Научная статья на тему 'Pedagogical conditions of training of the technical profile specialists to carry out training activities in higher education shool'

Pedagogical conditions of training of the technical profile specialists to carry out training activities in higher education shool Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dolinskaya Ludmila Vasilievna

The analysis of possible use of the integrating approach, which is applied when training future teachers, graduates of technical specialties to carrying out training activities in a higher educational institution, was carried out. Skills which correspond to readiness of a teacher, who has higher education, to manage the educational activity of subjects of training are defined.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Pedagogical conditions of training of the technical profile specialists to carry out training activities in higher education shool»

Section 8. Pedagogy

Dolinskaya Ludmila Vasilievna, Odessa State Environmental University, Chief of the Laboratory of the College of Computer Technology

E-mail: lslvvvas@ukr.net


Abstract: The analysis of possible use of the integrating approach, which is applied when training future teachers, graduates of technical specialties to carrying out training activities in a higher educational institution, was carried out. Skills which correspond to readiness of a teacher, who has higher education, to manage the educational activity of subjects of training are defined.

Keywords: pedagogical training, management, educational process.

Actuality. In the course of carrying out training activities the teacher should not only have a wide range of special knowledge, but also knowledge, and, especially, understanding of the basic principles, provisions and laws of pedagogics (didactics, in particular), psychology and techniques of teaching a training material is required. A key indicator of teacher's professionalism is the ability to create a particular training system and to provide optimal level of regulation correctly and in time. This ability also means to manage with adjusting the course of training process [1]. It is reached by implementation of effective (operational) diagnostics of knowledge and students' skills [2]. Such approach allows to plan accurately and to predict training process correctly [3].

Until recently, pedagogics and psychology consciously relied only on specific patterns of training process which were already reported in works [2, 4, 5]. The general patterns of training of technical profile specialists (graduates of engineering specialties) in pedagogical (teaching) work were applied (and are still applied!) almost, instinctively, one may say, blindly, they are not always reasoned and proved. Unfortunately, it was supposed that future teacher, a teacher - the graduate of a higher educational institution (of a technical profile, in

particular), is ready, by default, to carry out and manage the educational process, and is capable to provide necessary quality of students' training. Therefore the specifics of professional training goals od future teacher having technical education include the detection of all range of his/her practical activities that defines tasks and the goals of studying special and technical disciplines.

There is an indisputable fact that the ultimate goal of training of specialist's teachers (with basic technical education) in higher educational institutions on postgraduate education departments, in the magistracy, or during a postgraduate study is defined by requirements of society and the social order of the state. Therefore, content, forms and types of educational activity of the training subjects must be flexible, i. e., adaptive for of time and social requirements. Having gained knowledge, having created abilities, teachers-specialists, trained again, further have to master and improve the professional and pedagogical skills on the specific pedagogical platform in the future - in technical university, college, or technical school. That is why researches which are directed to detailed studying and development of future specialist "portrait" of different technical profiles and oriented for professional and pedagogical work are of particular importance. Creation and enforcement of qualification

characteristics of the teachers having vocational technical education (engineers technicians and technologists, electrical and mechanical engineers, software engineers, engineers in the field of SAPR, etc.) [4] have become practical results of such researches.

Problem definition. The purpose of work is confined to defining content and a training technique of specialists technicians for carrying out training activities in higher education institutions of a technical profile. To achieve this purpose we set the following tasks: to analyse the training of specialists of a technical profile (graduates of engineering specialties) to participation in educational and pedagogical work; to define main skills needed in the course of professional training of students.

Material statement. The qualification characteristic of university graduates of a technical profile assumes that the student has to acquire skills in the following types of activities: general education; basic technical; special technical; engineering; social and humanitarian; production and management; cultural and educational; social and economic [3, 5].

In spite of the fact that the management activity is allocated in the qualification characteristic, content and methods of preparation for this type of activity are not disclosed thoroughly and not studied in detail. It is confirmed by the fact that management of educational process and teaching work are actually separated. Graduates of a technical profile get "a subject education", i.e., formally they have a right to teach subjects they have studied, but, unfortunately, they have no practical skills in teaching and management of training process.

Graduates of pedagogical higher education institutions do their teaching work-study programmes which are obligatory. Professional and pedagogical training of future teachers is performed on the basis of curricula and training programs of courses which correspond to a certain specialty.

Having analysed the curricula of technical specialists training according to preparation cycles (humanitarian and socio-economic, mathematical, natural-science, professional and practical), we defined the disciplines studying which, it is reasonable to develop knowledge and abilities which are necessary for forming of pedagogical skills of a future teacher.

In the course of studying a training material on technical disciplines, the implementation of the elements of

"Pedagogics", "Psychology" and "Teaching Techniques" (even in a format of an elective course or a scientific and pedagogical extracurricular activity) opens a possibility of forming absolutely new pedagogical knowledge. This process can be implemented by the following ways: 1) theoretically reasonable and systematic control of knowledge; 2) qualitative and quantitative analysis of achievements level of subjects of training in training process; 3) forecasting of difficulties and mistakes which students could face; 4) stimulation and organization of different forms of educational activity; 5) increasing of a motivational component of training process, taking into account new tendencies in development of science, technologies and production.

We assume that formation of pedagogical, scientific and methodical knowledge and abilities by technical profile specialists during studying a training material on special disciplines can be implemented by merging of special knowledge and a technique of their statement. Besides, the analysis and selection of a training material must be in accordance with the training purposes, taking into account the level of educational achievements of subjects of training.

Introduction of a subject "Teaching technique" is necessary for training the future technical profile specialists for pedagogical work, and also for managing the educational process. Carrying out students' teaching work-study programmes is especially important, for example, if it is based on the same higher education institution, and with participation of junior students. At the same time students who are going to be engaged in pedagogical work in the future can be involved in teaching work-study programmes. Knowledge and skills in development curricula of teaching and educational work for a year or a semester are also formed. Skills of a correct formulation of a lesson subject, the purpose and problems of training are developed. Students gain experience of the correct qualitaive and quantitative estimation of educational achievements level of subjects of training.

In the process of studying the majority of themes on disciplines "Pedagogics", "Bases of scientific research", and also organizing students' practical research work, new opportunities are developed, i.e. knowledge and skills to carry out different forms of diagnostics: conversation, observation, questioning, testing, sociometry, statistical processing of research results etc. Students offer

models of their own teaching technique, using modern innovative technologies and scientific approaches.

Formation of knowledge and skills on the basis of "Psychology" is another important component. This discipline is directed to receiving and fixing the information necessary for management of group of training subjects.

It is possible to assume that when studying the disciplines mentioned above, students successfully acquire knowledge and skills of pedagogical and managerial character. Nevertheless, in practice, even successful students face huge problems.

Defining such concept as "training of future teachers of technical disciplines for carrying out training process of subjects of training", we draw a conclusion that it includes such basic characteristics as "training", "teaching", "management of educational activity". Under a definition "training", we will understand the purposeful system-structured study, a transfer of necessary knowledge and skills for future professional work of the graduate of the technical direction of training. Readiness of the teacher of technical disciplines for training process control forms through the process of "training". Correct organization and correct management in education comes to a front boundary in improvement of knowledge quality ofyouth today. Readiness of a teacher for carrying out and managing the educational activities is fully formed and rather accurately expressed level of a motivational direction and professionally significant qualities and abilities which allow to perform tasks of coherent pedagogical process.

From our point of view, readiness of future teachers of technical disciplines for monitoring procedure of educational activity of subjects of training of higher education institutions of a technical profile is defined by the following: a) profound and strong knowledge in the field of pedagogics and psychology (together with understanding of the sence of pedagogical work); b) successful mastering difficult management and pedagogical skills which are necessary for practical work; c) awareness of interrelation between elements of knowledge and skills acquireded by subjects of training; d) use of theoretical knowledge and skills in practice.

Pedagogical theory and teaching work-study programmes are the driving force of forming process of a system of knowledge and skills of teachers - those who graduated from technical higher education institutions. Pedagogical theory and practice disclose wide perspec-

tives for activation of teachers' creative activities while carrying out studies. They also motivate an interest in acquiring new, progressive system of knowledge and skills. Therefore process of teachers' training for management of educational activity of subj ects of training has must be considered according to system approach [1, 3, 5]. From our point of view, it is necessary for teachers of this type to form the skills which allow to integrate psychological and pedagogical, methodical, fundamental and applied, scientific, special and technical knowledge. Ability to create a system of control and diagnostic, informational and analytical, motivational and targeted, planned and predictive, organizational and research, regulatory and correctional knowledge has to be brought to a high level.

On the basis of the analysis carried out we can identify two components of readiness of technical specialties graduates of higher education institutions for pedagogical work and to control the quality of training of the training subjects. The first component is theoretical. The development of system of knowledge of didactics, psychology and teaching technique (special disciplines, in particular) is expected here. Skills in the field of management are also of great importance [6]. The second component is active and practical. It encompasses forming of pedagogical and managerial skills, capability of future teacher to carry out a specific management activity on the basis of earlier acquired knowledge and a desire for self-training and self-development.

So, proceeding from the categories and terms analyzed above which create the concept "training of future teachers of technical disciplines for carrying out training process of subjects of training", the last can be provided in the context of the research conducted by us, namely, "Training for carrying out study of subjects of training" is a difficult multilateral process of transfering theoretical knowledge and practical skills with implementation of the systematic, predicted and technology secured, directed to creation of optimal conditions for achievement of high standards of knowledge and skills to carrying out studying of subjects of training to students.

Management of education quality is implemented by a teacher through two function blocks. The first function block provides management of educational cognitive activity to carrying out studying of subjects of training. It includes the following functions: pedagogical, scientific and methodical, control and diagnostic, information and

analytical, motivational and targeted, planned and predictive, organizational and executive, regulatory and correctional. The second function block is directed to increase the professional and pedagogical level of subjects of training. It provides pedagogical introspection (reflection); increasing of special training level; increasing ofpsychologi-cal, pedagogical and methodical levels of training.

Conclusions. The analysis of training of university graduates of a technical profile for pedagogical work, management and carrying out training of subjects of training, which was carried out by us, allowed to define those skills which are the main in the course of professional training of students of a technical profile.

It is necessary to emphasize that a graduate of a higher educational institution who will be engaged in pedagogical work should conform to the following requirements: 1) to be able to organize and carry out psychological and pedagogical diagnostics using different forms and techniques (conversations, observations, questioning, testing, sociometry, statistical data analysis); 2) to be able to combine psychological and pedagogical diagnostics with a training material when studying special (technical) disciplines, predicting mistakes, training results and difficulties which subjects of training could face; 3) to be able to develop curricula of teaching and educational work for a year or a semester planning the work in the context of management of educational activity of subjects of training; 4) to formulate a subject and the purpose of a lesson correctly and accurately and, on the basis of it, to set tasks, both for himself/herself and for subjects of training; to carry out introspection of a lesson (a lecture, a practical and laboratory lessons, an educational seminar; 5) to increase the level of requirements, stimulating work with students in accordance with tendencies of their development and at the same time changing a lesson course quickly, considering results ofpsychological and pedagogical diagnostics; 6) to connect current instructing and operating control of knowledge of subjects of training by implementation

of individual approach and at the same time to undertake self-education; 7) to engage the subjects of training, to interest them in new scientifically significant perspectives, using different forms of educational activity; to select thoroughly and analyze a training material according to the training purposes, taking into account the level of readiness of subjects of training; to master and improve continuously a technique of teaching a subject; 8) to consider relationships between subjects of training, to understand features of interpersonal likes and dislikes in the course of their grouping for accomplishment of the common academic task.

Finally we should notice the following thing: in spite of the fact that forming of all-pedagogical knowledge and skills is a long process, pedagogical readiness of the graduates of a technical higher educational institution has to be implemented systemically and completely throughout the whole period of their training [1]. At the same time it is necessary to consider the fact that scientific and methodical, pedagogical training of students of the technical direction of education is a continuous change of peda-gogically reasonable, consecutive training stages during which specific objectives of development and education of the teacher's identity are solved. Specifics of a training process in a higher educational institution are that this process is value-based. We should notice that it is quite difficult to monitor all types of those factors which create a system and also types of connections between system elements, the nature of interactions between elements of such systems [5]. These positions distinguish between an educational process and a production process. The last, mostly, acts as the process oriented towards the accomplishment and achievement of a specific production objective and the accomplishment of some material designated purpose [6].

Perspectives of further researches consist in development of model of training of teachers - graduates of the technical direction of training - to organize and carry out pedagogical work.


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