PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND PRODUCTIVITY IN SOYBEAN PLANTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
sorts of soy / photosynthesis / pigment / productivity of photosynthesis. / sorts of soy / photosynthesis / pigment / productivity of photosynthesis.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Fozilov Sh.M.

In this article given results of bioecological and morphological features klof the perspective varieties of soybean in the conditions of Surkhandarya region. Certain photosynthetic index (maintenances of pigments, productivity of photosynthesis) of different sorts of soy.

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In this article given results of bioecological and morphological features klof the perspective varieties of soybean in the conditions of Surkhandarya region. Certain photosynthetic index (maintenances of pigments, productivity of photosynthesis) of different sorts of soy.


Fozilov Sh.M. teacher

Termez State University Uzbekistan, Surkhandarya


Annotation. In this article given results of bioecological and morphological features klof the perspective varieties of soybean in the conditions of Surkhandarya region. Certain photosynthetic index (maintenances of pigments, productivity ofphotosynthesis) of different sorts of soy.

Key words: sorts of soy, photosynthesis, pigment, productivity ofphotosynthesis.

Introduction. Photosynthesis is the global natural source of renewable energy on earth, ensuring the full functioning of all the organs of a green plant. Therefore, it serves as a key factor in the production process of agricultural crops, resulting in the formation of up to 95% of the organic matter in the crop. [1,2]. Photosynthesis, which is the main process of plant nutrition, depends on the biological properties of plants, as well as complex external factors: sunlight, air temperature, the amount of carbon dioxide in it, soil moisture and the level of mineral nutrition.

Object and methods of research. The A.A. Nichiporovich method (based on the formula of Kidda, VestaiBriggsa) [5] was used to determine the net productivity of photosynthesis in plants. It is now common to use chlorophyll counters to determine chlorophyll or leaf greenness. For this reason, we also used the chlorophyll meter ZYS-4N (Hangzhou quality lab scientific instrument co., Ltd., China) in our study to determine the amount of chlorophyll.

Research results and its discussion. Based on the above data, we studied the photosynthetic properties of soybean varieties by their phases of development.

Pure productivity of photosynthesis. The net productivity of photosynthesis is the amount of dry matter in grams accumulated per 1 m2 of leaf surface in 1 day. The value of this indicator for different crops is between 1-20 g / m2 per day.

The growth of plant productivity is ensured by two main processes of their vital activity - photosynthesis and growth balance. Growth processes that reflect general functional and metabolic changes in plants are closely related to their accumulation of biomass and dry matter from the air.

The photosynthetic activity of plants is closely related to the size of the assimilating surface of the leaf apparatus and its function. Therefore, it is very important to know what the activity of the leaves is and whether it depends on various influences. These indicators are the photosynthetic potential of crops and the net productivity of photosynthesis

It is known that during the process of photosynthesis, various compounds are formed that are necessary for the growth, development and reproduction of plants. Depending on the plant genotype and habitat, it makes different effective use of assimilants in photosynthesis. Therefore, in the conditions of Surkhandarya region, the net productivity of the process of photosynthesis of different shade varieties was determined at different growing seasons. The results obtained are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Net productivity of photosynthesis in different shade varieties in Surkhandarya _region (g / m2 / day)_

Shade varieties Development cycles

budding gross flowering dukkak formation

Ha$HC 8.93 9,60 9.11

TyMapHC MaH-60 7.34 7,87 7.58

YCTO3 MM-60 9. 33 10,72 9. 57

BecroHKa 8.11 12,39 9.79

The pure productivity of photosynthesis was observed in Ustoz MM-60 and Vestochka varieties of soybean compared to other varieties. In all shade varieties, the net productivity of photosynthesis increased from the period of budding to the period of legume formation: its maximum value coincided with the period of gross flowering, and then slowed down slightly.

The amount of plastid pigments in the leaves of soybean varieties.

Accurate assessment of photosynthetic pigments of leaves is an important element in controlling plant stress and fertilizer application and in managing overall plant productivity, especially in agricultural systems where yields are directly related to plant condition. The photosynthetic pigments of the leaves are the main variables characterizing the photosynthetic reaction and gross primary production in the biosphere, pigments play a central role in light harvesting, protection of photosystems and other growth functions [5-6].

Studies have shown that the amount of chlorophyll in the leaves of Vestochka and Tomaris man-60 varieties of soybeans is higher than in other varieties. It was also observed that the amount of chlorophyll changed during the growing season of the soybean plant, i.e., it was highest during the flowering period, followed by a decrease in the amount.

Thus, it was found that the amount of plastid pigments in the leaves of the studied soybean varieties varies during the growing season depending on the biological characteristics of the varieties. Large amounts of plastid pigments to some extent express the intensity of photosynthetic processes in the plant, providing their growth, development rates and weight of the crop.

Chlorophyll counter readings can be affected by many factors other than nitrogen alone. It has been found that anything that can change the color of plants (e.g., diseases, nutrient deficiencies) can affect chlorophyll meter readings.


Studies have shown that the net productivity of photosynthesis in plants and the amount of plastid pigments in the leaves depend on the biological characteristics of soybean varieties and growing conditions.


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"Экономика и социум" №6(121)-2 2024



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