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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Palina A.A., Tleuzhanova G.K., Sarzhanova G.B.

Introduction. The authors of the article investigate the formation of pre-service foreign language teachers’ professional identity in the conditions of higher professional education. Its relevance is confirmed by the increased requirements of the society for the personality of a specialist, by the urge for elaborating the internal confidence in his/her professionalism, the ability to build effective professional interactions, and to realise the need for self-expression in his/her profession, all of which are an indicator of high-quality professional training. Aim. The current research aims to provide the scientific justification for the effectiveness of the developed pedagogical technology of constructing the professional identity of students - pre-service foreign language teachers.Methodology and research methods. This study was grounded on the provisions of competency-based, personality-oriented, system-activity, axiological, anthropological approaches; the principles of nature conformity, humanisation, integrity, professional reasonability, activity, and independence; conceptual theoretical provisions of personality and its development in the process of education and professional training, theoretical and practical framework of using modern educational technologies, recent research on professional and pedagogical training of pre-service foreign language teachers and on using innovation technologies in the pedagogical process of vocational training. The study was conducted through the use of the following methods: theoretical analysis of literary sources, generalisation of existing scientific provisions, derivation and systematisation of new knowledge, questionnaire method, observation, experiment, and statistical analysis of the obtained data.Results and scientific novelty. Empirically, the authors have determined and formulated the pedagogical conditions for constructing the professional identity of pre-service foreign language teachers. There has been developed and tested the pedagogical technology that proved its effectiveness in ensuring the formation of students’ professional identity till the status of achievement, the development of three components of professional identity (cognitive, emotional, and behavioural), and the correspondent professional and personal qualities and skills.Practical significance. The materials of the study may form the basis for further advances in scientific investigations and bring advantages in psychological coaching during professional evolution of students and experienced foreign language teachers, who need to resolve difficulties associated with professional identity. The developed course on constructing the professional identity of pre-service foreign language teachers can be put into university educational process as part of training methods courses, student teaching placement, tutorial sessions, extracurricular activities on pedagogical excellence, qualification upgrade courses for experienced teachers and educators, methodical seminars, workshops, round tables, as well as into the process of handling the crisis conditions and professional burnout. This course can be included into the university curriculum as a special discipline to prepare teachers both of foreign language and of other school subjects.

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УДК 378 DOI: 10.17853/1994-5639-2023-1-80-103


A. A. Palina1, G. K. Tleuzhanova2, G. B. Sarzhanova3

Buketov Karaganda University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

E-mail: 'antossik_anna@mail.ru; 2tleushanowa@inbox.ru; 3galiya008@mail.ru

Abstract. Introduction. The authors of the article investigate the formation of pre-service foreign language teachers' professional identity in the conditions of higher professional education. Its relevance is confirmed by the increased requirements of the society for the personality of a specialist, by the urge for elaborating the internal confidence in his/her professionalism, the ability to build effective professional interactions, and to realise the need for self-expression in his/her profession, all of which are an indicator of high-quality professional training.

Aim. The current research aims to provide the scientific justification for the effectiveness of the developed pedagogical technology of constructing the professional identity of students -pre-service foreign language teachers.

Methodology and research methods. This study was grounded on the provisions of competency-based, personality-oriented, system-activity, axiological, anthropological approaches; the principles of nature conformity, humanisation, integrity, professional reasonability, activity, and independence; conceptual theoretical provisions of personality and its development in the process of education and professional training, theoretical and practical framework of using modern educational technologies, recent research on professional and pedagogical training of pre-service foreign language teachers and on using innovation technologies in the pedagogical process of vocational training.

The study was conducted through the use of the following methods: theoretical analysis of literary sources, generalisation of existing scientific provisions, derivation and systematisation of new knowledge, questionnaire method, observation, experiment, and statistical analysis of the obtained data.

Results and scientific novelty. Empirically, the authors have determined and formulated the pedagogical conditions for constructing the professional identity of pre-service foreign language teachers. There has been developed and tested the pedagogical technology that proved its effectiveness in ensuring the formation of students' professional identity till the status of achievement, the development of three components of professional identity (cognitive, emotional, and behavioural), and the correspondent professional and personal qualities and skills.

Practical significance. The materials of the study may form the basis for further advances in scientific investigations and bring advantages in psychological coaching during professional evolution of students and experienced foreign language teachers, who need to resolve difficulties associated with professional identity.

The developed course on constructing the professional identity of pre-service foreign language teachers can be put into university educational process as part of training methods courses, student teaching placement, tutorial sessions, extracurricular activities on pedagogical excellence, qualification upgrade courses for experienced teachers and educators, methodical seminars, workshops, round tables, as well as into the process of handling the crisis condi-

tions and professional burnout. This course can be included into the university curriculum as a special discipline to prepare teachers both of foreign language and of other school subjects.

Keywords: pedagogical conditions, students' professional development, students' professional identity, identity statuses, components of professional identity, pre-service foreign language teachers.

For citation: Palina A. A., Tleuzhanova G. K., Sarzhanova G. B. Pedagogical technology of constructing professional identity of pre-service foreign language teachers. The Education and Science Journal. 2023; 25 (1): 80-103. DOI: 10.17853/1994-5639-2023-1-84-107


А. А. Палина1, Г. К. Тлеужанова2, Г. Б. Саржанова3

Карагандинский университет имени Е. А. Букетова, Караганда, Республика Казахстан.

E-mail: 'antossik_anna@mail.ru; 2tleushanowa@inbox.ru; 3galiya008@mail.ru

Аннотация. Введение. Актуальность исследования подтверждается возросшими требованиями общества к личности специалиста, необходимостью выработки у нее внутренней уверенности в собственном профессионализме, умений выстраивать качественные профессиональные взаимодействия, реализовывать потребность самовыражения в профессии, что является показателем качественной профессиональной подготовки.

Целью исследования является научное обоснование эффективности разработанной педагогической технологии формирования профессиональной идентичности будущих учителей иностранного языка.

Методология и методы исследования. Методологической основой исследования выступили положения компетентностного, личностно-ориентированного, системно-деятель-ностного, аксиологического, антропологического подходов; принципы природосообраз-ности, гуманизации, целостности, профессиональной целесообразности, активности и самостоятельности; концептуальные положения теории личности и ее развития в процессе воспитания и профессионального обучения. В качестве основных методов были использованы теоретический анализ литературных источников, обобщение существующих научных положений, вывод и систематизация новых знаний, опрос и наблюдение, проведение эксперимента, статистический анализ полученных данных.

Результаты и научная новизна. Эмпирическим путем были выделены и сформулированы педагогические условия формирования профессиональной идентичности будущих учителей иностранного языка. Разработана и апробирована педагогическая технология, доказавшая свою эффективность в обеспечении формирования профессиональной идентичности студентов до статуса достигнутой, в развитии трех компонентов профессиональной идентичности (когнитивного, эмоционального и поведенческого) и соответствующих профессиональных и личностных качеств и навыков.

Практическая значимость. Материалы исследования могут послужить основой для дальнейших научных изысканий, быть использованы для организации процесса

психологического сопровождения профессионального становления студентов, учителей иностранного языка, приступивших к своей трудовой деятельности, но испытывающих потребность в разрешении трудностей, связанных с профессиональной идентичностью. Разработанный курс по формированию профессиональной идентичности будущих учителей иностранного языка может быть включен в учебный план вуза в качестве самостоятельной дисциплины для подготовки педагогов как иностранного языка, так и других школьных предметов, использоваться в ходе студенческих педагогических практик, кураторских часов, внеклассных мероприятий по педагогическому мастерству, курсов повышения квалификации опытных учителей и преподавателей, а также в процесс работы с кризисными состояниями и профессиональным выгоранием.

Ключевые слова: педагогические условия, профессиональное становление, профессиональная идентичность студентов, статусы идентичности, компоненты профессиональной идентичности, будущие учителя иностранного языка.

Для цитирования: Палина А. А., Тлеужанова Г. К., Саржанова Г. Б. Педагогическая технология формирования профессиональной идентичности будущих учителей иностранного языка // Образование и наука. 2023. Т. 25, № 1. С. 84-107. DOI: 10.17853/19945639-2023-1-84-107


А. А. Palina1, G. К. Tleuzhanova2, G. B. Sarzhanova3

Universidad de Karaganda en honor a E А. Buketov, Karaganda, República de Kazajstán.

E-mail: 'antossik_anna@mail.ru; 2tleushanowa@nbox.ru; 3galiya008@mailru

Abstracto. Introducción. La actualidad de la investigación se ve refrendada por los requisitos en crecimiento que demanda la sociedad en relación a la personalidad del profesional, por la necesidad de desarrollar confianza ulterior en el mismo profesionalismo, por la capacidad de formar cualidades de interacción profesional, por el logro de la autoexpresión en la profesión, hecho que se convierte en un indicador de la preparación profesional de alta calidad.

El objetivo de la investigación es fundamentar científicamente la eficacia de la tecnología pedagógica desarrollada para la formación de la identidad profesional de los futuros profesores de lenguas extranjeras.

Metodología, métodos y procesos de investigación. En calidad de fundamento de la investigación metodológica se tuvieron las disposiciones de los enfoques de competencia, de personalidad-orientación, de actividad sistémica, de axiología y de antropología. Igualmente jugaron su papel, los principios de respeto por el medio ambiente, de humanización, de integridad, de convenencia profesional, de actividad e independencia, las disposiciones conceptuales de la teoría de la personalidad y su desarrollo en el proceso de crianza y formación profesional. En cuanto a los métodos básicos, se utilizaron el análisis teórico de fuentes literarias, la generalización de las disposiciones científicas existentes, las conclusiones y sistematización de los nuevos conocimientos, el cuestionamiento y la observación, la realización de experimentos y análisis estadístico de los datos obtenidos.

Resultados y novedad científica. Empíricamente, se identificaron y formularon las condiciones pedagógicas para la formación de la identidad profesional de los futuros profesores de lenguas extranjeras. Se ha desarrollado y probado una tecnología pedagógica que ha demostrado su eficacia para asegurar la formación de la identidad profesional de los estudiantes hasta lograr el estado deseado, en el desarrollo de los tres componentes de la identidad profesional (cognitivo, emocional y conductual) y de las correspondientes cualidades y habilidades tanto personales como profesionales.

Significado práctico. El material de investigación puede servir como base para futuras investigaciones científicas, ser utilizado para organizar el proceso de apoyo psicológico orientado al desarrollo profesional de los estudiantes, de profesores de lengua extranjera que han iniciado sus carreras, pero que necesitan resolver dificultades asociadas con el desarrollo de la identidad profesional. El curso desarrollado sobre la formación de la identidad profesional de los futuros profesores de lengua extranjera puede incluirse en el plan de estudios de la universidad como una disciplina independiente para la formación de profesores tanto de una lengua extranjera como de otras asignaturas escolares, utilizada en las prácticas pedagógicas, horas tutoriales, actividades extracurriculares de competencias pedagógicas, cursos de formación avanzada para docentes y conferencistas experimentados, así como en el proceso de trabajo en estados de crisis existencial y desgaste profesional.

Palabras clave: condiciones pedagógicas, desarrollo profesional, identidad profesional de los estudiantes, estados identitarios, componentes de la identidad profesional, futuros profesores de lenguas extranjeras.

Para citas: Palina A. A., Tleuzhanova G. K., Sarzhanova G. B. Tecnología pedagógica para la formación de la identidad profesional de los futuros profesores de lenguas extranjeras. Obrazovanie i nauka = Educación y Ciencia. 2023; 25 (1): 80-103. DOI: 10.17853/1994-56392023-1-84-107


The quality of education and professional development of specialists in socially significant professions is an indicator of the level of socio-economic state of the country, its competitiveness and success. Modern philosophy has become so human-centered that teacher's professional qualification should include not only fundamental knowledge in the discipline to be taught, psychological, pedagogical, and organisational-methodical competencies, but also knowledge about the special patterns of his/her professional formation, ability to independently and consciously care about his/her professional growth, as well as ability to enjoy the professional activity he/she performs. These are the conditions that are an indicator of successful professional training [1].

As part of university training of foreign language teachers, formation of students' readiness for successful professionalisation, constant development, and self-realisation in the chosen profession is an essential issue to be solved today [2]. The evolution of the society highlighted one of the tasks of a higher educational institution which is to provide students with a high-quality education aimed at the formation and professional development of a personality based on national

and universal values, achievements of science and practice, as well as to ensure the professional motivation of students [3], all of which directly correspond to the core characteristics of the status of professional identity achievement.

Professional identity is a complex integrative psychological phenomenon, a leading characteristic of a person's professional development, which indicates the degree of adoption of the chosen professional activity as a means of self-realisation and development; it is manifested in the awareness of one's identity with the group and assessment of the significance of membership in it, awareness and acceptance of oneself as a representative of the profession with proper professional competencies [4].

A foreign language teacher, being a personality without clear boundaries of his/her professional identity, will face problems in the process of entering the professional community that are caused by inability to establish effective relationships, resolve conflicts competently, and solve professional tasks, which will also arouse intrapersonal conflicts that generate dissatisfaction with his/ her social position [5].

The nature of professional identity has an impact on the effectiveness and life success in future, as well as on the risk of losing the meaning of life, the destruction of internal picture of the world, neurotic breakdowns, or more serious violations associated with the collapse of personal structures [6]. Therefore, it is so important for successful self-realisation to have a formed identity. It is composed of consistent solutions to every problem that is encountered; and the sum of decisions made regarding a person's self and his/her life develops him/ her, makes it possible to realise his/her abilities and restrictions, forms the pur-posefulness and meaningfulness of his/her behaviour [7], creates the person's sense of pride and self-esteem [8]. Such a teacher, who has gone an independent path of shaping his/her personality and professional formation, appears to be the one every student wants to take after, learn from, follow, and adopt his/her values, way of thinking, and behaviour. Such a teacher is able to build effective relations with a student, show empathy, flexibility, and develop his/her motivation for learning; therefore, he/she is able to form both the personality of a learner and the future of the whole state [9]. "Only a personality can bring up a personality, only having a character one can bring up a character," wrote K. D. Ushinsky [10].

The formation of a teacher, in particular a foreign language teacher, begins before the university studies, but the sophisticated formation of professional identity occurs more successfully in an academic group, which includes collective educational and professional activities in a positive atmosphere and provides a purposeful educational impact exerted both by teachers and fellow students [5].

Thus, the study is relevant in the context of facilitating the construction of the professional identity of pre-service foreign language teachers.

The aim of this study is to provide the scientific justification for the effectiveness of the developed pedagogical technology of constructing the professional identity of students - pre-service foreign language teachers.

The study raises the following research questions:

- Is the professional identity of students (pre-service foreign language teachers) formed within the framework of traditional education without reference to specially developed pedagogical technology?

- Does the developed pedagogical technology ensure that the students (pre-service foreign language teachers) achieve professional identity in its three components: cognitive, emotional and behavioural?

The hypotheses of the study are the assumptions that: 1) the professional training of pre-service foreign language teachers, which disregards the purposeful formation of their professional identity, does not ensure the full development of this psychological construct; 2) the application of the developed pedagogical technology of constructing the professional identity of students (pre-service foreign language teachers) will allow most of the students to increase their professional identity to the status of achievement.

For practical realisation of the developed pedagogical technology we created the course based on the provisions of competency-based, personality-oriented, system-activity, axiological, anthropological approaches, on the conceptual theoretical provisions of personality and its development in the process of education and professional training, theoretical and practical framework of using modern educational technologies, recent research on professional and pedagogical training of pre-service foreign language teachers and on using innovation technologies in the pedagogical process of vocational training.

Literature Review

Even though the essence of the identity concept was studied in science long before Eric Erickson when in 1968 he used the term "identity", this topic has acquired wide popularity in scientific circles relatively recently. In modern psychology, it is customary to classify different types of identity according to social groups: professional, ethnic, family, cultural, and others. Due to the changes in socio-economic conditions and new requirements for professional training, more and more studies are devoted to the professional identity of specialists of various fields.

Professional identity has been studied by many scientists of sociology, psychology, pedagogy (E. Erickson, J. E. Marcia, J. Mead, H. Tajfel, N. S. Pri-

azhnikov, V. A. Slastenin, L. B. Shneider, E. P. Ermolaeva, D. I. Zevalishena, N. L. Ivanova, U. S. Rodygina, A. A. Ozerina, etc.).

The process of professional identity formation is quite complicated, and people are not always aware of it. This is one of the reasons for the slowdown of this process [11]. And professional training is the proper period which should include the process of professional identity formation of pre-service foreign language teachers, as this is an important task of forming their personalities, and it contributes to their further development and adaptation [12].

The procedure of shaping students' professional identity, from our point of view, should be routed for the recognition, differentiation, transformation, and integration of the professional identity elements [13], comprising goals, values, and beliefs [14], a sense of belonging to a professional community, a sense of devotion and unity with the whole community and its members [15].

The process of shaping the professional identity of pre-service foreign language teachers includes a certain conscious and focused impacting on their personality, as well as nurturing of those features that most correspond to the status of professional identity achievement. In our study, we will rely on the status model by J. Marcia, including 4 states (statuses): foreclosure, diffusion, moratorium, and achievement; on the typology of identity statuses by L. B. Schneider, who adds one more status - pseudo-identity. Many researchers of professional identity devoted their studies to the identification of the correlation between certain personality traits and each of the statuses of professional identity. These traits should be taken into account and cultivated within vocational education.

According to the research revealing the interrelatedness of identity statuses and five basic personality traits [16, 17, 18], which are extraversion, emotional stability, conscientiousness, openness, and agreeableness, the closer the person's identity to the achievement status, the better the mentioned traits are developed and exposed. In other words, the identity achievement is characterised by a rich blossom and harmony of the five traits, whereas the identity diffusion correlates with moderate or even low level of these qualities. Young people with the moratorium status are still found to be open to people, world, new knowledge and experience. Those with the foreclosure are characterised as more or less emotionally stable.

Higher professional identity status is indicated by the tendency of a person to ascribe the results of the actions or situations to his/her own inner qualities, skills, and knowledge, as well as by the confidence in his ability to attain his/her goals, to be effective in completing his tasks, and getting success [19].

Extraversion and emotional stability strongly influence the well-being experiencing [20]. And when assessing the degree of satisfaction with life, students with the statuses of achievement and foreclosure demonstrate this indicator to a greater extent than students in the moratorium [21].

Rodygina U. S. revealed a positive correlation between the intensity of students' professional identity and the degree of development of their personal qualities. The list of these qualities comprises: self-reflection skills (including professional self-reflection), ability of self-exploration and self-cognition, competency in setting goals adequate to their needs, potential for achieving them, active striving for meaningfulness and purposefulness of their life. When students achieve higher level of professional identity and greater intensity of the above-mentioned personal qualities, they get more motivated to acquire new knowledge, new experience, improve their attitude to studying, life seems to them more emotionally coloured, and they are more satisfied with it. They also have more developed empathy, as an ability to be compassionate for other people; they get a more positive attitude towards the chosen profession, more pleasure from the anticipation of future work activities, and they are more focused on individual development [22].

Shneider L. B. also notes that people with different identity statuses differ according to other criteria: in thinking, interests, and communication. However, the correlation between the identity status and the level of intellectual abilities is not traced. As for the differences in the style of thinking, a person having the identity achievement or moratorium is characterised by greater independence in decision-making, especially in situations of stress, than those having the identity diffusion (people of this status exhibit strong stiffness) and the foreclosure (representatives of this type generally avoid situations of choice and decision-making). Persons with the moratorium and mature identity are distinguished by higher cultural interests and more developed self-reflection. They also tend to form closer, deeper, and more trusting relationships. The representatives of the diffused identity and foreclosure would rather enter into more stereotyped (routine) relationships. And people with the identity diffusion even better prefer isolation from society [4].

The shaped set of personality traits and the established system of professional identity elements form the structure of the professional self-concept [23, 24], which consists of three components:

1) the cognitive component includes ideas about professionally important qualities, professional self-efficacy, ideas about career orientations, professional employability, as well as professional knowledge and beliefs, awareness of oneself as a "professional";

2) the emotional component implies professional self-esteem, a sense of professional employability, an emotional and evaluative attitude to professional beliefs, knowledge, and to oneself as a "doer";

3) the behavioural component signifies person's real professional behaviour, his/her style of interaction in a professional environment, active perfor-

mance aimed at self-realisation in a profession, and comprises the result of synergy of the first two components.

The development of each of the complementary components of professional identity has an impact on students' personal qualities and on the content of their professional identity. The organisation of such educational and formative work may include various mechanisms that are focused on forming the concept of "I-am-a-teacher", positioning and adopting professional values and beliefs, planning professional development, accumulating the experience of effective solution of pedagogical tasks and regulation of professional communication, as well as reflection [25].

Summarising the results presented in the scientific literature, we consider professional identity as a complex integrative psychological phenomenon which includes cognitive, emotional, and behavioural components, and is composed of such elements as goals, values, and beliefs, as well as a sense of belonging to a professional community, a sense of devotion and unity with the whole community and its members. Professional identity is a necessary component in the formation of personality and contributes to its further development and adaptation. The teacher with the achieved professional identity is more successful in his/her professional activity. All of these indicate the importance of constructing the professional identity of pre-service foreign language teachers precisely during their university training.

Having analysed the content of the typical curriculum of Karaganda Buke-tov University (Karaganda, Kazakhstan) in the specialty "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages", we revealed the lack of the disciplines, which included the systematic and consistent formation of the students' professional identity. This indicated the need and relevance of developing the pedagogical technology of constructing the professional identity of students - pre-service foreign language teachers. The development of this technology led to selecting the methods of differentiating the students by their level.

Materials and Methods

When conducting the study, we applied the following methods: analysis of theoretical sources in psychology, sociology, pedagogy; generalisation of theoretical and practical experience of the researchers working with professional identity; interpretation of the data of the questionnaires, discussions, observations held with students; preparation of theoretical and practical material for the experimental construction of students' professional identity, implementation of this material in the pedagogical experiment; assessment, comparison and statistical analysis of the obtained data.

The professional identity statuses of students - pre-service foreign language teachers - were determined by means of a set of diagnostic tools:

1) the methods "Personal Professional Plan" (by E. A. Klimov, in adaptation of L. B. Schneider);

2) the questionnaire of professional identity (by U. S. Rodygina);

3) the questionnaire of professional identity (by A. A. Ozerina);

4) the authors' questionnaire for studying professional identity;

5) the methods for studying professional identity (by L. B. Schneider);

6) the methods for studying professional identity statuses (by A. A. Azbel).

The experimental base of our study was the language education research

laboratory at the Faculty of Foreign Languages in Karaganda Buketov University (Karaganda, Kazakhstan). The experimental work was carried out with the 3rd- and 4th-year students getting Bachelor's degree in "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages". It included testing of the developed course. The purpose of the course was to construct the professional identity of students - pre-service foreign language teachers.

Research Results and Discussion

The experimental work on constructing the professional identity of pre-service foreign language teachers was carried out in three stages: summa-tive, formative, and control.

In the course of the summative stage of the experiment, it was found that in the experimental (47 students) and control (42 students) groups the prevailing number of students had the status of moratorium - 31.9% and 38.1%, respectively (Fig. 1). This suggested that the students were dissatisfied with the current situation, were in doubt about the specialisation to be received, thought about the possibility of changing the specialisation; nevertheless, they were distinguished by the desire to decide upon a professional direction, were in search of their professional path, i.e. they were still in crisis. Such a status might indicate both the absence/insufficiency of knowledge or skills of overcoming the crisis, and the fear of upcoming difficulties at work.

The pseudo-identity status was assigned to 25.5% of students from the experimental group and to 11.9% of students from the control group, i.e. they overestimated the level of their qualification, idealised themselves in the profession, preferred not to notice their professional shortcomings, all of which were manifested in the survey scores, and, thereby, in the status of professional identity. This status indicated that its owners had weak skills of self-reflection, were absorbed with rather the role of a teacher than the essence of this profession.

Fig. 1. The summative stage results of professional identity of pre-service foreign

language teachers

A small share of students of both groups (10.6% and 16.7%) received the status of identity foreclosure, i.e. the identity imposed by someone, usually parents or other significant adults. The smallest number of students (4.3% and 7.1%) obtained the status of diffusion meaning a vague identity. This suggested that on the eve of receiving a bachelor's degree, pre-service foreign language teachers had not yet decided what specialty they would have liked to connect their future professional life with; moreover, they did not even seek to resolve this issue.

The status which indicated that students were ready to begin the professional activities of a foreign language teacher and felt a calling for that, namely the identity achievement, was assigned to less than a third of the students of both groups (27.7% and 26.2%) at the summative stage.

Thus, we can state that the first of our hypotheses was confirmed, i.e. the content of professional training of pre-service foreign language teachers did not provide for the targeted formation of their professional identity, and those students who were assigned the status of professional identity achievement had it formed spontaneously, occasionally, and inconsistently.

The lack of knowledge about this phenomenon is one of the obstacles to its formation, and, consequently, to achieving an adequate professional self-esteem and satisfaction from the activity performed, to establishing high-quality professional relations, to forming a system of professional goals, values, and ideals, to developing a sense of value of oneself, one's knowledge and skills, respect for colleagues, to mastering self-reflection skills. The aim of the developed course became the construction of the professional identity of pre-service foreign language teachers and the advance till the identity achievement status.

The process of the formative stage of the experiment involved testing of the developed course on constructing the professional identity of the 3rd and 4th-year students from the experimental group. According to the purpose of this course, the following tasks were performed:

1) providing students with theoretical knowledge about the peculiarities of achieving and preserving their professional identity;

2) developing their reflection skills to activate the process of self-cognising and becoming aware of the content of their professional identity;

3) inviting students to formulate the complex of personally and professionally significant goals, values, and beliefs that ensure their sense of direction and meaningfulness of their professional activity;

4) forming the students' adequate professional self-image in order to make them conscious of their competence and aware of their abilities, as well as boosting their confidence in self-efficacy when dealing with professional challenges and planning a project of their prospective self-development as a teacher.

Accomplishing the goals and objectives required to create certain pedagogical conditions for the educational process in higher education institution, which ensure the formation of professional identity components (emotional, cognitive and behavioural), increase the professional identity status of pre-service foreign language teachers, and thereby, ensure improving the quality of their professional training. After analysing the studies devoted to this topic, we formulated the pedagogical conditions as follows:

1) stimulating students' high internal motivation for self-cognising, developing their self-reflection skills, becoming aware of the prospects of future professional activity, prestige, and personal significance of the chosen profession, and getting ready to form the necessary personal and professionally important qualities, abilities, and professional growth capabilities. Fulfilling this condition accomplishes the emotional component of professional identity;

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2) providing high-quality professional knowledge and integrating effective professional beliefs that contribute to the students' awareness of themselves as "professionals", who are ready for self-expression in professional activities, for independent establishing and implementing professional goals, and who have self-development skills. Through this condition, the cognitive component of professional identity is enhanced;

3) modeling pedagogical situations where students make decisions about themselves and their professional activities, solve professionally significant problems and tasks, settle the issues regarding interaction and relationships with other people on the behavioural level and the style of interaction in the professional environment. This condition ensures the formation of the behavioural component of professional identity.

These conditions are interconnected and interdependent; this means that a purposefully formed attitude to professional activity to a great extent determines the way of thinking, the quality of professional goals, values, and beliefs specific to the professional community where this personality works, all of which in turn, predetermine the pattern of professional actions and interactions. And the other way round, the behaviour which has become customary in the process of educational work creates the prerequisites for the formation of professionally approved goals, values and beliefs, as well as determines the appropriate attitude to the profession, to oneself, and to professional duties.

The content of the course was determined to be composed of the following blocks: science-and-theory, morality-and-mindset, and experience-and-prac-tice. The course was implemented through the principles of nature conformity, humanisation, integrity, professional reasonability, activity and independence, as well as competency-based, personality-oriented, system-activity, axiological, anthropological approaches.

The process of experimental formation of professional identity of students - pre-service foreign language teachers - was organised in five stages: motivational, scientific-theoretical, practical, creative, and reflective.

In the content of science-and-theory block of the developed course, we determined to include the following questions:

• The essence of the concept of professional identity and its functions;

• Typologies of identity;

• Identity as a personality need;

• Peculiarities of professional identity development;

• Leading internal and external factors affecting students' professional identity;

• Psychological personality qualities corresponding to professional identity statuses;

• Psychological mechanisms that generate identity;

• Content and components of professional identity;

• Loss and crisis of identity, professional burnout syndrome;

• Pedagogical conditions designed for shaping students' professional identity;

• Stages of professional identity formation.

The morality-and-mindset and experience-and-practice blocks included a variety of practices. Depending on the stage of work and the current status of students' professional identity, they contributed to both the creation of motivation for acquiring and developing the content of their professional identity, growing it till the status of achievement, and cultivating the corresponding personality traits. For practicing all of these, we chose mainly the classroom action research, reflexive practice, creating self-narratives, modelling pedagogical situ-

ations through different technologies and methods, collaborative learning, and creating a community of practice.

An integral part of formative process of students' high internal motivation for self-cognition, development of self-reflection skills, and awareness of the prospects for future professional practice, prestige and individual significance of the chosen profession, aptitude for forming the necessary personal and professionally important qualities, abilities, and opportunities for professional growth became such activities as classroom action research and reflexive practice [26].

In order to form the right professional beliefs that predispose to professional development and harmonious professional communication, we practiced the creation of self-narratives. Self-narratives are self-descriptions which imply stories about oneself, one's professional life and are a valuable resource for maintaining high professional self-esteem. Such self-narratives are constantly changing as professional interaction develops. In fact, every teacher has such a self-narrative, being not always aware of it. He/She formed it at the stage of professional training, and continues to develop it in the course of his/her professional life [27]. Thus, if students begin to consciously build their self-narratives during their professional training, discuss them with teachers and other students, correct, strengthen them, this will give a huge growth in the development of their professionalism. Discussions of self-narratives, including any situations related to teaching, education, subject knowledge, pedagogy, etc., will give an impetus to both personal and professional development, as well as the development of self-reflection, self-esteem, a sense of freedom in the context of profession, and skills of confident self-presentation.

Pedagogical scenario modelling was used to contribute to the students' formation and adoption of the image of profession, to increase their motivation to learn and be active, to create a favourable atmosphere in the learning process, as well as to develop non-standard creative thinking. This technique was carried out through innovative technologies and active teaching methods, interesting problematic issues, role play technique, psychological training [28, 29, 30].

When forming the students' professional identity, expanding their professional horizons and professional resources, we took advantage of collaborative learning [26, 31] and creation of community of practice [27]. Being the main place of participation in activity, interpersonal relations, exchange of knowledge, discussion of bold ideas, such a community was a key point in the professional transformation of pre-service foreign language teachers, made it possible to try on a new identity, explore new professional relationships, develop an active professional position, and absorb values such as mutual respect, exchange, and interaction.

The effectiveness of the developed course was evaluated at the control stage of the experiment through a comparative analysis of the results of the con-

trol and experimental groups (Fig. 2). Its convincing usefulness can be proved by the revealed increase in the students' status of professional identity, which was measured through the use of the same questionnaires that were applied at the summative stage.

Fig. 2. Advances in the statuses of professional identity of pre-service foreign

language teachers

The minor dynamics of the results in the control group indicates that even though some students' professional identity developed till the status of achievement without targeted formation process, this happened spontaneously and unconsciously. Students' knowledge on working with crisis states is so insufficient, and often they have no idea about it at all, the majority of them do not have their self-reflection skills sufficiently developed in order to overcome personal and professional difficulties, analyse their causes, and find an adequate means to solve them.

In the experimental group, the organised formative course elicited an increase in students' motivation to the procedure of constructing their professional identity and to the opportunities which this psychological phenomenon in the status of identity achievement could give. Students demonstrated high theoretical training, a deep understanding of the importance of working on their psychological qualities and skills necessary for the future professional activities, good abilities and readiness for self-reflection, self-development, and the ability to confidently present themselves as a highly qualified foreign language teacher.

Such achievements could not but affect the results of the questionnaires. The share of students having the status lower than professional identity achieve-

ment has reduced in about half. The number of students with the status of pseudo-identity has become almost half as many, while the share of students with the status of professional identity achievement, which was the aim of the developed course, increased by 2.3 times. Thus, 63.8% of students of the experimental group demonstrated willingness and anticipation to begin and enjoy their professional activities, and revealed knowledge about how to do their work competently and efficiently.

Using the paired Student t-test and the Wilcoxon signed rank test allows us to conclude that students from the experimental group demonstrated the statistically significant changes in the professional identity statuses, and the indicators after the formative experiment exceed the values of the indicators before the experimental work. The received results confirm the second part of our hypothesis, i.e. the application of the developed pedagogical technology of constructing the professional identity of pre-service foreign language teachers allows most of the students to increase their professional identity to the status of achievement.

At the end of the experimental formative procedure, students acquired, to various extends, the following professionally significant skills, indicating the achievement of professional identity:

• self-reflection,

• positive self-esteem,

• awareness and acceptance of themselves, their personal qualities and place in the profession,

• formation of themselves as the major members of the teachers' community, realisation of their personal potential in professional engagement,

• forecasting of the possible consequences of their professional choices and directions of development,

• recognition and selection of their own goals, values, and beliefs, distinguishing them from the imposed ones, and appealing to them when making decisions,

• independent and conscious discovering of their own significance in the work,

• design of the image of the desired future in the profession, search for the development opportunities,

• coordination of the real and ideal professional self-images,

• conscious and responsible acceptance of the professional duties, self-regulation skills, ability to achieve their goals,

• adequate assessment of the changing conditions in life and profession, readiness and adaptation to new situations,

• analysis of the nature of transformations, search for the most adequate solutions,

• ability to withstand negative situations and emotions, demonstrating tolerance,

• establishing of effective professional relationships,

• confident presentation of themselves as specialists,

• effective overcoming or even avoidance of the crisis,

• creative thinking,

• empathy and

• strong motivation for self-realisation as teachers.

It is worth taking into account that students who did not manage to develop their professional identity to the status of achievement during the period of the formative stage of the experiment, have a good tools after the course, both theoretical and practical, in order to bring it to the required level in three directions: emotional, cognitive, and behavioural components. Given the facts that identity cultivation is not a linear process, the reorientation of students on a new type of values is manifested as an identity crisis, the formation of professional identity can occur for each student at different periods and with varying degrees of crisis, take a different time period, we believe that the organised course launched the students' process of self-work and could be completed after the end of the control stage of the experiment.

Identity, in the era of rapidly changing conditions, cannot be formed once and for ever, be stable, unambiguous; it is subjected to discussions, corrections, changes, as well as significant cultural and political influence. The identity of teachers is mediated by their own experience at school and beyond, their own perceptions and values about what stands for such a concept as being a teacher, as well as their perceptions of what kind of teacher they aspire to be [27]. Thus, the content of students' professional identity may change more than once in the process of their professional activity, but having studied the tools and acquired the skills of planning and modeling their identity independently and consciously, they will undergo the reformatting process more gently, comfortably, and harmlessly.


A foreign language teacher cannot achieve full professional formation, consciously develop his/her professional qualities, build professional plans, set goals and objectives, and implement them, confidently perceive and present himself/herself as a professional, build effective communication with other participants of the work process, without having formed his/her professional identity. This process should be held consciously and consistently.

The developed pedagogical technology of constructing the professional identity of pre-service foreign language teachers proved its effectiveness; name-

ly, it allowed most of the students of the experimental group (63.8%) to obtain the status of professional identity achievement.

The proposed pedagogical technology is based on the provisions of a competency-based, personality-oriented, system-activity, axiological, anthropological approaches, and principles of nature conformity, humanisation, integrity, professional reasonability, activity and independence.

The integral part of this technology is the developed course which represents a systematic, consistent and targeted process of constructing the professional identity of students - pre-service foreign language teachers. For its implementation in the process of experimental educational work, we created and observed the pedagogical conditions:

1) stimulating students' high internal motivation for self-cognising, developing their self-reflection skills, forming their positive attitude to the profession and to themselves in it, which developed the emotional component of professional identity;

2) providing high-quality professional knowledge and integrating effective professional beliefs, which ensured the cognitive component of professional identity;

3) modelling pedagogical situations for teaching the effective interaction skills, that composed the behavioural component of professional identity.

The content of the created course was composed of three blocks: sci-ence-and-theory, morality-and-mindset, and experience-and-practice. The first block had provision for theoretical training about professional identity and the peculiarities of its development. The morality-and-mindset and experi-ence-and-practice blocks included a variety of practices, such as classroom action research, reflexive practice, creating self-narratives, modelling pedagogical scenarios through different technologies and methods, collaborative learning, and creating a community of practice.

As the experiment showed, the professional training of pre-service foreign language teachers, which disregarded the purposeful formation of their professional identity, failed to ensure the full development of this psychological construct. Thus, the first hypothesis of the study is confirmed. The implementation of the developed pedagogical technology, which relied upon the mentioned principles, approaches, and pedagogical conditions we formulated, successfully affected the students' professional identity and their results in the surveys. They confirm the second hypothesis of the study that the application of the developed pedagogical technology of constructing the professional identity of pre-service foreign language teachers allows most of the students to increase their professional identity to the status of achievement.

The scientific novelty is that we have determined and formulated the pedagogical conditions for constructing the professional identity of pre-service fo-

reign language teachers. There has been developed and tested the pedagogical technology that proved its effectiveness in ensuring the formation of students' professional identity till the status of achievement, the development of three components of professional identity (cognitive, emotional, and behavioural), and the correspondent professional and personal qualities and skills.

The practical significance refers to the materials of the study which may bring advantages in psychological coaching during professional evolution of students and experienced foreign language teachers, who need to resolve difficulties associated with professional identity, and may form the basis for further advances in scientific investigations.

The developed course on constructing the professional identity of pre-service foreign language teachers can be put into university educational process as part of training methods courses, student teaching placement, tutorial sessions, extracurricular activities on pedagogical excellence, qualification upgrade courses for experienced teachers and educators, methodical seminars, workshops, round tables, as well as into the process of handling the crisis conditions and professional burnout. This course can be included into the university curriculum as a special discipline to prepare teachers both of foreign language and of other school subjects.

This study does not illustrate all the aspects of the issue. Prospective areas for further research can be the issues about developing the professional identity of university teachers, expanding the list of technologies for professional identity construction, arranging for students' individual work with specialists in shaping their professional identity.


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Information about the authors:

Anna A. Palina - PhD Student, Department of the Theory and Practice of Foreign Language Training, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Buketov Karaganda University; ORCID 00000002-1993-3965; Karaganda, Kazakhstan. E-mail: antossik_anna@mail.ru

Gulnaz K. Tleuzhanova - Cand. Sci. (Education), Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Buketov Karaganda University; ORCID 0000-0003-2302-1595, Scopus Author ID 57193699082, ResearcherID F-9968-2019; Karaganda, Kazakhstan. E-mail: tleushanowa@inbox.ru

Galiya B. Sarzhanova - PhD (Philosophy), Head of the Department of the Theory and Practice of Foreign Language Training, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Buketov Karaganda University; ORCID 0000-0002-3461-8963, Scopus Author ID 57189506923; Karaganda, Kazakhstan. E-mail: galiya008@mail.ru

Contribution of the authors. The authors equally contributed to the present research.

Conflict of interest statement. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

Received 24.07.2022; revised 31.10.2022; accepted for publication 07.12.2022.

The authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

Информация об авторах:

Палина Анна Андреевна - докторант кафедры теории и методики иноязычной подготовки факультета иностранных языков, Карагандинский университет имени Е. А. Букетова; ORCID 0000-0002-1993-3965; Караганда, Казахстан. E-mail: antossik_anna@ mail.ru

Тлеужанова Гульназ Кошкимбаевна - кандидат педагогических наук, профессор, декан факультета иностранных языков, Карагандинский университет имени Е. А. Букетова; ORCID 0000-0003-2302-1595, Scopus Author ID 57193699082, ResearcherID F-9968-2019; Караганда, Казахстан. E-mail: tleushanowa@inbox.ru

Саржанова Галия Байжумаевна - PhD (философия), заведующая кафедрой теории и методики иноязычной подготовки факультета иностранных языков, Карагандинский университет имени Е. А. Букетова; ORCID 0000-0002-3461-8963, Scopus Author ID 57189506923; Караганда, Казахстан. E-mail: galiya008@mail.ru

Вклад соавторов. Авторы внесли равный вклад в подготовку статьи.

Информация о конфликте интересов. Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов.

Статья поступила в редакцию 24.07.2022; поступила после рецензирования 31.10.2022; принята к публикации 07.12.2022.

Авторы прочитали и одобрили окончательный вариант рукописи.

Información sobre los autores:

Palina Anna Andréevna: Estudiante de Doctorado del Departamento de Teoría y Métodos de Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras, Facultad de Lenguas Extranjeras, Universidad de Karaganda en honor a E. A. Buketov; ORCID 0000-0002-1993-3965; Karaganda, Kazajstán. Correo electrónico: antossik_anna@mail.ru

Tleuzhanova Gulnaz Koshkimbáevna: Candidata a Ciencias Pedagógicas, Profesora, Decana de la Facultad de Lenguas Extranjeras, Universidad de Karaganda en honor a E. A. Buketov; ORCID 0000-0003-2302-1595, Scopus Author ID 57193699082, ResearcherID F-9968-2019; Karaganda, Kazajstán. Correo electrónico: tleushanowa@inbox.ru

Sarzhanova Galia Bayzhumáevna: PhD (Filosofía), Jefe del Departamento de Teoría y Métodos de Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras, Facultad de Lenguas Extranjeras, Universidad de Karaganda en honor a E. A. Buketov; ORCID 0000-0002-3461-8963, Scopus Author ID 57189506923; Karaganda, Kazajstán. Correo electrónico: galiya008@mail.ru

Contribución de coautoría. Los autores han hecho su constribución de manera igualitaria en la elaboración de este artículo.

Información sobre conflicto de intereses. Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de intereses.

El artículo fue recibido por los editores el 24/07/2022; recepción efectuada después de la revisión por los pares actuantes el 31/10/2022; aceptado para su publicación el 07/12/2022.

Los re autores leyeron y aprobaron la versión final del manuscrito.

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