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Ключевые слова
инновации в лекционной деятельности / вебинар / офлайн-организация обучения / профессиональная подготовка будущих менеджеров / наглядность / доступность / история педагогики / дистанционное обучение / математическая и статистическая обработка педагогических явлений. / innovations in lecture activities / webinar / offline mode of training / future managers’ professional training / visibility / accessibility / history of pedagogy / distance learning / mathematical and statistical treatment of pedagogical phenomena

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — В.В. Добросельский, С.Н. Передерий, И.А. Ерина

В данном исследовании осуществлена попытка решения проблем современной высшей школы посредством использования инновационных технологий дистанционного обучения. В статье актуализирована проблема широкого использования традиционных методов и средств обучения (которые применяются в практике высшей школы в ущерб качеству образования и снижения конкурентоспособности выпускаемых специалистов), снижения качества результатов образовательного процесса высшей школы (которые вызваны традиционными методами и формами обучения, а также ресурсными проблемами современной высшей школы), решения проблем с аудиторным фондом, а также с повышенной занятостью профессорско-преподавательского состава образовательной организации. Посредством анализа ряда научных публикаций, а также при помощи актуализации исторического опыта дистанционного обучения определены инновационные формы осуществления обучения в офлайн-формате. В исследовании описано изучение асинхронности вебинаров середины 1990-х годов с целью актуализации эффективности данного явления как педагогического в современной социально-экономической среде. Исследование направлено на переосмысление исторического опыта использования вебинаров, изменение направленности различных свойств данного явления в педагогической траектории.

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Похожие темы научных работ по наукам об образовании , автор научной работы — В.В. Добросельский, С.Н. Передерий, И.А. Ерина

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The presented research is an attempt to solve problems of modern higher education through the use of innovative distance learning technologies. The article brings to the fore the problem of widely used traditional methods and means of instruction used in the practice of higher education at the expense of the education quality and the decrease in graduates’ competitiveness. Highlighted is the problem of the educational process’s quality level at higher education institutions using traditional methods and forms of instruction. The resource problems of modern higher education, such as the problem of the lack of classrooms and the teaching staff’s increased workload also attract the authors’ attention. Through the analysis of a number of scientific publications, as well as through the actualization of the historical experience of distance learning, certain innovative forms of learning in the offline format have been defined. The article describes the study of the asynchrony of webinars in the mid-1990s in order to bring up to date the effectiveness of this phenomenon as a pedagogical one in the contemporary socio-economic environment.


Таким образом, можно сказать, что сущностное содержание требуемых и важнейших качеств личности студента, будущего молодого специалиста, несомненно, определено отечественным культурным влиянием с опорой на традиции, дух идеалов которых в отношениях к людям и окружающему миру стремится к бескорыстию, добру, истине и красоте.

Вдохновленный такими идеалами, человек не может поддерживать разрушительные действия и участвовать в них, а также разделять идеи, с ними связанные, поскольку в межличностных и социальных отношениях реальной жизни он вполне способен им противостоять.

Молодое поколение абсолютно любого субъекта нашей страны является основным и важнейшим в своем роде социальным государственным ресурсом.

Библиографический список

Конкретное государственное и общественное отношение к молодежи, особенно студенческой, определяет перспективы государственного и общественного развития в будущем. Это позволяет сделать вывод о том, что основным условием развития было и остается воспитание граждан правового демократического государства, профессионалов, способных к социализации, уважающих права и свободы личности, обладающих высокой нравственностью, проявляющих национальную терпимость, уважительное отношение к языкам, традициям и культуре других народов [4].

Хотелось бы ещё добавить, что эффективное воспитание студенческой молодёжи возможно только тогда, когда педагоги обладают педагогической этикой [9] и высоким уровнем общей и психолого-педагогической культуры.

1. Алиев Ш.М. О совершенствовании современной парадигмы образования. СГЗ. 2011; № 3: 150 - 156.

2. Андреева ГМ. Социальная психология: учебник для высших учебных заведений. Москва: Аспект Пресс, 2008.

3. Карпанина Е.Н., Ронь И.Н. Структурно-функциональная характеристика вузовской системы воспитания. Перспективы науки. 2017; № 5 (92): 84 - 87.

4. Kharchenko L., Panova I., Babaeva E., Magomedova R., Gulyakin D., Pashtaev B. Russian syndromes, impeding the development of the innovation processes in education. Life Sci J 2014; № 11 (9s):184 - 187, USA. Available at: http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 35

5. Карпанина Е.Н., Кузнецова М.Ф. Архитектурное проектирование как средство обучения и воспитания студентов гуманитарных вузов: учебное пособие: в 2 ч. Ставрополь, 2007; Ч. 2: 25 - 37.

6. Пирогов Н.И. Избранные педагогические сочинения. Составители А.Н. Алексюк, ГГ. Савенок. Москва, 1985.

7. Абдулгалимов РМ., Абдулгалимова П.Н., Алибекова З.Н. и др. Современные психолого-педагогические исследования - результаты, проблемы, прогнозы: коллективная монография. Москва, 2017.

8. Арипов М.А., Арипова Н.М., Асадулаева У.М. и др. Инновационные процессы в образовании: коллективная монография. Москва, 2017.

9. Дубовицкий И.Н., Уварова Н.Н., Сорокопуд Ю.В. Структура и содержание кодекса профессиональной этики педагога в контексте практической реализации гуманистических идей в образовательной практике. Мир науки, культуры, образования. 2017; № 4 (65): 159 - 160.


1. Aliev Sh.M. O sovershenstvovanii sovremennoj paradigmy obrazovaniya. SGZ. 2011; № 3: 150 - 156.

2. Andreeva G.M. Social'naya psihologiya: uchebnik dlya vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Moskva: Aspekt Press, 2008.

3. Karpanina E.N., Ron' I.N. Strukturno-funkcional'naya harakteristika vuzovskoj sistemy vospitaniya. Perspektivy nauki. 2017; № 5 (92): 84 - 87.

4. Kharchenko L., Panova I., Babaeva E., Magomedova R., Gulyakin D., Pashtaev B. Russian syndromes, impeding the development of the innovation processes in education. Life Sci J 2014; № 11 (9s):184 - 187, USA. Available at: http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 35

5. Karpanina E.N., Kuznecova M.F. Arhitekiurnoe proektirovanie kaksredstvo obucheniya i vospitaniya studentov gumanitarnyh vuzov: uchebnoe posobie: v 2 ch. Stavropol', 2007; Ch. 2: 25 - 37.

6. Pirogov N.I. Izbrannyepedagogicheskie sochineniya. Sostaviteli A.N. Aleksyuk, G.G. Savenok. Moskva, 1985.

7. Abdulgalimov R.M., Abdulgalimova P.N., Alibekova Z.N. i dr. Sovremennye psihologo-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya - rezul'taty, problemy, prognozy: kollektivnaya monografiya. Moskva, 2017.

8. Aripov M.A., Aripova N.M., Asadulaeva U.M. i dr. Innovacionnyeprocessy v obrazovanii: kollektivnaya monografiya. Moskva, 2017.

9. Dubovickij I.N., Uvarova N.N., Sorokopud Yu.V. Struktura i soderzhanie kodeksa professional'noj etiki pedagoga v kontekste prakticheskoj realizacii gumanisticheskih idej v obrazovatel'noj praktike. Mir nauki, kul'tury, obrazovaniya. 2017; № 4 (65): 159 - 160.

Статья поступила в редакцию 26.09.20

УДК 378:004+65-05

Dobroselskiy V.V., teacher, Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution "Nikita Secondary School" (Yalta, Russia), E-mail: VVDobroselskiy@yandex.ru

Peredery S.N., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior teacher, Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy Branch of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal State

University (Yalta, Russia), E-mail: s-peredery@mail.ru

Erina I.A., Cand. of Sciences (Psychology), senior lecturer, Sevastopol State University (Sevastopol, Russia), E-mail: irinagorbushina@mail.ru

PROSPECTS FOR THE USE OF INNOVATIVE OFFLINE TECHNOLOGIES IN DISTANCE TEACHING STUDENTS MAJORING IN MANAGEMENT. The presented research is an attempt to solve problems of modern higher education through the use of innovative distance learning technologies. The article brings to the fore the problem of widely used traditional methods and means of instruction used in the practice of higher education at the expense of the education quality and the decrease in graduates' competitiveness. Highlighted is the problem of the educational process's quality level at higher education institutions using traditional methods and forms of instruction. The resource problems of modern higher education, such as the problem of the lack of classrooms and the teaching staff's increased workload also attract the authors' attention. Through the analysis of a number of scientific publications, as well as through the actualization of the historical experience of distance learning, certain innovative forms of learning in the offline format have been defined. The article describes the study of the asynchrony of webinars in the mid-1990s in order to bring up to date the effectiveness of this phenomenon as a pedagogical one in the contemporary socio-economic environment.

Key words: innovations in lecture activities, webinar, offline mode of training, future managers' professional training, visibility, accessibility, history of pedagogy, distance learning, mathematical and statistical treatment of pedagogical phenomena.

B.В. Добросельский, учитель, МБОУ «Никитская СШ», г. Ялта, E-mail: VVDobroselskiy@yandex.ru

C.Н. Передерий, канд. филол. наук, ст. преп., Крымский федеральный университет имени В.И. Вернадского, г. Ялта, E-mail: s-peredery@mail.ru

И.А. Ерина, канд. психол. наук, доц., Севастопольский государственный университет, г. Севастополь, E-mail: irinagorbushina@mail.ru


В данном исследовании осуществлена попытка решения проблем современной высшей школы посредством использования инновационных технологий дистанционного обучения. В статье актуализирована проблема широкого использования традиционных методов и средств обучения (которые применяются в практике высшей школы в ущерб качеству образования и снижения конкурентоспособности выпускаемых специалистов), снижения качества результатов образовательного процесса высшей школы (которые вызваны традиционными методами и формами обучения, а также ресурсными проблемами современной высшей школы), решения проблем с аудиторным фондом, а также с повышенной занятостью профессорско-преподавательского состава образовательной организации. Посредством анализа ряда научных публикаций, а также при помощи актуализации исторического опыта дистанционного обучения определены инновационные формы осуществления обучения в офлайн-формате. В исследовании описано изучение асинхронности вебинаров середины

1990-х годов с целью актуализации эффективности данного явления как педагогического в современной социально-экономической среде. Исследование направлено на переосмысление исторического опыта использования вебинаров, изменение направленности различных свойств данного явления в педагогической траектории.

Кточевые слова: инновации в лекционной деятельности, вебинар, офлайн-организация обучения, профессиональная подготовка будущих менеджеров, наглядность, доступность, история педагогики, дистанционное обучение, математическая и статистическая обработка педагогических явлений.

The current situation in educational practice testifies to the necessity of new pedagogical tools' introduction, aiming at improving the effectiveness of future managers' professional training. Thus, to search for such tools, it is essential to carry out a study on new technologies, as well as to engage in historical search for opportunities to improve the use of available technologies. One of the effective tools in future managers' professional training is the use of information and communication resources in conducting webinars.

Many problems of future managers' professional training for are based on a slow response to emerging changes and trends. A timely economic and managerial education does not have time to respond to socio-economic changes in a timely manner. Thus, the changing environment of educational systems requires the search for new approaches to future managers' professional training, which proves the need for this study.

On the basis of the problem set in the research, a number of questions should be discussed:

- What is the effectiveness of distance offline technologies in the system-wide (resource) provision?

- What is the content of the main definitions of offline technologies for managers' distance learning?

- What is the historical background for the introduction of distance offline technologies?

- What are the advantages of implementing distance offline technologies in the training of economic and managerial staff?

- What tools and software should be used to implement offline distance learning technologies in future managers' education?

- What are the empirical means of confirming this study's results?

The main purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of introducing innovative offline technologies for managers' distance learning.

With reference to the above-mentioned, a number of problems should be solved:

- revealing the effectiveness of distance offline technologies in the system-wide (resource) provision;

- describing the main definitions of this study;

- conducting a historiographic study of distance offline technologies;

- considering the advantages of implementing distance offline technologies in future managers' professional training;

- describing the software and hardware for the implementation of innovative offline technologies;

- carrying out the mathematical and statistical processing of the empirical study's results by means of the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon U test.

The object of the research is innovative technologies of distance learning in higher economic and management education. The subject of the study is the professional training of future Bachelors of Management. The research is based on the following two approaches:

- comprehensive. This study uses a systematic approach to the study of distance learning in the training of future managers. The research is based on the study of standard documentation determining the trajectory of professional training of future Bachelors of Management. It includes the Federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of training 38.03.02 Management (Bachelor's degree) (hereinafter referred to as FSES HE); the main professional educational programs (hereinafter referred to as MPEP);

- empirical. In the study, the experimental results are analyzed and their mathematical and statistical treatment is carried out.

The implementation of this study is based on the data from the following sources [1-8], hosting and Internet platforms for organizing online and offline webinars, as well as actual materials determining the content of future managers' training.

The publications of A. D. Gurban and V. Yu. Sokolov [1], E. M. Zanina [2], S. D. Kalinina [3], G. V. Milovanova, N. M. Kulyashova [4], E. M. Rusanova [5], S. A. Khuderudova [7], E. A. Shishikina [8] deal with the study of webinars as a pedagogical phenomenon. Despite the proper content and the high scientific level of these studies, they do not cover the use of webinars as pedagogical tools in future managers' training. One can also notice that in these publications there is no theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of offline webinars in educational practice. In this regard, there is a need to study the prospects for using offline webinars in future managers' training.

According to the world practice of pedagogical activity, special attention is paid to traditional methods of teaching. It is caused by the fact that traditional methods are able to give more information within a certain time limit. Presenting the material in the traditional format, the teacher plays an authoritarian role. At the same time, the communicative process does not involve the presence of comments from the listeners and the emergence of discussions. As a rule, the delivery of such material is characterized by the tempo of the teacher's speech and quick notes. With such teaching activity,

the quality of comprehension is reduced. So, students strive to complete everything in time without digesting information. This phenomenon should be understood as a barrier enabling students to record information, but not enabling them to comprehend it, sometimes even perceive it. Also, such authoritarian activity on the teacher's part reduces the motivation to learn. In this regard, there are problems with the training quality, which may affect the level of future specialists' professional competence.

In connection with the above-mentioned difficulties in introducing active forms and methods of teaching, it becomes necessary to find new ways to improve the quality of education and answer the following two questions: "How to reduce the use of classrooms?" and "How to reduce the proportion of faculty involved in distance education?" The distance learning format should be singled out among a number of forms of future managers' training.

Distance learning is a form of learning interaction in which communication between the teacher and the student is carried out at a distance. Distance learning is an independent form of education and is implemented with the help of specific means of the Internet information and communication network.

In the course of distance learning, the teacher interacts with students outside the university premises. Basically this form of training is aimed at making interaction more comfortable for learners, also saving time usually spent to get to an educational institution.

Thus, distance forms of training future economic and managerial personnel are characterized by a decrease in the share of the use of classrooms at higher education institutions, converting the learning process to the electronic format. Distance learning can also improve the quality of future managers' education level by means of making the learning process individually-oriented.

Based on the study of a number of publications [1-8], identified are the advantages of using distance learning technologies in teaching:

- improving the quality of education through the use of modern teaching aids;

- using modern software and technical training tools;

- the opportunity of training numerous participants at the same time;

- creating an educational environment which is uniform in its subject area;

- the opportunity of studying at home.

Currently, the main form of distance learning is a webinar. The webinar is a kind of implementation of the training session through the Internet (information and communication network). As a rule, webinars suggest traditional methods of organizing lessons (one-sided broadcasting of the teacher's speech with minimal feedback), as well as active (asking and answering questions). However, the implementation of webinars, thanks to modern computer technologies, provides the opportunity to implement the form of training with the maximum activation of the principle of visualization of educational material. Also, in the course of webinars students can ask questions, which the teacher must answer during the lesson. So, it allows for the demonstration of presentation materials, audio and video materials, schemes, etc., sending electronic textbooks and manuals in the process of learning.

Consequently, the use of distance learning at an educational organization can significantly decrease the number of classrooms involved. However, the second question remains unsolved: how to reduce the share of the faculty involved in distance learning, thereby reducing the need to expand the teacher's individual workload? Proceeding from V.V. Dobroselsky's distance learning-oriented research, this study analyses the peculiarities of using the new technology of offline webinars that can be used in training future managers and save the resources of educational institutions. The technology based on the rethinking of the historical experience of distance learning can improve the quality of training due to a number of advantages.

In the mid-1990s, with the expansion of the Internet's information and communication network, the term "webinars" meant user communication at various forums, the presence of e-mails in the mailing lists, in other words, communication in asynchronous mode.

One of the first computer programs allowing for direct communication in the online format was the "Microsoft NetMeeting". It was developed by Microsoft Corporation for video conferencing, audio and video transmission between two or more participants of a conference. In 2001, despite the success of the program, Microsoft Corp. said that "Microsoft NetMeeting" was a completed project and there were no plans to update and adapt to new versions of operating systems in the future. Recently, Microsoft has recommended Microsoft Office Live Meeting as an alternative.

The appearance of the "Skype" program in 2003 was of significant importance in the development of conference calls, webinars and Internet-based training. Skype is free software aimed at providing text, voice and video communication through the Internet information and communication network. In 2010, according to the website "Telecompaper", the program registered 663 million users. Nowadays, this program allows for distance learning through conferencing services.

Currently, many sites provide an opportunity to organize remote sessions through their own resources while using the opportunities of "cloud technologies". For

example, numerous web services allow participating in online learning, offline learning, regardless of the computer platform. Students' main resources are computers connected to the information and communication Internet network and installed browsers (software for viewing web pages, web documents and other tasks).

It is worth noting that the asynchronous property of webinars in the mid-1990s does not mean low efficiency. This view must be reviewed, since the implementation of training in this form of organization can have its advantages, sometimes more explicit than in online webinars. Asynchronism of this phenomenon in the past has positive "shades" today. So, a person, even having a very busy schedule, can take part in such a training activity without being distracted by various phenomena of the environment. This fact indicates the activation of the educational process's accessibility, the reduction of risks that decrease the quality of education. The interaction between the participants of the offline webinar is possible even in the asynchronous mode. When opening the necessary link, it is possible, for example, to watch the video of the webinar offline, ask (via e-mail) the teacher a number of questions, communicate with the other participants in the webinar regarding the material being studied, etc. In the course of feedback, teachers and students can jointly solve a number of practical questions at the time convenient for learning. Offline webinars allow scheduling time in the way which is convenient for students, thereby improving the quality of educational services. Temporal flexibility of offline webinars significantly increases the attendance of students (almost to the maximum possible), and characterizes this technology as a person-oriented (since an offline webinar allows individual consultations with students).

Proceeding from this, the following definition is possible: "an offline webinar is an active version of the implementation of a training session via the Internet information and communication network, in which the participants of the learning process (students) can take part in discussions at different times, raise problem issues, consult teachers more "actively" without compromising the quality of the educational process".

The advantages of remote offline technologies are as follows:

- temporal flexibility. The specific feature of offline distance learning technologies is in the time flexibility, learning at a more convenient time. One should mention the flexible schedule of participation in an offline webinar, the opportunity to participate at any time convenient for a person, even with a heavily loaded schedule, and the possibility to pause at any necessary time;

- feedback. This advantage should be attributed to the opportunity to contact the teacher and the other participants of a webinar in order to raise problem issues and conduct educational discussions;

- accessibility. The property of "accessibility" is characterized by the possibility of participating in offline webinars with the help of various devices without being connected to the Internet information and communication network;

- clear demonstration. This advantage allows maximizing the use of presentation material in the learning process. There is an opportunity of several software programs' integration into the presentation material, audio and video materials;

- abstracting information. The advantage gives an opportunity to present footnotes concerning any possible questions, a detailed description of phenomena described. Before the beginning of the lesson one can create an abstract characterizing the content of the webinar and its problem ffeld;

- attendance monitoring. Computerized training systems make it possible to collect large volumes of reliable information. So, here it is possible to carry out an analysis of the number of participants of a webinar; the evaluation of students' learning activity;

- monitoring the quality of education. As described above, computer systems provide a lot of reliable information. This makes it possible to process the results of training future managers, assess the performance and quality of educational services;

- resource benefits. This advantage characterizes the possibility of training even without a personal computer, thus making do with the equipment available at higher education institutions. Distance offline technologies save the resources of educational institutions (the number of classrooms and teaching staff members);

- compiling thematic sessions and creating a bank of offline webinars.

Offline webinars have a good potential for advising students on problematic issues. So, in accordance with the latest version of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the ffeld of training 38.03.02 "Management" (bachelor's degree), it is planned to implement educational, industrial and pre-diploma practices in the training process (Block 2 of the "Practice", which is part of the elective program). Many students can be quite inexperienced in the professional issue. The fear of managerial work, low level of theoretical training, lack of experience can reduce the effectiveness of future managers' practices to a minimum. The uncertainty in some management issues can cause uncertainty even among successful students. In such cases, students need professional advice in order to eliminate "gaps" in practical knowledge. So, in such cases, educational institutions may not have the opportunity to conduct special courses on various problem topics and conduct the necessary number of online webinars, especially in connection with resource problems. With such problems, the institution will probably not be able to allocate a sufficient number of properly qualified teachers to cover a large volume of issues. A suitable way to address these issues is to use offline webinars.

To solve the problem described above, one can create a bank of offline webinars on the site in advance so that each student can pass the necessary special course, ask the authors of the special course / teachers implementing this special course any questions, if necessary, initiate a discussion, etc., in order to increase their level of readiness for professional work. A possible alternative of offline webinars can be a

bank of video lectures combined with assignments, as well as the authors' contact information of, which can also be actively used for such purposes.

As practice shows, students' maximum theoretical and practical awareness increases the speed of mastering professional skills, thus improving the level of managers' professional competence.

Thus, the use of distance offline technologies, in particular offline webinars, should be introduced into the educational process of training future managers. Given the indicated resource (system-wide) advantages of the relevant FSES HE, offline webinars are the necessary components of the higher education process.

A resource tool for many teachers using the webinar format is platforms allowing them to be used for organizing webinars. Among the hosting data one can distinguish the following: "Ucoz", "DiafanCloud", "Setup", "Jimdo", "Wix", "A5", "uKit", "Nethouse" and "Umi". These hosting services are easy to use (change the site's design, download the content and publish the site's new pages online) and sufficiently reliable in storing files. It is worth noting that these platforms for the creation of the teacher's site are free, i.e., their use for educational purposes can be permanent and does not require funding from educational institutions. This fact also allows for site archives' creation, long-term use with possible interruptions and the expansion of the information and communication infrastructure through the creation of additional sites (e.g., one site is responsible for theoretical provision of training, the other is aimed at organizing and conducting webinars).

The above-mentioned information leads to the conclusion that the resources of offline webinars are available to numerous participants in the electronic educational process. So, if necessary, any educational institution or individual specialist can form a thematic complex based on the distance offline technology.

An empirical study was conducted to confirm this article. Thus, the Mann-Whit-ney-Wilcoxon U test was chosen as the mathematical and statistical tool [10; 12]. The sample consisted of 20 students studying Management (specialty 38.03.02, Bachelor's degree). The sample data are displayed in Table 01.

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Table 1

Selection of trainees based on the use and non-use of innovative offline distance learning technologies

Use EG) Non-use (CG)

Participant of EG Evaluation Participant of CG Evaluation

EG-1 68 CG-1 41

EG-2 74 CG-2 55

EG-3 63 CG-3 43

EG-4 81 CG-4 80

EG-5 84 CG-5 61

EG-6 77 CG-6 48

EG-7 79 CG-7 52

EG-8 88 CG-8 44

EG-9 69 CG-9 74

EG-10 85 CG-10 59

Table 02 presents a sample of trainees based on the use and non-use of innovative offline distance learning technologies. The experimental group (EG) includes students using innovative offline technologies of distance learning. The control group (CG) includes future managers who have been trained in accordance with the MPEP. According to the analysis, traditional and active teaching methods were widely used in the designated mpep. The tasks given to each participant were the same. Further, Table 02 shows the participants' ranking in EG and CG.

Table 2

Ranking of participants in EG and CG

Participants of the EG and CG Evaluation Rank

EG-8 88 1

EG-10 85 2

EG-5 84 3

EG-4 81 4

CG-4 80 5

EG-7 79 6

EG-6 77 7

EG-2 74 (8+9) / 2 = 8,5

CG-9 74

EG-9 69 10

EG-1 68 11

EG-3 63 12

10* (10 + 1)

Uemp. = (10*14) +-+2-*-)45,5 (1.4)

Uemp. = 100 + 1)2)--145,5(1.5)

Uemp. -1-455,15 = 9,5 (1.6)

CG-5 61 13

CG-10 59 14

CG-2 55 15

CG-7 52 16

CG-6 48 17

CG-8 44 18

CG-3 43 19

CG-1 41 20

Subsequen%G^i5 summationof the ranl<s of t^e ^CBandCG (cateulatlons 1.1 and 1.R)weq enrrlsd o ut

Ranksof EG = 1s + + + (1.S)

UbsesofCG=0 s G. 5-S1G (10+15 +16+(7 u (8+ 1d + 0dc 045,5 (I^ Tho sumoktlon of18 rante' value) sIiow ¡at 1ke re^a^^sm oHteCG Is larfsr. Snk^(5c|Gsntly, 1Se ^rofjlrlnsil etluea ofthqMonn-btthi1ney)S\eicoxon U tsktGnre determined according to formula 1.3.

Uemp. = («EG * nCG) u ^ *'^ +11) - Tx (Ge)

According tv Vhe; formula 1.3:

Uemp. -toeempmealvakeoHIre Mann^VWiltnty-Wi^t^ot^i^n U feel; nEG. -toc nueWerof sGuOnnte In the exfjhrisentisl grot|e 1EG); nCG.-thv n umhnr Gfstud auU:n In Uhe ^trvf^lmootn^CXB). nx -thenumberofstudentsinthegroupwithahigherranksum; Tx -thelargerofthetworanksums.

The following formulas (1.4,1.5 and 1.6) indicate the course of the dete.minatioi of theMann-Whitney-WilcoxonUtest'svalue.


Aenerdlic)totSedsitvrt)1 EGhdbCGf Akr. = 2h .

Cdcpatlnc Usmp. -o PEG. U cnta elmtemknenl thk Che vnke Ukr. > Uemp., since23 > 9.5.

Acoming^ tViv cmfetenws :a toe lovel ot ton 1v-eit I tt hh tt compared groups arc statisticallysignificant(p<0.05).

tT)-us5. tOs m;athv^ w( ioa l and statistical data achieved according to U-Mann-Whit-ney-Wilcoxon U test prove that the use of innovative distance learning technologies in Ute trSOWe training of future BacPelniuo ot 1/l^nagt^itnekr la efl:^ctlvs. Tu- resslte oV tltus utseancr srotn tSeti the ietiocihdIon rf such -ochnologies can facilitate an increase in the level of future managers' professional competence. Rethinking the asynchronous use of solvate, i t fcrticular, practicI ttf webinu is ttet ttec^nhieletut3 a -oslfl56; ex .titrl) nnc© which can be used le fUet implenmentation of offline webinars in future mcntt^ers' training. With thn use of offline webiususitiepcssiblu tt) cmtoy out pedagogical exprtf iments and design various special courscs anB vsUUso I trainln e proq ramo. Int. ea.. vsychuicgical trainIng. According to toe resuito of-tei etosfytos use c-off.ltB oceteibufs is a 12ol readily available to teachers anm a-kSentsI )r1om|fi¡r-g bp ¡mprovcndtk In f-ie quality of teaching and allowing implementing various special courses and additional Indmcaa. the slanlflsance ofthisstudvie ptoved Cetoe rs at1).matical-statistlcal treatment of EG and CG data according to the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxxn tesV -Uc a result, it ¡sCetefnhnoGthktthavnlkd Ukr: >Uhmp. , according to which the differences in the levelofthetraitinthecomparedgroupsarestatisticallysignificant(p<0.05).

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Статья поступила в редакцию 25.09.20

YflK 37.035

ZritnevaE.l, DoctorofSciences(Pedagogy),Professor, DepartmentofSocialTechnologies,North-Caucasian Federal University (Stavropol, Russia),


TimoshenkoN.A.,Director, gerontological center'Beshtau" (Zheleznovodsk,Stavropolregion);postgraduate, Department of Social Technologies,

NorthCaucasusFederalUniversity(Stavropol,Russia),E-mail: kafsocteh@yandex.ru

TECHNOLOGIES OF SOCIAL AND PEDAGOGICAL WORK WITH SENIOR CITIZENS IN MODERN SOCIAL SERVICE INSTITUTIONS. The article presents features of technologies of social and pedagogical work with older citizens: social rehabilitation, social adaptation, social assistance and social protection. The features of the organization of training for senior citizens are revealed. The specificity of the functioning of a private home for elderly citizens is revealed. The technologies of consulting senior citizens in education are considered. The issues of creating social programs aimed at helping older citizens, which can be implemented by volunteers, also of the elderly, have been identified. The authors noted that it is necessary to preserve the social activity of older citizens. For this, social adaptation programs are being developed. The stages of adaptation of an elderly person to new social conditions are presented. The tasks of a specialist in the social sphere for the adaptation of older citizens to new conditions of life are highlighted.

Key words: senior citizens, social adaptation, social technologies, pedagogical technologies, social assistance, social services.

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