PEDAGOGY AS SCIENCE AND ITS SOLE WITH OTHER SCIENCES ABOUT MAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Inamova M.A.

В данной статье рассматриваются особенности педагогической деятельностиThis article discusses the peculiarities of pedagogical activities

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УДК 37.013

Inamova M.A.

Namangan Engineering Construction Institute



Annotation: This article discusses the peculiarities of pedagogical activities

Кeywords: pedagogy, technology, discussion, method

Аннотация: В данной статье рассматриваются особенности педагогической деятельности

Ключевые слова: педагогика, технология, обсуждение, метод

The subject of pedagogy is the study of the essence of the formation and development of the human personality and the development on this basis of the theory and methodology of education as a specially organized pedagogical process.

The pedagogical branch of knowledge is almost the oldest and in essence is inseparable from the development of society. The social progress of mankind became possible only because each new generation of people entering into life took possession of the productive, social and spiritual experience of their ancestors and, enriching it, transferred it to its descendants in a more developed form. The more developed and complicated the production, the more scientific knowledge accumulated, the more important was the special preparation of the younger generations for life, the more urgent became the need for their specially organized upbringing - in the purposeful transfer of the experience of mankind to them.

Education and upbringing turned into an objective need of society and became the most important prerequisite for its development. At a certain stage of development. At a certain stage of development of human society, in particular, in the late period of the slave system, when production and science have reached a considerable development, education is singled out as a special social function, i.e. there are special educational institutions, there are people whose profession is the education and upbringing of children.

From ancient Greece, the origin and the term pedagogy, which is entrenched as the name of the science of education, also derives its origin.

In ancient Greece, the teachers were slaves, whom the aristocrats instructed to look after the children, to accompany them to school. The Greek word peydagos (peyda - child, gogos - news) means the teacher. Later, teachers began to be called people who were engaged in the education and upbringing of children. From this word was called the science of education - pedagogy.

The object of cognition in pedagogy is a person developing as a result of educational relations. The subject of pedagogy is educational relations that ensure human development.

Pedagogy is the science of educational relations that arise in the process of interrelationship between upbringing, education and training with self-education,

"Теория и практика современной науки" №1(31) 2018


self-education and self-education and aimed at human development. Pedagogy can be defined as the science of translating the experience of one generation into the experience of another.

Pedagogy is the science of how to educate a person, how to help him become a spiritually rich, creatively active and completely satisfied life, find a balance with nature and society.

Pedagogy is sometimes seen as a science and as an art. When it comes to education, it must be borne in mind that it has two aspects - theoretical and practical. The theoretical aspect of education is the subject of scientific pedagogical research. In this sense, pedagogy acts as a science and represents a set of theoretical and methodological ideas on issues of education.

Another matter is practical educational activity. Its implementation requires the teacher to master appropriate skills and skills for education, which can reach the level of pedagogical art.

The subject of pedagogy is the study of the essence of the formation and development of the human personality and the development on this basis of the theory and methodology of education as a specially organized pedagogical process.

Pedagogy examines the following problems:

• Study of the essence and laws of development and formation of the personality and their influence on upbringing;

• Definition of the goals of upbringing;

• Development of educational content;

• Research and development of methods of education.

In any science, categories play a leading role, they permeate all scientific knowledge and, as it were, bind it into an integral system.

Education - a social, purposeful creation of conditions (material, spiritual, organizational) for the assimilation of a new generation of socio-historical experience in order to prepare it for social life and productive work. The category of "upbringing" is one of the main ones in pedagogy. They distinguish education in a broad social sense, including influence on the personality of society as a whole, and education in a narrow sense - as a purposeful activity that forms a system of qualities of the individual, views and beliefs. Education is often treated as a solution to a particular educational task. For example, the upbringing of a creative personality requires the teacher to understand the methodological and psychological-pedagogical aspects of educational, research and labor activity, the logic of educational activities to develop the abilities of the individual. The teacher needs an understanding of the essence and laws of the specialist, which he prepares, and the essence and logic of his own professional and pedagogical activity in the training and education of such a specialist. Thus, upbringing is the formation of a person 1) certain relationships to objects, phenomena of the surrounding world; 2) world outlook; 3) behavior. One can single out the types of upbringing (mental, moral, physical, labor, aesthetic, etc.).

Pedagogy examines the essence of upbringing, its patterns, trends and

"Теория и практика современной науки" №1(31) 2018


development prospects, develops the theories and technologies of upbringing, determines its principles, content, forms and methods.

Education - a concrete historical phenomenon, closely related to the socioeconomic, political, and cultural level of society and the state.

The development of each person is provided by mankind through education, passing on its own experience and experience of previous generations.

Education for the sake of the happiness of a child is such a humanistic sense of pedagogical works. Sukhomlinsky, and his practical work is a convincing proof that without faith in the child's possibilities, without trust in him, all pedagogical wisdom, all methods and methods of teaching and upbringing are untenable. 10

The basis of the success of the teacher, he believed, is spiritual wealth, and the generosity of his soul, the upbringing of the senses and the high level of the general emotional culture, the ability to penetrate deeply into the essence of the pedagogical phenomenon.

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"Теория и практика современной науки" №1(31) 2018

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