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Ключевые слова
independent learning / didactics / creative approach / independent educational process / innovative skills / interactive methods / systematic approach / thinking / textbook / educational technology / didactics / cooperative learning / effectiveness of teaching quality.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Botirova Z.N.

On the basic principles of developing a competency-based approach, which makes it possible to impart an important didactic goal to students’ independent work in the modern educational paradigm. It is emphasized that independent education is a systematic activity aimed at developing theoretical knowledge, practical skills and qualifications based on independent mastery of educational material, tasks of varying levels of complexity, creative and independent performance of practical tasks in the classroom and outside the classroom. Independent works differ from each other depending on the didactic goal, task, level of complexity, and for whom they are intended (individual or collective). In addition, it is very important to use creative methods in organizing independent learning for students.

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Botirova Z.N.

Karshi city International University of innovation lecturer


Abstract: On the basic principles of developing a competency-based approach, which makes it possible to impart an important didactic goal to students' independent work in the modern educational paradigm. It is emphasized that independent education is a systematic activity aimed at developing theoretical knowledge, practical skills and qualifications based on independent mastery of educational material, tasks of varying levels of complexity, creative and independent performance of practical tasks in the classroom and outside the classroom. Independent works differ from each other depending on the didactic goal, task, level of complexity, and for whom they are intended (individual or collective). In addition, it is very important to use creative methods in organizing independent learning for students.

Keywords: independent learning, didactics, creative approach, independent educational process, innovative skills, interactive methods, systematic approach, thinking, textbook, educational technology, didactics, cooperative learning, effectiveness of teaching quality.

One of the important factors in the training of qualified personnel is the improvement of the quality and effectiveness of Education. President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in his address to the Supreme Assembly and the people of Uzbekistan, outlined important tasks for improving the quality of educational services and the development of society. In particular, our president stressed that the potential of the country is in knowledge and thought, noting that "improving the quality of Education is the only correct path for the development of the New Uzbekistan." In improving the quality and effectiveness of education, modern methods, forms and means of training, game technologies, problem training, in particular, non-traditional methods of Independent Education also occupy an important place. In higher education institutions in our country, great opportunities are created for students to receive theoretical and practical Independent Education. A comparative analysis of the definitions of activities known today in the psychological and pedagogical literature has shown that they are all classified according to the following categories:

Activity Production (results and consequences - products, achievements, etc. as a set);

Activity Labor (as a process of overcoming difficulties and solving various problems and tasks, as well as a means of solving them);

Activity Initiative (as a process of self-transformation in the process of changing human life circumstances);

Activity Practice (as a way of treating the conditions of one's own life as an act beyond its effectiveness)

L.I. Bojovich, P. YA Galperin and A.N. Depending on the nature of the activity, Leontyev distinguishes two types of it: practical and theoretical. In this case, the final product of theoretical activity is introduced into practical activity. A. N. Leontyev and S. L.Rubinstein argues that the human psyche is formed only in the process of activity. Another researcher was S. D. Smirnov sees in activity "a set of processes of the real existence of a person, expressed by means of conscious reflection." It is the activity that embodies the internal contradictions and changes that bring about the human psyche, which serve as a condition for its implementation.

Human activity represents a continuous process of transition from practical activity to theoretical activity (interiorization process) and reverse process, that is, the transition of movements from the inside to the outside (externalization). A person collects evidence in practical activities and mentally processes them. A constant transition of human actions from the outside, from the level of practical actions to the level of inward - theoretical actions occurs. Based on these positions, P.Y. Galperin developed an interiorization theory.

The considered psychological concepts are united by the fact that in them activity serves as a condition for the formation of the mental foundations of a person and is procedural in nature. It combines interconnected and complementary processes: the active transformation of the world by the subject, the transformation of the subject itself (separation into Sciences) due to the fact that the subject "absorbs" an increasingly wider part of the world.

In higher education institutions, learning and cognition are the main components of the educational process, and learning and cognition are activity-based educational-cognitive activities.

The educational activity of students is characterized by the current system of cognitive processes, starting with the perception of information and ending with the most complex creative processes, abilities of a general and private nature, emotions, educational actions and phenomena that determine the hierarchy of motives.

Therefore, the educational and cognitive activity of its students in higher educational institutions consists not only in obtaining material or other results, but also in changing the student himself, mastering the general methods of action.

Based on the comparative analysis of the classifications considered and the stages of development and formation of educational and cognitive activity of students, the following levels of cognitive activity were identified:

the initial level-corresponds to the sum of knowledge, skills and skills, in the presence of which the student can intuitively recognize, understand and repeat the basic concepts of science, analyze and synthesize the logical properties of the concept;

base degree-the student has clear and clear logical reasoning about the basic concepts of science. Analytical and synthetic methods of thinking are carried out by him in series-focusing on certain properties and connections, emphasizing important aspects. Feedback has characteristics of mobility and commonality. The correspondence between understanding and understanding is achieved (the student expresses himself more clearly in oral speech and sign writing);

creative degree-the student acts independently, with a rational approach, by designing ways in which the holistic imagination performs tasks of different levels that require a dynamic transformation of the landscape. The logically oriented process of analytical thinking helps students master the rational qualities of thought and ways to express them (order, clarity, clarity and compactness). Students are well versed in signs and terminology in science.

Thus, the manifestation of student activity in the educational process is dynamic in time. The activity of the teacher consists in helping the student to move from the lowest level of cognitive activity to a higher level. It is worth noting that students have knowledge activity, independence, willingness to overcome difficulties, efficiency, etc. the formation is possible only by activating their educational and cognitive activity, which is the setting of the goals of educational work, awakening the need to master the studied material, determining the content of this material, involving students in the activity of cognition of the material, its assimilation.

Since Student Academic-cognitive activity has an active character that includes the motivational field as a source, concepts such as "need", "motivation" and "motivation" have been considered.

Need is a person's need for something, it is a biological necessity (food, air, etc.) or social (communicative, cognitive needs).

The consequence of a need is considered a motive, which is the inner aspiration of a person to a certain type of activity (activity, communication, behavior) associated with the satisfaction of a need. As a motive, there can be objects of the outside world, visions, ideas, feelings and experiences, that is, everything in which the need is embodied.

Motives are divided into external and internal types.

External motives include measure and reward, material benefit, pressure exerted by others, expectation of the results of their activities, etc. All of them are outside the educational goal, and this goal can be indifferent or unpleasant, and education can be of a mandatory nature. In this, knowledge and skills serve as a

means of achieving goals.

Internal motivations include the desire to motivate an individual as their goal to read (interest in knowledge, curiosity, desire to increase their cultural and professional level).

B. in the study of the structure of motivation. I. Dodonov distinguished the following main components:

process orientation (enjoyment of the activity itself; orientation to the result (the importance of the direct result of the activity for the individual);

evaluation, award orientation (incentive of the award for activity);

A learning motive is a tendency that motivates a student when carrying out educational and cognitive activities in the learning process. The motive of educational-cognitive activity is interpreted as follows:

1) motivation for activities related to the satisfaction of needs - a set of external or internal conditions that provoke the activity of the subject and determine its direction;

2) 2) the motivating and determining choice of the direction of activity, the subject for which it is the reason for its implementation;

3) 3) the perceived cause lying on the basis of the choice of actions.

One of the classifications of motives of Student Educational and cognitive activity is V. A. Proposed by Slastyonin. It includes:

1) Direct-motivating motives based on the emotional manifestation of an individual: positive or negative emotions, brightness, novelty, curiosity, interesting training, the desire to receive high marks on their activities, etc.

2) promising-motivating motives-on their basis lies the understanding of the importance of knowledge in general and, in particular, academic science, knowledge of the social and practical significance of Science, clear knowledge and skills; the connection of Science with future professional activities;

3) intellectual-motivating motives - they include obtaining satisfaction from the process of cognition itself: interest in knowledge, curiosity, desire to expand its cultural level, acquisition of certain skills, passion for the process of learning-cognitive problem solving.

The motives of the educational-cognitive activity are aimed at mastering the methods of knowledge and action, encouraging the student to independently gain knowledge. Having considered the main components of educational-cognitive activity, we note that the educational-cognitive activity of students is a motivated activity, organized and managed by the teacher directly or indirectly, aimed at acquiring knowledge, developing skills and skills, cognitive activity and independence as qualities necessary for the future specialist.

Consequently, the educational and cognitive activity of students is characterized by: Independence expressed in self-criticism and criticism; cognitive activity manifested in interests, aspirations and needs; the student's perseverance and willingness to overcome the difficulties associated with his will;

efficiency-implies the correct understanding of the educational tasks facing the student, the choice of the desired action and the speed of its solution.

All of the above requires the activation of educational and cognitive activities of their students.

Today, the process of activation of educational and cognitive activities of students is also the process of activation of activities by the student himself. The older a person is, the more initiative for the activity should come from him, that is, education should be continuous. Continuing education is seen as a system of education in which organizational and content are combined and coordinated, which allows a person to develop and improve in accordance with their aspirations, capabilities and abilities throughout his life. It is a purposeful, systematic activity of a person, aimed at acquiring and improving knowledge, skills and abilities both in special educational institutions and through independent education.

As a result of the observations carried out, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1 .It is necessary to systematically study the pedagogical needs, interests, directions of special importance of students, in which it is necessary to determine effective ways to eliminate countersuggestive, thesaurus and interactional barriers found in their organization of creative activities.

2.The organization of the teaching process on the basis of ideas, concepts and advanced pedagogical experiences, which serve to meet the creative interests and needs of students, serves to form a meaningful active approach to the development of creativism. On the basis of the development of students ' creativity skills, special attention is paid to the development of competency in them, that is, pedagogical creativity, in which it is advisable to widely use modern information and communication technologies, innovative strategies, interactive educational methods and technologies.

3.Experts note that in higher education institutions, it is necessary to develop creative-oriented educational programs that serve to ensure the effectiveness of the reproductive, creative-research and novatory stages of the development of creativity skills of students, as well as to assess the change in the development of creative skills and qualifications of students. Improving teaching programs and technologies aimed at the continuous development of creative competence of pedagogical personnel of higher educational institutions serves to increase the efficiency of the process of creating modern information and methodological support that serves to develop students ' creativity skills.

In conclusion, we must say that when organizing the Independent Education of students from the sciences, first of all, it is necessary to take into account their pedagogical-psychological characteristics and educational approaches in order for them to receive independent knowledge. The essence of the creative approach to the formation of knowledge, skills of students in the process of Independent Education is that the requirements contribute to a deeper acquisition of knowledge, the ability to think independently.


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