation of atoms and elementary particles that make up atoms. Considering that the total volume of water in the human body is in a bound state, the free disordered vortex rotation of water atoms at the level of elementary particles occurs and interaction with the cardiovascular system of the blood occurs at this level of compaction. The building water structure of the human body is in a single material cluster inside of which there are various functional organs that perform one task - the task of life support of the whole person. The electromagnetic field of blood and the field of the whole person are also in close energy interaction. As the motion of blood particles has certain tasks of the whole organism life support and has an independent electromagnetic and mechanical system for initiating motion, it is the main management structure for the rest of the water and it induces diagnostic parameters in it due to interaction at the quantum level. We have observed that during a spiral screw vortex rotation, the blood changes the temperature, because the resonant frequency of the oxygen and hydrogen interaction changes. This occurs as a result of changes in the threshold indicators of blood motion, pressure and rate of the jet-axial flow. These indicators characterize the current life-sustaining activity of the body. Thus, a change in the blood temperature initiates a change in the temperature of the water component of the whole body which indicates the symptoms of a "disease" of the system. For example, the temperature is an indication that the system has a certain level of quantum transformations, and its numerical value reflects the intensity of quantum transformations. When a jet-axial vortex rotation of blood is induced in vessels at an angular velocity of about 300 rpm, the water is capable of polarization with the release of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, as well as simultaneous ionization with splitting into hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions. Also, ionization of the hydrogen electron can occur. Ionization is the electron loss by molecule or atom. When a water molecule is polarized, a change in pressure, temperature, and rate occurs in the peripheral and axial flow parts, the value of which can be determined in the SI system. The effects of ionization of an electron from a hydrogen atom can be traced only in interaction of the energy fields of the formed cluster. By generating a blood vortex rotation at a critical rate, it is possible to separate electric fields by the sign of the potential charge, and from the grains to separate the electric potentials of the obtained ether, to remove it from the micro space of the cluster atoms which is manifested in a decrease in the volume occupied by such a cluster. Ionization of an electron from a hydrogen atom shows the process of blowing off the electric microscopic space with a decrease in the cluster volume by 1015. In accordance with the determinism, the


pressure in the vortex blood flow decreases, which initiates its further motion. Based on the studies, hemodynamic parameters of blood flow were determined, namely: cross section of veins, arteries, capillaries, volumetric blood flow and pressure before and after vascular valves. These parameters made it possible to calculate the angular velocity of the jet-axial blood flow which can form a vortex spiral motion resulting in the polarization of a water molecule and ionization of hydrogen atoms in all types of vessels. The calculation data are summarized in the following table 1.

Table 1. Angular velocity of blood flow in the vessels

Vessels Diameter, mm Rate, cm/sec Pressure, mm Hg Angular velocity, rpm

Aorta 20 50 50-150 477.5

Arteries 5-10 20-50 80-20 764-954

Arterioles 0.1-0.5 1-20 50-20 1910-764

Capillaries 0.5-0.01 0.05-0.01 20-10 19.1-38.2

Venules 0.1-0.2 0.1-1 10-2 382-9549

Veins 10-30 10-20 (-5)-(+5) 1909-1273

In a middle-aged person the systolic pressure in the aorta is 110 - 125 mm Hg, the diastolic pressure is 70 - 80 mm Hg. However, it is impossible to diagnose any disorders in individual organs by threshold pressure values since it is formed in the trinity of vessels: arteries, arterioles and capillaries, with the transition to the capillary vessels of the venous system - venules and veins. Therefore, in order to diagnose an individual organ, it is necessary to record the value of pressure in the arteries connecting this organ with the aorta which will result in a more accurate diagnosis of a diseased organ.

Blood saturation with necessary substances in the capillary system and veins is of great importance. The angular velocity of blood flow in arterioles is very high, which excites a high intensity of polarization of water molecules and ionization of hydrogen. Electromagnetic fields break down water with the release of three isotopes: hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen. The released hydrogen moves into the spaces free of gravity and pressure in a double spiral motion, gravitates opposite-charged elements and moves in the blood stream through arterioles which are considered to be cranes of the vascular system as the outer membrane of the arterioles merges with the surrounding connective tissue. Due to the high degree of atomic and molecular interactions of the arterial blood and the elements of vital activity secreted by human organs, the blood is saturated with metabolic products. It should be noted that the main processes of the blood polarization and ionization are carried out in the endothelium of arterioles as these cells are oriented along the axis of the vessels and have the highest angular velocity of the flow rotation. Therefore, due to the high speed of the jetaxial rotation of blood, the pressure in the arterioles gradually decreases and becomes equal to the pressure in the capillaries that allows adsorption and active absorption of metabolic products from the blood in a state of ordered rotational and axial blood motion of an insignificant value of the rotation speed. Decrease in speed and pressure also occurs with the blood distribution from arterioles through the capillaries. This occurs in connection with the flow distribution into many vessels - capillaries. If the area of human arterioles is only 1000 m2, then the outer surface of the capillaries is one square kilometer despite the fact that they have very small dimensions: diameter - 10 microns, length - 1 mm. It should be noted that the pressure in the blood stream decreases with the transition from the sections of the aortic vessels to the veins, and in the veins the blood pressure reaches a negative value which maintains an ordered directional motion of blood throughout the cardiovascular system as a whole. Timely filling of the heart chambers to the threshold valve opening pressure is created due to the high angular velocity of the blood flow in the veins. Chemical reactions of the final formation of compounds of metabolites from individual elements isolated in the capillaries simultaneously occur in the venous site due to the high polarization intensity. In this case the water acts as a building material for the particles formed - it is split by the implosion of waveguides from clusters of the molecular and atomic states followed by a fast recombination process with the formation of new elements or their compounds. The experiments of scientists showed that it is possible to isolate components from water (including Ag, Au, Pt, Pd, Bi, Ir, Cd, Ru, Te, Os, Sb, etc.). These processes were realized in structurally complex reactors for the generation of high-temperature plasma (patent No. 2096846) and sufficiently high pulse discharges of electric current. We see that the same results are achieved in blood venules with an angular velocity of rotation of up to 10,000 rpm and a tapering working cavity-hole of up to 0.1 mm. However, the results observed cannot be explained within the framework of standard representations of nuclear physics. At the same time, theoretical physics suggests that the simultaneous decay of primary elements and synthesis of new chemical ones from water is possible in an electric discharge plasma.

In the form of domestic fantastic fiction, we can assume that the human body, being in the Earth's magnetic-electric field, could live without food creating elements of which by polarizing and ionizing the water that he synthesized from air.

Principles of regeneration and assimilation of blood in the lungs is of a particular importance in the human circulatory system. The blood volume in the lungs is approximately 450 mL which is about 9% of the total blood volume in the entire circulatory system. This volume is divided approximately equally between the pulmonary arteries and veins. The blood volume in the pulmonary capillaries is 70 mL. The average value of the lung volume is 3-4 L. In case of diseased states, up to 250 mL of blood can be squeezed out from the lung circulatory system into the systemic bed that requires the development of a system of additional parameters of the energy state of the lung vascular system to use this reserve for heart surgeries. Based on his studies, Viktor Schauberger showed that low or negative (relative to atmospheric) pressure of the magnetic-electric planetary motion of blood in which centripetal rotation predominates allows for breathing through the lungs. This phenomenon was experimentally discovered in 1908 by professor Ernst Ferdinand Sauerbruch who recognized that neither breathing nor lung expansion would be possible without a biological vacuum. He wrote, "If there were no vacuum in the pleural fissure, no breath, no unimpeded expansion of the lungs would be possible." The experiments showed that the value by which the pressure in the pleural cavity is lower than the atmospheric (negative pressure) is 4 mm Hg at quiet breathing at the end of inspiration and 8 mm Hg at the end of expiration. The pleural cavities are airtight, therefore they are characterized by a constant pressure in them, as well as a constant surface tension of the pleural fluid, which helps the lungs remain in an outspread state and adhere to the walls of the chest cavity. The visceral pleura has double blood supply and receives blood from both the bronchial and pulmonary arteries. There is no air in the pleural cavity. In a healthy person, 10-15 L of pleural fluid are formed and absorbed daily (within 24 hours), and 19-20 mL remain in the pleural cavity. The supply of fluid occurs in the parietal pleura from the vessels by the intercostal, diaphragmatic arteries of the greater circulation. It should be noted that the pleural fluid, like blood, has the properties of an electrolyte as it contains sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus in low concentrations allowing to use it as a building material for blood. Under the influence of jet-axial rotation, the aqueous component of the blood is polarized, with the release of hydrogen and hydroxyl atoms, as well as it is ionized with the ions formation. When the blood water loses oxygen, free radicals are released, an immediate change in compaction before the stream occurs and instantaneous movement to the zone of decrease in volume flow and at the same time pressure in the pleura decreases, which is maintained all the time while the pleural fluid is formed and resorbed in the vortex blood flow. Thus, part of the blood is removed from the blood circulation as hydrogen and hydroxyl ions react with organic substances including oxygen which comes with the atmospheric air during breathing. The norm of oxygen delivery is 5 - 10 mL/min/kg. This amount of oxygen is enough for performing the synthesis of blood water from the polarization and ionization elements which again enters the circulatory system, already enriched with atmospheric oxygen. Pleural fluid is transported by pulmonary lymphatic capillaries to the diaphragmatic part of the lung where it is reabsorbed by the vessels of the lesser circulation in the visceral pleura. It can be affirmed with a strong indication that the lungs and their pleura are like a "factory" for the blood regeneration and production in the human body.

The concept of the physical theory of the blood motion in the human cardiovascular system, based on the physical and chemical capabilities of the jet-axial implosive rotation of the water flow which is initiated by the rotation of the electric current ions in the Earth's magnetic field, allows us to explain the root cause of many phenomena occuring in the human body.

I hope the time will come when everyone will have a passport specifying the data on the normative state of the energy indicators of all organs involved in life. And for the disease diagnostics, an automatic scanning will be enough in the special medical units which field energy influences will bring the body to a state meeting the passport health indicators.

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