Научная статья на тему 'Philosophical lyrics in the poetry of Vasily Lebedev'

Philosophical lyrics in the poetry of Vasily Lebedev Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Vinokurova Antonina A.

This article analyzes the philosophical lyrics of Lebedev's poems. Lebedev's poems are imbued with philosophical thoughts. In the creative work of Lebedev we have identified about 20 poems of philosophical lyrics, the themes of which are very diverse: in these verses the poet reflects on life, the past, the future, the purpose of life, death.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Philosophical lyrics in the poetry of Vasily Lebedev»

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 10 (2014 7) 1734-1737

УДК 82-14

Philosophical Lyrics

in the Poetry of Vasily Lebedev

Antonina A. Vinokurova*

North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk 58 Belinskiy Str, Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 677980, Russia

Received 24.03.2014, received in revised form 18.04.2014, accepted 19.08.2014

This article analyzes the philosophical lyrics of Lebedev's poems. Lebedev's poems are imbued with philosophical thoughts. In the creative work of Lebedev we have identified about 20 poems of philosophical lyrics, the themes of which are very diverse: in these verses the poet reflects on life, the past, the future, the purpose of life, death.

Keywors: philosophical lyrics, poetry, Vasily Lebedev, the life, the death, the image. Research area: 24.00.00 - culture studies.

Studying the peculiarities of the creative process and the product of creation, Iu.B. Borev distinguishes the following components: reality -author - creative process; text- artistic reality and semantics (art concept) - reception [1; 456].

Among lyrical genres, researchers distinguish civil, philosophical, intimate and pastoral poetry, insisting on the fact that different forms of the lyric genre are mainly based on the "thematic principle". L. Bodrova, L. Timofeev and A. Bandura use the term "genre" to refer to a literature class. In his theory of poetry, G.N. Pospelov considers the ratio of the expressive and imitative origins to be the leading principle of classification of lyric genres [7, 108].

Vasily Lebedev was recognized and became famous as an outstanding Even poet. His multi-faceted creative personality was vividly revealed in the field of science. He made it into history

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* Corresponding author E-mail address: kafedrasev@mail.ru

of the native people, as the first Even scientist, candidate (Ph.D.) of philological sciences.

The originality of the artistic worldview of the indigenous peoples of the North is their firm belief that not only bodies of family and friends contain human life, but also all things created by the human. Vasily Lebedev's poetics demonstrates this syncretism in the native language with great artistic expression. For example, in the poem "Unta" (Mukluks), the girl's footwear is endowed with special beauty:

Хэрэнэпкэн, HHcamaH Beaded

Ocan yHTaB тэттндн [2]

Mukluks out of skins, dressed

D.E. Vasil'eva, considering Lebedev's poetry, wrote that "the lyrical protagonist in the works by Vasily Lebedev is diverse and extensive. He is a man with active life position, not a common contemplator. His reflections on the meaning

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of life, the high destiny of the human, the place of the poet in the labour ranks are deep and philosophical" [2, 82].

The young years pass, as the winds, the poet compares these years to the season, calling them spring. The lyrical protagonist reflects on his past life and asks himself what else he can do: HecarnaH 6ugeKy HH3Rm My young days,

XyHRarHHH garHHK3H R3Hpuc3H

Like the wind, have passed by. EuHHHBy h3^K3HHH TaHHH-ga ernaHHH,

My life-spring is over


How much do I still have to do? XH, xyHR3, gamagu OH 3H3C xopyKaH,

Wind, why have not you taken away Tarawa erecKH oh 3H3C xepyK3H?

To the faraway aether, why have not you taken with you?

TeraMH 6uHHBy H3^K3HHH e^T3HHH [ 3].

Thus my life-spring has passed.

[A .V.]

The author reflects on the years of his childhood overcoming the cold, he uses metaphorical images "have tasted the icy cold": куцарапу еnmэннu, / An^mn цэнрumэн/ H^Hbcu гuncueaн/ AMmanuKan ucypue. The bygone life of the Evens, according to the thoughts of Vasily Lebedev, got stuck in the rocks: ecu 6unu mэгэnгэн/ Kadapandyna нa6гaнцa. Thoughts about the days gone by, we find in the poems "AHHaHH^" (Years), "XynKynaK ypK3^3H" (At the door of the school), "^araamaH hh3hh^" (Winged Days), «Thhhb 6h» (Yesterday I).

Through the prism of native wildlife, Vasily Lebedev reveals his state of soul. The lyrical protagonist in the poem "Xoh xuHMan" (Very Fast) has the opposite feelings, when a pine branch gets interwoven with the darkness, then it's hard for him to think about anything, and when the star shines in the sky, then his soul brightens.

Хатарнюн Мэргэму

Дёмкаттай ургэлрэн. вгилэ

Осикат хурамран.


Мэргэму илэ-вул Аркакан цэринчин[1].

With darkness My thoughts Have got heavier Somewherer up high A star is twinkling Somewhere faraway My thoughts Get brighter

In his work «Колата гендэтэн» (Let Them Say That I Drink) we observe conflicting opinions about the essence of life: колата, кэнели гендэтэн, биниву дюлдэлэв, хирэцчин гиркуттэн - let them say that I drink, I'm bad, there are obstacles waiting for ahead in life, ай бэй, як аин гендэтэн, бэй-нюн-дэ гэрбэлэн тер ойдун тэгэтчим - let them say that I'm good, I'm the best, I will live this life with dignity.

Vasily Lebedev's favorite landscape is his native Verkhoyansk Mountains, therefore, thinking about life, he compares бинив удян - his life: некикэцчин цунэнчин - with a tight arrow, мавуткацчин хумбуцчин - with the movement of the lasso, горла хордин,/ даваччин,/ асун-дакит гуду тору ойчияччин- obstacles of life -with the mountains.

S.M. Petrova in her reflection on the poem "Этикэр" (Old Men), writes that "the old men have got close with the nature around them and have become a part of it" [6, 70]. Here the poet shows the life of a man on land in a peculiar way. Youth is fast as the wind, and old age means respect, and therefore the poet describes the old men with great respect. Philosophical comprehension is accompanied by a leisurely pace, the author uses repetition; description of peace the poet transmits using the word хумкэттэ - whisper, they whisper to the forest, to the mountain top, to the coloured meadows, to the blue flowers, to the white swans, to the sky, to the sun.

The theme of fortitude is demonstrated in the poem "Ицэнь тер бэицдин" (If You Think You

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Are a Northerner). Using an annular construction of the strophe, Vasily Lebedev draws attention to the fact, how to live this life with dignity: be persistent, like a rock - кадар урэмэк мац били, your thoughts should be transparent, like a spring flower - кунтэк ойлан герси нвчэ/ Урэмэкэн дёлбэр оли, as a stream from which a bird is drinking - чивкачан колацкан/ биракчан мвгчинни.

The poet in his works shares his thoughts of being, of human destiny. Poet asks the eternal philosophical questions in his poem "Як гэрбэн тэгэлгэн?" (What Is Life?). Here we see the argument about life, about his own experiences, how to live this life. The poem consists of 9 equal triplets, each first line begins with a question, every second line contains an answer and the third one contains an imperative sentence. For example:

Як гэрбэн тэгэлгэн? What is life?

Эвикэ. A game.

Таракам, хотэлрэ хоч аич!

Then have a lot of fun with it!

Often we find thoughts about enlightened life. For example, in the poem "Хупкутчэ" (Knowledge): хупкуттэй эдэй би одамса, нвлтэнкэ цэримэн эрэгэр бодамсам - I want to continue to learn, to laways follow the bright sunbeams.

Meditations devoted to eternity, are frequent. For example, in the poem "Музейла" (At the Museum) the protagonist reflects on the future: тэгэлгэн бинивэн гвниклэн/ хояв би унуца туркурэм - when I think about life / there is much I don't understand; Мин бинив удярман хакурин одакан мингэчин урална туркудир -тачикан горалдин - when the road of my life will end / other like me will also think about eternity.

In lyrical and philosophical interpretation of the world, an important place is occupied by the theme of death, which is deeply national

in Lebedev's poems. In the poem "Ок ут-та тер долан ирэку" (Once Upon a Time I Will Be in the Ground), we see a kind of attitude to passing away ок-ут-та твр долан ирэку -by that time, when I will be in the ground. The lyrical protagonist reflects on how young people will be asking what he has written about, after reading the poem? The protagonist of the poem gives the answer to this question being confident that his life is truly reflected in his works. Ок-ут-та тер долан ирэку

Once upon a time I will be in the ground Гендэну терэму And the words I said

Дуктацнав эмэбдин. Will remain written down. Несэгчэр дукатлав After reading my poems

Тацникан улгимдир: Young people will ask:

-Ями-тка адыкун бичэмдэс, -His life

Бидэкен тэгэлгэн Seems insufficient

Он эсни ичумсэ, As if we don't see everything Хаван-кка дяйча-гу, яча-гу?

Seems like he has hidden something? Таракам Later on

Бисиву тэгэлгэн The life I've lived

Битлэдув барагдин илканди [2].

Will truly anser for me.

[А. V.]

Turning to the shaman theme in Lebedev's works demonstrates religious views of the people.

Thus, the protagonist of the poem "Миргилан" - shaman Gurguli - during his shamanistic has a flight through three worlds and the author depicts it with the following words «дэ5сэн бисни ньааниндулин" - his wings have touched the Heaven, 'Ъяцан олда оодьиди/ наманьдялбу давлиндан" - having turned into a burbot/ he swam across seas, "кадарал-да, куунтэкэл/ дьээрэлникэн еелтэцчир" - rocks and meadows we passed by.

Vasily Lebedev combined the originality of thinking of a scientist and the imagery of a poet.

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The latter spiritualized the first one. Therefore, his translations from his native language into Russian were peculiar due to the poetic features and scientific preciseness at the same time.

The analysis of the poet's philosophical poetry leads us to the conclusion that Vasily Lebedev is a poet-thinker, in his poetry various philosophical categories are originally

interpreted. Joyous philosophical poetry of the poet helps the reader to hope for the best, to fill his/her life with the spirit of dignity, pride, courage, nobility. It should be noted, that in Lebedev's philosophical lyrics the issue of environmental and ethical-moral relationship between the human, environment and society is disclosed.


1. Borev, Iu.B. Teoriia literatury. Tom IV. Literaturnyi protsess [Theory of Literature. Volume IV. Literary process]. Moscow, Institute of World Literature RAS, "Nasledie", 2001. 624 p.

2. Vasil'eva, D.E. sviaz' vremen. sbornik statei [Connection of Times. Collection of Articles] / illustrations by Skiabin S.S. Yakutsk: Publishing House, 1991. 120 p.

3. Lebedev, V. Омчэни: Дентур/ V. Lebedev. Yakutsk: Нека торэнэн книга издательстван, 1963. 68 p.

4. Lebedev, V. Хиги огални/ V. Lebedev. Yakutsk: Нека терэцэн книга издательстван, 1965.

88 p.

5. Lebedev, V. Дялбу терэцнэтэн/ V. Lebedev. Yakutsk: Нека торэнэн книга издательстван, 1968. 64 p.

6. Petrova, S.M. Evenkiiskaia literature v shkolakh Respubliki sakha (Iakutii) [The Even Literature in Schools of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia)]. Textbook - Saint Petersburg: Department of the Publishing house "Prosveshchenie", 1994. P. 66-84.

7. Pospelov, G.N. Teoriia literatury: uchebnik dlia studentov [Theory of Literature: Textbook for Students] / G.N. Pospelov, 1983. 112 p.

философская лирика в поэзии В. Лебедева

А.А. Винокурова

Северо-Восточный федеральный университет

имени М.К. Аммосова Россия, 677000, Республика Саха (Якутия), Якутск, ул. Белинского, 58

В данной статье анализируется философская лирика поэзии В. Лебедева. Лебедевские стихи пронизаны философскими раздумьями. В творчестве В. Лебедева нами выявлено около 20 стихотворений философской лирики, тематика которой весьма разнообразна: в этих стихах поэт размышляет о жизни, о прошлом, о будущем, о предназначении жизни, о смерти.

Ключевые слова: философская лирика, поэзия, Василий Лебедев, жизнь, смерть, образ.

Научная специальность: 24.00.00 - культурология.

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