PHILOSOPHICAL THINKING AND ITS PECULIARITIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Tulanov M.K.

This article discusses philosophical thinking and its main features. The author explains the importance of philosophical thinking in human life.

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УДК 101

Tulanov M.K. senior lecturer department of humanities Andijan Machine-Building Institute


Abstract: This article discusses philosophical thinking and its main features. The author explains the importance of philosophical thinking in human life.

Key words: Philosophy, thinking, reasoning, worldview, perception, mental capacity.

Philosophy is a special form of knowledge of the world, which develops a system of knowledge about the most general characteristics, extremely generalizing concepts and fundamental principles of reality (being) and knowledge, human being, about the relationship between man and the world. For centuries, the tasks of philosophy included both the study of the universal laws of the development of the world and society, and the study of the process of cognition and thinking itself, as well as the study of moral categories and values. Among the ultimate philosophical questions are, for example, the questions "Is the world cognizable?", "Does God exist?", "What is truth?", "What is good?", "What is Man?", "What is primary or consciousness?", "What is the meaning of life?" other.

Although philosophy is sometimes defined more narrowly, as a science with a specific subject of study, this approach meets the objections of modern philosophers, who insist that philosophy is more of a worldview, a general critical approach to the knowledge of all that exists, which is applicable to any object or concept. In this sense, every person at least occasionally engages in philosophy, that is, reflects.

Philosophy actually exists in the form of many different philosophical teachings that can oppose each other, but at the same time complement each other.

Philosophy encompasses many areas, from metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, political philosophy and philosophy of science to philosophy of design. and Philosophy of Cinema (eng.) Russian ..

Those areas of knowledge for which it is possible to develop a clear and workable methodological paradigm stand out from philosophy into scientific disciplines, as, for example, physics, biology and psychology were separated from philosophy in due time.

A socialized person normally possesses an established life-practical world outlook. As a rule, it develops spontaneously, relying on the experience of

previous generations. However, a person in his life may face problems that his worldview cannot cope with. To solve them, both at the level of a person and at the level of society, a higher, critical-reflexive level of attitude to the world may be required. Philosophy is at this level.

The precise definition of philosophy is in itself an open philosophical question. This is due to the fact that the subject of study in philosophy is not specifically defined - philosophy considers everything that can be problematized, including the very methodology of cognition (within the framework of epistemology). Within the framework of the teachings of different philosophical schools that have formed during the existence of philosophy, it is possible to give different definitions of what philosophy is. Therefore, in a certain sense, the definition of philosophy depends on the era.

On the other hand, philosophy has an important unifying principle - any philosophical reasoning, no matter how unexpected its premises may be, is nevertheless built rationally: meaningfully, in accordance with certain principles of thinking, as an example, logic. The rationality of reasoning distinguishes philosophical thinking from mythological thinking and religious thinking, which implies supranaturalism and the supernatural, that is, the irrational. This, however, does not mean that philosophy does not allow coexistence, for example, with religion. On the contrary, situations are widespread when a religion was accepted as a prerequisite for a philosophical system, and a rational philosophical apparatus was used further to develop those areas of knowledge that were not covered by the canon of this religion. For example, ancient Indian philosophy interpreted the Vedas, and the medieval philosophers of Europe (Blessed Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, and others) interpreted the Bible. Cases are also common when philosophical thinking has been used to try to prove the justice of a religion or, more generally, to prove the existence of God. For example, apologists have tried to rationalize Christianity.

In addition to logic, another method of philosophical thinking ensures the integrity of philosophy. Each new trend in philosophy, new idea or new philosophical school correlates itself with previous philosophical concepts, providing a critical analysis. these concepts within their new paradigm. For example, the famous work of Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, contains a critical analysis of the concepts of rationalism and empiricism. Thus, logic and critical analysis are the pillars of philosophical thinking and provide the integrity of philosophy.

At the same time, the vagueness of the definition of philosophy is its characteristic feature and separates philosophy from sciences. If philosophers in any area manage to make a breakthrough by discovering an effective methodology of knowledge that can be learned without involving philosophy, then this area is usually separated from philosophy into an independent discipline. Thus, the successful application of the scientific method of cognition to various classes of natural objects finally separated from philosophy a part of

natural philosophy, which later split into a string of natural sciences. For example, Isaac Newton wrote his fundamental work "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", being, according to his own ideas, a philosopher, and now he is known as a physicist and mathematician. All English-speaking science still retains traces of its relationship with philosophy, for example, in the fact that in all its disciplines the highest scientific degree is called "Doctor of Philosophy" (English Ph.D.).

According to Lenin, expressed in his work "Materialism and Empirio-Criticism", "... behind the epistemological scholasticism of empirio-criticism, one cannot fail to see the struggle of parties in philosophy, a struggle that in the last analysis expresses the tendencies and ideology of the hostile classes of modern society. The latest philosophy is as partisan as it was two thousand years ago. The fighting parties in essence ... are materialism and idealism "

Further concretization of the definition of philosophy proceeds to the description of its various departments. Philosophy is subdivided according to two main dimensions: by subjects of study and by "types", that is, by different schools and concepts.

The first dimension highlights the areas of application of philosophy. Of course, such a division can be carried out in different ways. One of the largest such segmentation is the division of philosophy into metaphysics (questions of being, existence), epistemology (questions of cognition) and axiology (questions of values and morality). Otherwise, in a more classical version, in addition to the three areas listed above, logic (improving the rational philosophical apparatus) and the history of philosophy (critical analysis of Russian philosophical concepts of the past) are also distinguished into separate subjects. The division of philosophy into theoretical, practical and poetic (creative) goes back to Aristotle.

The second dimension highlights various schools of thought and methodologies. The largest such division is, for example, the separation into a separate segment of all Western philosophy, that is, the totality of ancient philosophy and all philosophical schools and trends that subsequently emerged in Western Europe and the United States, including, for example, German classical philosophy, French philosophy, etc. Historically, due to linguistic and spatial barriers, various schools of thought have been localized within specific countries and peoples, such as ancient Greek philosophy, Chinese philosophy or German philosophy.

Starting from the 17th century, with the gradual development of globalization, national and geographical differences began to play a lesser role, and various philosophical trends, becoming international, began to receive names that were not tied to geography and culture, such as Marxism, existentialism, and others. At the same time, today some cultural and linguistic differences remain, which form various philosophical trends. One of the most important such divisions is the division of modern philosophy into continental

philosophy, which includes mainly the works of French and German contemporary philosophers, and analytical philosophy, which mainly develops in English-speaking countries.

Starting from antiquity, philosophy receives the universal meaning of a special life path, belonging to different philosophical schools requires adherence to different life styles from adherents.

Metaphysics is the most abstract branch of philosophy that studies the most fundamental, the so-called. "Eternal" questions related to reality. Among these fundamental questions, questions related to being stand out in a separate class, and this part of metaphysics is called "ontology". The questions of being primarily include the following: "What really exists?", "What does existence mean?", "What makes existence possible?" More applied questions of being include: "Why does the world exist?", "There is only one world?", "What is space?", "What is time?" and others. Although the concepts of ontology and metaphysics are sometimes used as synonyms, there are classes of metaphysical questions that are not directly related to being. Such problems include questions of the relationship between the whole and the parts, questions of the relationship between causes and effects, questions related to free will, etc. Such questions are more likely to relate to metaphysics, but usually not to ontology.

Often, a philosophical system is built around a certain dogma, which it tries to rationalize. For example, within the framework of Christian philosophy, Islamic philosophy, attempts were made to prove the existence of God. The branch of ontology that seeks to rationalize religion in this way is called rational or natural theology. Likewise, rational psychology (German) Russian. is called a part of the ontology, which is built around the belief in the existence of the soul separately from the material world. More generally, the rationalization of any cosmology is called "rational cosmology".

Certain philosophical movements in the twentieth century have questioned the need for pure metaphysics. For example, from the point of view of positivists, especially logical positivists, and also from the point of view of many representatives of the natural sciences, it makes sense to study only those questions for which the verification criterion is satisfied. Most of the "eternal questions" do not satisfy this criterion, and, therefore, their pure consideration is meaningless. On the other hand, poststructuralists, who have directly opposite ideas about science and verification, also criticize the meaningfulness of metaphysics, continuing the tradition of Heidegger and Nietzsche, considering both metaphysics and philosophy as a whole, and natural sciences only "a temporary aberration of Western consciousness".

Such a wide range of critics' positions leaves metaphysics wide room for maneuver, and in general, over the past hundred years, interest in metaphysics has been growing. Metaphysical research takes place within different areas of philosophy, for example, within the philosophy of science, philosophy of language, philosophy of culture. Modern metaphysics is a highly specialized

discipline in which, using high-order logic (English) Russian. there are attempts to separate some solvable parts from the "eternal" questions.



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