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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Nizamova Umida Sandjarovna

This study focuses on the methodology of using interactive technologies which provide students the knowledge of economic terms and the skills of accurately using that vocabulary in speech. The paper highlights that interactive technologies are significant factors which increase effectiveness of teaching economic terminology in the ESP course and teaching English as a second language (ESL) create proper learning environment and evoke students’ interest in studying. Pedagogical implications for teaching students economic terminology through utilizing interactive forms of work have been presented. The findings suggest that interactive performance in teaching will enhance the process of presenting, comprehension of meaning, memorizing and proper using economic terms in oral and written communication. Consequently, the research contributes to the study of forming linguistic competence with the students of economic specialties and elicits further research of scholars in the field of teaching terminology.

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№ 11 (89)

• 7universum.com




ноябрь, 2021 г.



DOI - 10.32743/UniPsy.2021.


Nizamova Umida Sandjarovna


of Machine building Institute Uzbekistan, Andijan E-mail: umidanizamova18@gmail.com


Низамова Умида Санджаровна

преподаватель машиностроительного института Республика Узбекистан, Андижан E-mail: umidanizamova18@gmail.com


This study focuses on the methodology of using interactive technologies which provide students the knowledge of economic terms and the skills of accurately using that vocabulary in speech. The paper highlights that interactive technologies are significant factors which increase effectiveness of teaching economic terminology in the ESP course and teaching English as a second language (ESL) create proper learning environment and evoke students' interest in studying. Pedagogical implications for teaching students economic terminology through utilizing interactive forms of work have been presented. The findings suggest that interactive performance in teaching will enhance the process of presenting, comprehension of meaning, memorizing and proper using economic terms in oral and written communication. Consequently, the research contributes to the study of forming linguistic competence with the students of economic specialties and elicits further research of scholars in the field of teaching terminology.


В этом исследовании основное внимание уделяется методологии использования интерактивных технологий, которые обеспечивают учащимся знания экономических терминов и навыки точного использования этой лексики в речи. В документе подчеркивается, что интерактивные технологии являются важными факторами, повышающими эффективность преподавания экономической терминологии в рамках курса ESP, а преподавание английского как второго языка (ESL) создает надлежащую среду обучения и пробуждает интерес студентов к обучению. Представлены педагогические аспекты обучения студентов экономической терминологии с использованием интерактивных форм работы. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что интерактивное исполнение в обучении улучшит процесс представления, понимания смысла, запоминания и правильного использования экономических терминов в устном и письменном общении. Следовательно, исследование способствует изучению формирования языковой компетенции у студентов экономических специальностей и вызывает дальнейшие исследования ученых в области преподавания терминологии.

Keywords: ESP, terminology, methodology, academic purpose, teaching technique, communication, teaching methods.

Ключевые слова: ESP, терминология, методология, академическая цель, методика обучения, общение, методы обучения.

Библиографическое описание: Nizamova U.S. PEDAGOGICAL IMPLICATIONS ON INTERACTIVE APPROACHES OF TEACHING NON-LINGUISTIC STUDENTS ECONOMIC TERMINOLOGY // Universum: психология и образование : электрон. научн. журн. 2021. 11(89). URL: https://7universum. com/ru/psy/archive/item/12531

№ 11 (89)

• 7universum.com


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Modernization, in economic sphere, essentially strength transnational integration processes and creating new spheres of social activity of the person, has rendered a great effect and on education sphere. Rapid development in the field of educational system demands the study, the analysis of both internal and external factors and pedagogical conditions as well as taking into consideration their mutual proportionality. Many technical universities have actively entered the international scientifically-educational space and have started expansion of cooperation with the higher educational institutions and with organizations and the companies in abroad. Thus, there are many summits and conferences among countries to unify international connotation for the matter. In this way, Uzbekistan is also trying to improve education system with innovative ideas and modernization. However, in an integration and globalization there was an obstacle to know insufficiently high level of foreign language skills. Thereupon many high schools of a technical profile have risen to carry out preparation of experts at level of the international requirements capable effectively to function in the international scientifically-educational context and owning at least one foreign language.

Taking into account an urgency of the given problem, in this article will be discussed Teaching English as a second language (ESL) in a broad context and teaching students professional terminology in the course of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in particular has always been a subject of interest for many researchers. This interest has been enhanced with the necessity to arm future specialists, namely in the field of International Economics, with the knowledge of special vocabulary and skills how to use it in practice. Gaining such knowledge and acquiring proper skills can be feasible if scholars and teachers of ESP use modern methodological approaches to teach specialized vocabulary and also develop their own appropriate ways of teaching terminology. Therefore, it is evident that scholars and teachers must find most effective ways to make students use their vocabulary load, to improve their language potential in close-to-real communication, which is or might be typical to future professional activity of ESP learners. Thus it can be stated that without mastering professional terminology students of economic and or technical higher educational establishments will not be able to form their lexical competence as an integral part of communicative competence. During the search for an effective method it became evident that interactive activity can enhance the process of acquiring professional terminology and ensure effective utilizing lexical competence in constructive communication that reflects the sphere of international economists' interest. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to analyze relevant pedagogical literature devoted to teaching students economic terminology in order to substantiate the theoretical foundation of the study and on this basis conduct an experiment to prove that interactive forms of work can considerably enrich students' load of economic vocabulary and promote its

usage both in oral and written communication. We will try to revise some thoughts about ESP in Uzbekistan, especially in higher education system. Mentioning different techniques and methods of language teaching also analyzed the difference between format of teaching depending on specificity and orientation of institution. Methods of English language teaching develop in such ways, to respond public, political and economical needs of new world, in which it is taught and used. Important way to increase effectiveness of language courses in our country development of new techniques is content language integrated learning approaches, integrated learning of language and subject. Speaking on English language in higher education should be mentioned English for academic purposes.

People learn English for several affairs. The teaching of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has been seen as a separate activity within English language teaching. It is believed that for some of its teaching ESP has developed its own methodology and its research draws on research from various disciplines in addition to applied linguistics - this is the key distinguishing characteristic of ESP. The theory of ESP could be outlined based on specific nature of the texts that learners need knowledge of or need-related nature of teaching [3].

Streven's (1988) definition of ESP makes a distinction between 1)absolute characteristics (language teaching is designed to meet specified needs of the learner; related in content to particular disciplines, occupation and activities; centered on the language appropriate to those activities in syntax, text, discourse, semantics, etc., and analysis of the discourse; designed in contrast with General English) and 2) two variable characteristics (ESP may be restricted to the language skills to be learned, e.g. reading; and not taught according to any pre-ordained methodology) [6].

ESP also analyzed in medical discourse such as ethics of relationship between the medical professional and the patient system. Author gives relevant vocabularies and professional phrase which are essential in every sphere.1

We can divide ESP into two types. First, English for Academic Purposes (EAP) involving pre-experience, simultaneous/in service and post-experience courses, and second, English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) for study in a specific discipline (pre-study, in-study, and post-study) or as a school subject (independent or integrated).

EAP focuses on those skills which are necessary for successful education at institution acquiring specialty on English language including undergraduate education. EAP includes base skills necessary to study at higher education and communication in academic environment. Universities - organizations with compound structure, with well established academic traditions and culture. Even, studying native language students get through hard period of adaptation to university environment. While learning foreign language they come across with more difficulties. To tackle these problems we are going

'International Journal of Development and Public Policy, e-ISSN: 2792-3991, 202', Ethics of the Relationship between the Medical Professional and the Patient System, Babayeva G.L

№ 11 (89)

to find easy ways and rules of teaching English in several occupations.

Taking into account the elaborated theoretical premises and results of our experiment; we submit some practical implications for interactive performance on special vocabulary acquisition by students:

1. Vocabulary knowledge is an inseparable part of mastering foreign language proficiency, so teachers should concentrate their efforts on creating conditions for using interactive means of teaching vocabulary. Students must be motivated to master lexical material in interactive forms of work by facilitating vocabulary learning, giving guidance how to enrich vocabulary range, involving students into creating their style of learning by means of different educational strategies mentioned above.

2. Implicit teaching vocabulary with the help of role-plays, simulations, projects, case studies, discussions of professionally oriented texts and elaborated communicative situations has proved to be more effective than explicit teaching vocabulary.

3. The process of vocabulary development can be enhanced if the teacher encourages free exchange of students' opinions, if there is a friendly and business-like atmosphere in the classroom environment, if there is a mutual respect and trust. A student must be in the center of educational process, which means being a partner of the teacher, his/her supporter and also a kind of consultant in case of ESP teaching.

4. The success of vocabulary acquisition can be achieved if students are properly motivated, which is


ноябрь, 2021 г.

possible if they believe that their professional needs have been studied and taken into account while elaborating working programs, selecting studying materials or textbooks, compiling lists of words and phrases typically used in their branch of training. Students must be confident that what they are learning now, especially lexical input, will be necessary for their future work.

5. The last but not least is a proper use of the affluent studying resources and technical means, such as Internet, Skype, e-mail, and plenty of others. Such technologies can engage students' interests, provide excellent opportunities for individual, cooperative and class activities with vocabulary, and also allow evaluating, monitoring and regulating the process of using language material for communicative purposes. Thus in our research we have formulated theoretical foundations for the methodology of teaching students economic terminology with the help of interactive techniques, which can be applied both in class and out of class activities. Based on the findings, it is possible to conclude that interactive teaching/learning techniques help students to gain experience in using economic terminology through context, and their knowledge of special terminology is a necessary precondition for applying it into practice while communicating. It is recommended that other factors, such as socio-cultural peculiarities of economic discourse and its influence on students' lexical competence formation require further research.

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2. Dubskikh AI, Zerkina NN The role of the teacher in the process of teaching a professionally oriented foreign language in a technical university // Modern trends in the development of the education system. Cheboksary: Sreda Publishing House, 2018. pp. 108-110.

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7. Carver D. (1983). Some propositions about ESP. The ESP Journal, 2, 131-137.

8. Dudley-Evans T., and St John, M. (1998). Developments in ESP: A multi-disciplinary approach. Cambridge: CUP.

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