PHOSPHORIC REGIME OF GRAY FOREST SOILS UNDER DIFFERENT FERTILIZATION SYSTEMS AND CHEMICAL RECLAMATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
liming / humus / gross / movable / water soluble / mineral fertilizer.

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Pavlichenko Alla Ivanivna

The results of research conducted in the landfill monitoring system in a long-term field research estab-lished in 1992 on gray forest coarse-dusty loamy soil on the influence of long-term chemical reclamation and various fertilizer systems (mineral, organic, organic-mineral) on the transformation of the phosphate regime of the soil on calcareous and non-calcareous backgrounds. Phosphorus is extremely important in agriculture. This is due to the fact that no biochemical reaction takes place in the plant body without its participation, be-cause it is a component of the ATP molecule, which provides energy. It is the main element of nucleic acids, phospholipids and others, is actively involved in the regulation of enzymatic reactions. It is part of human, animal, plant and bacterial cells. Optimal phosphorus nutrition promotes the development of the root system, which improves the provision of plants with moisture and nutrients, as well as stimulates all processes related to flower fertilization, tying, forming and ripening of fruits, increases the share of marketable products in the biological crop, increases the content of starch in potatoes, sugar in roots, vegetables and fruits, oil in seeds, oilseeds, in spinning crops increases the yield of long fiber, increases its strength. That is why the management of phosphorus nutrition of plants is one of the key issues. Changes of various forms of phosphorus (gross, mobile, water-soluble) under the influence of the above factors are analyzed. For a more objective assessment of these factors on the phosphate regime of the soil on the variant results of the analysis were compared not only with absolute control, but also tied to the initial level (age of fallow 28 years), located next to the experimental field. It was found that the content of gross phosphorus, which characterizes the genetic characteristics of the soil, depends almost entirely on the total reserves of humus and clearly repeats the parameters of the profile accumulation of carbon, taking into account the depth and thickness of humus horizons. The particle size dis-tribution is of great importance in the processes of gross phosphorus accumulation, as it is quite easily ad-sorbed on the surface of soil structures. Evaluation of the results of the analysis indicates a large gap in the gross forms of phosphorus and a low concentration of its mobile forms, the content of which is 4.7% of the total. According to our data, water-soluble salts of phosphoric acid in gray forest soil are generally in very small quantities (0.62 mg / kg in the horizon HE with a gradual decrease down the profile), which often becomes a limiting factor in phosphorus nutrition of crops. Lime, by reducing the activity of oxides, weakens the adsorption bonds of phosphorus and increases the relative amount of calcium phosphates. The use of mineral fertilizers replenished the pool of gross phosphorus (by 0.08% dock control), but mo-bile forms of phosphorus (according to Kirsanov) increased by only 23 mg / kg, which was second only to lim-ing. In general, the effect of liming significantly increases the use of soil phosphates and fertilizers. To improve the phosphorus deficiency and create soils with a high content of this element should be wide-ly used for fertilizers, in addition to technical fertilizers, organic matter formed by photosynthesis in the form of green manures and crop residues with mandatory liming.

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УДК 631.412

Pavlichenko Alla Ivanivna postgraduate student, NSC "Institute of Agriculture of the NAAS" http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6930-2312 DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-20107-17-22 PHOSPHORIC REGIME OF GRAY FOREST SOILS UNDER DIFFERENT FERTILIZATION SYSTEMS AND CHEMICAL RECLAMATION

The results of research conducted in the landfill monitoring system in a long-term field research established in 1992 on gray forest coarse-dusty loamy soil on the influence of long-term chemical reclamation and various fertilizer systems (mineral, organic, organic-mineral) on the transformation of the phosphate regime of the soil on calcareous and non-calcareous backgrounds. Phosphorus is extremely important in agriculture. This is due to the fact that no biochemical reaction takes place in the plant body without its participation, because it is a component of the ATP molecule, which provides energy. It is the main element of nucleic acids, phospholipids and others, is actively involved in the regulation of enzymatic reactions. It is part of human, animal, plant and bacterial cells. Optimal phosphorus nutrition promotes the development of the root system, which improves the provision ofplants with moisture and nutrients, as well as stimulates all processes related to flower fertilization, tying, forming and ripening of fruits, increases the share of marketable products in the biological crop, increases the content of starch in potatoes, sugar in roots, vegetables and fruits, oil in seeds, oilseeds, in spinning crops increases the yield of long fiber, increases its strength. That is why the management ofphosphorus nutrition ofplants is one of the key issues.

Changes of various forms of phosphorus (gross, mobile, water-soluble) under the influence of the above factors are analyzed. For a more objective assessment of these factors on the phosphate regime of the soil on the variant results of the analysis were compared not only with absolute control, but also tied to the initial level (age offallow 28 years), located next to the experimental field.

It was found that the content of gross phosphorus, which characterizes the genetic characteristics of the soil, depends almost entirely on the total reserves of humus and clearly repeats the parameters of the profile accumulation of carbon, taking into account the depth and thickness of humus horizons. The particle size distribution is of great importance in the processes of gross phosphorus accumulation, as it is quite easily adsorbed on the surface of soil structures.

Evaluation of the results of the analysis indicates a large gap in the gross forms of phosphorus and a low concentration of its mobile forms, the content of which is 4.7% of the total. According to our data, water-soluble salts ofphosphoric acid in gray forest soil are generally in very small quantities (0.62 mg / kg in the horizon HE with a gradual decrease down the profile), which often becomes a limiting factor in phosphorus nutrition of crops.

Lime, by reducing the activity of oxides, weakens the adsorption bonds ofphosphorus and increases the relative amount of calcium phosphates.

The use of mineral fertilizers replenished the pool of gross phosphorus (by 0.08% dock control), but mobile forms of phosphorus (according to Kirsanov) increased by only 23 mg / kg, which was second only to liming. In general, the effect of liming significantly increases the use of soil phosphates and fertilizers.

To improve the phosphorus deficiency and create soils with a high content of this element should be widely used for fertilizers, in addition to technical fertilizers, organic matter formed by photosynthesis in the form of green manures and crop residues with mandatory liming.

Key words: liming; humus; gross; movable; water soluble; mineral fertilizer.

Introduction and statement of the problem:

The importance of phosphorus in the mineral nutrition of plants is emphasized by the statements of prominent scientists. So Academician A.E. Fersman called it "an element of life and thought." J. Liebig believed that phosphorus is the key to life, and D. Pryanishnikov gave phosphorus a central place in the system of plant fertilizers, B.S. Nosko stressed that along with nitrogen, the second most important element of mineral nutrition of plants is phosphorus. [1]. This is due to the fact that without the participation of phosphorus in the plant body does not undergo any biochemical reaction, because it is part of the molecule. ATP and NADP, which provide energy. This element is the main element of nucleic acids, phospholipids and others, takes an active part in the regulation of enzymatic reactions.

It is part of human, animal, plant and bacterial cells. In soils, phosphorus is contained in organic (phytin, phytates, nucleic acids, phospholipids, hexose phosphates, humic substances) and mineral (amorphous and crystalline phosphorus-containing minerals) forms. The mineral form of phosphorus is salts of orthophos-phoric acid with calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, aluminum and other cations. Although their content is not significant, but they are involved in the formation of many organophosphorus compounds, vital to the plant, are of great importance in various metabolic processes. Optimal phosphorus nutrition promotes the development of the root system, which improves the provision of plants with moisture and nutrients. In conditions of significant phosphorus deficiency, there are often signs of nitrogen starvation, which is explained



by a decrease in the use of nitrogen for the synthesis of organic compounds due to lack of phosphorus. Optimal phosphorus nutrition of plants stimulates all processes related to flower fertilization, tying, formation and ripening of fruits. Increases the share of marketable products in the biological harvest (grain relative to straw in cereals, roots relative to the bud in beets, etc.). At the same time increases the content of starch in potatoes, sugar in roots, vegetables and fruits, oil in oilseeds. In spinning cultures, the yield of long fiber increases, its strength increases.

One of the most serious problems is the diagnosis of the phosphate state of the soil, because phosphate ions are able to form compounds of various strengths and forms , which generally complicates the process of their determination. (15,16). That is why the management of phosphorus nutrition of plants is one of the key issues. Therefore, this element of mineral nutrition must be treated with special attention and care in order to increase crop yields in agrocenoses and expanded its reproduction in the soil. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that the production of phosphorus fertilizers is constrained by the low content of this element in the earth's crust -0.08-0.12 has% [2] and a small number of deposits for its extraction.

Research methodology. The main purpose of the research was to evaluate different fertilization systems and long-term aftereffects of chemical reclamation on the phosphorus regime of gray forest soil, as well as to find ways to optimize the phosphorus content in the soil to obtain the highest crop productivity and avoid environmental pollution under the influence of exogenous conditions of environmental pollution under the influence of exogenous fertilizers.

Observations of changes in the phosphorus regime under the influence of the above factors were carried

Scheme of

out in the landfill monitoring system in a long-term field research of the laboratory of agrosoil science and soil microbiology NSC "Institute of Agriculture NAAS", which was founded in 1992 on the territory of the "Chabany" research farm located in the Kyiv-Svi-atoshynskyi district, Kyiv region.

The geological structure of the territory consists of Cretaceous Paleogene and Neogene sediments. Surface deposits, which are represented by loess-like loams, are soil-forming rocks.

The relief is a slightly undulating plain with a slight slope of the surface towards the Dnipro River. The climate is temperate continental. The depth of the first aquifer from the soil surface is 3.5-6.0 m. In general, it can be stated that the climatic conditions in the research area are quite favorable and allow to grow all regional varieties and hybrids of crops.

The investigated area (the location of the research) to the north - eastern direction crossing the southern powerful deep water and glacial beam. The large catchment area is characterized by a small slope towards the beam. In this local case, the influence of relief is manifested through the drainage of the territory on the redistribution of surface runoff moisture.

On the sloping slopes of the beam and the immediately adjacent areas, depending on the particle size distribution in the conditions of the washing water regime, gray coarse-grained light loam soils were formed, which became the subject of research.

In research were studied the impact meliorants, organic (green manure and plant by-products) and fertilizers made separately and in combination with organic fertilizer and lime on crop productivity and properties of gray forest soils. The scheme of the research is given in table 1

Table 1

e research


Without fertilizers (control)_

CaCos(1,0 Ng)_


NPK + CaCos(1,0 Ng)_

2 NPK + CaCos(1,0 Ng)_

NPK for HCV_

NPK for HCV + CaCos(1,0 Ng)_

Green manure+ CaCo3(1,0 Ng)_

Green manure+ PP+ NPK for HCV_

Green manure + PP+ NPK + CaCo3(1,0 Ng) Green manure + PP+ 1,5 NPK + CaCo3(1,0 Ng)

New variants with the establishment of the optimal level of fertilization of crops in crop rotation by their genotypic ratio (HCV) by biogenic and alkaline earth elements (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) are introduced into the experimental scheme.

It is known that the phosphorus regime of the soil largely depends on its particle size distribution and humus content. Therefore we will dwell on these characteristics in more details.

The parent rock of the studied soil contains 18.89% of the most dispersed fraction (0.0001 mm),

which according to the scale of M.A. Kaczynski is typical of easily visible loams in this type of soil. The maternal breed is dominated by the coarse dust fraction the share of it is 53.55%. The fractional composition of the mechanical elements of the humus-accumulative horizon correlates the quantitative indicators of the particle size distribution of the parent rock. Formed on the appropriate particle size of the parent rock retained adaptability to the horizon HE. The main abolition of the upper and lower parts of the soil profile is a significant

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increase in sludge humus-eluvial horizon due to the accumulation of mineral elements and organic colloids origin. Therefore, it is indirect to assume that the share of the highly dispersed phase in the total sludge fraction increases in the horizon HE. The high content of dust in the humus - eluvial horizon of 52.31% (the sum of medium and shallow) and not very high content of silt fractions 22.65% causes a number of unfavorable physical, physicochemical and agrochemical properties of the studied soil.

Humus content and its total reserves are an integrated indicator of soil formation. When assessing the humus condition of the soil, it is especially important to investigate the parameters of the profile accumulation of carbon, taking into account the depth and thickness of the humus horizons. It should be noted that gray forest soils are characterized by a clear differentiation of the profile by eluvial-illuvial type and a kind of humus accumulation in it. According to our data from the generalized reserves of humus (124 ton / hectare), which has the studied soil in the virgin area, 51.6% of it is contained in the horizon HE; 78.3% in the horizons HE + Ih with a total capacity of 0-56 cm. Therefore, the vast majority of humus reserves are concentrated mainly in the upper humus layer.

A certain idea of the potential fertility of the studied soil is formed on the basis of analysis of gross reserves of various forms of phosphorus, the definition of

Table 2.

Content and reserves of various forms of phosphorus in the original (virgin) gray forest coarse-grained

which has theoretical and practical significance for genetic characteristics and justification of its agrochemical properties. In the humus horizon, 30-70% of phosphorus can be bound to organic compounds, the amount of which depends on the organic matter [3].

An important role of organic matter in regulating the availability of phosphorus in the soil-plant system. The supply of phosphorus to the soil depends on the resistance of organic matter to decomposition. In gray forest soils up to 44% are organic compounds, and up to 2.5% of P2O5 are foud in humus and phytates [4]. There is a significant mass of roots and heterotrophic bacteria, which live due to root secretions in the rhizo-sphere, as well as related to the activities of plants due to the biological process of phosphorus transfer from the lower horizons.

As shown by our researches (table 2), the content of gross phosphorus depends almost entirely on the total reserves of humus. The closeness of the correlation between these indicators is r = 0.9 while D = 1.00.

The content of gross phosphorus in the humus-eluvial horizon (0-29 cm) was 0.130% and the total reserves of 5.65 ton / hectare, which fully reflects the content and reserves of humus, respectively, 1.47 and 64.0 ton / hectare.

Genetic horizons Depth of sampling, cm Overall P2O5 Mobile P2O5according to Kirsanov

% ton/hectare mg/kg ton/hectare

HE 0-29 0,130 5,65 90,0 0,39

Ih 30-56 0,060 2,34 67,0 0,26

Ihp 57-89 0,028 1,34 54,0 0,26

Ip 90-120 0,025 1,12 54,0 0,24

P 121-140 0,025 0,75 54,0 0,16

TOTAL 11,2 1,31

A great importance in the processes of accumulation of gross phosphorus has the particle size distribution, because of phosphates are quite easily adsorbed on the surface of soil structures, especially the presence of silty fraction and in general the fraction of physical clay. According to our data from the whole soil profile (0-140 cm) 50.4% of the total phosphorus is in the horizon HE (0-29 cm). In general, its total reserves are not high and are in the amount of 11.2 ton / hectare. However, according to the content of total phosphorus in the soil, it cannot be concluded that it is provided with phosphorus compounds available to plants, as the bulk of them is contained in sparingly soluble compounds inaccessible to plant nutrition. Therefore, in our research we focus more on mobile forms of phosphorus, which are a limiting factor in the formation of crop yields.

A reliable indicator of the supply of plants with phosphorus is the content and reserves of its mobile forms. To determine mobile phosphorus compounds in the soil, the Kirsanov method is used, in which a 0.2 H

solution HCl served as a solvent. Evaluation of the results of the analysis indicates a large gap in the gross forms of phosphorus and a low concentration of its mobile forms, the content of which is 4.7% of the total. This indicates that phosphorus soil compounds are poorly soluble, have low dissociation into ions and, conversely, high fixation capacity of the solid phase of the soil. The content of mobile phosphates reflects the content of gross forms of phosphorus, with depth their concentration also decreases. If in the humus-eluvial horizon of mobile forms of phosphorus 90 mg / kg, then in the horizon Ih 67 mg / kg, and in subsequent horizons their number has not changed and is at the level of 54 mg / kg. In general, in the layer of 0-140 cm, their number was 1.3 ton / hectare, which is 8.6 times less than gross phosphates.

It is established that the real natural provision of the studied soil corresponds to the group of soils with an average supply of plants with this element [5].

It is known that plant nutrition is carried out only from the soil solution. It is known that plants are able



to absorb from the soil solution even at small concentrations, such as 0.01-0.02 ml / l of P2O5, in which nutrients are in the form of cations and anions to which salts dissociate. Therefore, to characterize the soil for the availability of mobile phosphate compounds (capacity factor), it is important to determine the degree of mobility of phosphates (intensity factor).It is very difficult to isolate the soil solution, and therefore to determine the mobility of phosphates using aqueous extracts at a narrow ratio of soil to solution. It is believed that the concentration of phosphorus in these extracts is as close as possible to the concentration of phosphorus in the soil solution. According to our data (Table 3), water-soluble salts of phosphoric acid in gray forest soil are generally in very small quantities (0.62 mg / kg in the horizon HE with a gradual decrease down the profile), which often becomes a limiting factor in phosphorus nutrition of agricultural cultures.

Agrochemical selection and analysis of soils were carried out according to the generally accepted methods of national DSTU (National Standard of Ukraine), GOST (National Standard).

Analytical work was carried out in the laboratory of ecological safety of lands, product and environment quality "Institute of Soil Protection of Ukraine".

Research results and their discussion. Since phosphorus is contained in all vegetative organs of crops, and especially its high content in the grain of cereals, it is removed from the field and thus depletes the phosphorus reserves of the soil. Its replenishment in the horizon HE due to the processes of biological transfer from the lower horizons is insignificant and the main source of improvement of the phosphorus regime is the use of fertilizers. Therefore, the study of changes in phosphorus in the soil under the influence of fertilizers is not only scientific but also practical.

Analysis of analytical data (Table 3) shows that for long-term use of soil without fertilizers (28 years of the research) in a layer of 0-20 cm, the content of total phosphorus decreased by 0.02% or 0.6 ton / hectare relative to the original level, and mobile forms of phosphorus (according to Kirsanov) in this layer of soil decreased by 23 mg / kg of soil. Degradation phenomena in the soil are observed, conditions of phosphorus nutrition of plants worsen.

Lime is important for improving the phosphorus regime of gray forest soils. It does not change the total phosphorus in the soil, but significantly increases its mobility, and hence plant digestibility. It does not change the total phosphorus in the soil, but significantly increases its mobility, and hence plant digestibility. When using lime in the research (1.0 Ng), the content of gross phosphorus remained at the level of control of 0.110 %, but there is a significant increase in mobile phosphorus by 27 mg / kg compared to the control. Moderate growth and water-soluble phosphates (0.06 mg / kg). Lime, by reducing the activity of oxides, weakens the adsorption bonds of phosphorus and increases the relative amount of calcium phosphates. Many researchers believe that liming mobilizes soil phosphates, which creates favorable conditions for phosphorus nutrition of plants [6,7,8,9,10]. According

to them, phosphates of aluminum and iron become calcium phosphates more accessible to plants, the antagonism between phosphorus and aluminum when entering plants is eliminated, the ability of the root system to assimilate is enhanced.

Annual long-term application of some mineral fertilizers has led to acidification of the soil. The hydro-lytic acidity in this variant increased by 0.17 mg-eq. / g of soil in relation to the control (3.29 mg-eq. / 100 g of soil). Progressive acidification of the upper horizon contributed to the transition of introduced phosphates into their sparingly soluble compounds of aluminum and iron (the content of Al3+ in the composition of Nobm., respectively, rose from 62.9 to 71.4). Al3+ and Fe3+ - phosphates are considered as insoluble forms. They become a reserve of phosphorus nutrition of plants and pass into the soil solution as plants assimilate easily digestible phosphates. The use of mineral fertilizers replenished the pool of gross phosphorus (by 0.08% before control), but mobile forms of phosphorus (according to Kirsanov) increased by only 23 mg / kg, which was second only to liming. Significant reduction in this variant of water-soluble phosphorus (0.06 mg / kg before control).

Phosphorus is transformed in another way from the applied fertilizers on a limed background. Studies have shown a sharp increase in mobile forms of phosphorus (an increase of 1.5 times compared to the non-limed background) and a marked decrease in gross phosphorus, respectively, from 0.118 to 0.106%. In this variant, Hr decreased to 3.04 mg-eq./100 g of soil in comparison with non-limed soil with Hr 3.46 mg-eq./100 g of soil. The latter is accompanied by an increase in the calcareous version of mobile phosphates bound to Al3+ and Fe3+ and insufficient binding of phosphorus to tricalcium phosphate.

In relation to the control, the water-soluble phosphorus content increased by 0.04 mg / kg. This effect of liming is confirmed in the case of large doses of mineral fertilizers. Systematic application of double doses of mineral fertilizers on a limed background at the full dose contributes to an increase in gross phosphorus by 36 mg / kg relative to the control and by 26 mg / kg to baseline. At the same time, mobile phosphates increased by 23 mg / kg and 70 mg / kg, respectively. In this case, apparently increasing the dose of nitrogen fertilizers contribute to the mobilization of soil phosphorus compounds, because with increasing doses, the utilization rate of phosphorus fertilizers has increased.

To the complex of fertilizers applied in the research on the principle of HCV includes P2O5. This contributed to the accumulation in the soil of both gross and mobile forms, which exceeded the levels of control and the initial level on non-calcareous and calcareous backgrounds (Table 3).

Changes in the phosphate fund of the soil with systematic plowing of green mass, green manure on a calcareous background by hydrolytic acidity are analyzed. The effect of this agricultural measure was to increase the gross phosphorus by 0.10% relative to the control, and mobile forms by 40 mg / kg and, accordingly, to the initial level by 0.10% and 17 mg / kg. The latter is associated with an increase in humus in this variant, the

«етушшшм-лшшау» #шмт, шт / agricultural sciences


humus content of which increased by 0.22% to control and 0.15% to baseline, as well as to some extent the transfer of phosphorus-containing compounds by the root system from the lower soil horizons. It is worth to note that with the use of green manure it is impossible to create high levels of mobile phosphorus in the soil-plant system, which correspond to the level of high yields, as well as expanded reproduction of this element in the soil.

The scheme includes options for the joint use of green manures, by-products, mineral fertilizers in single and one and a half doses on the background of liming at full hydrolytic acidity. Against the background of such a complex of fertilizers, all indicators of the phosphorus fund significantly exceeded the relevant control data: gross phosphorus content by 36% and 100%, mobile forms by 165% and 276%. Therefore, such application of fertilizers creates an agrogenic cultivated layer of soil with a high and very high content of phosphorus, which significantly increases the effective soil fertility. Fertilizers on such phosphorus backgrounds should be used only to compensate for its removal by crop yields. It is established that the optimal level of mobile phosphates in gray forest soils is in the range of 100-150 mg / kg [11,12,13,14].


Reserves of gross phosphorus in gray forest soil are determined by their genetic features and in the soil profile 0-140 cm are 11.2 ton / hectare, and mobile phosphates 1.31 ton / hectare. In the horizon HE of virgin soil is 98 mg / kg (according to Kirsanov), which refers to the category of soils with an average level of supply of this element.

The content of gross phosphorus depends almost entirely on the total reserves of humus. The closeness of the correlation between these elements is r = 0.9 while D = 1.00.

With long-term use of soil in crop rotation without the use of fertilizers, the content of total phosphorus in the layer 0-20 cm decreased by 0.01% to the initial level, and mobile forms of phosphorus by 23 mg / kg of soil.

Annual long-term application of some mineral fertilizers replenishes the pool of gross phosphorus, but the content of its mobile forms is much inferior to their introduction against the background of liming. In general, the effect of liming significantly increases the use of soil phosphates and fertilizers.

To improve the scarce balance of phosphorus and create soils with a high content of this element should be widely used for fertilizer in addition to technical fertilizers, organic matter formed by photosynthesis in the form of green manures— and crop residues, with mandatory liming.


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УДК: 628.171.033: 628.179.32

Каракулов Ф.А.

Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение «Всероссийский Научно-Исследовательский Институт Гидротехники и Мелиорации имени А.Н.Костякова», РФ,

г. Москва.



Karakulov F.A.

Federal state budgetary scientific institution "all-Russian research Institute of hydraulic Engineering and

Melioration named after A. N. Kostyakov", Moscow, Russia.



Карелия находится на Северо-Западе России и является составляющей Северо-Западного федерального округа. На её территории насчитывается более 73000 водоёмов различного генезиса и более 28000 озёр естественного происхождения. Однако, в настоящее время, большая часть водоёмов находится в неудовлетворительном состоянии. К их числу можно отнести Онежское озеро, которое потерпело значительный ущерб из-за многолетнего несоблюдения в регионе природоохранного законодательства жилищно-коммунальными, сельскохозяйственными и промышленными предприятиями. В данной работе будут рассмотрены факторы, повлёкшие за собой ухудшение качества вод Онежского озера и будут предложены действия, направленные на их устранение и минимизацию.


Karelia is located in the North-West of Russia and is a part of the North-West Federal District. On its territory, there are more than 73,000 reservoirs of various genesis and more than 28,000 lakes of natural origin. However, at present, most of the reservoirs are in an unsatisfactory condition. These include Lake Onega, which suffered significant damage due to many years of non-compliance in the region with environmental legislation by housing and communal, agricultural and industrial enterprises. This paper will consider the factors that led to the deterioration of the water quality of Lake Onega and will suggest actions aimed at eliminating and minimizing them.

Ключевые слова: Онежское озеро, Карелия, антропогенное воздействие, качество воды, устранение и минимизация антропогенного воздействия

Key words: Lake Onega, Karelia, anthropogenic impact, water quality, elimination and minimization of anthropogenic impact

Карелия является субъектом Российской Феде- района. Протяжённость с севера на юг составляет рации, которых входит в состав Северо-Западного 660 км и 424 км с запада на восток. Основным ре-федерального округа и Северного экономического

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