PENDULAR BEHAVIOR OF HUMAN BEING FROM ANTHROPOECOLOGY’S POINT OF VIEW Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Leonel Chacon Anchondo

Anthropoecology does not intend to direct the societies of the countries to any political system, it seems that this proved that all political systems have failed. From the point of view of Anthropoecology, some political systems could have worked, but they failed in two aspects. The first was the pendulum movement to leave one end and go to the other end, e.g. from extreme imperialism to extreme communism. The second is that power mentally ills the leaders, because their movement triumphed and they think that they are right in everything, coupled with the temptation of illicit enrichment, causing corruption. The current "democratic" systems, whose reality is to cover up neoliberal capitalism; which, like all movements, has gone to the extreme, originating great and excessive personal fortunes, which every day want more and more regardless of decomposition and social behavior, extreme poverty and famine. This capitalist system is an imperial system with no visible leader. Other pendular social movements; they are, the liberation and empowerment of women, abortion and the LGBT movement. The purpose is to make observations about our daily actions, which seem to be leading us to self-destruction.

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Leonel Chacon Anchondo

Industrial Engineer, Technological Institute Cd. Juarez Cd. Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua, Mexico, Tepeyac street # 4030, 31520

Abstract. Anthropoecology does not intend to direct the societies of the countries to any political system, it seems that this proved that all political systems have failed. From the point of view of Anthropoecology, some political systems could have worked, but they failed in two aspects. The first was the pendulum movement to leave one end and go to the other end, e.g. from extreme imperialism to extreme communism. The second is that power mentally ills the leaders, because their movement triumphed and they think that they are right in everything, coupled with the temptation of illicit enrichment, causing corruption. The current "democratic" systems, whose reality is to cover up neoliberal capitalism; which, like all movements, has gone to the extreme, originating great and excessive personal fortunes, which every day want more and more regardless of decomposition and social behavior, extreme poverty and famine. This capitalist system is an imperial system with no visible leader. Other pendular social movements; they are, the liberation and empowerment of women, abortion and the LGBT movement. The purpose is to make observations about our daily actions, which seem to be leading us to self-destruction.

Key Words: political system, failed, pendulum movement, extreme imperialism, extreme communism, mental illness, illicit enrichment, neoliberal capitalism, personal fortunes, self-destruction.


Anthropoecology is just trying to put the problem on the table, the solution is everyone's responsibility. By conscience, we all know what is right.

We know that our behavior is on the wrong side of the pendulum and it is historical, it has caused chaos in the world and that behavior is due to the fact that we have become mentally ill from Anthropoecology's point of view and what this implicitly raises is do a hindsight and introspection. Some would say a deep examination of conscience.

It is not the concept written in Anthropoecology that is going to give an answer and solve the problems of human being. the solution of the problems is the responsibility of all human beings, or we solve our problems or carry the risk of perishing, the vast majority.

It is evident that nobody has the absolute truth, on the same subject. In each of the stages of life, there will be a different opinion, for the simple reason that the perspective is different, that is logical and normal. But if any of these opinions harms some and favors others, it is there that the meaning of those opinions must be reviewed.

On any subject, the behavior of the human being could be pendular, if one extreme does not please him, he thinks that the other is the good and tries to reach it at all costs, setting new paradigms and in some cases mental fixations that can be extreme. Examples of these pendular movements are the political models that, when going to the extreme, become corrupted, forgetting the purpose on which it was founded; as long as there has been no hidden evil purpose from the beginning. Other examples: the liberation of women, which in a way became debauchery and empowerment in emboldening. Abortion, which instead of "legalizing" it, must have been given a positive formative education from childhood. An extreme monarchy, originated a communism that also went to the extreme.

The empires that invaded, massacred and plundered foreign territories, changed many cultures and in some cases exterminated them.

Neoliberal capitalist oligarchies with a few billionaires, like all empires, have reached the pendulum extreme, with political-economic manipulations have led many countries to extreme impoverishment. The same is observable in manipulations with autochthonous groups to remove them from their territories and seize their wealth. It is there where revolutions were born due to social inequality, the abuse of local authorities, in some cases for centuries.

GREED is an extreme of pendular behavior

Misrepresented values: a young doctor is doubted, even when he accredits all the procedures to practice; however, the "talent" of a 10-year-old singer is more applauded.

Paradigms and extreme negative mental fixations can make humans mentally ill, both individually and collectively.

Perhaps we have become ill with arrogance thinking that the autochthonous groups and the peasant people are ignorant and uneducated, humility has been confused with poverty, a serious error, perhaps due to classism, racism, selfishness, etc.

Humility. "Humility is a human virtue attributed to someone who has developed an awareness of their own limitations and weaknesses, and works accordingly. Humility is an opposite value to arrogance. Being humble

does not imply letting yourself be humiliated, because humility does not suppose a renunciation of your own dignity as persons." [https://www.significados.com/humildad/].

A humble person, always thinks and acts with honesty and respect.

From the point of view of Anthropoecology, a positive, moral, ethical, civic and social justice formative education must be given, to avoid extreme behavior and live in a humanly more balanced and sustainable world.

If human being had not become mentally ill, the great ancient bibliographic collections could not possibly have been destroyed, we would know how the great constructions of antiquity were made and perhaps our social and technological progress would be greater than today and a secure future from the point of Anthropoecology view.

Human behavior has been so wrong throughout history that we have been destroying and rebuilding ourselves over and over again, if it had not been so, today we would have thousands of years of scientific, technological and social advancement in this earthly paradise.

Political systems fall because power makes them mentally ill; therefore, this is not a question of the type of political system, it is a question of mental health. This applies equally to political parties and individuals.

We have learned and developed the ability to respond contradictorily to someone who questions us, even knowing that he is right, simply by not granting it. Some have their paradigms of very personal interests that have become mental fixations that try to turn them into "truths".


Anthropoecology. It is the dynamic balance in the animal, intellectual, social, cultural, spiritual, moral, ethical, economic and political aspects of human being in conjunction with the environment in which it lives.


Definition of mental illness from the point of view of Anthropoecology:

Mental illness. It is the generation of ideas and attitudes of thinking, deciding and acting, in a physiologically healthy brain, of the human being, whose thoughts, selfposition above the other human beings, inflicting damage in most cases and obtaining profit for itself.


"The President asks the Germans to reflect on racism."

"BERLIN (AP) - The President of Germany on Tuesday urged citizens of the country to reflect on racism and organize ways to combat it, arguing that there is no point in mourning the death of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer in the

United States without doing something to combat the scourge in their own country. " "The article 3 of the German constitution states that: no person shall be favored or disfavored because of sex, relationship, race, language, country of origin, faith, religion or political opinion. " [Annegret Hilse/Pool Photo via Associated Press, 16 de junio de 2020, https://espanol.yahoo.com/noticias /presidente-pide-alemanesreflexionar-racismo-124010576.html].

"A black protester avoids a 'catastrophe' by saving a white man."

"During protests by the Black Lives Matter movement in London, UK, a black protester carried an injured white counter-protester on his shoulders and took him to a safe place to avoid a catastrophe. My real goal was to avoid a catastrophe, suddenly the narration changes from Black Lives Matters to Youngsters Kill Protesters. That was the message we were trying to avoid, "Patrick Hutchinson told CNN."

"The man's action, captured over the weekend, went viral after being photographed walking while carrying the "rival", in the midst of the angry crowd." [Newsweek México, 15 de junio de 2020, https: //es-us.noticias.yahoo .com/manifestante-negroevita-cat%c3%a1strofe-salvar-224213185.html].


It could be assured that the constitutions of all countries have an article similar to article 3 of the German constitution and it could also be said that some citizens of rich countries would vote to remove it from their constitution. Although also some rich and others who think they are rich, in poor countries, they are at least classist. all the classists reflect it in their way of dressing and acting

Eliminate racism, discrimination, arrogance, prepotency, avarice etc. It is NOT a matter of laws; IT IS A MATTER OF POSITIVE FORMATIVE EDUCATION AND MENTAL HEALING. From the point of view of Anthropoecology.


The Ketos, a Siberian town. They are a very strange ethnic group: demographically, they grow almost to 0%; no written records are kept of their language, which is also not recorded in the annals of world linguistics. They have even been said to be related to the Indians of North America. To do this Special Report we went to the heart of the taiga to interview them ... although, of course, it was not easy to find theirs whereabouts. "

Some comments on the report:

SuperAndrea1998: Each one chooses his own path. (popular saying of ketos).

Francisco Pelayo: They live happier than many who have everything

Miguel Angel: We must resist against international agribusinesses. Water and Earth belong to the working people. Not from Corporations!

Simón Camayo: FREEDOM. That's real freedom. free from so much human filth ... materialism, capitalism. technology, junk TV. selfishness.

María Ximena Sepúlveda Rosales: For me they are very similar to any Latino! From here in Chile they have similarity to anyone from a popular neighborhood.

Gabino Macias Franco: I wish they would transmit this type of documentary on television ... because it is of great breadth of knowledge. unfortunately, the official television is junk programming ...! [RT (en español), está financiada total o parcialmente por la Administración Pública rusa. Wikipedia, 18 oct. 2010, https://www.youtube. com/watch ?v=pD_5XCt RAbg, http://actualidad. rt.com /progra-

mas/es.. , http://actualidad. rt.com/mas/envivo].


There are autochthonous groups like the ketos that have their own spirituality, shown to a totem pole that they call "alel"; for them, their "alel" is as valid as the God of any religion. Calling them heathens is DISCRIMINATION. Among other things unique in their lifestyle, which for centuries have lived "isolated" from "civilization" and perhaps today that they have been visited and "helped", they could feel less independence.

This is just a tiny community, of hundreds or thousands that live in the most "hidden" parts of the earth, with their own language and immutable customs (laws) that they fully respect and comply with. That for the "modern" human being, judges some of these customs as retrograde. Without glimpsing in the least that our current customs are in some cases very perverse; since they are given for some economic interest. This shows us the capacity of the human being to live in an apparent inhospitable environment, when it does so attach to the laws of nature.

"For me they are very similar to any Latino! From any popular neighborhood" [María Ximena Sepúlveda Rosales]. Your comment is discriminatory; And if the appearance of human being is the same in any part of the world, the small differences are to adapt to the climatic environment in which it lives. The ketos are an example of how it is possible to live in peace as human beings and in harmony with nature. As long as there is mental health.

The autochthonous groups live on the pendulum end of the behavior; except that.


The Akha live in Laos with virtually no contact with modern civilization. The inhabitants still preserve their customs..., considered as a town of archaic customs. A very particular custom is that if a marriage has twins, they have to leave the town and go live in the nearby forest, they cannot go to another town, they say that they cannot change them and they must respect their old customs, even when the authorities of the city has asked them for it.

"The inhabitants still preserve their "archaic" customs. However, they face a dilemma. Isolated from the rest ofthe world, without paved roads, the people of Peryensang Mai have remained until today practically without contact with modern civilization. The inhabitants of the Akha tribe seem to live in another time: their language does not have written testimonies, their daily life is governed by the rules and ceremonies dictated by their ancestors, such as the sacrifice of animals to avoid misfortune. Maintaining these, sometimes somewhat brutal, customs gives the Akha balance and guidance. Village women lead especially busy lives. Their tasks range from farming and working at home to making traditional clothing, as the Akha are largely self-sufficient."

"This report tells the story of the Laovan family. The mother, Yeapheun, has always had to work hard to support her extended family. The father, as an elder in the village, watches over the strict rules and commandments of the akha. Both, along with their older children, cannot imagine anything other than the tiring life on the top of the mountain. The hope for the family is therefore the youngest son, Kienglom, who has been going to school in the city for eleven years. The Akha people, like many mountain tribes in Laos, are facing a change: moving to the valley would mean accessing electricity, running water and better medical care, but also abandoning ancient rituals. This report takes the viewer on an exciting journey of discovery to a town that is divided between tradition and modernity, a town that at this time must reinvent itself."

Some comments on the report:

Fátima González: Everything very interesting, poor women subjected all their lives and their husbands lazy while they do all the work.

I AM VULCANA: Self-sufficiency would be for everyone in general to contribute to the development of their tribe, here I only see some women being exploited.

Paula Rincón: How crazy, they would be more prosperous if men did some work.

Anaperla Dias: Killing your twins rather than brutes, well-rooted ignorance, little else I will hear that they practice cannibalism.

[The Akha tribe in Laos: between tradition and modernity | DW Documentary, April 12, 2019, Ulrike Bremer, DW is a German public television and / or radio service.

Wikipedia, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FFdPwLEZwg,]


These peoples are considered retarded, archaic, primitive etc. But for some reason, the "civilized" world has not been able to understand. They live in harmony and for many centuries or thousands of years they were self-sufficient. Today, by "helping them" out of their "backwardness", they are being invaded, as thousands of peoples have been, since the beginning of technological advance.

The article says: "the inhabitants still preserve their archaic customs."

These laws or commandments, you will not steal, you will not kill, respect your fellow men etc. are they archaic?

This is a very wrong criticism, the basic laws are immutable. The sad thing is that current politicians change the laws to their convenience in each government period. liberation and some "human rights" seem to have caused debauchery, in the extreme pendular behavior of human being.

Rare custom that women do a number of tasks and men, real or apparent, do little work.

Seen from the outside, their law is to kill the twin children or to expel the parents to live isolated and outside the tribe, seems an aberrant idea; however.

What about abortion "duly" legislated and passed as law in the "civilized" world of the 21st century AD. in a large number of countries?

Added the following: And what with the rejection of homosexuality by some people, religions and countries? And what about the still rejection of lefties?

Regarding the comment that "they practice cannibalism", it is discrimination and exaggeration in criticism.

How many other stupid things in social networks, we do in the name of modernity 2020 AD?

For thousands of years these two "isolated" peoples, the Ketos and the Akha, have survived many empires, near and far, have demonstrated that human being can live in peace, when it is mentally healthy. And our great civilization with ideas of globalization and a new world order and a technological advance with just 250 years, has compromised the existence of balance of nature and of billions of human beings. And with many possibilities, these "isolated, ignorant and savage" peoples will survive and ignore the tragedy of millions of their peers, in the next holocaust.

The youngest son Kienglom, has been going to school in the city for eleven years to study and for the city to have a different and "simpler" life than in the town on the clouds. That is the information that normally reaches every town in the world, discouraging life in the country and making people migrate to the cities; instead of promoting the development of the peoples and the roots of the people, raising their standard of living by bringing only the necessary technological advance.


Millennial history shows us the first migrations of empires, although it was not considered as such; that due to their characteristics they were undesirable, since they went to invade, massacre and loot the invaded territories, seizing all their natural resources and the citizens of the invading empire, they seized "buying" large tracts of land. Imperialism, as it has happened, is a extremely negative pendular behavior.


"Both globalization and the great difference in population and income between the EU and sub -Saharan Africa and the Middle East are factors that mobilize the movement of people. In general terms, the root of the problem lies in two causes: first, globalization, and second, the great difference in income between the European Union and Africa and the Middle East."

"The first cause is well known. The more people know about the rest of the world, the more they compare their standard of living with the richest countries and the more likely they are to take action: specifically, to emigrate. The second factor has to do with the fact that the difference in GDP per capita between the European Union of 15 countries and sub-Saharan Africa has gone from 7 to 1 in 1980 to 11 to 1 today. "

"The demographic growth rates of both regions. In 1980 the EU had more inhabitants than sub -Saharan Africa; Today, sub-Saharan Africa has 2.5 times the

EU population. In the next two generations, sub-Saharan Africa will likely reach 2.5 billion inhabitants, the quintuple of Western Europe. It is totally absurd to think that, with these large differences in income (in one sense) and population (in the other), it is possible to avoid strong migratory pressure. "

"Europe faces a long-term problem and a dilemma. As we have just seen, if there is globalization, and if the countries affected by globalization have very different incomes, migration is inevitable. The only ways to prevent it are to renounce globalization —that is, to close national borders— or to help the countries of origin to be as rich as Western Europe. To achieve the latter, it would be necessary, at least a century, and therefore not it is a feasible solution. What remains, therefore, is to close to globalization, at least in the circulation of people. "

"Furthermore, rich countries benefit from immigration of skilled workers, because many of them arrive after completing studies that host countries do not have to pay. "

"Therefore, from an economic point of view, migration is globally favorable for rich countries. However, in another aspect, the native population may consider it negative if they feel that some of their cultural particularities are in danger because immigrants do not assimilate or do not want to accept local norms. This is an argument that should not be confused with racism or xenophobia. Its importance must be recognized. There are many people who think like this. "

"So, we need an alternative approach that compensates for the economic need to host immigrants with the protection of certain cultural norms. This approach could be based on accepting mostly (or exclusively) workers who come to fill specific positions for a specific period of time (for example, five years) and then have to return to their countries. Then they could be replaced by other immigrants, in what is called "circular migration, " which implies that the number of immigrants does not increase, or only increases if new jobs are created. "

"Workers with these visas would have wages and working conditions equal to those of local workers (so there would be no lowering of local wages or illegal exploitation of immigrants), but they would not have other rights, such as voting, or access to nonemployment related social benefits (child benefits, retirement pensions, free

education)." [Branko Milanovic, Nov 17 2018, Translation by María Luisa Rodríguez Tapia, https://elpais.com/elpais/2018/11/17/opinion/1542468669_227621.html].


This article proposes very ad hoc solutions for rich countries. relegated immigrants discriminated against, in advance by the existing norms or new "legal" norms, classified as second category citizens, pretends a legality with norms that violate their human rights. After 5 years of work, replacing (deporting) them with new workers, a fabulous idea for rich countries.

What would be the children born in European country?

It is an illusion that there will be no lowering of wages. That the greedy person does not exploit the immigrant. That rich countries help poor countries become rich is a demagogic idea that they haven't even thought about.


"Some analyzes of the forced and "desperate" migrations of millions of Africans point to poverty, hunger and natural disasters as the most important causes for these increasing humiliating migrations.

These themes are very complex and include multiple dimensions. All in all, I still think that the most crucial and relevant cause of so many migrants who risk their lives and fortune, to try to reach a destination with a future, is the looting of the natural and mineral resources of Africa.

The main cause of their flight is not poverty or hunger, but the systematic looting of the resources, both natural and mineral, of African countries, by the rulers and multinationals, especially Europe and other great financial powers, foreigners and local.

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People flee their homes and lands because the expropriation of the rich resources in Africa by the financial powers from outside and from the country itself make their lives impossible, almost always with violent methods, such as armed groups.

If the governments of the European Union wanted to end the desperate migration of so many Africans, the first thing they should do is: stop looting Africa. But this is not going to be done by powerful governments and companies, because they are the most benefited.

The looting of Africa can only be overcome by African society. African peoples, increasingly sensitized and organized in social movements of women, students, workers, academics, etc. They are able to overcome this new slavery and colonization, even more cruel than the previous ones.

The peoples of Africa have all the necessary means at their disposal: talent, education, and organizational capacity to carry out this new "liberation and independence " of Africa. Furthermore, they enjoy great resilience and enormous hope and faith in Africa and its future.

The 2030 Agenda of the United Nations, and the 2063 Agenda of the African Union, to promote the Goals of sustainable development and Governance based on human dignity and human rights, are the best proposals of expert economists for our world of today, in Africa and in the rest of the world. " [Fundación Sur Magazine, Africa Department, 11/12/2018, http://www.africafundacion.org/spip.php?article 31941].


The article is very clear about the reality that people in Africa suffer. Obviously, what you see is the poverty and hunger of the people and this situation is demonized by the exploiting countries, proclaiming that they are ignorant and lazy and it seems that the government programs, the media and the educational system of education, are aimed at maintaining that modern slavery. Currency devaluation is a perfect way to keep wages low.

Where do armed groups get their resources, who control and subdue people who oppose the expropriations of their land?


"When analyzing the causes of African emigration, an effort must be made to isolate political factors from those that constitute the reality of deep underdevelopment and which starts from the post-colonial independence stage."

"This article has explained what are the reasons that have led the African continent to a situation of forced impoverishment with limited resilience. Relevant events such as the great robbery of natural resources, the lack of will of the ruling classes to reactivate the economy, the low incidence of investments in productive activity, as well as neocolonialism and corruption, main actors that have led to Africa to a difficult situation to overcome. "

"These and other issues have given rise to the widespread fact in Africa of enrichment without development, a situation that neither the autochthonous governments, nor the ruling classes that make up those political elites with immense power, nor the international organizations have known or intended to solve."

"Most of the African emigration is destined for countries from the same continent. So much so that African migration is more horizontal than vertical. In fact, countries such as Ivory Coast, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Africa, Kenya, Botswana and Zambia have been and are lands that have always welcomed more African immigrants than Europe. "

"The causes of this massive intra-continental emigration are economic crises, wars, famines, misery, precariousness, dictatorships, natural catastrophes, the robbery of natural resources, etc., factors that characterize the day-to-day life of a population that does not see a solution future to their problems. This is what it constitutes a true "expulsion " effect towards the least impoverished countries on the African continent. Without forgetting the other side of the coin, made up of emigration to European countries."

"The solution to the problem of emigration would be to consider it not as a crime, but as a right to life and survival. This would achieve the elimination of the borders against hunger, misery and persecution. " [Teresa Fernández Herrera, February 16, 2012, https://www.cear-euskadi.org / las-causes-of-emigration-in-africa /#: text = Las% 20causas% 20han% 20quedado % 20pointed, minus% 20 impoverished)% 20of the% 20continent% 20African.]


The will of the ruling classes, both internal and external, is to accumulate more wealth, this is what has led Africa to poverty.

Enrichment without development, it seems that those who get rich do not care about social development Originating, "a rich government with poor people" [AMLO president of Mexico 2020 AD.]

Economic crises, perhaps provoked and perverse, only affect the poor, they are the effect of hoarding and plundering resources and, in turn, the effect of crises, are wars, famines, misery, etc. causing massive intra-continental emigration in Africa. Although at bottom the true cause is the individual greed of Europeans corrupting the politicians of the host country.

Emigration is a right duly regulated by each country and the legal immigrant must have a justified reason. Forced illegal emigration, have no rights, it only has discrimination and exploitation of its workforce. Sometimes this emigration is politically manipulated.

Young Europeans of reproductive age have fixed in their minds (negative mental fixation) the desire to "live better" and according to "progress", refusing to have children, making the native population pyramid, roughly a pear inverted, the children who should be natives of Europe, are being replaced by the children of immigrants, with little nationalist sense of belonging, that is reflected in the national day holidays, the natives celebrate it with enthusiasm; every day less, because their mental fixation is on "living better" and losing their nationalist sense, while immigrants are only spectators, who may never become integrated due to discrimination, but largely because Europeans have felt superior to the rest of the human beings in the world, this is another extremely negative mental fixation.

Migration to rich countries is their own fault. By all possible means of corruption, they have been in charge of manipulating the economy of poor countries, overexploiting their natural resources, in this process of exploitation polluting their environment, artificially exploiting their "cheap" labor force and corrupting their equally greedy politicians. When a leader or social group emerges who opposes such exploitations, they somehow silence it, regardless of the form. From the point of view of Anthropoecology, this greed is called mental illness.


During the 18th century, migrations from Europe to Ibero-American colonies grew remarkably. Thousands of Spaniards, Portuguese and - to a lesser extent - other Europeans ventured to the New World in search of enrichment, social advancement or a better life in American lands.

Who can be considered "immigrants" in this period? "Immigrant" is, by the way, a category that was born in the 19th century with the advent of mass migration.

Today he considers himself an immigrant: one who left his homeland voluntarily and moved to another in search of better living conditions. [Mariana Alicia Pérez, 06/18/2012, https://journals. openedition. org /newworld / 63251]


Empires were not migrations, they were invasions, murdering, massacring, looting and stealing etc.

Post-invasion (conquest) migrations did not come in search of better living conditions; they came in search of wealth, wherever it was, where the native inhabitants were already dominated, controlled and relegated. One way to make a fortune quickly, was by seizing land, protected by the sword legislation.


"Nelson Bunker Hunt became the richest billionaire in the world before losing his entire fortune in one day."

"His father was an oil magnate Haroldson Lafayette Hunt Jr. He also wanted to make millions from oil, he decided to try his luck abroad.

His first two oil leases, in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, were unsuccessful, in 1961 Nelson went to Libya. There the oil exploded in large dimensions. Hunt played a very important role in the discovery and development of the oil fields in Libya until 1973. The Sarir fields made Nelson enormously rich. The discovery produced billions of dollars for his exploration and mining company, Hunt Exploration & Mining Company (HEMCO), for more than a decade.

Nelson's bonanza in Libya was halted with the coming to power of Muammar Gaddafi in 1973. Colonel Gaddafi quickly took control of all the assets of Hunt International Petroleum and nationalized Sarir's deposits.

Gaddafi would use his country's oil wealth to build a personal fortune. If true, Gaddafi was the richest man in the world at the time of his death in 2011.

His brother Lamar Hunt, who had also become very wealthy with the Sarir wells. Still in the 1970s Lamar, Nelson and his other brother William Herbert were involved in a heavy investment, silver. They wanted to take over this industry worldwide. And they did it." [March 12, 2019, https://megaricos.com/2019/03/12/nelson -bunker-huntllego-a-ser-el-multi millionaire-richest-in-the-world-before-losing-all-his-fortune -in one day/].


What was Mr. Hunt doing in other countries?

Was Mr. Hunt an immigrant or an invader?

How did you manage to obtain authorization to exploit Libyan oil?

Historically, it has happened that these businesses have been made by bribing and corrupting the politicians of the host country.

Greed is clear, infinite business at any cost and equally wealth.

Mr. Gaddafi, nationalized the oil of his country for his country.

If it is true that Mr. Gaddafi was as rich as they say, it can be said that Fortunes only change hands. But the problem of greed continues, making human being mentally ill.


As a society. Do we know what a positive formative education is?

Have young parents been taught by their ancestors how to achieve a positive formative education?

Is there an institution that instructs new parents on how to give their children a positive formative education?

In the education of the child from home. Is she or he taught to respect all human beings, not to discriminate against them for things as simple as the toy they bought to her or him is "better" than that of the neighboring child?

Is the programming of the mass media aimed at supporting positive formative education?

In how many cartoons where the characters are children, does it talk about going to school and studying hard and cooperating?

How many do you see violence, harassment, intimidation or bulling?

"The bullying. Bullying between classmates. Chapter 9. My Beloved Ecuador Series." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWxPxS-Q9MQ].

How many videos do you see destruction of all kinds of objects such as toys, food, and household items? e.g. [Car's Crushy Crunchy and Soft Things |Experiment Car vs Color Toothpaste| Eve. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2QmpPD TSCA].


Politicians and millionaires are very busy getting richer and having more power, some want to dominate the world and spend billions on arms development, instead of spending them on human development.

Extreme pendular behavior of the child in the abuse of technology, of which he ignores 100%, he only sees the distracting part in the use of the technological objects of communication, they spend a lot of time absorbed without communicating even with their parents, they do not exercise physically, do not socialize with other children, learn or collaborate in the basic tasks of life, e.g. household chores etc.

Currently 2020 AD. Social behavior is pendular, we are at the extreme where there is no respect and it seems that the norm is to do what everyone wants. It is necessary to return to the norms of behavior that give us a healthy coexistence; however, these norms are already forgotten because they do not go with "modernity", so they will have to be rewritten, for both women and men.


Under what paradigms does instructive education occur?

Is instructive education positive or does it contain a hidden curriculum?

Instructive education systems are making people economically active, with expectations of making a lot of money; but, not economically productive.

When the objective of acquiring a professional title regardless of whether it was learned, said individual will use it as a permit to obtain financial gain in any form.

Instructive education, when it is directed to the solution of immediate problems, forms a group of people with a lack of integral vision towards the future development of human being, and afterwards they want to solve everything with economic solutions. Instructive education as well as formative, can be positive or negative.

Instructive education dedicated to concepts of science and technology as if in a hurry to manufacture entities that will generate wealth in the productive field. And in practice, it forgets sustainable instructional education.

How can design and build sustainable products be achieved if both formative and instructive education lack such concepts?

In technologically advanced countries, children are under great pressure to obtain an academic degree or to study at this or that university; This pressure is such that it drives children crazy in one or many ways.

Formative and instructive education, perhaps, is directed to the maximum economic development, instead of including within its process; concepts such as the meaning of equity, equality, cooperation, justice, empathy, interdependence, respect, solidarity, mutual benefit, honesty, tolerance, social justice, sustainability, sustainable development, sustainable consumption, reuse, reduce, recycle etc.

In formative and instructive education, obedience to the norms of healthy coexistence and sustainability must be promoted; contempt of the rules could form a bad culture of contempt for all kinds of rules. AND IT SEEMS THAT CURRENTLY (2020 AD.) IS HAPPENING.

A good example: in the secondary school in Recova Latvia, formative education is reinforced, with a class they call: "home management" where they teach cooking and sewing to girls and carpentry to boys, among other tasks [Latvia -MxM- Unmissable Europe , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jn5BA7rRIHs, minute 53:40].


Economically active population: positive, superfluous and negative.

Economically productive population: positive, superfluous and negative.

Economically population: neither active or productive.

Is there an institution in any country that is analyzing economic populations from the point of view of Anthropoecology?

Within each area of activity of human being:

Which activities are indispensable?

Which are necessary?

Which are superfluous?

For the year 2020 AD. the human being has greatly changed the perception of what is known as values; values that perhaps have never been adequately defined as norms of life, nor truly according to the rules of nature and rules that perhaps no one has been able to correctly decipher, nor define or be willing to do.

Depending on the misunderstanding and lack of definition of true values, any course taken as individuals or as a group of human beings will seem correct in the face of human conventions.

This writing is not against the worker, it is against the lazy and irresponsible. It is not against the businessman, it is against evil, greed and greed in business. It is not that the millionaire ceases to be a millionaire; but, with your millions, stop corrupting the political system and try to buy religious indulgences. It is not about eliminating the small merchant, it is about not being dishonest in your daily transactions. It is not against all human beings, it is against those dishonest in their daily actions.

Remember that politicians are relieved or can be fired and not so employers. Therefore, it is these that can largely stop such corruption, just by doing the right thing.

In addition to the oligarchies ceasing to be, moving from the negative pendulum end, without the billionaires ceasing to be billionaires, but if handled honestly, it is one of the indispensable premises to achieve peace.

Delete the code that the one that does not bargain does not progress.

All political-economic systems have failed, as have empires, because their behavior has been pendular, governed by greed and sustained by the mentally ill. Greed is currently perceived to be or has contaminated all levels of society.

It is desirable that the COVID-19 pandemic leaves us with a teaching of which activities are indispensable, which are necessary, which are superfluous and which are negative. According to Anthropoecology, superfluous and negative economic activities are on the negative side of the pendulum, since they are not sustainable.

How many people does a human being need to interact with to earn a living, so what use are the thousands he has in the cities?

This does not mean that cities must disappear, only that for a healthy coexistence, it is necessary to change our paradigms and mental fixations.

As long as we do not mentally heal, we will continue to destroy and rebuild material goods, but we have done nothing to mentally heal.


Large-scale and concentrated agriculture (2020 AD.) Is using very large, automated, and very highperformance machines for very specific tasks; however, when there is a technological change, this equipment could become obsolete even if its useful life has not ended, this type of equipment is not sustainable, instead of manufacturing small machinery and equipment adaptable to common tractors. In concentrated agriculture, the decision of a single person or a small group is enough and sometimes, the smallest conflict and sometimes against the producer could suffice, to stop producing. Not so, if production is dispersed and distributed among small producers, properly and honestly coordinated by the government, it minimizes the consequences of any crisis.

Examples of big machines:

Tree felling machine in about 40 seconds. Ponsse Scorpion King.


New holland cr1090. combine Guinness World Records attempt, 797.656 tons ofwheat threshing in 8 hours. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5I04E0bZNo].

20 row kemper forage harvester, Germany. [https://www.youtube.com

/watch ?v=yJBk-m5MS7c].

Excess production in an advanced country is sometimes thrown away or ends up in poor countries, at prices cheaper than local production, breaking its farmers. Or through free trade agreements, the most productive country invades the market of the weakest country, with those excesses of production.

High volume, sophisticated equipment generates a lot of waste e.g. pumpkin seed harvester, wastes all the pulp that could feed animals, that sophisticated equipment is an extreme pendulum movement, relegating labor. The small producer would use that pulp to feed animals. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef904MuSGQU].

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VIDEO. "The powerful agriculture of Europe." [https://www.youtube.com /watch?v=dg XPrnzCTTg].

All empires know that by having control of agricultural production they are in control of all other aspects of their subjugates.

The most effective way to subdue another human being is through hunger. And the most effective way to keep control is to give him the fish and not teach him how to fish.

Having turned agriculture into a business and not as a philosophy of life, has been a great mistake of the human being, as a species.

The price to pay for pollution is left to the next generations.


What has quietly become extinct are crop seeds developed by nature, in relatively isolated regions. Which have been replaced by imported grains, of course with a high yield in climatic conditions and ideal cultivation methods.

Agriculture education; in rural school curricula the child is not taught to love the countryside since he is not even shown once (except for his honorable exceptions) how a seed germinates, how it develops and how it bears fruit; being able to consolidate that feeling with the consumption of those grains or fruits in the classroom itself. For city children, cereals are found in the supermarket and apparently is all they need to know.

Cities are being privileged in every way and the countryside is being forgotten, this is a serious mistake, since the people of the cities reject the natural smells of food and prefer foods with artificial flavors.

How many people in the villages know the name of the plants around them?

There is a current (2020 AD.) of fed up with people from cities who want to go to the countryside, to live in it and from it, worldwide. The thing is, the lifestyle is very different. That no doubt some will be able to adapt, some see this transition very romantically and will certainly fail; therefore, these people should also be prepared and supported for such a transition, with TRAINING CAPSULES for this change, tools they will need, and training in the use of those tools. Even, this should be promoted by the governors.

"The end of a system: return to the field" luis peralta: Great I live in Argentina and I sold my house and bought a farm in the country to enter this wave of learning to live in accordance with the country to what life gives me marlene alike: I also want to fuck the big city. I'm tired. I want a little town like that is beautiful! [https://youtu.be/uylwvepppt0?t=18].

"Can you live outside the system?"

"Is it possible to live outside the system? Fraguas proves yes. In 2013, several young people from different parts of Spain undertook a rural squatting project by rebuilding the ruins of an old abandoned town in the Sierra Norte de Guadalajara. But not everything is idyllic, their project is costing them dearly. They face fines of more than €26,000 andfour years in prison for each of the six accused youths. They are accused of usurpation ofpublic forests, environmental damage and crimes against land use planning. " [https://youtu.be/xage_mgHK8Y?t=11].

"20 GOLD Tips before Moving from the City to the Countryside."

"What should I know? Where do I start? What will I live on? How far from the City? Anyway, here I answer all those who ask me what steps to take before taking that step towards the tranquility and peace of the countryside, at least the steps that I followed, I planned it for 5 years, consider various aspects so as not to regret then if you have any more questions, write me below, I can hardly answer every question, greetings! " [https://youtu. be/quBMA5jsjcs?t=48].

"How to move to the countryside and not die trying."

-I was tired of having and changed everything I had to go live in the country. Attachment is "a cancer" and while we live in a time of infinite consumption on a finite planet. -We live in an unjust system that seeks to dehumanize us andfeeds on our fears. [Jesús García TEDx Santo Domingo. https://youtu.be/_upv7TLA4zs? t = 15].


In some cases, support must be individualized with commitment. Not collective, in the colectivity the responsibility is lost; Although, politically more votes are won.

Of course, some projects require being collective, but it will be the same group that defines them, with real support from the government coordinator and with surveys that show that this group was formed out of goodwill and acceptance by all its members.

e.g. tasks that require the community, are irrigation systems, protection of the causes of many rivers, bridges, road repair etc.

While continuing to support large producers, without favoritism and that they DO NOT become monopolies.


Today (2020 AD.) It is indispensable AND TRULY, WITHOUT SIMULATIONS, to stimulate small agricultural producers, with efficient technical training capsules, giving courses to solve problems such as: proper use of tools, maintenance of all types of equipment, manufacturing or make any type of tool or installation, DISCIPLINE


WORK, since just like in big cities, they have also been contaminated with

INDIVIDUALISM. Give the locals the controlled right to use natural resources. Training in cultivation methods, fertilizers, irrigation systems, breeding animals in their natural habitat. Full use of the crops, not wasting anything, even how to conserve food in a practical and simple way. These courses would not last one day and the

farmer is abandoned regardless of whether he applied it or not, a follow-up is required throughout the season until the final result is seen and evaluated.

In some cases, people lost enthusiasm for training, because support for the countryside is limited to the perverse manipulation of politicians, in electoral periods falling into a bad niche of comfort and laziness.

Will the technicians working in the government agriculture departments know and have experience in practical field work or have they only received the theory?

The mirage of the "hope" emigrating anywhere to improve their lives, which never comes and unfortunately, they do not progress in their town either. And when they least think the time had gone, continuing with the dream of hope.

The opposite mirage is that some people in the cities think romantically about that freedom and contact with nature, but we are so used to technological facilitators that we would hardly accept living that lifestyle. Blessed and welcome are those who are capable. Two pendular situation, thinking that the other side is better, rather than do the best on its place.

It seems that every day we are less able to respect the planet that gave us the life.

Will we be able to bring life to another planet and sustain it on our own?

We are assuming that the earth will not be able to support human life in the future. To go to another planet is to go back thousands of years and we will have to evolve again, in the best case.


Film: "Jurassic World" Amblin Entertainment, director Steven Spielberg and producers Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall.


It is fiction, fantasy, and fun; However, in the plot of the film, they show unnecessary experiments and creations, in this case by the greed of making money, without visualizing and importing the possible consequences.

The show is a superfluous activity, which could be positive, but currently it is not.

And in that tenor, there are a large number of experiments, the possible tragedy does not matter to those who order and carry them out. What matters is "success" in every way.


How truly aware in its daily acting and under what paradigms and mental fixations do individuals act to get


To what extent do societies in rich countries know that their high economic level is due to the fact that their leaders have plundered the wealth of other countries?

Have they ever claimed that their leaders and armies have plundered and massacred societies from other territories or their comfort level makes them forgive them?


The 10 largest empires in the history of the world.

"An empire implies the extension of the sovereignty of a state over external territory. Throughout history, much of the world has been ruled by empires. The greatness of an empire is based on its size, population, economy, duration and many other factors. Also, for it to be considered an empire, that vast expanse of land must be led by a monarch, an emperor, or an oligarchy. "

"Other than their leadership model, the only other thing they all have in common is that each of them has disappeared."

British Empire: It was the largest empire in the world.

"Between the 16th and 20th centuries, until the year 1949. A population of 458 million, 20% of the world population. territory of33,700,000 km2 more than 22% of the Earth. The loss of India in 1947 brought the British Empire to an end. Today (2020 AD.), Countries that are world powers or of great political importance, are heirs to the British Empire are: Australia, Canada, the United States, India and New Zealand."

Mongol Empire: The largest empire in continuous territories

"It was founded by Genghis Khan in the year 1206 and came to cover 24,000,000 km2 of land, 16%, a population of more than 110 million inhabitants between 1270 and 1309, 25% of the world population. The Mongols had several advanced achievements in technology and ideology during the empire. "

Russian Empire:

"Between 1721 and 1917. It covered large areas of the European, Asian and North American continents, being the successor political system of the Russian Zarato. At the end of the 19th century, the empire comprised 22,800,000 km2 of land, 15%. In 1914, it had 176.4 million inhabitants, 9% of the world population. Russia was the last absolute monarchy in Europe. The Russian Empire ended with the bloody Russian revolution of 1917. "

Spanish Empire:

"The Spanish Empire or Spanish universal monarchy was a set of Spanish territories ruled by the Hispanic dynasties between the 16th and 19th centuries. It reached 20 million km2 over 13% of the Earth. It had 68.2 million inhabitants between 1740 and 1790, 12% of the world population. The Spanish language is today the second most spoken language in the world. "

Qing Dynasty.

Yuan Dynasty.

Umayyad Caliphate.

Abbasid Caliphate.

Portuguese Empire.

"The Portuguese empire was the first global empire in history, as well as the longest-lived of the modern European colonial empires. It started in 1415 and ended in 1999 with the delivery of Macao to China.

Rashidun Caliphate.

[February 17, 2019, https://megaricos.eom/2019/02/17/los-10-imperios-masgrandes-de-la-historia-de-el-mundo/].


"Other than their leadership model, the only other thing they all have in common is that each of them has disappeared."

The result in the attitude of empires, is generated in the mind of the individual and then becomes a collective action; However, how long will the current oligarchs 2020 AD. will they notice its abuse?

This type of reporting does not mention the looting of the wealth of the invaded

("conquered") peoples, the mass murder of its inhabitants, the famines caused by the invader's abandonment and indifference.

It is difficult to know which was the most cruel or bloodthirsty; somehow, they have all been the same, in some cases you can only say which of those empires has murdered more people and plundered wealth for longer. During the invasion, the subjugated peoples have been enslaved, discriminated against in their own home.

In general, the people of Europe, specifically the countries that have gone out to "conquer" since 1500 AD. the rest of the world, to other territories of people of good will, ("ignorant") who in some cases were received with hospitality; that conquest that in reality was a massacre, murder, loot and depredation of natural resources. Without knowing or wanting, it is an accomplice and does not know that her current standard of living is due to these looting of its armies.

There is hope not to ignore that the looting continues to this day in 2020 AD. Only with more sophisticated methods and disguised as support for the "development" of the country that have impoverished. In other words, barbarism and hypocrisy have increased, occupying countries without "invading" them with military bases, to defend them from the "enemy" and through transnational industry and commerce, exploiting the labor force made cheaper by the intentional and perverse devaluations of the currency, without compensating in the same proportion the wages, especially the minimum ones and by means of "treaties" prevent the development of the poor countries; hypocritically called, developing countries or emerging economies, by the politicians themselves and the rich accomplices of those same poor countries.

History has been repeated perhaps thousands of times and we have not wanted to learn a bit of it.

Empires have fallen one after another and will continue to fall, because from the point of view of Anthropoecology, NO SPECIES WILL DOMINATE THEIR OWN SPECIES. In wars and revolutions, only economic fortunes have changed names, because we have not bothered to heal mentally.

Something has made us mentally ill and we have not wanted to think and work on the causes of that or those mental illnesses. That, from the point of view of Anthropoecology, the main problem is AVARICE.


Before 1500 AD. As an example: in England, France and Spain, its innumerable dukes and princes wanted to be absolute kings and were kept in conflicts, intrigues, betrayals, murders and local wars between the members of the same group or family.

Due to poor mobility, they only conquered contiguous territories.

"The great novel, THE KINGMAKER'S DOUGHTER, clearly illustrates that story." [PHILIPPA GREGORY, Touchstone, A Division of Simos & Schuster, Inc, New York, NY 10020].

Wherein lies the historical problem of human being, of material greed, of power and money? That from the point of view of Anthropoecology it is considered a mental illness.



"In a speech in parliament, Merkel warned. "One should not be naive: the antidemocratic forces and the radical authoritarian movements are waiting for economic crises to exploit them politically, she warned, " "the chancellor took advantage of that circumstance to strike the far right, some seem to be taking for granted ... "(Angela Dorothea Merkel, Chancellor of Germany). [Rodrigo Carretero, El HuffPost, June 19, 2020, https://es.noticias.yahoo.com/asi-sacude-merkelu-190114557.html,]


With the current attitude of the oligarchs (Empires), globalization, the new world order, with nuclear power and some willing to use it, we are all going to lose.

It is clearly observed that the mentally ill have not understood the value of Reciprocity; Who kills by sword will die by sword, sooner or later and all the past empires knew it.


The pendular behavior of the human being can be a natural phenomenon; however, when such behavior is harmful, it must be neutralized by positive formative education.

Values have been misrepresented, the banal spectacle is overly rewarded, rather than the persistent and honest work of people and as a consequence, a society becomes what it rewards itself. This misrepresentation of values has made us mentally ill.

Only a positive formative education can lead us to a peaceful, balanced and sustainable coexistence. Mental illnesses do not allow us to advance socially and we are destroying and materially building ourselves over and over again.

The vast majority of crimes and looting by empires have gone unpunished.

As long as we don't mentally heal, there will be no article in any constitution that eliminates racism and discrimination, just for being there. It is desirable that it won't be by obligation and shame. Because in reality empires and advanced countries 2020 AD. They have rarely complied.

The autochthonous groups show us that it is possible to live in harmony, in and of nature respectfully, only with the basic norms for a healthy coexistence; This does not imply that we should all live like this, but they do show that harmony and healthy coexistence are possible, as long as we mentally heal.

Some autochthonous peoples have saved themselves from being looted, because until now, perhaps the cost is greater than the benefit or because they have no material wealth.

As long as formative education is not positive, coexistence will be a permanent conflict even within home. The instructional education must be the continuity of formative education of home, since the formation is the same, independently of the technical instruction received.

Agriculture concentrated in a few hands is easily affected by any crisis, not so agriculture dispersed in small producers.

It is evident that anti-democratic forces exist and that they are waiting for economic crises to exploit them. As long as we do not mentally heal imperialism will continue to exist, which, due to its greed, only commits atrocities.

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Amblin Entertainment, director Steven Spielberg and producers Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall. AMLO presidente de México 2020 AD.

Annegret Hilse/Pool Photo via Associated Press, 16 de junio de 2020, https://espanol.yahoo.com/noticias/presidente-pide-alemanes-reflexionar-racismo -124010576.html

Branko Milanovic, 17 nov. 2018, https://elpais.com/elpais/2018/11/17/opinion/ 15 42468669_227621.html, http://www.africafundacion.org/spip.php ?article 31941

Crushy Crunchy And Soft Things de Car | Experiment Car vs Color Pasta de dientes | Víspera, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2QmpPDTSCA

El bullying. Acoso entre compañeros. Capítulo 9. Serie Mi Ecuador Querido https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWxPxS -Q9MQ

February 17, 2019, https://megaricos.com/2019/02/17/los-10-imperios-masgrandes-de-la-historia-de-el-mundo/

Fundación Sur, Departamento Africa,12/11/2018, http://www.africa fundacion .org/spip.php?article31941




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2 SwTK6p72U





https://youtu.be/xage_mgHK8Y?t= 11

Jesús García TEDx Santo Domingo, https://youtu.be/_upv7TLA4zs?t=15

La tribu de los akha en Laos: entre la tradición y la modernidad | DW Documental, 12 abril 2019, Ulrike Bremer, DW es un servicio público de televisión y/o radiodifusión alemana. Wikipedia, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FFdPw LEZwg,

Letonia -MxM- Europa Imperdible, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jn5BA7r RIHs, minuto 53:40. March 12, 2019, https://megaricos.com/2019/03/12/nelson-bunker-hunt-llego-aser-el-multimillonario-mas-rico-del-mundo-antes-de-perder-toda-su-fortuna-enun-solo-dia/

Mariana Alicia Pérez, 18/06/2012, https://journals.openedition.org /nuevomundo /63251 Newsweek México, 15 de junio de 2020, https://es-us.noticias.yahoo.com/ manifestante-negro-evita-cat%c3%a1strofe-salvar-224213185.html

Philippa Gregory. The Kingmaker's Daughter, Touchstone, A Division of Simos & Schuster, Inc, New York, NY 10020.

Rodrigo Carretero, El HuffPost, 19 de junio de 2020, https://es.noticias. yahoo.com/asi-sacude-merkelu-190114557.html,

RT, Wikipedia, 18 oct. 2010, https://www.youtube.com /watch?v =pD_5XCtRAbg, http://actualidad.rt.com/programas/es.., http://actualidad .rt.com/mas/envivo

Teresa Fernández Herrera, 16 de Febrero de 2012, https://www.cear-euskadi.org /las-causas-de-la-emigracion-en-africa/#:~:text=Las%20 causas% 20han%20 quedado%20apuntadas, menos%20 empobrecidos) %20del%20continente% 20 africano.

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