PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORT IN THE LIVES OF STUDENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Lopatin S.Y.U.

To date, the public mind has certain values and orientations, the value of which is not questioned: and one of the indisputable values of physical culture and sports. Their value in the process of personality formation is quite significant. Since ancient times, the idea that "in a healthy body - a healthy mind" was born. But still, at the present time we see some difficulties in the spread of physical culture, these include lack of funding, sedentary lifestyle, poor coverage in the media. All this significantly interferes with the formation of interest of young people in terms of physical perfection, and, as a result, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle turns out to be useless and not relevant for this category of people. Nevertheless, it should be noted that it is the students, and specifically - the students have some difficulties in mastering new material through low physical activity[1].

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УДК 316.35

Lopatin S. YU. student

Belgorod state University Russia, Belgorod


Annotation. To date, the public mind has certain values and orientations, the value of which is not questioned: and one of the indisputable values of physical culture and sports. Their value in the process of personality formation is quite significant. Since ancient times, the idea that "in a healthy body - a healthy mind" was born. But still, at the present time we see some difficulties in the spread of physical culture, these include lack of funding, sedentary lifestyle, poor coverage in the media. All this significantly interferes with the formation of interest of young people in terms of physical perfection, and, as a result, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle turns out to be useless and not relevant for this category of people. Nevertheless, it should be noted that it is the students, and specifically - the students have some difficulties in mastering new material through low physical activity[1].

Key words: Physical culture, sport, student, physical education.

As an effective means of improving efficiency in the process of learning educational material and various social activities of students is to introduce them to physical culture and sports, it is very important to take into account the peculiarities of their professional activities, namely professional applied physical training.

As physical preparation for the forthcoming work activity the all-round physical development acts. This is the basic basis for the improvement of all vital functions of the body, namely the necessary motor qualities, skills and abilities. At the same time, the development of industrial technology, automation of various types of production, the creation of continuous technological processes, the introduction of automatic control systems, electronics, Cybernetics, the constant increase in the speed and efficiency of technical means changes the nature of productive work. Today we see a decrease in the share of manual labor and all kinds of physical loads, while the share of mental labor in the entire space of working time will increase in direct proportion. This trend leads to a further increase in the special requirements that apply to the human body, that is, to the physical fitness of a particular specialist in this field.

Physical education is an integral part of the educational process. Otlichitelnaya which is the impossibility of consideration as a minor component. The existing problem of the formation of motor activity among students is also important hygienic value, because in recent years there is an increase in the percentage of students with physical inactivity. This phenomenon is due to the large volume of training sessions, not only within the walls of the institution, but also at home. The result of this way of life is a constant increase in the percentage of young people who are satisfied with their health, most often it is manifested in excess body weight, predisposition to frequent diseases due to weakened immunity, posture and

musculoskeletal system, visual defects and neuropsychiatry disorders.

Health-saving technologies - a specific system of measures, which includes the relationship and interaction of all factors in the environment of education, which are aimed at preserving the health of the student at all stages of his training and development. It follows from this that such modern technologies in the field of preserving the health of the younger generation are particularly relevant and are the basis for the creation of various health and prevention programs. These technologies are developed individually, but are at this time one of the leading.

It is worth noting that it is the lack of motor activity that negatively affects many functions of the growing organism, and this, in turn, is a pathological factor in the occurrence and development of various diseases. With severe hypokinesia, common functional abnormalities of the cardiovascular and nervous systems are associated. The negative impact of the lack of motor activity of students is also exacerbated by the phenomenon of acceleration inherent in this age.

There is a so-called "scissors", that is, the discrepancy between physical development and physical fitness, which is revealed, in particular, when conscription.The inadequacy of rules of physical education on growth and development of body affected either stimulirovannykh processes, or their oppression - it all depends on the load. When developing hygienic standards for physical culture and sports, first of all, the goal should be to strengthen the health and harmonious development of the whole body, and then to achieve sports results.

Hygienic principles of normalization of motor activity were developed by doctor of biological Sciences, Professor A. G. Sukharev in 1972. In his work, he determined that voluntary motor activity is not so much a biological need for movement as a dependence on the organization of training sessions, the existing system of physical education, as well as on local climatic conditions. Sukharev notes the importance of the need for conducting preventive exercises of hypodynamia and the organization of a balanced motor regime of students. Various practical studies in the field of study of physical culture in institutions prove that within the framework of this activity the problem of physical improvement of young people can not be solved. For this reason, the importance of using all well-known forms of physical culture and sports, such as: morning gymnastics, gymnastics before classes, physical training, sports clubs, mass sports and recreational activities (Hiking, health days, sports games, friendly matches in various sports, complex sports (health) activities, etc.).

On the basis of confirmed research and generally accepted methodological developments for students, the following optimal level of motor activity is proposed: 15-20 thousand. steps per day, or 80-100 minutes per day of all physical education or sports activities.Such a level of approximately 9-11 hours of lessons of physical culture a week, while including about 15-20 min on a daily morning exercises, academic physical education, and physical education classes and sports after school.It should be noted that physical exercises are developed on the basis of their intensity, duration, difficulty, number of repetitions, as well as the pace and speed of movements. They should be combined and carried out in an integrated

manner. Initially, the exercises should be simpler and easier. The density of employment is directly proportional to the intervals of rest.And yet, it is worth considering that the exercise is considered more effective when the rest intervals are in their optimal range. The level of physical fitness and health of students currently does not meet the modern requirements of a number of criteria. These facts confirm the urgency of taking measures to improve the physical health of young people with the use of health-saving technologies.The solution to this problem is very important, because today's students are qualified workers from tomorrow, that is, the organizers of industry and agriculture, the military of the Russian Army. It is their health, physical and professional training that determines the success in the field of social production, increasing the level of labor productivity. It is also worth noting that today the relationship of physical culture and health, performance and productivity is felt particularly clear.But still, everyone takes care of their health on their own, everyone should be aware of how and for what he does it. Of course, this requires, first of all, psychologically, to readjust, to get rid of laziness, vnutrizheludochnoy, and to put it simply, stop to start a new life on Monday. In most cases, the concept of physical culture is replaced by the concept of exercise. This substitute completely wrong and sposobnostei all perspectives. Exercise is just a minor component of such a broad concept as physical culture.Exercise, of course, is very important, while they have their strategic purpose -to correct the harmfulness of our life. That is, in our daily life we devote time to Wellness treatments. Themselves options procedures can be many, this is viewed individually.For example, if a person breathes bad air 22 hours a day, he or she needs at least 1-2 hours of exercise in the fresh air; if the employee has a sedentary lifestyle at work, then one day of motor activity (skiing, swimming, active rest, Jogging in the fresh air) is necessary to restore physical health. But the real physical culture is not in this, or, more precisely, not only in this[4].

The problem of interaction between physical culture and health does not lose its relevance and is constantly in the center of attention of specialists in various fields of science. On the importance of the role of physical culture and sports in the process of recovery of students testify data of statisticians and sociologists. Scientists estimate that reducing the incidence by at least 1% will provide an additional 35 million working days[3].Deficiencies in physical education, lack of proper training, a weakened immune system cause of the labor process on a daily basis cause of the disease is about 3 million people just fall out.That is, the efficiency and effectiveness of working time is significantly reduced. To solve this and many other problems in this particular area, it is necessary to work together scientists and practitioners, the whole society. We can say that the new production requires a new physical world of man. As education today becomes a constant factor in the life of a member of our society, and physical culture is now becoming an integral part of all human life, a means of adaptation to changing natural, social and other conditions[2]. From the existing ways of leisure, requiring the consumption of muscle energy, physical culture becomes a major factor in the physical development and education of man. Experts say that the state of human health is only 10%

dependent on medicine and 90% of the level of physical fitness and healthy lifestyle. That is, from themselves ulisi particular person. Studies have shown that the cost of promoting preventive sports activities, taking into account the possibility of injury, is significantly less than the cost of disability benefits.Physical culture and sports should be the key to social and creative longevity[5].

Summing up all the above, we consider it appropriate to recall the words of the famous Soviet scientist, doctor of medical Sciences I. M. Sarkizov-Serazini: "Systematically used physical culture and sport is youth, which does not depend on the passport age, it is old age without diseases, which revives optimism, it is longevity, which is accompanied by a creative labor rise, it is, finally, health is the largest source of beauty." That is, it depends on us what our future will be. And to build a decent future is possible only in the presence of a strong and healthy body. And, if sufficient attention, especially in student years, to pay to their health, physical culture and sports, it will only benefit for the productivity of the person as a whole in his life.

List of used literature:

1. Egorov, D. E. Health and physical education in a student's life /D. E. Egorov, E. S. Suceska // Scientific journal "Discourse". - 2017. - №1(3). - P. 19-24.

2. Suceska, E. S. Motivation of students to attend physical culture classes at the University. /E. S. Suceska, A. S. Krivtsov, N.. Tulinova // Scientific journal "Discourse". - 2017. - №3(5). - P. 33-38

3. Kramskoy, S. I. Technologies of formation of healthy lifestyle of students: studies.manual/ Kramskoy S. I.,Zaitsev V. P.; Manucharyan S. V. ed. by V. P. Zaitsev,S. I. Kramskoy. — Belgorod: BSTU, 2012. 190 p.

4. youth in Russia. 2010: Stat. sat/UNICEF, Rosstat. M.: ICI "Statistics of Russia", 2010.-186 p.

5. Charoyan, O. G. health Norm: problems, approaches to their solution // Valeology. - 1996. - №1. - P. 52-54.

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