Научная статья на тему 'Pedagogical task as a determinant of pedagogical situation'

Pedagogical task as a determinant of pedagogical situation Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
pedagogical task / pedagogical situation / pedagogical process / culture / педагогическая задача / педагогическая ситуация / педагогический процесс / культура

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dobrova Victoria V.

The article deals with a pedagogical task as defining the boundaries and meaning of pedagogical situation. It is shown that the unit of the real pedagogical process is a pedagogical situation, within which a single pedagogical task is solved. The pedagogical task has the same components as the pedagogical process itself; the structure of the task correlates with the structure of the pedagogical process, the task is a semantic unit of the pedagogical process analysis. The article also focuses on the stages of solving a pedagogical task. The pedagogical task is understood as a goal set in specific pedagogical conditions, requiring the application of a known or new way to achieve it, aimed at transferring a unit, a quantum of culture to a student or a group of students.

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Педагогическая задача как определяющая педагогической ситуации

В статье рассматривается педагогическая задача, определяющая границы и смысл педагогической ситуации. Показано, что единицей реального педагогического процесса является педагогическая ситуация, в рамках которой решается единичная педагогическая задача. Педагогическая задача имеет тот же компонентный состав, что и педагогический процесс, ее структура соответствует структуре педагогического процесса. Также в статье приведены этапы решения педагогической задачи. Под педагогической задачей понимается цель, реализуемая в конкретных педагогических условиях, требующая применения известного или нового способа ее достижения, направленная на передачу единицы, кванта культуры учащемуся или группе учащихся.

Текст научной работы на тему «Pedagogical task as a determinant of pedagogical situation»


Вестник Череповецкого государственного университета. 2024. № 1 (118). С. 143-150. Cherepovets State University Bulletin, no. 1 (118). С. 143-150.

Научная статья УДК 37.011

https: //doi.org/10.23859/1994-0637-2024-1-118-12 EDN: QSXTQS

Abstract. The article deals with a pedagogical task as defining the boundaries and meaning of pedagogical situation. It is shown that the unit of the real pedagogical process is a pedagogical situation, within which a single pedagogical task is solved. The pedagogical task has the same components as the pedagogical process itself; the structure of the task correlates with the structure of the pedagogical process, the task is a semantic unit of the pedagogical process analysis. The article also focuses on the stages of solving a pedagogical task. The pedagogical task is understood as a goal set in specific pedagogical conditions, requiring the application of a known or new way to achieve it, aimed at transferring a unit, a quantum of culture to a student or a group of students. Keywords: pedagogical task, pedagogical situation, pedagogical process, culture For citation: Dobrova V. V. Pedagogical task as a determinant of pedagogical situation. Cherepovets State University Bulletin, 2024, no. 1 (118), pp. 143-150. https://doi.org/10.23859/1994-0637-2024-1-118-12

Педагогическая задача как определяющая педагогической ситуации

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается педагогическая задача, определяющая границы и смысл педагогической ситуации. Показано, что единицей реального педагогического процесса является педагогическая ситуация, в рамках которой решается единичная педагогическая задача. Педагогическая задача имеет тот же компонентный состав, что и педагогический процесс, ее структура соответствует структуре педагогического процесса. Также в статье приведены этапы решения педагогической задачи. Под педагогической задачей понимается цель, реализуемая в конкретных педагогических условиях, требующая применения известного или нового способа ее достижения, направленная на передачу единицы, кванта культуры учащемуся или группе учащихся.

Pedagogical task as a determinant of pedagogical situation

Victoria V. Dobrova

Samara State Technical University Samara, Russia

victoria_dob@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3037-4797

Виктория Вадимовна Доброва

Самарский государственный технический университет

Самара, Россия

victoria_dob@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3037-4797


Доброва В. В., 2024

Вестник Череповецкого государственного университета • 2024 • № 1 Cherepovets State University Bulletin ^2024 • No. 1

ISSN 1994 0637 (print)


Ключевые слова: педагогическая задача, педагогическая ситуация, педагогический процесс, культура

Для цитирования: Доброва В. В. Педагогическая задача как определяющая педагогической ситуации // Вестник Череповецкого государственного университета. 2024. № 1 (118). С. 143150. https: //doi.org/10.23859/1994-0637-2024-1-118-12


The goal of the pedagogical process acts as a system-forming factor. The educational process is entirely subordinate to the goals of the pedagogical system. In the implementation of the pedagogical process, there is assimilation, mastering the experience of mankind through the expansion, enrichment, transformation of the personal experience of subjects through pedagogical situations and events.

It is obvious that pedagogical interaction (as any interaction) is always determined by a certain goal. In a pedagogical process such a goal is understood as the transfer of knowledge and social experience, that is the transmission of culture1. The goal can be understood as an image of the desired future, which achievement should be subordinated to the teacher's activities. It is the final result for the achievement of which the whole system is created and the teacher's activity is implemented. It is not hard to be connected to any phenomenon, but if one wants to interact with it, he must have a goal, realize the interconnection and intersubjectivity of the collaborative activity, plan the achievement of the desired result, etc.

Any pedagogical activity begins with a goal, which is divided into separate single tasks in the educational process. The educational process is an interconnected sequence of solving countless tasks of different levels of complexity. The dynamic structure of the educational process can be represented based on the "task-oriented" understanding and "task-oriented" structuring of pedagogical and learning activities, when the content of what is being studied is built as a chain of tasks and situations created on their basis. As the pedagogical situation develops, pedagogical tasks are solved sequentially.

The main part

In pedagogical discourse, the concept of pedagogical task is often considered to be equal to the concept of pedagogical situation. Thus, a pedagogical task is often defined:

- as a meaningful pedagogical situation with a goal brought into it in connection with the need to cognize and transform reality2;

- as a pedagogical situation correlated with the goal of activity and conditions of its realization3;

1 Nunan D. Second Language acquisition. The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to speakers of Other Languages; ed. by Nunan D., Carter R. Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp. 87-92. https:// dx.doi.org/10.1017/cbo9780511667206.013

2 Slastenin V. A., Isaev I. F., Shiianov E. N. Pedagogika [Pedagogy; ed. by V. A. Slastenin]. Moscow: Izdatel'skii tsentr "Akademiia", 2002. 576 p.

3 Pedagogika [Pedagogy; ed. by L. V. Zagrekovа, V. V. Nikol^]. Nizhnii Novgorod: Nizhego-rodskii gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskii universitet, 2011. 232 p._

144 ISSN 1994-0637 Вестник Череповецкого государственного университета • 2024 • № 1 (print) Cherepovets State University Bulletin ^2024 • No. 1

- as comprehension of the existing pedagogical situation, making decisions and necessary actions on this basis1.

The attention should be paid here to the requirements for pedagogical terminology2 in the context of which these definitions seem ambiguous, since situation and task are not equivalent concepts and cannot define each other.

In the works on psychology about the unity of consciousness and activity, about the problem character of thinking there is a broader understanding of "task". For example, A. N. Leontiev believes that "...the action being carried out corresponds to the task, the task is the goal given in certain conditions"3. O. K. Tikhomirov defines a task as "a goal given in specific conditions and requiring an effective way to achieve it"4. S. L. Rubinstein noted: "The initial moment of the thinking process is a problem situation. A person begins to think when he or she has a need to understand something... This problem situation determines the involvement of the personality in the thought process; it is always directed to the solution of some task"5. Taking into account the above-mentioned, the task is understood by us in a broad sense as a goal set in a specific situation, correlated with the conditions of its achievement and solved in the pedagogical process.

V. I. Zagviazinsky considers the task as "designed on the specific material of the subjects studied and presented to the learner as a cognitive one, that represents the genetic cell in which all the factors determining learning (general educational goals, the content of what is being studied, the level of preparedness and development of students, available methodological means and conditions, etc.) are integrated and from which they are subsequently developed in a pedagogical quality as elements of the learning process. The task, deployed in procedural terms, in the live activity and in the relationship between the subjects of training (teachers and students) together with the means and methods of implementation of this activity and the results obtained constitute a structural unit of the learning process - a specific dynamic learning situation"6. When tasks are solved, the transition to a new task and a new pedagogical situation takes place. This means that the unit of the real

1 Kodzhaspirova G. M., Kodzhaspirov A. Iu. Pedagogicheskii slovar' [Pedagogical dictionary]. Moscow: Izdatel'skii tsentr "Akademiia", 2000. 176 p.

2 Dobrova V. V. Kontsept "pedagogicheskoe sobytie" v obrazovatel'nom diskurse [The concept of the "pedagogical event" in educational discourse]. Vestnik Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta. Seriia: Psikhologo-pedagogicheskie nauki [Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series "Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences"], 2022, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 47-56. https: // doi.org/10.17673/vsgtu-pps.2022.4.4; Kraevskii V. V. Metodologiia pedagogiki [Methodology of pedagogy]. Cheboksary: Izdatel'stvo Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2001. 244 p. Likhachev B. T. Pedagogika [Pedagogy; ed. by V. A. Slastenin]. Moscow: Iurait-M, 2001. 607 p.; Lukatskii M. A. Gorizonty stanovleniia pedagogicheskoi semiologii [Horizons of the formation of pedagogical semiology]. Otechestvennaia i zarubezhnaia pedagogika [Domestic and Foreign Pedagogy], 2015, no. 5 (26), pp. 139-149.

3 Leont'ev A. N. Deiatel'nost'. Soznanie. Lichnost' [Activity. Consciousness. Personality]. Moscow: Politizdat. 1977. 304 p.

4 Tikhomirov O. K. Struktura myslitel'noi deiatel'nosti cheloveka [The structure of human mental activity]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1969. 304 p.

5 Rubinshtein S. L. Osnovy obshcheipsikhologii [Foundations of general psychology]. St Petersburg: "Piter", 2000. 712 p.

6 Zagviazinskii V. I., Emel'ianova I. N. Obshaia pedagogika [General pedagogy]. Moscow: Vysshaia shkola, 2008. 391 p._

Вестник Череповецкого государственного университета • 2024 • № 1 ISSN 1994-0637 Cherepovets State University Bulletin ^2024 • No. 1 (piint)

pedagogical process is a pedagogical situation within which a single pedagogical task is solved. If the content of what is studied is organized as a logical sequence of pedagogical tasks, and the educational process presents a chain of pedagogical situations, the cognitive base of which is represented by these cognitive and educational tasks, then the "movement" of the pedagogical process, its dynamics can be described as the transition from one task solution to another. It is precisely the pedagogical tasks solution that determines the pedagogical process. Thus the single task solution in a pedagogical situation determines the beginning and the end (boundaries) of the situation by the fact of setting and solving a pedagogical task.

Comprehension of a pedagogical task is considered to be the necessary requirement for its effective solution. If the pedagogical task is not understood or realized, it cannot be solved. Only when the pedagogical task is realized, e.g. by analyzing the current situation, defining the goal and necessary actions for solving this task, selecting the ways of interaction with learners, thus the teacher can organize the current situation and the situational conditions in such a way that they contribute to the better and more effective solution of the pedagogical task.

A pedagogical task includes the same components as the pedagogical process itself: educators, learners, content and educational means. A pedagogical task is meaningful when we analyze the pedagogical process, so its structure (subjects of education, content, means) should correspond to the structure of the whole pedagogical process. Such an understanding of the essence of the pedagogical task solving also implies the following features:

1) in the process of pedagogical interaction between the subjects of a pedagogical situation a pedagogical task is solved by at least two subjects (a teacher and a student);

2) the solution of a pedagogical task does not end when its subject is transferred to the required state; the reflexion on the solution process is necessary;

3) the successful solution of a pedagogical task is essentially determined by the successful solution of a learning task by a student.

On the basis of the analysis of various approaches to the pedagogical task description, it is possible to single out a certain sequence of its solution stages1:

1. The analytical stage starts with the analysis and evaluation of the existing situation and ends with the formulation of the pedagogical task. When a teacher realizes the necessity of solving a pedagogical task, he should analyze the initial data, the situational context, that is the microenvironment in which the task will be solved, including conditions and participants. On the basis of this the education and upbringing results as well as possible students difficulties and mistakes, their responses to pedagogical influences are predicted; realize the direction of his / her actions in the context of the whole pedagogical process; etc. The teacher should see the whole situation, evaluate its potential to become a pedagogical event for the students. The result of such an analysis will be the formulation of a specific pedagogical task to be solved in the pedagogical situation, based on the realization of

1 Kebble P. A practical introduction to task-based learning. English Australia Journal, 2012, vol. 28, iss. 1, pp. 65-68; Willis D. A Framework for Task-Based Learning. London: Longman, 1996. 183 p.; Bukharova G. D., Starikova L. D. Obshchaia iprofessional'naiapedagogika [General

and professional pedagogy]. Moscow: Izdatel'skii tsentr "Akademiia", 2009. 336 p._


ISSN 1994 0637 (print)

Вестник Череповецкого государственного университета • 2024 • № 1 Cherepovets State University Bulletin ^2024 • No. 1

the goal and the identified conditions. When setting the task, it is necessary to keep in mind that the pedagogical task follows from the general goal of education, it is formed on the basis of ideas about the basic human culture and basic meanings of culture. Therefore, the task is always connected with the initial goals and the final result of pedagogical activity.

2. The stage of modeling the ways of solving the pedagogical task, constructing the way of pedagogical interaction, i.e. pedagogical situation, on the basis of available information. At this stage, the teacher imagines in advance, "plays" the pedagogical situation, which he / she should create in the process of organizing educational activities of students, so that the transfer of culture can take place and thus a pedagogical event can happen. At its core, the teacher's activity is heuristic, aimed at finding optimal ways to solve the task, assumes flexibility of thinking, the ability to forecast, generate ideas, and reflection. The teacher consciously relies on a certain system of rules and requirements, purposefully chooses effective means from the "arsenal" of pedagogical science and practice to solve a given problem in relation to specific conditions and simultaneously plans the order of his / her actions and deeds. At the second stage, the teacher determines possible ways of solving the task and determines necessary and sufficient conditions for its effective solution.

Decision making is understood as an act of forming an action sequence resulting in the achievement of a goal by transforming the information about the initial situation. This process is central for all the levels of information processing as well as "mental regulation in the system of purposeful activity"1. It should be mentioned that decision making is always a conscious choice of a single action from all the available alternatives that allows to achieve the better efficiency. Thus, the decision-making procedure includes the actions of forming and comparing of alternatives, selecting, constructing and correcting the reference hypothesis and action program. In other words, goal-setting in pedagogy starts with mental analysis and selection of suitable and available means of achievement of the desired result and ends with the practical design of actions and interaction, modeling of the pedagogical situation. At this and previous stages, goal-setting is carried out as an individual thinking activity of the teacher to develop a task, to determine the main ways to achieve them.

3. The executive stage is associated with the realization of the idea, with the practical embodiment of the analytically developed way of solving the pedagogical task in practice. At the third stage, the planned methods of pedagogical interaction and influence are realized. It is characterized by direct interaction between the teacher and students, direct contact between them, organization of students' activities, as a result of which their value relations are formed, knowledge is assimilated and skills are developed - a quantum of culture is transferred. The process of solving the pedagogical task unfolds as a joint activity and active communication in the system "teacher - students". And this is the environment in which the child's personality and the adult's personality as a teacher develops.

4. The stage of analysis of the pedagogical task solution results includes the selection of diagnosing procedures for the obtained results, identification of errors made during the task solving and determination of the ways to overcome them. Implementation of the ped-

1 Reber A. Bol'shoi tolkovyi psikhologicheskii slovar' [Large Explanatory Dictionary of Psychology; in 2 vol. Vol. 2: P-I]. Moscow: Veche. 2000. 560 p._

Вестник Череповецкого государственного университета • 2024 • № 1 ISSN 1994-0637 Cherepovets State University Bulletin ^2024 • No. 1 (print)

agogical action method begins with the indicative part and ends with it. On this stage the final evaluation of the obtained results is made based on its comparison to the existing model of the required result. This analysis, in turn, forms the important basis for the theoretical justification and further solution of a new pedagogical task.

As a result of the effective executive stage, the task of transferring basic cultural meanings is solved, the student becomes more rooted in culture, becomes a carrier of another knowledge or skill that allows him / her to feel more confident in the cultural space, i.e. the pedagogical event has taken place. However, as a result of this stage, the pedagogical task may not be solved, the pedagogical situation in this case is not effective.

Pedagogical situation is characterized by activity-processual completeness, as it has initial (goal) and final (result) definiteness. Due to the completeness of a pedagogical situation,

1) the learner, accepting the task, masters this or that element of knowledge and corresponding skills (due to which he / she receives the initially intended product of educational and cognitive activity, solves the pedagogical task), enhances the level of his knowledge, increases the level of cognitive and practical skills formation, forms the personal attitude to reality, develops a worldview position, thus becomes rooted in culture;

2) the teacher forms the general idea about the learning abilities and cognitive activity of the learner by identifying and evaluating the results of such an activity, according to which he makes appropriate corrective decisions;

3) in the educational process the basis for further movement, for transition to a new stage is created1.

Thus, the teacher's pedagogical task arises before direct contact with an individual at the stage of analysis and modeling (the preliminary action in the form of practical reasoning, including setting a task, determining the motive, working out a plan, etc.). It is solved during the interaction of the teacher with the object of the pedagogical influence, that is the direct action. It is completed after the pedagogical interaction at the stage of the reflection on the interaction results: it can be a subsequent action in the form of practical reasoning, including the process analysis and evaluation. It should be mentioned that such a practical reasoning can take place in the very process of performing a practical action.

The distribution of stages of pedagogical task solution is very conditional, as they are all highly interrelated and in real practice permeate each other. Also the description of the stages itself is generalized.

The diversity of pedagogical situations and pedagogical tasks makes the researchers and practitioners classify them and explains the existence of multiple definitions2. Since we understand the general goal of education as a projection, translation of the meaningful

1 Korzhuev A. V., Popkov V. A. Sovremennaia teoriia obucheniia: obshchenauchnaia inter-pretatsiia [Modern theory of learning: general scientific interpretation]. Moscow: Akademicheskii proekt, 2009. 185 p.

2 Slastenin V. A., Isaev I. F., Shiianov E. N. Pedagogika [Pedagogy; ed. by V. A. Slastenin]. Moscow: Izdatel'skii tsentr "Akademiia", 2002. 576 p.; Pedagogika [Pedagogy; ed. by L. V. Zagrekovа, V. V. Nikolim]. Nizhnii Novgorod: Nizhegorodskii gosudarstvennyi pedagog-icheskii universitet, 2011. 232 p.; Kodzhaspirova G. M., Kodzhaspirov A. Iu. Pedagogicheskii slovar' [Pedagogical dictionary]. Moscow: Izdatel'skii tsentr "Akademiia", 2000. 176 p.; Willis D.,

Willis J. Doing Task-Based Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. 294 p._


ISSN 1994 0637 (print)

Вестник Череповецкого государственного университета • 2024 • № 1 Cherepovets State University Bulletin ^2024 • No. 1

components of culture, so we define a pedagogical task as a goal that is set in specific pedagogical conditions, requires the use of the known methods or the design of a new way to achieve it, aims at transferring a unit of culture to a student or a group of students.

Thus pedagogical activity can be considered a specially organized process of transmitting human culture in society, and educational activity can be understood as a process of connecting new bearers of culture to it. Education itself is a process of transmitting the culture from one generation to another, from one person to another. Within the framework of a pedagogical situation the pedagogical and educational activities are united, so the pedagogical process is understood as a process of culture transmission from one culture bearer to another. For the pedagogical interaction to become effective and productive, it is necessary to be oriented to a certain pedagogical task, as well as to take into account the conditions of its realization.


The pedagogical task is connected with comprehension of the existing pedagogical situation with the purpose of its transformation, transfer to a new level, approaching the goal of pedagogical activity. Deriving from the general goal of education, the subject of pedagogical tasks is presented by some ideas about the basic human culture. Then the pedagogical situation should be represented as a process, within the framework of which a single pedagogical task is solved to translate a unit, a quantum of culture.


Bukharova G. D., Starikova L. D. Obshchaia i professional'naia pedagogika [General and professional pedagogy]. Moscow: Izdatel'skii tsentr "Akademiia", 2009. 336 p.

Dobrova V. V. Kontsept "pedagogicheskoe sobytie" v obrazovatel'nom diskurse [The concept of the "pedagogical event" in educational discourse]. Vestnik Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnich-eskogo universiteta. Seriia: Psikhologo-pedagogicheskie nauki [Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series "Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences"], 2022, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 47-56. https: // doi.org/10.17673/vsgtu-pps.2022.4.4

Kebble P. A practical introduction to task-based learning. English Australia Journal, vol. 28, iss. 1, 2012, pp. 65-68.

Kodzhaspirova G. M., Kodzhaspirov A. Iu. Pedagogicheskii slovar' [Pedagogical dictionary]. Moscow: Izdatel'skii tsentr "Akademiia", 2000. 176 p.

Korzhuev A. V., Popkov V. A. Sovremennaia teoriia obucheniia: obshchenauchnaia inter-pretatsiia [Modern theory of learning: general scientific interpretation]. Moscow: Akademicheskii proekt, 2009. 185 p.

Kraevskii V. V. Metodologiia pedagogiki [Methodology of pedagogy]. Cheboksary: Izdatel'stvo Chuvashskogo universiteta, 2001. 244 p.

Leont'ev A. N. Deiatel'nost'. Soznanie. Lichnost' [Activity. Consciousness. Personality]. Moscow: Politizdat. 1977. 304 p.

Likhachev B. T. Pedagogika [Pedagogy; ed. by V. A. Slastenin]. Moscow: Iurait-M, 2001. 607 p.

Lukatskii M. A. Gorizonty stanovleniia pedagogicheskoi semiologii [Horizons of the formation of pedagogical semiology]. Otechestvennaia i zarubezhnaiapedagogika [Domestic and Foreign Pedagogy], 2015, no. 5 (26), pp. 139-149.

Вестник Череповецкого государственного университета • 2024 • № 1 ISSN 1994-0637 Cherepovets State University Bulletin ^2024 • No. 1 (print)

Nunan D. Second Language acquisition. The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to speakers of Other Languages; ed. by Nunan D., Carter R. Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp. 87-92. https:// dx.doi.org/10.1017/cbo9780511667206.013

Pedagogika [Pedagogy; ed. by L. V. Zagrekovа, V. V. Nikolim]. Nizhnii Novgorod: Nizhego-rodskii gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskii universitet, 2011. 232 p.

Reber A. Bol'shoi tolkovyipsikhologicheskii slovar' [Large Explanatory Dictionary of Psychology; in 2 vol. Vol. 2: P-I]. Moscow: Veche. 2000. 560 p.

Rubinshtein S. L. Osnovy obshchei psikhologii [Foundations of general psychology]. St Petersburg: "Piter", 2000. 712 p.

Slastenin V. A., Isaev I. F., Shiianov E. N. Pedagogika [Pedagogy; ed. by V. A. Slastenin]. Moscow: Izdatel'skii tsentr "Akademiia", 2002. 576 p.

Tikhomirov O. K. Struktura myslitel'noi deiatel'nosti cheloveka [The structure of human mental activity]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1969. 304 p.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Willis D. A Framework for Task-Based Learning. London: Longman, 1996. 183 p.

Willis D., Willis J. Doing Task-Based Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. 294 p.

Zagviazinskii V. I., Emel'ianova I. N. Obshaia pedagogika [General pedagogy]. Moscow: Vysshaia shkola, 2008. 391 p.

Сведения об авторе

Виктория Вадимовна Доброва - кандидат психологических наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой иностранных языков, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3037-4797, victoria_dob@mail.ru, Самарский государственный технический университет (д. 244, ул. Молодогвардейская, 443100 Самара, Россия); Victoria V. Dobrova - Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3037-4797, victoria_dob@mail.ru, Samara State Technical University (244, ul. Molodogvardeyskaya, 443100 Samara, Russia).

Статья поступила в редакцию 18.10.2023; одобрена после рецензирования 15.11.2023; принята к публикации 29.11.2023.

The article was submitted 18.10.2023; Approved after reviewing 15.11.2023; Accepted for publication 29.11.2023.

150 issn 1994-0637 Вестник Череповецкого государственного университета • 2024 • № 1 (print) Cherepovets State University Bulletin ^2024 • No. 1

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