PERCEPTION OF TIME AMONG ENTREPRENEURS IN THE FIELD OF “GREEN” ECONOMY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Zabelina Ekaterina V., Kartashova Angelina A., Telitsyna Alexandra Yu.

Aim of the article is to study the ideas about the time of life, the perception of the past, present and future, and the attitude to time among entrepreneurs in the field of “green” economy. To realize the aim the authors used a semi-structured interview. Procedure and methods. To study the perception of time by entrepreneurs in the field of “green” economy, a semi-structured interview program was developed. The introductory part of the questions was aimed at establishing contact with the respondent and included questions for collecting demographic data. The main part includes ideas about the time of life, perception of the image of the past, present and future, goals and the planning horizon. The final stage determined the motivational and value predictors of the choice of the direction of the “green” economy and their connection with the perception of time. Results. Motivational and value predictors are revealed: the ability of entrepreneurs to “forget” negative situations of the past, to be persistent and persistent in achieving goals, the ability to predict events in the distant and foreseeable future. There are a lot of positive memories in the minds of eco-entrepreneurs, the past is compared with the category of experience and is updated when analyzing errors. The main task in business management is associated with the resource of the present time, which is filled with professional activities, family, security. The link between the present and the future is the issues of public well-being, business development and financial stability. Research implications. The study expands the idea of the time resource of entrepreneurs. In addition, the results contribute to the idea of value-time predictors of entrepreneurial activity in the field of “green” economy.

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УДК 159 . 99

DOI: 10.18384/2310-7235-2021-4-62-77


E. Zabelina1, A. Kartashova1, A. Telitsyna 2

1 Chelyabinsk State University

ul. bratiyev Kashiriniyh 129, Chelyabinsk 454001, Chelyabinsk Region, Russian Federation

2 HSE University

ul. Myasnitskaya 20, Moscow 101000, Russian Federation Abstract

Aim of the article is to study the ideas about the time of life, the perception of the past, present and future, and the attitude to time among entrepreneurs in the field of "green" economy. To realize the aim the authors used a semi-structured interview.

Procedure and methods. To study the perception of time by entrepreneurs in the field of "green" economy, a semi-structured interview program was developed. The introductory part of the questions was aimed at establishing contact with the respondent and included questions for collecting demographic data. The main part includes ideas about the time of life, perception of the image of the past, present and future, goals and the planning horizon. The final stage determined the motivational and value predictors of the choice of the direction of the "green" economy and their connection with the perception of time.

Results. Motivational and value predictors are revealed: the ability of entrepreneurs to "forget" negative situations of the past, to be persistent and persistent in achieving goals, the ability to predict events in the distant and foreseeable future. There are a lot of positive memories in the minds of eco-entrepreneurs, the past is compared with the category of experience and is updated when analyzing errors. The main task in business management is associated with the resource of the present time, which is filled with professional activities, family, security. The link between the present and the future is the issues of public well-being, business development and financial stability.

Research implications. The study expands the idea of the time resource of entrepreneurs. In addition, the results contribute to the idea of value-time predictors of entrepreneurial activity in the field of "green" economy.

© CC BY Забелина Е. В . , Карташова А . А . , Телицына А . Ю . , 2021.

Keywords: "Green" economy, entrepreneurs, eco-technologies, perception of time, image of past, present and future, attitude to time, time resource.

Acknowledgments. The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Chelyabinsk Region within the framework of the scientific project No. 20-413-740009. The study was carried out within the framework of the HSE University Basic Research Program.


Забелина Е. В.1, Карташова А. А.1, Телицына А. Ю.2

1 Челябинский государственный университет

454001, Челябинская обл., г. Челябинск, ул. Братьев Кашириных, д. 129, Российская Федерация

2 Высшая школа экономики

101000, г. Москва, ул. Мясницкая, д. 20, Российская Федерация Аннотация

Цель - изучение представлений о времени жизни, восприятии прошлого, настоящего и будущего и отношения ко времени у предпринимателей в сфере «зелёной» экономики. Для реализации цели авторы разработали полуструктурированное интервью. Процедура и методы. Для исследования восприятия времени предпринимателями в сфере «зелёной» экономики была разработана программа полуструктурированного интервью. Вводная часть вопросов была направлена на налаживание контакта с респондентом и включала в себя вопросы для сбора демографических данных. В основную часть были включены представления о времени жизни, восприятии образа прошлого, настоящего и будущего, целей и горизонта планирования. Заключительный этап определял мотива-ционно-ценностные предикторы выбора направления «зелёной» экономики и их связи с восприятием времени.

Результаты. Выявлены мотивационно-ценностные предикторы: способность предпринимателей «забывать» негативные ситуации прошлого, быть упорным и настойчивым в достижении целей, способность прогнозировать события далёкого и обозримого будущего. В сознании эко-предпринимателей много позитивных воспоминаний, прошлое сопоставляется с категорией опыта и актуализируется при анализе ошибок. Главная задача в управлении бизнесом ассоциируется с ресурсом настоящего времени, которое заполняется профессиональной деятельностью, семьёй, обеспечением безопасности. Связь между настоящим и будущим заключается в общественном благе, развитии бизнеса и финансовой стабильности.

Теоретическая и/или практическая значимость. Исследование расширяет представление о временном ресурсе предпринимателей. Результаты вносят вклад в представление о ценностно-временных предикторах предпринимательской деятельности в сфере «зелёной» экономики.

Ключевые слова: «зелёная» экономика, предприниматели, экотехнологии, восприятие времени, образ прошлого, настоящего и будущего, отношение ко времени, временной ресурс

Благодарности. Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ и администрации Челябинской области в рамках научного проекта № 20-413-740009 и в рамках Программы фундаментальных исследований НИУ ВШЭ.


The development of a "green" business based on the efficient use of natural resources, reducing the share of ecosystem pollution and increasing biodiversity is one of the leading global trends today [1]. The relevance of the development of this direction is due to the need to form a methodological base for the development of a competitive domestic economy. In the Russian economy, which consists of more than 50% of the export and raw materials industry, the transition to an environmentally balanced economy has been marked: forums are held annually, government grants are allocated, investment programs are created for the development of the "green economy" sector1 . However, despite all the efforts made in this area, the state of the environment is noticeably deteriorating. According to FinExpertiza, over the past year, the number of cases of extremely high levels of pollution has increased by 4 times2 . In addition, even after the adoption of the law on "green" financing in Russia3, the volume of the market

1 Основы государственной политики в области экологического развития Российской Федерации до 2030 года (утв. Президентом РФ 30.04.2012) [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www. consultant . ru/document/cons_doc_ LAW_129117 (дата обращения: 13.08.2021) .

2 Количество высоких загрязнений в воздухе выросло в четыре раза [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://finexpertiza.ru/press-service/researches/2021/vysok-zagryazn-vozd (дата обращения: 13.08.2021).

3 Зелёное финансирование [Электронный ре-

сурс]. URL: https: //web. rf/ustojchivoe-razvitie/ zeljonoe-finansirovanie (дата обращения: 13.08.2021).

for financing green entrepreneurship remains insignificant, which indicates the weakness of this economic sector4 .

There is a certain scientific interest in the branch of the "green" economy [4], but there are still few actual developments in this area, especially in the study of its socio-psychological aspects [16]. The psychological characteristics of entrepreneurs in this area, in particular, the peculiarities of perception and attitude to life time and the motivational and value characteristics associated with them, have not been sufficiently studied . This study aims to partially fill this gap

Theoretical overview

Time studies in the field of entrepreneurial activity are conducted in four directions The first direction, represented by the largest number of works, is economic research, in which time is considered as a resource for entrepreneurial activity [10]. The focus of these studies is aimed at identifying the most optimal strategies for spending time in the process of entrepreneurial activity [17]. The works carried out within the framework of this direction study what stages of entrepreneurial activity exist, as well as strategies for optimal spending of time at a particular stage [6] The second area of research is related to the assessment of risk and the level of uncertainty in making entrepreneurial decisions [11]. The third

4 Идеи экоактивизма возводятся в ранг новой религии . Как это поможет Челябинску? [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://chel. dk.ru/news/237150657 (дата обращения: 13.08.2021).

direction examines how entrepreneurial activity changes over time [12] (Gielnik et al . , 2014), that is, it identifies business features depending on the age of entrepreneurs [6].

Only the fourth direction, unlike the previous ones, considers not the objective, but the subjective time of an entrepreneur as a subject of study [8; 15]. Scientists are interested in how an entrepreneur perceives time, how he treats it, what mental and behavioral patterns exist among entrepreneurs in relation to time compared to hired employees. There are separate attempts to investigate different types of entrepreneur's time [5]. A "special" relationship with time - the ability to be aware of its different types, to feel time, to manage it-can be considered as a distinctive feature of an entrepreneur (Ibid . ) .

A connection was found between the success of entrepreneurs and their time perspective [20]. Studies conducted by domestic specialists allow us to assert that the time perspective of enterprise managers is associated not so much with individual psychological characteristics as with the values, norms of the management team and characteristics of the corporate culture [3]. The article examines how different time dispositions of company owners, such as "avral" (a feeling of chronic haste) and "the style of successive steps", affect corporate entrepreneurship as a strategic behavior [8]

However, most of the work in this direction is related to the study of the time perspective of the future for entrepreneurs [22]. There is an opinion that entrepreneurs, both beginners and established, show a pronounced orientation towards the future [22]. Probably, this feature (a developed perspective of the future) is formed by entrepreneurs, because they

need to build a business strategy for years ahead, predict what will be in demand on the market in the future . Studies are being conducted showing that for greater efficiency of entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to focus both on the future and on the present at the same time . For example, A . Shipp and her colleagues [24] emphasize the importance of a temporary focus on the present and the future when it comes to making decisions with delayed economic consequences [9].

A separate area of research is devoted to the so-called "green" economy and the special role of entrepreneurs in this paradigm of sustainable economic development. The term "green" economy is interpreted ambiguously First, it is an economy in which social well-being and justice are ensured, but at the same time risks to the environment and ecological deficit are minimized . In a" green " economy, employment and income growth should be ensured through investments aimed at reducing CO2 emissions, increasing resource and energy efficiency, preventing further decline in biodiversity and ecosystem services [1]. Secondly, it is a system of economic relations in which the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services is focused on the growth of social well-being in the long term . At the same time, such a system does not place future generations in conditions of environmental scarcity and increased environmental risks1, which in itself is associated with a temporary perspective of the future Third, the "green" economy is a sustainable economy that improves the quality of life for everyone

1 UNEP 2009 annual report [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www. unep . org/resources/ annual-report/unep-2009-annual-report (дата обращения: 13.08.2021).

within the environmental constraints of our planet1 .

Thus, the conducted analysis allows us to state that the problem of subjective time among entrepreneurs is in the formative stage, and is represented today by very scarce and contradictory evidence about a pronounced time perspective of the future . It can be assumed that entrepreneurs, as a social and professional group characterized by a special style of thinking, concentrating on the possibilities of the moment, ready to take responsibility and take risks, have a wide range of features in the perception and experience of time . In addition, very little is known about the peculiarities of the perception of life time by entrepreneurs operating in the "green" economy The purpose of the article is to study the ideas about the time of life, the perception of the past, present and future, and the attitude to time among entrepreneurs in the field of "green" economy

Methods and sample

Within the framework of the search research, preference was given to qualitative methods, which are often a tool for studying those topics and problems that have not yet been the subject of scientific research The qualitative approach encourages the researcher to dispense with preliminary theoretical ideas about which of the variables will be more important and how the results will fit into the system of explanations offered by the existing theory [14].

In particular, the interview method was used with the subsequent analysis of the

1 Основы государственной политики в области экологического развития Российской Федерации до 2030 года. (утв. Президентом РФ 30.04.2012) [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www. consultant . ru/document/cons_doc_ LAW_129117 (дата обращения: 13.08.2021) .

obtained data without resorting to statistical methods [2]. To study the perception of time by entrepreneurs in the field of "green" economy, a semi-structured interview program was developed . The introductory part of the questions was aimed at establishing contact with the respondent and included questions for collecting demographic data The main part includes ideas about the time of life, perception of the image of the past, present and future, goals and the planning horizon . The final stage determined the motivational and value predictors of the choice of the direction of the "green" economy and their connection with the perception of time .

The study involved 10 representatives of small and medium-sized businesses implementing the environmental direction, aged from 38 to 62 years, all men . The respondents live in Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk region and carry out business activities in the following areas: clean production technologies, smart technologies for monitoring and controlling environmental pollution, promising waste disposal technologies, bases of practical environmental services, technologies and knowledge, modeling and management of ecosystems and natural processes The interviews were conducted individually The materials collected through interviews were processed by the method of thematic analysis, which includes six consecutive stages [7].


Representation of time

For the majority of respondents, time is presented as a resource, along with other resources of life and business . At the same time, the value of this resource is emphasized due to its limitations, the possession of it gives energy Entrepreneurs are convinced that time, like any resource, can be

managed, but the success of a business also depends on the ability to manage it:

"Time is a resource" (male, 47 years old)

"The most valuable resource" (male, 42 years old)

"For me, it's still more like the concept of energy, because depending on how I participate in the event (waiting or involved) like an energy that I either know how to manage or I don't know how to manage. "(male, 50 years old)

"In General, time is a matter, the person can control the time, ie, it, it has certain limits, he can't stop time, but it can be very slow, but it will still flow . . . People may or strongly slow down or strongly to speed it up, losing time, too, maybe A living substance, a part of us, is a part of the natural, cosmic and something else there And you can get a benefit from 5 minutes, or you can, you know, have lived for 60 years "(man, 38 years old)

"The most important thought in time is that there is always not enough time, this is once, and it's always a pity that you didn't have time for something These are the main two, the main two directions of my attitude to time Although no, it's still the third time that it's a pity that the time spent aimlessly " (man, 42 years old) .

Time in the minds of respondents is associated with achieving a goal, success In this regard, the loss of time, its irrational waste is perceived very painfully This can be seen as signs of experiencing time in a postmodern society, where the relationship between social status (income level) and the availability of free time is charac-teristic1 Long hours of work, lack of time

1 Основы государственной политики в области экологического развития Российской Федерации до 2030 года. (утв. Президентом РФ 30.04.2012) [Электронный ресурс]. URL :

for rest is a typical pattern of modernity, demonstrating a link to the dominant social class [13]. Lack of time becomes a mandatory attribute of wealth, high social status, and a standard of behavior [19]. In general, the perception of time as a resource of life and business is consistent with one of the directions of studying the category of time among entrepreneurs [10].

Image of the past

The past is perceived by respondents, first of all, as an experience that allows them to learn and avoid mistakes in the present and future:

"You constantly see your mistakes, and this is like turning to the past in this regard, it indicates . . . "(man, 50 years old)

"According to the past - well, how to say, everyone has some mistakes, shortcomings, I'm working on all this, but relying again, I say, the past as an experience That is, experience . As a result, well, I look at the past as if the lack of a result sometimes is also a result" (man, 38 years old) .

"Well, I'm probably still a person who digs into the past very little, but returns to the past I still draw from the past knowledge, I constantly return to some collected materials, some memories of solving some problems. . . "(male, 47 years old) .

In addition, bright events of the past are a powerful emotional resource that gives energy and motivation in the present:

"If you sort it out like this, honestly, that is, I miss the past, there are such moments, I remember, I need some motivation, I remember" (man, 58 years old) .

"About the past, some kind of sensory-emotional part, it, of course, very often

http://www. consultant. ru/document/cons_doc LAW_129117 (дата обращения: 13.08.2021).

refers to the state, perhaps, of past experiences" (man, 50 years old) .

When answering the question about the most memorable moments of the past, respondents note mainly family events, such as the birth of children . In addition, the experience of achieving a significant goal (in business, science, social activities) was mentioned as an important event:

"4 significant situations are the birth of children" (male, 43 years old) .

"Well, let's have the most recent one -a daughter. The birth of my first daughter was such a cultural shock for me, I have a late child, at 40 years old" (male, 47 years old)

"The birth of three children, well, my own and my sister. I have a lot of so-and-so bright moments" (man, 38 years old) .

"Defense of the candidate's thesis. Moreover, I protected her and then at night, in a dream, I protected her for probably another 2 months" (man, 43 years old)

"Well, the event, let's say, when I was able to defeat a monopolist, when I was cut down on the first event with Gazprom . I won the cadastral chamber" (47 years old) .

"I probably headed a fairly large enterprise at the age of 24-25 Well, that is, there were 40-50 people, etc . At the age of 25, it was also such an event for me, this is the responsibility Before that, I was always on the sidelines And I brought it all, restored it, made it, it was just like after a nuclear explosion, everything was here on the territory there without windows, without doors" (man, 47 years old)

All the most memorable events from the past are emotionally positive (the birth of children, victories in school and business), which confirms the results of quantitative studies about the more pronounced ability of entrepreneurs to

quickly forget negative experiences, not to "fixate" on the negative [21].

The image of the present

The present is full of events, tasks that need to be solved In the present, a competent allocation of time resources is required . Some entrepreneurs have a feeling of dissatisfaction with the incomplete realization of their potential, some have a desire to work, achieve new goals, excitement and drive:

"For real - well, this is again a good resource allocation, if we take the time . . . "(male, 50 years old)

"I always used to organize, organized the so-called 20/80to do 20% of the most important cases, and 80% - more if you have time then do it, if not enough, somehow, to distribute them because they do not bring any satisfaction or material of some components" (male, 40 years)

"Well, I probably have some kind of constant dissatisfaction with the results, because I told you that I am dissatisfied, I told you that I work there for some percentage of my potential" (male, 47 years old)

"That is, for me, the interest drops when... Well, let's say I need problems, I need difficulties ... I was told - all these difficulties, they were needed, well, it's just a property of character. I am there, for all these reasons, a warrior" (man, 57 years old)

«I'm fine, I have a spouse, children, there are three children I'm not saying that everything is white and fluffy there all the time, of course, I'm in society" (38 years old)

Probably, the presence of some satisfaction with the results in the present encourages entrepreneurs in the field of "green" economy not to stop at what has

been achieved, but to continue to set and achieve new goals . Conversely, the ability to continue doing business despite difficulties, perseverance and perseverance can be considered as distinctive features of entrepreneurs in this field

Image of the future

Looking far into the future is an important ability of entrepreneurs in the field of "green" economy. The ability to predict events, calculate various scenarios, quickly respond to the emergence of new technologies, be "actors" and not "re-actors" is an integral feature of respondents:

"Well, that is, we must understand that the correct decision-making here and now depends on whether you are able to predict, see some horizon of events or keep the system as a whole or something else" (man, 50 years old)

"Yes, I'm actually ahead of the whole planet, and like everyone else and as always" (man, 57 years old) .

"Well, I would like to become an optimist, but I am still a realist, so I look at the future more realistic, i e as long as there are hands, a head, you can do everything Therefore, the most important thing is not to give up and go forward" (man, 38 years old)

"Well, in short, of course, I'm thinking about the future . How will we build? How will we implement all this? Well, in general, it is more interesting to think about the future, because it is always better in thought, and what will happen is already what will happen" (man, 49 years old)

"I'm doing what, so to speak, exactly, why am I there, so far away? Here is my task for the next 2 years . I have a problem that is unsolvable" (male, 57 years old) .

"That is, I am a person who plans, I think in categories - can I do it, can't I

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do it, what do I need to achieve this, etc ." (male, 47 years old)

"And for the future, as it were, I dream too, waiting for some certain moments, events, so that they happen there, somewhere nearby" (man, 38 years old) .

"Well, I was waiting for my own, so to speak, I had to-where? Because the direction that I have chosen, it usually works" (male, 57 years old) .

These facts confirm the data on a pronounced time perspective of the future for entrepreneurs, identified in other studies [22; 23].

In the same block of questions about the future, the goals of entrepreneurs in this area, personal and business, were discussed In the future, all entrepreneurs plan to develop an environmental direction, advance in technologies and revenue . The operational planning horizon is usually five years . Personal goals, often related to the development of children, follow in parallel or ahead of business goals: "The development of some family things, this is the development of children, there, this is some kind of improvement of some conditions, there, etc , in short, this is such a development The second goal is the development of a business, a business project. The third is security" (male, 42 years old)

"Well, I would certainly like to develop this direction, that particular system of, let's say, interaction, industrial policy . . . to make it more ambitious, both in measuring equipment and in data transmission systems, to certainly increase the company's revenue" (male, 52 years old)

"One of the goals is also the same-after all, the creation of equipment that allows improving the environmental situation and so on And the third thing is, of course, to make money on this It is not the last, ac-

companying, of course, to all the previous two" (male, 45 years old)

"I am used to building a Christmas tree for the next 5 years and for it, i e this is the minimum five-year plan, which is from the Soviet Union, it is very good, I took it into service ... And by 5, and by more . Why? Just 5-these are the most realistic ones that need to be achieved, which are "drawn with a herringbone", the so-called, i e the final goal, 5 years - a rod is drawn to it, and stripes are drawn, i e I have all projects, both economic and other " (man, 42 years old)

"Again, the family is connected with, well, everything around you, your family, friends, relatives Some important moments" (male, 47 years old)

"Well, the first purpose - I have a grandson, daughter, of course, Yes, now, with age, the objectives vary, but right now my goal is the grandson of his to grow, to educate, to leave behind him a good view and direct it, it's difficult in life is easy in life will not be here, but to raise him, that he was real and realistic, and that was a successful, well not to get in trouble" (male, 62 years)

"The second goal is to build not even our factory, but a system, to build it and get pleasure from it Money, of course, have some meaning, but as a tool, that's because they bring short-term pleasure, so to speak, but if you have something created, built, it's for life, if it remains, it is clear, first, and before him, and people" (male, 62 years)

"Over there, I have recorded the scaling of the business, so to speak, i e , well, this is not information for reflection, because the city has already been chosen Especially the plans are huge, it pulls money, and a lot of money, which is with zeros" (man, 58 years old)

"Of course, I will move to Moscow . The second point is that I will also become a leader within 2 years of the direction related to eco-technologies, and these directions will begin to bring me real profit, good profit, and I will develop it very much, i . e ., as soon as federal support appears, I think this will begin to happen Well, and the third, I probably see my quiet, secure old age in the circle of my family, there, a large family, i . e . I imagine myself somewhere in a quiet place, and me" (man, 47 years old)

"Long-term. Well, this is, first of all, a doctoral degree, a transition to an institute, and such a quiet retirement small "candle factory" (male, 44 years old)

In addition to operational plans for 5 years, entrepreneurs in the field of" green "business are thinking about life "in retirement", as well as about goals "beyond life": to ensure the happiness of the family (children, grandchildren), to leave something behind, to ensure a quiet old age

Time Focus

When answering the question about how the attention of entrepreneurs is distributed between the past, present or future, most of the respondents noted that they are more focused on the events of the present and future:

"I am a part, say there, cardiac situation, I have all the time in the present, because when I'm talking to You, I'm always trying to listen to what is happening and what I say to You, and as it is configured to talk to You clearly, correctly, honestly, there, openly and give You that , to correctly interpret what I worry about ... And from the point of view of the future, my mental consciousness and mental consciousness it is, of course, as it moves very often, because I'm a person of the society, I have a family, I've got company, I have

a certain relationship, I often move in certain perspectives of systems development" (male, 50 years old)

"That is, I like to see how that develops, why it's important for me to not do in the reactivity of the moment, and to understand that somehow my act, how it will affect someone's future, because the omission of this perspective, the omission vision of where it may lead, will lead to the fact that no matter how I end up in some dead end" (male, 50 years old)

"Therefore, I have a certain separation - part of the mental consciousness works more in terms of the future, probably, and most of the consciousness works in a certain present" (man, 50 years old)

"Well, I do not know, most likely, of course, I think more about today and tomorrow in the plan" (man, 42 years old) .

"Well, I'm looking into the future, 60%" (male, 45 years old)

"Well, the past is only an experience, so here it's like 20 percent, probably, well, the present is 30 percent and 50 percent-this is a promising development" (man, 47 years old)

«I think a lot about the future, I try to almost not think about the past, minimally, because no one really counted the percentages, so I say-minimally I think about the past . And then, now I don't think much about the present, because it doesn't happen, i.e. there is no solution to the main task that we well want to do, so That is, I think about the future as much as possible" (male, 38 years old) .

"No, I think it's the future. Because I have just told you that the first thing, I am a warrior, it is a pleasure for me to create problems for myself and overcome them" (man, 57 years old)

"Well, let's say that 10% of me is in the past 30 percent are in the future, and the

rest (60%) is in the present" (male, 42 years old)

Probably, this tendency of entrepreneurs in the field of" green " economy to focus on the future picture of the world is a prerequisite for connecting their lives with solving environmental problems in one way or another This observation was checked in the final block of questions about the motivational and value orientation of the respondents ' personality, their self-identification .

Business values and personal values of entrepreneurs

The next set of questions was related to the personal values of entrepreneurs in this field, what motivates them to engage in this business, as well as how they perceive the value of their enterprise . One of the facts discovered during the interview is the observation that the respondents ' personal values coincide: they are family, children, honesty, security, an interesting task (work), development, public benefit At the same time, money (wealth, status) is not named among the main values by any respondent

"It's just important for me that children hear themselves, understand themselves and fight for the ability to be themselves, or that they have goals The question is whether they are aware of what they live by and how much it makes them whole, happy" (man, 50 years old)

"Just to be honest with you or . . . with the employees, with customers, or with their children and their spouse And that's how it would be That is, it's like the best way to be responsible" (male, 50 years old) .

"Well, first of all, honesty, I think, some kind of close relationship, family, maybe, well, family first, yes, then honesty" (man, 38 years old)

"For me, the value is still there, it is not accepted, but I am very sensitive to my

honor. I am very sensitive to not being a scoundrel . . . of course, my good name worries me" (male, 47 years old)

"Unfortunately, our psychotype is such that we are used to working for something, doing something, achieving something or something else. Even if we suddenly get wildly rich, well, how many, I don't know, we'll celebrate for two weeks, and then what? . . . You always need some kind of problem to solve" (man, 57 years old)

"The three most important things are the health of my loved ones, safety in any form and success" (man, 42 years old) .

"Well, the family, well, the goal, it is, of course, such a global one, to improve the environment well, in general, in development" (male, 44 years old)

"First of all, it is still a family - security, security, family values, the relationships that exist in the family .. . Children, in the first place, values-of course, children" (male, 47 years old)

"Well, for me personally, one-third, at least, we are at work, and for me it is important that the work ... I was also positive emotions" (male, 62 years old) .

"I was joking here, like:" to work is like a holiday." It's no joke, it's just the way it is" (man, 57 years old)

"I like the process itself - the process of construction, the process of creation, the process of learning new, well, new directions, new technologies, here, their solution and, in the end, achieving victory in such an activity" (man, 57 years old)

"We are working to breathe a second life into waste, turning it into income We join forces and create solutions for nature conservation and environmental improvement This is the goal of development" (male, 57 years old)

"It's just because life, I'm interested in this" (man, 57 years old)

"You see, I don't need projects, I do it seriously and conscientiously, . . . I always do everything for myself' (man, 57 years old) .

"I like to get to the bottom of it . I don't like being a puppet . . . Therefore, it is important for me to be at peace with myself, it is important for me to know what I am doing, it is important to understand, it is important to understand my usefulness, . . . I want to be useful" (man, 38 years old) .

"I still want to be realized, I have a feeling that I am using my potential, for today, by 10 % of what is available" (male, 47 years old)

In this sense, statements demonstrating the personal self-identification (identity) of entrepreneurs are indicative:

"I am a family man, a father with many children" (male, 50 years old)

"I am a man, by the way, of work, I am a creator, I do not boast, I went through life like this well, I just can't not work" (man, 57 years old)

"I am an inventor myself, among other things, i e I have my own patents, so I think accordingly well, maybe I'm lucky in life -there are people like that who work for the idea practically" (man, 57 years old)

"I am a production worker, I am not a politician ... I am working in the right direction" (entrepreneur, 57 years old)

«I am an integrator, I understand that what is happening and what is being told to us is not entirely reliable I have logic, . . . an analytical mind, I just know how to think" (male, 46 years old)

«I give you a guarantee that I will solve this problem there I solve it" (man, 57 years old)

«I am there, for all these reasons, a warrior" (man, 57 years old)

"I would, probably, from the point of view of a patriot of his country, wanted in this country finally there is such a picture,

when, for example, the society and the government joined as if in state of a real dialogue with each other that they suddenly realized that it is a single organism that there is no separate government and a separate society" (male, 44 years)

There is a creative and strong beginning in the self-identification of respondents: these are people who realize themselves as builders of something socially significant, responsible for the future In addition, a powerful identification with the family, the role of the father, the head of the family was revealed In self-awareness, there is also confidence in the correctness of the whole path, in your actions and responsibility for them


Thus, the study found that entrepreneurs in the field of" green economy " give time the status of a controlled resource that contributes to the achievement of professional goals and personal success, which is consistent with previous studies [22]. Based on the material of a study of small and medium-sized business owners, the connection between the pronounced time focus of the future and pro-environmental attitudes was confirmed, which was found in a number of works [18].

The motivational and value predictors of the choice of the "green economy" sector, such as family, honesty, security, interesting tasks, development, public benefit, are identified At the same time, personal gain is not in the first place

The image of the past is compared with the category of experience and is associated with memorable life events, the accumulation of knowledge, taking into account and preventing the repetition of mistakes in the present and future The most striking events from the past are emotionally positive, which confirms the results of quantita-

tive studies on the ability of entrepreneurs to quickly forget negative experiences, not to "fixate" on the negative [21].

The image of the present is identified with the process of organizing time: the independent solution of current tasks, the effective distribution of the required amount of work . There is also a balance of emotions in the present: on the one hand, it is dissatisfaction with incomplete realization of potential, on the other, on the contrary, excitement in achieving new goals, which allows entrepreneurs not to lose optimism in overcoming difficulties [21].

The image of the future reflects the ability to build a sequence of promising steps in the development of business and family life The ability to predict events, calculate various scenarios, quickly respond to the emergence of new technologies, be "actors" and not "re-actors" is an integral feature of respondents: In addition to operational plans for 5 years, entrepreneurs in the field of" green " business think about goals "beyond life", that is, they have a long planning horizon [22].

Respondents note that they focus primarily on the events of the present and future, which is consistent with other studies [24] and characterizes the motivational orientation of the personality of entrepreneurs There is a creative and strong beginning in the respondents ' self-identification: it is the creation of something socially significant, responsibility for the future, identification with the role of the head of the family, as well as confidence in the correctness of the whole path The link between the present and the future is the issues of public well-being, business development and financial stability

Статья поступила в редакцию 27.08.2021.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

1. Ефремов Н . А. , Ефремова М. П . Мировой опыт применения «зелёных» технологий / Oecononia et Jus: Экономика и право (электронный научный журнал). 2021. № 1. URL: http://oecomia-et-jus . ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/OEJ_2021_1_s . -21-30 . pdf (дата обращения: 13. 08 . 21).

2. Чернов А. Ю . Методологическое введение в проблему качественных методов // Методология и история психологии . 2007. Т 2 . № 1. С . 118-128 .

3. Nestik T. A . Global identity as a socio-psychological phenomenon: theoretical and empirical research // Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences . Social and economic psychology. 2017. Vol. 2. № . 4 (8). Pp. 145-185.

4. Bansal P. , Roth K. Why companies go green: A model of ecological responsiveness // Academy of Management J. 2000. Vol. 43. № 4 . P. 717-736.

5 . Barthod-Prothade M. , Muller Ch. , Cristini H . How can a wine grower articulate the

different types of time: the time of the weather, the economic time, and the human time? // International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business . 2016 . Vol. 29 (4). P. 495-511.

6 . Block J. H . , Landgraf A. Transition From Part-Time Entrepreneurship To Full-Time

Entrepreneurship: The Role Of Financial And Non-Financial Motives // International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 2016 . Vol. 12 (1). P. 259-282.

7 . Braun V. Using thematic analysis in psychology // Qualitative Research in Psychology. 2006.

Vol. 3(2). P. 77-101.

8 . Chen J. H . , Nadkarni S . It's about Time! CEOs' Temporal Dispositions, Temporal Leadership,

and Corporate // Entrepreneurship. Administrative Science Quarterly. 2017. Vol. 62 (1). P. 31-66 .

9 Das T K , Teng B Time and Entrepreneurial Risk Behavior // Entrepreneurship: theory and practice 1997 Vol 22 P 69-88

10 . Gabrys B. , Bratnicki M. What We have Learned about Time in Corporate Entrepreneurship

Research: Some Growth Recommendations from Transition Economy // Proceedings of the 6 th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Shotland, 15-16 September 2011). 2011. Vol. 1.P. 327-336.

11 Georgalos K Entrepreneurship Under Risk and Uncertainty: A Review of the Experimental Evidence // Inside The Mind of The Entrepreneur. 2018 . P. 59-74.

12. Gielnik M. , Zacher H . , Wang M. Age in the Entrepreneurial Process: The Role of Future


Time Perspective and Prior Entrepreneurial Experience // Journal of Applied Psychology. 2018 . Vol. 103 (10). URL: 10,1037/apl0000322 (дата обращения: 13. 08 . 21).

13. Fagan C. The temporal reorganization of employment and the household rhythm of work schedules // American Behavioral Scientist. 2001. Vol . 44 . P. 1199-1212 .

14. Giorgi A. Beyond the qualitative paradigm: a framework for introducing diversity within qualitative sociology // J. of Community and Applied Social Studies. 1999. № 4. P. 225-238.

15 . Goodin R. The temporal welfare state: the case of Finland // Journal of Social Policy. 2004.

Vol 33 P 531-552

16 . Hemingway C. A. , Maclagan P. W. Managers' Personal Values as Drivers of Corporate Social

Responsibility // J. of Business Ethics . 2004. Vol. 50 . № 1. P. 33-44. 17. Huang F , Yoo O. S . , Gokpinar B. Time Allocation in Entrepreneurial Selling: Impact of Consumer Peer Learning and Incumbent Reaction // IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (электронный научный журнал). 2018 . Vol. 65 (4). URL: https:// researchportal.bath. ac. uk (дата обращения: 13. 08.2021).

18 . Milfont T. L. , Wilson J. , Diniz P. Time perspective and environmental engagement //

International J. of Psychology. 2012. Vol. 47. P. 325-334.

19 . Nowotny H . Time: The Modern and Postmodern Experience // Cambridge: Polity, 1996.

192 p

20 O'Rand R Ellis A A Social Class and Social Time Perspective // Social Forces 1974 Vol 53 (1) P 53-62

21. Zabelina E . , Tsiring D. , Artemeva V. Entrepreneurs' time perspective: attitude to adversities, opportunities and self-confidence // International Journal of Entrepre-neurship and Small Business (IJESB) 2021 Vol 43 № 1 P 84-99

22. Przepiorka A. What makes successful entrepreneurs different in temporal and goal-commitment dimensions? // Time & Society. 2015 . № 25 (1). P. 40-60.

23. Retsikas K. The gift of future time: Islamic welfare and entrepreneurship in 21st century Indonesia // South East Asia Research. 2017. Vol. 25 (3). P. 284-300.

24 Shipp A J , Edwards J R , Lambert L S Conceptualization and measurement of temporal focus: The subjective experience of the past, present, and future // Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (электронный научный журнал). 2009. Vol. 110 . URL: http://public. kenan-flagler. unc. edu/faculty/edwardsj/Shippetal2009. pdf (дата обращения: 13.08. 21).


Забелина Екатерина Вячеславовна - кандидат психологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры специальной и клинической психологии Челябинского государственного университета;

e-mail: katya_k@mail. ru; ORCID ID: https://orcid. org/0000-0002-2365-6016

Карташова Ангелина Александровна - магистрант, Челябинский государственный университет;

e-mail: 89124770123@yandex.ru; ORCID ID: https://orcid. org/0000-0001-6484-8957

Телицына Александра Юрьевна - кандидат биологических наук, доцент, старший научный сотрудник Центра исследований гражданского общества и некоммерческого сектора, НИУ ВШЭ;

e-mail: atelitsyna@hse. ru; ORCID ID: https://orcid. org/0000-0002-0186-3989


Ekaterina V Zabelina - Cand. Sci. (Psychology), Assoc. Prof. , Department of Special and Clinical Psychology of Chelyabinsk State University;

e-mail: katya_k@mail. ru; ORCID ID: https://orcid. org/0000-0002-2365-6016

Angelina A. Kartashova - Master's Degree Student, Chelyabinsk State University; e-mail: 89124770123@yandex.ru; ORCID ID: https://orcid. org/0000-0001-6484-8957

Alexandra Yu. Telitsina - Assoc. Prof. , Research Assistant, HSE University; e-mail: atelitsyna@hse .ru; ORCID ID: https://orcid. org/0000-0002-0186-3989


Забелина Е . В . , Карташова А. А . , Телицына А . Ю . Восприятие времени предпринимателями в сфере «зелёной» экономики // Вестник Московского государственного областного университета. Серия: Психологические науки. 2021. № 4. С. 62-77. DOI: 10.18384/2310-7235-2021-4-62-77


Zabelina E . V. , Kartashova A . A. , Telitsina A. Yu. Perception of time among entrepreneurs in the field of "green" economy. In: Bulletin of the Moscow Region State University. Series: Psychological Sciences, 2021, no . 4, рр . 62-77. DOI: 10.18384/2310-7235-2021-4-62-77

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