Научная статья на тему 'Perceived in the organization organizational conflict relationship with justice'

Perceived in the organization organizational conflict relationship with justice Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Gulnur Mert

All studies related to organizational justice and conflict in terms of businesses and employees reveals the importance of this concept. Today, employees are often faced with injustices in the workplace. Disputes between individuals, confrontation and conflict is expressed in the conflict. The fact that people have different ideas and opinions on the causes of conflict to live in any environment. Difficulties encountered in all kinds of organizations, employees, and consequently affect the organizational performance, decreases productivity and efficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the important factors, such as conflict with justice. In this article, relationship conflict and organizational justice as perceived by employees in organizations are examined. According to the results obtained in this study it was found to vary depending on the gender of the employees of organizational justice size of distributive justice. Besides emerged a negative relationship between organizational justice organizational conflict.

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Взаимосвязь организационного конфликта с воспринимаемой организационной справедливостью

Все исследования, связанные с организационной справедливостью и конфликтами, показывают важность этой концепции для организаций и сотрудников. Сотрудники часто заявляют, что они сталкиваются с несправедливостью на рабочем месте. Споры между отдельными лицами или группами выражаются концепцией конфликта. Для людей естественно иметь разные идеи и мнения о причинах конфликта, чтобы жить в любой среде. Трудности в любой организации влияют на сотрудников, и, следовательно, на производительность организации. Поэтому необходимо рассмотреть такие важные факторы, как конфликт с правосудием. В данной статье рассматриваются конфликт отношений и организационная справедливость, как они воспринимаются работниками в организациях. Согласно результатам этого исследования, восприятие реализации организационной справедливости меняется в зависимости от пола сотрудников. Кроме того, возникла негативная связь между организационной справедливостью и организационным конфликтом.

Текст научной работы на тему «Perceived in the organization organizational conflict relationship with justice»

Взаимосвязь организационного конфликта с воспринимаемой организационной справедливостью

Гулнур Мерт

докторант Института Социальных Наук Южного Университета (ИУБиП), [email protected]

Все исследования, связанные с организационной справедливостью и конфликтами, показывают важность этой концепции для организаций и сотрудников. Сотрудники часто заявляют, что они сталкиваются с несправедливостью на рабочем месте. Споры между отдельными лицами или группами выражаются концепцией конфликта. Для людей естественно иметь разные идеи и мнения о причинах конфликта, чтобы жить в любой среде. Трудности в любой организации влияют на сотрудников, и, следовательно, на производительность организации. Поэтому необходимо рассмотреть такие важные факторы, как конфликт с правосудием. В данной статье рассматриваются конфликт отношений и организационная справедливость, как они воспринимаются работниками в организациях. Согласно результатам этого исследования, восприятие реализации организационной справедливости меняется в зависимости от пола сотрудников. Кроме того, возникла негативная связь между организационной справедливостью и организационным конфликтом.

Ключевые слова: Воспринимаемая организационная справедливость, организационный конфликт, отношения, дифференциация, результативность.

1. Introduction

Today in private and state enterprises are important organizational justice. In this context, "Organizational Justice" under the name of several investigations have been made. In addition, it is now faced with a conflict accepted as a natural phenomenon of human life at every stage. Everywhere and in environments where human cases of conflict emerges as a process. "Organizational Justice" due to a problem frequently encountered within the organization has been the subject of much research so far. Businesses or organizations that employees are treated fairly in terms of the future, and how the perception to occur in individuals as a result of this, it is important that the business or organization in what way affect. It is important to ensure equitable distribution of the resources of businesses and institutions.

Organizational conflict is often incompatibility, antagonism refers to adversities such as discord. Organization employees, exactly the same idea, or is not expected to show similar behavior, conflict is inevitable contains live with the result that organizations. But the concept of conflict, the positive effects of a certain amount of conflict in terms of organization as well as businesses and organizations are free from negative consequences are (Bayram, 2017; Arici, Buyuksivaslioglu and Akberov, 2019).

This article surveys carried out in a public institution, in accordance with the obtained varies according to demographic variables was evaluated employees of organizational justice and conflict. It then examined the relationship between organizational justice and organizational dimensions of the conflict. Finally, it was investigated whether the effect of conflict on the organizational justice dimensions.

2. Organizational justice

Employees are taking the capital with them their knowledge and experience they have when they enter an organization, the time for starting to use it in the interests of the capital organizations of their own benefits, they enter this capital and labor into the effort into investment and organizational contribution rate fair (price, promotion, recognition, etc.) Output achieved they expect to. Then it appeared, taking their references, they compare their achievements with other employee benefits, while this comparison, some are using their own justice measures (Bagci, 2013: 165). This comparison is not treated in perception about him just individual organizations (Ozdevecioglu 2004: 185).

3. The concept of conflict

Bakhare (2010) conflict, the two sides go at any time in response to the resistance as a result of conflict with each other and described as a process of trying to put against each other. A more specific words, a person of stated as a process to cause the failure of the person B by preventing deliberate the effort and dedication map to reach the B target, another person (Bakhare A, 2010: 41).

4. Methods

4.1. Purpose and Importance of Research

The main objective of this research was to determine the relationship between conflict and organizational justice. In this



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context, the aim of the research was conducted to determine the relationship between them in a public institution with. Research has joined the staff of a certain section of public employees. When domestic and foreign literature screening detected was found very few studies to determine the relationship between conflict and organizational justice.

4.2. Scope and Limitations of the study

The main bulk of the research is a public institution located in a big city. In the main body of research engineer position, it was created by the employees. As a sampling method, based on non-probability sampling method was used easily. Research was performed in a single institution, a total of 100 questionnaires were distributed to the participants, the survey of 88 of them have come back, 3 of which were considered invalid due to the lack of answered questionnaires and research conducted over a total of 85 questionnaires

4.3. Method and Variable Research

Research survey released survey method was used to obtain the method of data collection. Niehoff and Moorman (1993) "developed by Organizational Justice" scale and Bhat, Rangnekar and Barua (2013) located in the article Upinder and Santosh Dahr (2003), work on which was developed with the aim to measure the organizational conflict "Organizational Conflict" scale is used.

4.4. Model Research

Employees in research work that will be investigated whether differences according to the variables conflict with organizational justice perceptions, to examine the relationship between conflict and organizational justice and sizes, and finally its impact on conflict of judicial dimension will be investigated.

4.5. Data Analysis

The data obtained from staff who participated in the study were analyzed using SPSS 19 software package. Reliability of the scale used was examined using Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient. Then the scales were analyzed and correlated for each item was investigated whether substances should be removed from the scale. Research Personnel involved in the gender organizational conflict organizational justice and size, age, education level, according to the position and work time in the institution to investigate whether it differs t-test, ANOVA test and the Kruskal-Wallis test was used. Finally, with the aim to determine the relationship between variables was examined by Pearson correlation coefficient and then regression analysis was performed with the aim to investigate effectively.

4.6. Research Findings

Public officials, to investigate whether perceptions of fairness varies according to gender in the selection of t-test done and t values were examined in the case of equal variance. The results of the test are summarized in the following table.

Table 1

Demonstration Demonstration that owned t-test a significant difference according to gender in the workplace Fairness of Public

Boyutlar Gender N Ort. S.S S.H S.D t p

Organization al Justice Woman 49 3,01 0,60 0,08 0,165 1,07 0,28

Male 36 2,83 0,84 0,14

Distribution Justice Woman 49 3,03 0,70 0,10 0,198 2,32 0,02

Male 36 2,57 1,02 0,17

Procedural Justice Woman 49 2,77 0,79 0,11 0,189 1,43 0,15

Male 36 2,50 0,94 0,15

Interaction Justice Woman 49 3,15 0,90 0,12 0,212 -0,19 0,85

Male 36 3,19 1,04 0,17

The above table have been evaluated by looking at the case of equal variance. Organizational justice has been found to show a significant difference in terms of gender. (t = 1.07 and p>0,05). Likewise, it analyzed the dimensions of organizational justice. Distributive justice values (t = 2.32 and p (0.02) <0,05) Because gender has been found to show a significant difference between the distribution of justice. Procedural justice values (t = 1.43 and p>0,05) has been found to show a significant difference. Finally, justice has been looking at the interaction of size (t = -0.190 and p>0,05) has been found to show a significant difference. 5. Conclusions and recommendations With respect to the entire analysis, public institutions in that there are differences in men and women of distributive justice perception, as well as an inverse relationship between organizational conflict organizational justice, with transactional and interactional justice dimensions of justice size was found to be an inverse relationship between organizational conflict. The increase in transactional and interactional justice perceptions reduce organizational conflict, and the decrease in the size increases organizational conflict. Finally, despite being weak as a result of procedural fairness dimension regression analysis it was concluded that made an impact on organizational conflict.

Perceived in the organization organizational conflict

relationship with justice Gulnur Mert

South Russian University

All studies related to organizational justice and conflict in terms of businesses and employees reveals the importance of this concept. Today, employees are often faced with injustices in the workplace. Disputes between individuals, confrontation and conflict is expressed in the conflict. The fact that people have different ideas and opinions on the causes of conflict to live in any environment. Difficulties encountered in all kinds of organizations, employees, and consequently affect the organizational performance, decreases productivity and efficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the important factors, such as conflict with justice. In this article, relationship conflict and organizational justice as perceived by employees in organizations are examined. According to the results obtained in this study it was found to vary depending on the gender of the employees of organizational justice size of distributive justice. Besides emerged a negative relationship between organizational justice organizational conflict.

Keywords: Perceived Organizational Justice, Organizational

Conflict, Correlation, Differentiation, Performance. Reference

1. Arici, T, Büyüksivaslioglu, N, Akberov, I. (2019). Examination of The Effect of Hope and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance in Hospitals with Structural Equation Modelling. Eurasian Journal of Researches in Social and Economics (EJRSE). 6(6), 46-54.

2. Bagci, Z. (2013). Organizational Commitment of Employees Impact on Organizational Justice Perception of International Economics and Business Management Journal, 9(19), 163-184.

3. Bayram, A. (2017). Human Energy at Work: Theoretical Framework, Hitit University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, Year 10, Issue 2, December 2017, 1021-1042.

4. Bakhare, R. (2010). The Manager and Conflict Management. CMS Journal of Indian Management, 7(4), 4157.

5. Ozdevecioglu, M. (2003). Perceived Organizational Justice Interpersonal Behaviors: A Research to identify the attacker Impact, Erciyes University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 21, 77-96.

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