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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Popova O.A.

In this article, the author considers the problem of human's perception. Considers the features children's visual perception of preschool age with a general speech underdevelopment.

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Методическое обеспечение представлено интегрированным спецкурсом «Творческое самовыражение будущего артиста в актерском искусстве», основной чертой которого является деятельностно-ориентированная направленность, междисциплинарный характер. Данный спецкурс включает разделы: актерский тренинг, ориентирующий будущего артиста на творческое самовыражение; содержание и организация самообразовательной деятельности будущего артиста; организация самоконтроля студента в процессе самообразовательной деятельности.

Процесс становления творческого самовыражения будущего артиста, мы представляем как последовательный процесс, состоящий из трех этапов: самопознание, самоорганизация, самореализация. При этом, подчеркнем, что ведущими интегрирующими видами деятельности, направленными на развитие творческого самовыражения будущего артиста, являются учебно-сценическая и самообразовательная. Список использованной литературы:

1. Концепция развития образования в сфере культуры и искусства в Российской Федерации на 2008 - 2015 годы. Распоряжение Правительства РФ 25 августа 2008 г. N 1244-р [электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа.

- http: //www .dmpmos.ru/laws/DocumContents.asp?DocumID=141760

2. Закон Российской Федерации «Об Образовании». [Сайт Министерства Образования и Науки РФ]. [электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа. - http://mon.gov.ru/dok/fz/obr/3986/

3. Национальная доктрина образования в Российской Федерации. [Сайт «Социально-гуманитарное и политологическое образование»]. [электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа. -http: //www .humanities.edu.ru/db/msg/46741

4. Федеральный закон "О высшем и послевузовском профессиональном образовании" [Сайт Министерства Образования и Науки РФ]. [электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа. - http://mon.gov.ru/dok/fz/obr/3993/

5. Лузина, Л.М. Онтологическая концепция воспитания: традиции и перспективы / Электронный научно-педагогический журнал (электронный канал) Письма в Emissia.Offline The Emissia.Offline Letters Art 830 Май 2001. [электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа. - http://Lemissia.peterhost.ru/offlme/2001/830.htm

6. Змеев С.И. Андрагогика: становление и пути развития [Текст] / С.И. Змеев. - М.: Педагогика, 1995. - №2.

- С. 64-67.

7. Кулюткин, Ю.Н. Проблемы функциональной грамотности взрослых: сборник научных трудов [Текст] / Ю.Н. Кулюткин. - С-Петербург, 1999. - 98 с.

© Гудков И.Б., 2020

УДК 376

Popova O.A.

Master-Student of Faculty of Preschool, Primary and Special education

Belgorod State Research University, Belgorod, Russia E-mail: Olya.popova16@yandex.ru Scientific advisor: Prokopenko Y. A. PhD of Science in Sociology, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

E-mail: prokopenko_yu@bsu.edu.ru




In this article, the author considers the problem of human's perception. Considers the features children's visual

perception of preschool age with a general speech underdevelopment.


Visual perception, preschool children, general speech underdevelopment.

Perception is a process that has been studied for a long time by psychologists and educators, but the formation of the main hypotheses about its origin belongs to philosophy. The ancient Greek philosopher Platon believed that the earliest childhood sensations and perceptions have a common basis with pleasure and suffering. in the future these feelings form the ideas about virtue [3].

Subsequently, the English philosopher, Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), positioning himself as a sensualist and nominalist, agreed that all our knowledge is the result of the influence of our surroundings on the senses, the result of perception. All other cognitive activity is a combination of some representations with others together with a sign system, in particular verbal signs, which organize the memorization and preservation of human perceptions [3].

The English teacher and philosopher, J. Locke (1632-1704) noted that only sensory data have the quality of immediate truth - all knowledge must be derived from the material of perceptions. Based on this, all human experience can be conditionally divided into external and internal: the basis of the first is sensation and perception, the second is based on reflection, self-perception [3].

Much attention was paid to the development of perception in pedagogy. Ya.A. Comenius (1592-1670) considered the development and upbringing of a child based on the views of the sensualists - philosophers and psychologists. So, he argued that "there is nothing in the intellect, whatever it is, primarily in sensations" [4]. But this generalized the theme of "sensation" and "perception." Based on the obtained facts, he laid the basis for the upbringing and education of children in sensory experience, defined the "golden rule of didactics", on the basis of which "everything that can be presented for perception to the senses follows, namely: which is visible to perception - with sight, audible - with hearing subject to taste - taste, accessible to touch - by touch "[4].

E.I. Tikheeva (1867-1943), a Russian teacher and scientist, showed considerable interest in developing the perception of preschool children. Based on the results of the research, she concluded: "The mental development of a child begins with the perception of impressions from the surrounding material environment. Using this environment as a source that develops the perception of children and pedagogically organizing is one of the main tasks assigned to the teacher - preschooler "[2].

Domestic psychologists also studied the development of the theory of perception. L.S. Vygotsky expressed the idea of the social origin of the psychic functions of man, including perception. To prove his visions of the problem L.S. Vygotsky appeals to the recollections of G. Helmholtz about his childhood, from which it follows that the orthoscopic perception (i.e., stable, integral) is not innate, it is organized through the acquisition of experience. Although L.S. Vygotsky himself noted these arguments as unreliable; he nevertheless used them as a confirmation of the judgment on the acquired character of this perception [1].

We conducted a study on the basis of Kindergarten of a combined type No. 15 "Friendly Family", in which 10 older preschool children with general speech underdevelopment participated.

The aim of the study is to study features of visual perception of senior preschoolers with a general speech underdevelopment.

When conducting the research, the methods of studying visual perception of R. S. Nemov presented in the special literature were used:

- "Find out who it is"

- "What objects are hidden in the drawings?"

- "How to patch a rug?"

After the experimental study, we obtained the results presented below. As a result of the "Find out who it is" methodology, it was revealed that 30% of children have a very high level of visual perception (detection): three subjects absolutely completed the task in less than 10 seconds. found out who is depicted by the fragment "a". 50%

of children have a high level of visual perception, five children coped with the task, but for a long time (11 -20 seconds) and guessed who is in the picture by fragment "b". 10% of children have an average level of visual perception. One child completed the task in 40 seconds and found out who is depicted in picture "c". And 10% of children have a low level of visual perception. 1 child found out who is depicted by fragment "c", but with the help, in 50 seconds.

Analysis by the method "What objects are hidden in the drawings" showed that 50% of children have an average level of visual perception (recognition of familiar objects), five children found all 14 objects in less than 40 seconds. 30% of children have a low level of visual perception. Three children found 14 items in less than 60 seconds. 20% of children have a very low level of visual perception. Two children found all the items in more than 60 seconds. via.

The results of our study showed that 20% of children have a very high level of visual perception (identification). Two examined children coped with their task in less than 20 seconds. 10% of children have a high level of visual perception. One child correctly completed the task in less than 30 seconds. 30% of children have an average level of visual perception, three children completed the task and spent up to 60 seconds on it. 30% of children have a low level of visual perception. Three children completed the task in less than 70 seconds. via. And 10% of children have a very low level of visual perception. One child completed the task, spending 70 seconds to complete it. via.

The generalized results of all the methods indicate that in the experimental group, most of the children at the average, low and very low levels did not show a high level.

To solve the tasks we have described varioustheoretical approaches in philosophy, foreign and domestic psychology, pedagogy to the consideration of the problem of perception. We found out that the problem of perception worried not only philosophers, but also psychologists and teachers.

Solving the second problem, we noted the features of the ontogenesis of visual perception.

At the age of 4-7 years, a preschooler more and more accurately and systematically begins to understand the color and shape of the objects surrounding him, their weight, size, temperature, surface properties, etc. By the age of five, children quite easily navigate among the primary colors, name the basic geometric shapes. In older preschool age, there is an improvement and complication of ideas about color and shape.

Solving the third problem, we identified the following features of perception in older preschoolers.

In children with a general speech underdevelopment, the development of visual perception is somewhat behind the norm and is characterized by insufficient formation of a holistic image of the subject. In many works, there are indications of significant difficulties that preschoolers with a general speech underdevelopment experience in perceiving visual material.

Studies show that elementary visual comparison of real objects and their images does not differ from the norm. Difficulties are observed when tasks are complicated (recognition of objects in difficult conditions -imposition, noise). In the implementation of the task of perceptual action (equating to a standard), this category of children often use elementary forms of orientation, i.e. by comparison with a standard, unlike children with normal speech, who primarily use visual correlation.


1. Egorova, S.F. (2010). The history of preschool pedagogy in Russia. An anthology. - M.: Academy. - Pp. 357369.

2. Velichkovsky, B.M., Zinchenk, V.P., Luria, A.R. (2008). The psychology of perception.- Moscow . - 181 p.

3. Wecker, L.M. (2008). Mental processes. T. 1. - M .: Sense. - Pp. 290-291.

4. Zaporozhets, A. V. (2012). Psychology of perception by a child-preschool child of a literary work. - M.: Pedagogy. - Pp. 66-77

© Popova O A. 2020

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