Научная статья на тему 'Personnel management strategy: Russian specific features'

Personnel management strategy: Russian specific features Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
personnel management / strategy / work ethic / personnel authority / labour relations / human recourses management / управление персоналом / стратегия / корпоративная этика / кадровое управление / трудо- вые отношения / управление человеческими ресурсами

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Sorochaikin Ivan A., Sorochaikina Anna A.

The study shows the specific features of personnel management in Russia: substantive understanding of human recourses management in Russian companies, unique approach of the State and society to the issue.

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В работе раскрыты специфические особенности управления персоналом в России: сущностное понимание управления персоналом и управления человеческими ресурсами российским бизнесом; своеобразие подхода к означенной проблематике со стороны государства и общества.

Текст научной работы на тему «Personnel management strategy: Russian specific features»


№ 1 (19)

УДК 331.5


© 2019 И.А. Сорочайкин, А.А. Сорочайкина*

В работе раскрыты специфические особенности управления персоналом в России: сущностное понимание управления персоналом и управления человеческими ресурсами российским бизнесом; своеобразие подхода к означенной проблематике со стороны государства и общества.

Ключевые слова: управление персоналом, стратегия, корпоративная этика, кадровое управление, трудовые отношения, управление человеческими ресурсами.

The concept of personnel management strategy appeared in Western Europe as a response to the complex economic conditions that were developed in the early 1980s at the enterprises of these countries. The circumstances dictated the need for further development of management theory, increase-ment of management functions and extension of the strategic approach in human resources management. However, the high risk and uncertainty conditions that accompany the transition to a market economy in Russia differ significantly from those, to which had been accustomed managers in countries with more stable market relations. The uniqueness of the conditions determines the nature of the tasks that Russian managers have to solve. One of the main requirements of the Russian market is the ability to make non-standard decisions as there is no single template, which is an indication that it would have been impossible to take up blindly Western experience. The most strong and viable countries use advanced technologies, have well-defined goals, highly motivated and qualified employees that identify themselves with the company. These are flexible, fast developing companies. But it is unlikely that they succeeded copying others' developing strategies. In order to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of the modern market the company must have its mission, values corresponding to the interests of customers, clear goals and the strategic development principles that have been developed on their basis. This can only be done by creating a flexible system of response to changes in external and internal environments, rather than piecemeal use of the studied methods and concepts [1].

The challenges, which Russian managers faced during the transition to a market economy, appeared

to be much more difficult than those that face their Western colleagues. In Russia it is necessary not only to create a management system that reflects the already existing level of social consciousness and values, which are needed for market relations developing, but first to form values themselves. If in the state's planned economythe requirements to the employee were reduced to the fulfillment of the received task within the limits of the established norms, then in the conditions of free market the company with this approach to personnel management will not be able to function effectively and produce competitive products. One of the major mistakes of many domestic enterprises is the absence of the strategic development plan in the socio-economic sphere, which is often associated with low standards of corporate government. The speculative nature of many businesses leaves little room for matters relating to the formulation and implementation of the corporate strategy and strategic planning gives way to operational management. At the moment the classical method of the implementation of company strategic plans is the development of operational plan that is providing the realization of the strategic plan [2]. Strategy is generally developed at a senior level and tactics at the middle level. Tactics are aimed at fulfilling short-term tasks and designed for a shorter period of time. The following characteristics of the relationship between operational plans and enterprise strategy can be identified:

- tactics are designed in the development of the strategy;

- strategy is generally developed at a senior level and tactics at the middle level;

- tactics are aimed at fulfilling short-term tasks and designed for a shorter period of time than strategy;

* Сорочайкин Иван Андреевич ([email protected]) - аспирант; Сорочайкина Анна Андреевна

([email protected]) - студентка, оба - Самарский государственный экономический университет, 443090 РФ, Самара, ул. Советской Армии, д. 141.

- tactics' results are quickly expected and can be easily identified with specific actions;

- the results of the strategy appear after a long period of time.

However, the number of enterprises, whose leaders realize that the long-term effectiveness should be formed on the principles of strategic management, is growing. These include both firms founded in recent decades by entrepreneurs of the new economic formation and companies with a longer history, whose owners attract and use the achievements of modern management science.Russian companies have to compete in the market with Western multinational corporationsbut an inertial training system cannot catch up with the needs of rapidly developing Russian business, so companies have to think about an independent policy of personnel development.In the strategic management it is necessary to plan the recourse supply on the most universal resources such as people, for example. The goal of the personnel strategy is the link of the company strategic plans with the system of management and staff development. Human resources capacity must fully comply with its strategic goals. Hence the need to manage the development of human resources.

The creation of the human resources management system is required because the implementation of the planned strategy for the organization development is directly related to the correlation of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the human resources capacity to the future organization needs. As a consequence, there is a need fori-dentification of a personnel strategy and appropriate personnel policies that are oriented towards achieving organizational goals as well as combining strategic and operational aspects in human resources management. This helps satisfy an important management tasks, which is to manage the human resource like any other [3].

The concepts of "personnel management" and "human resources management" differ significantly from each other. Human Resources management (HR) covers all decisions relating to the regulation of staff-organization relationships. This means that HR has become even more relevant to the main strategy of the enterprise. Of all the features of the HR, which distinguish it from traditional personnel management, the most fundamental is its integration into the enterprise strategy. Personnel management is more about ongoing operational work with staff members, while human resources management

includes connection of the organization's development strategy with the personnel strategy development,implementation of rational personnel policy to the activities of the organization's personnel management.

The constant increase of competitionand the necessity for continuous improvement of production through the introduction of new technologies have led to highlighting of human resources. Staff from the addition to the main technological component of production has turned into the main player of this process as well as investments in the employees' development from items of expenditure have turned into investments priorities. It has become clear that the impact of investments in fixed and working capital(purchase of more modern equipment, increase in consumption of raw material, areaexpansion) is not comparable with the influence on the profit size of the same amount of financial investments in programs for staff development and outreach activities. As a result of this shift of focus, the approach to human resources management has been changed. We can mention the following direction of changes:

1) Integration of HR into enterprise strategy. If in the past HR professionals often did not even have information about the business strategy of the company, now the personnel management function is integrative, it means that it is itself a part of the strategy.

2) Creation of a two-way link with enterprise planning. In traditional personnel managementstaff planning was a consequence of the production plan and the response to it. The goal of personnel planning was to ensure that the right people were in the right places.Modern human resource management is fully integrated into enterprise planning.On the one hand, enterprise goals affect personnel planning (e.g. the mandatory staff participation in the second specialty program as a requirement for market access). On the other hand, staff requirements also affect the plan's performance (additional costs for the special equipment purchase that is related to the staff requirement in creating environmentally sound working conditions).

3) Decentralization of personnel management. In the traditional HR system, line personnel managers were under the authority of the HR department. Nowadays line managers are actively involved in the HR.

4) Expansion and deepening of intra-compa-ny relations. Active involvement of staff in deci-

© АНО "Институт судебной строительно-технической экспертизы ", 2019



№ 1 (19)

Figure 1: Personnel management strategic plan [5, authors' translation]

sion-making process increases the interest in the business as there is real personal involvement in fortunes and failings as well as the ability to influence the current situation in order to create the prerequisites for the future success.

5) Change in motivation and pay system. The motivation system evolves from payment of hours in the workplace to the performance-related pay. The variable remuneration of wage is increasing and becoming more and more flexible in order to reward even short-term efficiency.

Particular emphasis is placed on the changes that are taking place in the company. Flexibility and dynamism in development are a requirement for successful business. That is why one of the most important HR functions is the development of staff training systems to get an appropriate response to the changes. These changes include broadening the qualifications and obtaining additional specialties (e.g. in Japanese companies one employee can be expert in 4-5 fields). Mastering new specialties is considered as stimulation of creativity and innovation activity.

The main goal of human resources development is therefore to provide the organization with well-trained and motivated specialists according to company's strategy and goals. The companies, which are paying attention to HR development, are more efficient, proximate to market and have higher level of customers' satisfaction. The company's goals are often can be characterized by ambivalence for outside observes and consumers on the one hand, and for its own employees on the other. The enterprise's goal is strategic by its very nature. Its goal is to increase profits and expand production. At the same time the employees' goals are more tactical -wage increases, better working conditions, fair treatment and career development. All other elements of development must be built according to the strategic plan taking into consideration all company's spheres of interaction with employees, organically

fitting them into the overall strategy of the company or rather been proceeded from it. In practice, this means that HR planning goals must be derived from company goals [4].

Consequently, the HR strategic plan (fig. 1) is the part of the company's strategic plan. Its core are the mission and the goals of the organization, on the basis of which personnel policy and personnel strategy are developed, i.e. methods that will be used in the long-term by HR division. The human resources strategy here should be understood as a system of general regulations, ideas, principles and requirements that define all aspects of personnel management in the company. It cannot be developed without integrating people, who are involved in the process, and linking them to the functions they perform.

HR policy and procedures are based on the strategy of the entire company that is developed by top managers and implemented by line managers. The essential elements of the HR strategy are five interlinked areas that improve staff efficiency and enable the company's business strategy to be implemented:

1) Professional recruitment (head hunting)

2) Improvement of efficiency through regular performance evaluation

3) Creation of an effective motivation and reward system

4) Planning, training, capacity development and building the human recourse base

5) Ensuring the effective work and constant dynamic development of the company [6]

In practice, most enterprises both in Russia and abroad are confined to personnel management in terms of operational approach. Only the owners' interests are taken into account. There is no complexity in the implementation of separate HR functions. It is likely that the introduction of strategic personnel management in practice is the most important task of the XXI century management. A pre-

Top Management:

sets strategy, goals, standards and actively

involves in the processes

Line Managers:

responsible for staff and outcomes

HR Division: develops, rolls out and supports personnel management effective system Itoolkit}

Figure 2: Personnel management policy and procedures [5, authors' translation]

requisite is a macro-level transition to a sustainable development model that requires consideration of environmental permissible weights in economic decisions. Within the organization the implementation of strategic personnel management gives a huge benefit through creating synergy. Domestic authors have noted that it is required to observe the following conditions:

- System of adaptation development to external and internal labor market;

- Flexible system of work organization;

- Use of payment systems based on the principles of full incorporation of personal contribution and professional competence level (special attention should be paid to the valuation and compensation of employees);

- High level of participation of employees and working group in discussion of problems and management decisions;

- Delegation of authority that is the most important and the most difficult at the same time principle of HR management;

- Functioning of a distributed communication system that is an integral factor in the overall strategic human resources model [7].

In that way, the HR strategy can be both subordinated to the overall company's strategy and com-

bined with it, representing a single whole. In both cases the HR strategy is focused on the specific type of corporate strategy.

Библиографический список

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Поступила в редакцию 25.12.2019 г.

©АНО "Институт судебной строительно-технической экспертизы", 2019


№ 1 (19)


© 2019 Ivan Sorochaikin, Anna Sorochaikina*

The study shows the specific features of personnel management in Russia: substantive understanding of human recourses management in Russian companies, unique approach of the State and society to the issue.

Keywords: personnel management, strategy, work ethic, personnel authority, labour relations, human recourses management.

Received for publication on 25.12.2019

* Sorochaikin Ivan A. ([email protected]) - postgraduate; Sorochaikina Anna A. ([email protected]) -BA Student, Faculty of International Economics, Samara State University of Economics, 443090 Samara, Russia.

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