PHILOSOPHICAL EGO-TEXT IN THE WORLD OF CULTURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
text / cultural text / philosophical ego-text / postmodernism / metamodernism / autofiction / hermeneutics / текст / текст культуры / философский эго-текст / мепостмодернизм / метамодернизм / автофикшн / герменевтика

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Пискунова Светлана Ивановна, Диков Сергей Андреевич

The focus of the article is on the unique text of culture the “philosophical ego-text”, which covers the entire spectrum of autobiographical genres written by thinkers about themselves. The work reflects the essence of the philosophical ego-text. It is noted that it acquires the status of a philosophical one when, in addition to describing personal history and expressing one’s own “EGO, I”, it contains and broadcasts moral ideas, value orientations, cultural meanings of that space and time, where the thinker lived and worked. The study traces the dynamics, genre transformations and modifications of philosophical ego-texts, as well as the educational potential contained in them and the possibility of using them in the teaching process in higher education.

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В центре внимания статьи уникальный текст культуры – «философский эго-текст», который охватывает весь спектр автобиографических жанров, написанных мыслителями о себе. В работе отражена сущность философского эго-текста, отмечено, что статус философского он приобретает в том случае, когда кроме описания личной истории и выражения собственного «ЭГО, Я» он содержит и транслирует нравственные идеи, ценностные ориентиры, культурные смыслы того пространства и времени, в котором жил и творил мыслитель. В исследовании прослеживается динамика, жанровые трансформации и модификации философских эго-текстов, а также рассматривается заложенный в них воспитательный потенциал с целью использования в учебном процессе высшей школы.



УДК 008.001(045)


Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Law and Philosophy Dikov S. A. Master's Student

Mordovian State Pedagogical University named after M. E. Evsevie Saransk, Russia

Abstract. The focus of the article is on the unique text of culture - the "philosophical ego-text", which covers the entire spectrum of autobiographical genres written by thinkers about themselves. The work reflects the essence of the philosophical ego-text. It is noted that it acquires the status of a philosophical one when, in addition to describing personal history and expressing one's own "EGO, I", it contains and broadcasts moral ideas, value orientations, cultural meanings of that space and time, where the thinker lived and worked. The study traces the dynamics, genre transformations and modifications of philosophical ego-texts, as well as the educational potential contained in them and the possibility of using them in the teaching process in higher education. Keywords: text, cultural text, philosophical ego-text, postmodernism, metamodernism, autofiction, hermeneutics.


доктор философских наук, профессор кафедры права и философии

Диков С. А.

студент магистратуры

Мордовский государственный педагогический университет имени М.Е. Евсевьева Саранск, Россия

Аннотация. В центре внимания статьи уникальный текст культуры - «философский эго-текст», который охватывает весь спектр автобиографических жанров, написанных мыслителями о себе. В работе отражена сущность философского эго-текста, отмечено, что статус философского он приобретает в том случае, когда кроме описания личной истории и выражения собственного «ЭГО, Я» он содержит и транслирует нравственные идеи, ценностные ориентиры, культурные смыслы того пространства и времени, в котором жил и творил мыслитель. В исследовании прослеживается динамика, жанровые трансформации и модификации философских эго-текстов, а также рассматривается заложенный в них воспитательный потенциал с целью использования в учебном процессе высшей школы.

Ключевые слова: текст, текст культуры, философский эго-текст, мепостмодернизм, метамодернизм, автофикшн, герменевтика.

1 Работа выполнена в рамках гранта на проведение научно-исследовательских работ по приоритетным направлениям научной деятельности вузов-партнеров по сетевому взаимодействию (БГПУ и МГПУ) по теме «Философский текст в культурно-педагогическом наследии».


Dynamic changes in the world and human's life happen under the influence of scientific inventions, social projects, achievements of scientists, luminaries of cultural, political, economic spheres. According to M. I. Mukhin formula "A human is a creator and not just a creation" has actual social and practical significance [9, p. 24].

The man's culture identity is correlated to an intellectual person who is well mannered and educated in the context of cultural and historical continuity and humanistic standards, an independent and creative person who is able to create projects and programs, to produce new goals. It's impossible to achieve this goal of becoming of philosophical knowledge, its enrichment and "augmentation" without reading of original philosophical texts. Of course, it's not easy to work with philosophical writings, this intellectual reading demands a specialized preparation, knowledge of philosophical trends and currents, proficiency of its language, conceptual and categorical framework.

Today the fact of readers' sustainable interest to ego-texts which are a variety of autobiographical genres written by philosophers, scientists, politicians, luminaries of art, media personalities about themselves is noted. It's indicated by an array of published autobiographical series and increasing of publications of this type.

Phenomenon of philosophical ego-text in culture

In the history of culture ego-texts exist in different forms of genre: an apologia, a confession, memories, memoirs, chronicles, autobiographies, personal letters, diaries, etc. While referring to ego-texts a reader can find that missing "jigsaw piece" thanks to which a picture of life and personal creative search "appears".

The concept of "philosophical ego-text' covers all creative work's variety of autobiographical texts which were written by thinkers about themselves. Its creation contains a multiplicity of motives like self-presentation, self-identification self-knowledge, wish to leave a reminder about themselves, their time for descendants and etc., but an actual agenda of the philosophical ego-text is a group of problems described in it, which demonstrate that "modern philosophers are mostly concerned by problems that related to human nature, boundaries of moral choice and civilizations' development" [7, p. 5].

It's typical for the philosophical ego-text to exist in boundary space between philosophy and belles-lettres. However philosophical ego-texts are not just stories of life. It is not every life story that can be called philosophical but only those that besides concentration on their own Ego: a) present personal interpretation their own life's text; b) realize a search of the meaning through the prism of their own "self"; c) show a wish to philosophize about "eternal problems" of culture, values of life's purpose these are questions that form the core of culture. The ego-text receives a statute of philosophical one in the case if its author acts as a conductor to real life for ideas and meanings which are different from life's claims of a simple person. Textual models' analysis shows that the rate of philosophical terminology's usage and the grade of scientism in exposition of world view position are decreasing, trajectory of author's search for his own conception is drawn, "the foundation for the creation of a psychological picture builds up and the special style of narration which is called a narrative form" [10, p. 8].

In our opinion, the ego-text receives a philosophical statute in the case if author's ideas, which are represented in it, have philosophically originality, contain the aspect of questioning and the setting of a problem in such a text is an actual and important one and turns attention of society on itself. Thus A. A. Gagayev and P. A. Gagayev while analyzing Russian philosophy's specificity remark that "Philosophical view of Russian cultural and historical tradition implies the searching of spiritual unity of all and everything in the world, but not a formal one in death, the searching of spiritual unity of God, the universe and the man. The searching of connection that everything has

to one another, the connection that gives light and life to everything which was created in the universe" [6, p. 72].

The philosophical ego-text of XXI century is subjected to genre's transformations being on the crossroad between paradigms of postmodern and metamodern. As a modern condition of culture metamodern emphasizes an experimental sphere of humanities and therefore it is nowadays spoken about directing theoretical philosophy in the direction of practical application.

The modern tendency of cultural texts is an amalgamation of genres, a kind of "genres' mix" that is created when a number of genres is "interspersing" in the boundaries of one main genre; attraction to the synthesis of special quality, which often reconstructs the shape of traditional forms included in fields of different genres like novel, symphony, movie drama and etc. This theme also is shown in art's ambition for philosophy, philosophical understanding of modernity. And the rule of "synthetization" definitely finds a reflection in creative work of thinkers, in making the text of their own life. The uncertainty of genre is the thing that justifies the energizing of term "Ego-text".

Let's look after this modern tendency using the work of S. V. Belhov [3] as an example. He writes in the preface of his book: "My book is a philosophical book. It should be perceived exactly like the one. This book is a philosophical autobiography, a kind of "existential novel". There is being of a man in the world in the focus of attention" [3, c. 5]. On the first pages of book the author warns the reader that "If you decide to perceive it as an example of belles letters, you will get another one of quite mediocre books. After all I'm not a writer but a philosopher." [the same source]. It's hard to qualify the presented ego-text as a text of only philosophical autobiography genre. While enunciating his theoretical position which is based on the reconsideration of European culture's fundamental patterns author tries to destroy an absolute of moral values and strengthen the position of cultural relativism using existential heart-searching. Deep psychoanalysis interrupts moral and philosophical reasoning of author. Prose intersperses with poetry and fragments of diary and letters are included. Thus, we can witness how the genre of philosophical autobiography "mixes" with other genres confirming the tendency of synthetization.

Autofiction is a popular phenomenon of modern autobiographical narration which also appears in the philosophical ego-text. It is, at its core, a cross-genre direction in literature; a kind of "mix" of prose fiction and autobiography, a writing where veracity intersperses with author's fantasy. "Autofiction is called a literature of truth. An author doesn't hide behind a fictional character in it, he is a character. Spiritual and philosophical searches of the protagonist belong to an author himself. The first person narrative is an author's voice and his introspection and not an artistic device" [1]. Metamodernism erodes the borders of theoretical philosophy so the moments of its "coming together" are able to be read in ego-texts of social scientists, psychologists, linguists, poets film directors, actors and etc. Philosophizing is contained in ego-texts, which are written by people and it has no direct relation to philosophy as a sphere of professional activity, for instance, Androvskaya O. N. [2]; Bobyshev D. Y [4]; Bystritskaya A. A. [5]; Leontyev K. N. [8]; Tabakov O. P. [11]; Timofeev-Resovskiy N. V. [12]. Existential philosophy headlines the role of philosophy as a power that explores human's existence. A person who is situated in "existential circle" of problems philosophizes and this philosophizing expresses itself in his ego-text. Of course, the philosophizing in ego-texts of famous politicians, actors and scientists is not equal to a professional philosophical introspection but for a cultural and philosophical discourse it provides potential which contains meaning, because the world of philosophy is the essential unity of the professional element and the amateurish one, phenomenal and epiphenomenal aspects, individually personalized component and historically collective one.

The ego-text receives new ways of expression in the writing of authors who were named earlier. Philosophy integrates in an endless production of text which has no primary source as well as addressee. It doesn't matter what and to whom author writes and says, what matters is how he does it. There is no more correlation with an object and intrasubjective experience in the text. The

only option the author is left with to attract the attention of the reader is to "rain" textual speech down on him, to "charm" him by play of metaphors and metonymies. The ego-text loses borders of the genre, its lines erode and begin existing in a kind of "scattered" state inside rhymes, movies, prose and etc. while keeping the rule of "genre's collage".


The philosophical ego-text is a special phenomenon in culture, it is a text created by a thinker presented through author's "self' of the thinker, language and genre of writings.

The creation of meanings, which is actualized in the philosophical ego-text as a realization of thinker personality's immanent activity, is its ability to produce intelligible and knowable essences. They help to reconstruct world picture as coherent reality, to understand images of cultural eras deeper, to define their worldview types. The thinker lives within definite cultural era and interprets his experience in correlation with the world of forms which were perceived and learned by him. Therefore, it is possible to suppose that the philosophical ego-text is not only the text of thinker's life but also the text of cultural era's life. In other words, the philosophical egotext is not only a reflection of autobiographical stages of thinker's life but also is the kind of cultural era's biography.

"Philosophical ego-text" is one of important concepts of thinker's personal conscience and cultural conscience of the society that expresses:

• the being itself of a personality in the river of historical time, the definite piece of its life, its contents of meanings and events;

• thinker's philosophical understanding of himself and his place in the space of being;

• understanding and valuation of thinker's personality in the society, culture and its memory;

• the variety of author's own biography forms and reader's understanding of personal individuality in social communicative practice of daily life;

• comprehension of thinker's specific individual being (uniqueness) in wide cultural and historical scale.

The philosophical ego-text is not just thinker's fixation of his life stages and significant events, it also has an activity that supports unlocking author's creative potential and helps to find a way into the unity of inheritance that was left by him.


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2. Androvskaya O. N. Actress's confession: diaries, letters, memories. M. : AST-Press, 2006. 246 p.

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4. Bobyshev D. I'm here (Humantext). M. : Vagrius, 2003. 399 p.

5. Bystritskaya A. A. Meetings under the star. M. : AST, 2005. 478 p.

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Список литературы

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