PHYSICAL INACTIVITY HIDDEN RISK OF NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Antonina Anatolievna Mironova

Hypodynamics is a real global problem all over the world. A sedentary lifestyle is the cause of hypodynamia, in turn, physical inactivity is one of the main factors of chronic non-infectious diseases. 5.3 million people a year die as a result of physical inactivity. The physical load on a person has decreased 100 times over the past century. This is due to urbanization, automation and mechanization of labor. The number of people experiencing physical inactivity increases by 10% every ten years. 60% of adult Russians and 75% of schoolchildren suffer from physical inactivity. [6]

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когнитивных функций по Монреальской шкале оценки психического статуса: в среднем суммарный балл по данной шкале увеличился на 3,2 (р<0,001) Отмечалось также статистически достоверное уменьшение выраженности эмоциональных расстройств у пациентов всех групп, нарушений сна. Терапевтический эффект разной степени выраженности при балльной оценке наблюдали у всех пациентов (100%), в том числе очень хороший - у 9 (34,7%), хороший - у 14 (53,8%) больных и удовлетворительный - у 3 (11,5%) человек.

Выводы. Таким образом, применение препаратов ноотропного ряда обосновано и имеет клинические подтверждения эффективности при когнитивных нарушениях различной этиологии. Указанный терапевтический профиль

фонтурацетама делает его применение наиболее оправданным при сочетании когнитивных и эмоционально-аффективных нарушений, а также при значительной выраженности нарушений внимания и других когнитивных расстройств нейродинамического характера.

Мы не можем избежать старости, процесс старения неизбежен, он сопровождается физическим, психическим и иными формами угасания, но при этом человек может жить, и жить активно, несмотря на определенную зависимость от своего собственного уже не столь надежного тела [5].

East European Scientific Journal #10(74), 2021 5 Используемая литература

1. Бородин, В. И. Новые возможности ноотропной терапии астенических расстройств / В. И. Бородин, Т. Ю. Куликова, В. К. Бочкарев [и др.].

— Текст : непосредственный // Психиатрия и психофармакотерапия. — 2006. — Т 8. — № 6. — С. 27-31.

2. Головченко, Ю. И. Ноотропная терапия астенического синдрома / Ю. И. Головченко, Р. Я. Адаменко. — Текст : непосредственный // Международный неврологический журнал. — 2005. — № (4) 4.

3. Захаров, В. В. Нейропсихологические тесты. Необходимость и возможность применения / В. В. Захаров. — Текст : непосредственный // Consilium medicum. — 2012. — Т 13. — № 2. — С. 82-90.

4. Яхно, Н. Н. Легкие когнитивные расстройства в пожилом возрасте / Н. Н. Яхно, В. В. Захаров. — Текст : непосредственный // Неврологический журнал. — 2004. — Т 9. — № 1.

— С. 4-8.

5. Morita Sh. Morita Therapy and the True Nature of Anxiety Based Disorders (Shinkeishitsu) translated by A.Kondo, P.Levine (Eds.) — Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1998.— XXVII, 148 p.

6. Morita M. The complete works of Masatake Morita. Tokyo: Hakuyousya, 1975. Vol. 5.

Antonina Anatolievna Mironova *

North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Medical Institute,

677008, 77, Chekhov Street, Russia


Abstract. Hypodynamics is a real global problem all over the world. A sedentary lifestyle is the cause of hypodynamia, in turn, physical inactivity is one of the main factors of chronic non-infectious diseases. 5.3 million people a year die as a result of physical inactivity. The physical load on a person has decreased 100 times over the past century. This is due to urbanization, automation and mechanization of labor. The number of people experiencing physical inactivity increases by 10% every ten years. 60% of adult Russians and 75% of schoolchildren suffer from physical inactivity. [6]

1 Introduction

The purpose of this article is to reveal the problem of physical inactivity and its effect on the body, which leads to the destruction of body systems and is one of the main causes of death from chronic non-infectious diseases. For the second year, we have been living in forced, self-isolating conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, which aggravates the current situation of a sedentary lifestyle.

The changed living conditions associated with the development of technologies that facilitate work and human life are the result of a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to a change in the entire function of the human body. The body's natural needs for movement decrease every year. Hypodynamia develops, which becomes the cause of excess weight and various diseases. In modern society, this problem is very relevant, especially when self-isolation measures are resumed again.

The scientific literature of the submitted problem, research of scientists among students, clinical research among patients with cardiovascular diseases, an example from an experiment conducted by us is given. The first place in mortality in the world is occupied by chronic infectious diseases (CHNID): these are diseases of the circulatory systems, oncological diseases, diseases of the respiratory system and diseases of the digestive system. According to Rosstat, the main cause of deaths for Russians - various diseases are 89.68% of all deaths, only 5% of the population die of old age, 7.9% of the population die from external causes, in particular, 1% from transport accidents, of which 0 deaths in road accidents. eight. In 2018, 42.8% of all deaths died from diseases of the circulatory systems in Russia. Cancer mortality in Russia is in second place - 16.6% or 203 people per 100,000 population, this figure is increasing every year. One of

6 East European Scientific Journal #10(74), 2021 the main factors in the onset of these diseases is physical inactivity [8].

1 What is - hypodynamics

1.1 A sedentary lifestyle is the cause of physical inactivity

"Physical inactivity - insufficient muscle activity, decreased strength of muscle contraction. hypodynamia is combined with a general decrease in human motor activity - hypokinesia, which is a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle ". Physical inactivity threatens both children and adults alike [2].

What is the result of a decrease in muscle effort? In the article "The effect of a decrease in motor activity on the human body" by Tsyglakova E.A. and Filippova E.A., they note that "Modern mankind is spared the need for heavy physical labor to get food for themselves, as a result of which people prefer to spend more and more time in a sedentary or lying position. Human muscles do not receive the necessary training, they become weaker, and their atrophy gradually sets in. The weakness of muscle tissue has a negative effect on the work of all organs and systems of the body, leads to disruption of the neuro-reflex connections laid down by nature and fixed in the process of physical labor. Thus, a direct consequence of a sedentary lifestyle is a disorder in the activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, metabolic disorders [11].

1.2 Symptoms of hypodynamia

In the article, scientists note the following symptoms of hypodynamia: "The main symptoms of hypodynamia are general weakness, insomnia, heart palpitations, fatigue even with small loads, nervousness, unstable emotional state [3]. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle are more likely than others to feel weak and tired. Even after a night's sleep or extended rest, there is no full recovery. Difficulty falling asleep and sleeplessness at night are often troubling; severe drowsiness is noted during the day. During physical activity, a person with physical inactivity feels that the muscles "do not obey". Even with minimal exertion, shortness of breath and fatigue are observed. Changes in eating behavior are characteristic: people prefer snacks, fast food, sweets and refuse healthy foods. These factors lead to gradual weight gain, fat deposits are usually localized in the abdomen and thighs. With hypodynamia, the work of all organs is disrupted, therefore, over time, new clinical symptoms appear. Frequent psychoemotional disorders are observed - constant anxiety or nervousness, bad mood for no apparent reason. Some people complain of decreased libido and lack of pleasure in sexual intercourse. In women with hypodynamia, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular, PMS is more severe [9]. Also, V.F. Moskalenko, L.I. Galienko in the article "Fighting hypodynamia as a resource for maintaining and strengthening the health of the population", they state the following: "It is proved that the deficit of physical activity in combination with stress in the conditions of modern development of society weaken the body's resistance



and become the most important causes of morbidity in the population of all economically developed countries. The occurrence of such socially significant diseases as ischemic heart disease, hypertension, non-insulin dependent diabetes, osteoporosis, etc. is associated with physical inactivity" [4].

1.3 Influence of physical inactivity on chronic non-infectious diseases

Physical inactivity leads to functional changes in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Because in this case, the muscles that help the blood flow through the vessels do not work. Lack of blood flow to the brain, poor outflow through the vessels of the neck lead to changes in intracranial pressure. Hence a severe headache, fatigue, fatigue. To the above, you can add respiratory and digestive disorders. Over time, due to physical inactivity, bone mass decreases, joints and spine suffer. Physical inactivity is especially dangerous in early childhood and school age. It delays the formation of the organism. Significantly reduces immunity, children are often sick, diseases can acquire a chronic course. Low mobility of schoolchildren and a long stay in a monotonous position at the table at school and at home can cause poor posture, stoop, deformity of the spine [2]. In hypokinesia, not only in skeletal muscles, but also in the kidneys, liver, spleen and heart, the processes of tissue protein destruction dominate over synthesis. As a result, the loss of sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus is increasing. The cells of the body feel an acute shortage of many small "building materials" for the regeneration of their protein molecules. The cations of sodium, potassium and especially calcium are persistently excreted from the body, which are necessary for each cell for the stable execution of the processes of excitation and inhibition. Lack of calcium (Ca +) affects the mechanized properties and stability of the bone apparatus of the body, which, combined with a significant limitation of the load, leads to a decrease in the mineral saturation of the bone tissue, the so-called softening of bones, including teeth, and the appearance of caries. Conversions begin in the joints with impending hemostasis disorders. The amount of inorganic phosphates in the blood increases, some of which disappear from the body, and the excess settles in t23he form of salts in the gallbladder, kidney stones, and joints. A decrease in motor activity, first of all, affects the muscles of the skeleton, or rather: the stimulus that generates movement and micro-tension of their fibers decreases, and the opposite flow of impulses that notify the central nervous system and other systems of the body about the functional transformations taking place in the muscles. All this serves as a source of disturbance in the structure and function of contacts: activity decreases and muscle strength decreases, the range of motion in the joints decreases, motor skills weaken, and coordination of movements regresses. With age, a person has less and less desire to move, and he becomes even more vulnerable. Skeletal muscle mass is reduced. So, if in a 25-35 year old person the usual mass of all muscles is



about 38 kg, then in a 75-85 year old - only 25-28 kg. Basically, muscles are affected, guaranteeing preservation of posture, which makes a person stoop and changes appearance. Some organs and tissues are noticeably atrophied, the liver contracts almost threefold [10].

2 Technique and materials

2.1. Interview

In the article "Inactivity is a disease of civilization" by Rubizova A.A., Zhdanova D.R., Dzheyranova M.O., they point to a social survey conducted by them among 1st year students of the Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. IN AND. Razumovsky. A total of 67 people took part in the survey (42 women and 25 men). Girls: age 16-20 years old, average weight and height 166 cm, 55 kg. Men: age 17-22, average height and weight 178 cm, 71 kg. The results of the survey showed that today's youth lead an insufficiently active lifestyle; they prefer a sofa, a computer and a TV to walks in the fresh air and active games. Most of the respondents have the first symptoms of physical inactivity, but, unfortunately, do not realize the seriousness of this disease and the consequences that this disease will entail [10].

2.2 Clinical research

Low physical activity is one of the aggressive risk factors. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 6% of deaths are associated with it worldwide (up to 3.18 million per year). At the same time, there is compelling evidence of the effectiveness of the fight against it. Thus, in one of the recently conducted meta-analyzes, it was found that regular physical activity compared with a sedentary lifestyle is associated with a decrease in overall mortality by 22-36% and a decrease in cardiovascular mortality by 25-35%, with the greatest reduction in CVD recorded at high levels of physical activity of the population. Some prospective studies demonstrate the predictive importance of regular physical activity in patients with coronary artery disease: there was a decrease in the risk of all-cause mortality by 19-58% and cardiovascular mortality by 20-62%. Most of the studies in the above meta-analyzes included the middle-aged population. Only three studies studied the effect of the level of physical activity on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the population over 55 years old and found similar data on reducing the mortality rate [7].

2.3 Application of the developed technique in practice

In 2019, Churapchinsky Institute of Physical Culture and Sports conducted experimental studies, the purpose of which was to improve the motor qualities of people living in the boarding house, by means of health-improving gymnastics "Qigong" and the development of effective methods for the prevention of hypodynamia in the elderly. The effectiveness of the applied technique was recorded on the apparatus "Medass" and "Omega-S" [5].

3 Result and discussion

3.1 From a social survey of first-year students of the Saratov State Medical University named after IN

East European Scientific Journal #10(74), 2021 7 AND. Razumovsky, it can be concluded that the level of physical activity of students in the control group in 2017 was higher than that of students in the experimental group in 2019, which confirmed the hypothesis of the researchers. It was noted that by the 3rd year the curriculum becomes much more complicated and more time is spent on mental work, but at the same time, the fact remains that modern youth do not strive for an active lifestyle, walks in the fresh air and various sports are replaced by computer games. As mentioned above, physical inactivity is a disease of the 21st century, so they consider it advisable to conduct further research in this direction in order to be able to trace the dynamics of this disease, which will prevent the development of this disease.

3.2. Clinical researches.

Conducted clinical studies confirm the protective effect of physical activity on CVS, while there is a significant decrease in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the population. Healthy individuals are recommended to engage in moderate aerobic physical activity for at least 150 min / week (30 minutes per day, 5 days a week), or vigorous physical activity for at least 75 min / week (15 minutes per day, 5 days a week), or combination. To achieve an additional effect, it is necessary to gradually increase the volume of moderate aerobic physical activity up to 300 m4in / week (or intense physical activity up to 150 min / week) or use a combination of both. It is necessary to strive for these recommendations gradually, taking into account individual characteristics, because prospective cohort studies have shown that it is never too late to start an active lifestyle [1].

3.3. The methodology developed and tested by the scientific laboratory of Churapchinsky Institute of Physical Culture and Sports confirmed the hypothesis that regular exercise improves health, joint mobility, and has a beneficial effect on the entire body. This technique is successfully applied in the classroom of the health club "Ylyk" in Yakutsk.

4. Conclusions

Every year many of us feel the influence of physical inactivity, especially in the last year. They are: overweight, muscle atrophy, manifestation of fatigue, lethargy, poor sleep, decreased immunity, etc. etc. The time has come to seriously take care of our health, increase physical activity, organize a regimen and food, observe the rules of hygiene. By adhering to simple rules, you can fight off viruses and infections. All the studied material confirm that a sedentary lifestyle like a time bomb can lead to sad consequences. Physical inactivity is a modifiable risk factor, therefore, you can still change the current situation, for this it is enough to change your life to adhere to simple rules of a healthy lifestyle, make friends with physical culture and sports.

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УДК 616.5-003.829 ГРНТИ 76.29.57

Glagoleva E.

Chiefphysician Come mode medical;


Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

Podoplekina N. Dermatovenerologist, Cosmetologist Come mode medical; Junior Researcher Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

Petrishchev N. Professor, Department of Pathophysiology Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

Grishacheva T.

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Researcher Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University


Глаголева Екатерина Николаевна

Главный врач клиники эстетической медицины Come Mode Medical;

Научный сотрудник Центра лазерной медицины, Первый Санкт-Петербургский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. И. П. Павлова Подоплекина Наталья Дмитриевна врач-дерматовенеролог, косметолог клиники эстетической медицины Come Mode Medical;

Младший научный сотрудник Центра лазерной медицины, Первый Санкт-Петербургский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. И. П. Павлова Петрищев Николай Николаевич Руководитель Центра лазерной медицины, профессор Первый Санкт-Петербургский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. И. П. Павлова Гришачева Татьяна Георгиевна Научный сотрудник, кандидат биологических наук Первый Санкт-Петербургский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. И. П. Павлова


DOI: 10.31618/ESSA.2782-1994.2021.3.74.143

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