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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Potekhina Alena Evgenevna, Kvashnina Tatyana Ivanovna

This article examines the melodies of the northern province of Hebei and the southern province of Guizhou as an example for considering the features of Chinese folk songwriting. This work can serve as a reference material for those who study culture, in particular the musical art of China, as well as the translation of Chinese folk art materials. The author focuses on the influence of cultural and social features of the development of society on the folk art of China, and notes that it is very diverse. The first song of Hebei is called "Little cabbage" and tells the sad story of a little girl who lost her mother. The second song "Sun is shining on Baiyan" first appeared in the southern province of Guizhou and depicts the development of the relationship between a man and a woman through symbols and images. This article is first to provides commented translations of the two Chinese folk songs in Russian and English. Based on the analysis of the melodies and lyrics of "Little cabbage" and "Sun is shining on Baiyan", the author draws the following conclusions: natural and socio-cultural realities strongly influence the tunes of songs; symbolism and the use of metaphors are a specific feature of the Chinese folk songwriting; folk songs, as well as musical art overall in China, are built on a pentatonic scale; Chinese folk songs are characterized by unison singing.

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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Правильная ссылка на статью:

Potekhina A.E., Kvashnina T.I. — Features of the folk songwriting of China on the example of melodies of the northern province of Hebei and the southern province of Guizhou // SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. - 2022. - № 1. DOI: 10.25136/1339-3057.2022.1.35691 URL: https://nbpublish.com/Hbrary_read_article.php?id=35691

Features of the folk songwriting of China on the example of melodies of the northern province of Hebei and the southern province of Guizhou / Особенности народного песенного творчества Китая на примере мелодий северной провинции Хэбэй и южной провинции Гуйчжоу

Потехина Алёна Евгеньевна

Бакалавр истории, Исторический факультет Уральского федерального университета; выпускник магистратуры Восточного факультета Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета.

192174, Россия, г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Седова, 91, к.1 И [email protected]

Кваинина Татьяна 1/Ъановна

Магистр истории Г/^УГН, академия наук РАН России, инстшуг всеобщэй истории, г. Москва.

620026, Россия, Свердловская область, г. Екатеринбург, ул. Декабристов, 7

И [email protected]

Статья из рубрики "Cultural and ethnic studies"



Дата направления статьи в редакцию:


Аннотация: В статье исследуются мелодии северной провинции Хэбэй и южной провинции Гуйчжоу в качестве примера для рассмотрения особенностей народного песенного творчества Китая. Эта работа может служить справочным материалом для тех, кто изучает культуру, в частности музыкальное искусство Китая, а также технику перевода китайских материалов народного искусства. Автор делает акцент на влиянии культурных и социальных особенностей развития общества на народное творчество Китая, отмечая, что оно весьма разнообразно. Первая песня провинции Хэбэй называется "Капусточка" и рассказывает печальную историю маленькой девочки, потерявшую родную мать. Вторая песня - "Светит солнце на Байянь" - происходит из южной провинции Гуйчжоу и посредством символов и образов рисует развитие отношений между мужчиной и женщиной. Новизна работы состоит в том, что в ней

впервые приведены комментированные переводы двух китайских народных песен на русский и английский языки. На основании анализа мелодий и текстов произведений «Капусточка» и «Светит солнце на Байянь» автор делает следующие выводы: во-первых, природные и социокультурные реалии сильно влияют на мотивы песен; во-вторых, символичность и использование метафор - это специфическая черта песенного творчества Китая; в-третьих, народные песни, как и музыкальное искусство в целом в Китае построены на пентатонике; в-четвертых, для народных песен Китая характерно унисонное пение.

Ключевые слова: Народные песни, Китай, Хэбэй, Гуйчжоу, Пентатоника, Символизм, Метафоричность, Природное влияние, Социокультурное влияние, Унисонное пение


The article researches the melodies of the northern province of Hebei and the southern province of Guizhou as an example to consider the peculiarities of the folk songwriting of China. This work can serve as a reference material for those who is studying culture, specifically the musical art of China, and translation of Chinese folk materials.

Chinese traditional music is based on the pentatonic scale. «Pentatonic scale (from the Greek "pente" - five and "tonos" - tonic) is a sound system containing 5 steps within an

octave» The peculiarity of this music scale is that it does not have a specific tonal center, so the main tone can be any of the five degrees (notes). «Hence the five different versions of the scale with the same sound composition: 1. C D E G A C. 2. D E G A C D. 3. E

G A C D E. 4. G A C D E G. 5. A C D E G A-Ш. In the absence of a tonic, there is a special charm and exoticism of the perception of Chinese traditional music by Europeans. The pentatonic is also the basis of the two songs presented in this article. Moreover, as a rule, Chinese folk songs are characterized with unison singing, that differ them a lot from the European polyphonic singing.

It is necessary to say that there are 56 nationalities in China now, and the Han people (Ж hanzu) are the main ones and make up more than 90% of the total population of the country. Each province can be home for different peoples who have their own customs, traditions, art, and musical culture. In this paper, two melodies of the northeastern province of Hebei (jj^t) and the southern province of Guizhou (mW) are considered as an example. The songs are completely different in content, and convey the specificity of two regions.

Folk song of Hebei

The first song is literally translated into English as «Little cabbage» (ФЙ1, xiaobaicai). The song is about a girl who lost her mother and was suffering from rudeness and injustice of her stepmother and stepbrother. It is obvious that «Little cabbage» is a girl's childhood name (ФВД, xiaoming), which was used among relatives. In addition, the title of the song may indicate the life situation that developed with the girl after the death of her mother -she was deprived of food, fed with lean soup made of cabbage. Next, we will present the melody, as well as the lyrics in Chinese and the author's translation into English and Russian.

Text in Chinese [2, 96- Text in Russian Text in English


1 ittle cabbage


щ, жйщ, жй

Щ !


жйщ, жй щ !

Й, ЬЖШо жйщ, жй


шааЩо жйщ, жй


й, Й^ФЩо жйщ, жй щ!

й, -№кЩо жйщ, жй щ!

Капусточка, желта земля; два-три годка, без мамочки. Ах, мама, ах, мама!

С папой вдвоем, жить хорошо; боязно мне, женится он. Ах, мама, ах, мама!

Женился вновь, мне три

годка; родился брат, сильней меня. Ах, мама, ах, мама!

Брат ест лапшу, я супик пью; за чашечкой, я слезы лью! Ах, мама, ах, мама.

По доченьке, скучаешь

ли? С тобой во сне, виделись мы. Ах, мама, ах, мама!

Персик зацвел, сник абрикос; Радость мою, ветер унес. Ах, мама, ах, мама!

Little cabbage, land is yellow; three-two years, don't have mommy. Ah, mommy! Ah, mommy!

Me and daddy live not badly; but have fear, he will marry. Ah, mommy!

Ah, mommy!

Daddy married, three and half years; having brother, who is stronger.

Ah, mommy! Ah, mo mmy!

He eats noodles, but I have soup; bring up the bowl, crying, crying. Ah, mommy! Ah, mommy!

Do you miss me, dear mummy; only in dreams I can see you. Ah, mommy! Ah, mommy!

Peach tree blossomed, died apricot; and a wind blew out my joy. Ah, mommy! Ah, mommy!

In the folk songwriting of Hebei, there is a tendency to minor scale, which is influenced by the unique geographical features of the region and the socio-cultural specifics of the development of China as a whole. Сontinental climate allows the inhabitants of the province to enjoy the beauty of all four seasons, which disposes the thoughts and state of mind to lyricism. We should also not forget about the typical situation in China before the XX century, when the birth of a boy was preferred much more, and the position of girls who left from the first marriage, was not good in the family of the father and stepmother.

Another feature of the folk songs of Hebei is their narrative character or the strorytelling nature, which affects the development of a musical phrase that goes from top to bottom. Through the narration and description of events in the songs of this region, there were achieved the goals of emotional release, unification of people, as well as spread of knowledge.

There is an element frequently used in the musical phrase of Hebei songs, it is called «inserted words» (or «auxiliary words», Mii, chenci), which adorn the melody and create its peculiar atmosphere. In «Little cabbage» these words are «^SW, SSW» (qinniang ya, qinniang ya).

In terms of musical form, the songs of Hebei usually have 4 musical parts, which are called: qi (®), cheng zhuan he (—) (introduction, development, turn, conclusion). It is

this musical form that the song «Little cabbage» has, too. The so-called «introduction» is

the «self-mourning» of the main character, it focuses on the sad story that happened to the girl and her mother, and can be found in the first three musical phrases. The part «development» follows in the 4th phrase, it is a culmination, showing the cause of the girl's suffering, specifically, the way she is treated in the house of her father and stepmother. The «turn» in the 5th phrase shows the mood that pervades the whole song. In the 6th phrase («conclusion») there is the mood of helplessness and loneliness, reflected through the interesting metaphorical technique, comparing the girl with an image of an apricot tree. In China, the peach blooms in March, when the apricot fades, this fact indicates the season describing in the song, that is early spring. In addition, the apricot tree in this case represents the girl who lost her mother, and the peach tree embodies her half-brother, since in China the peach is considered as a more useful and delicious fruit. In other words, this metaphor refers to the situation of girls in Ancient China, especially of those who lived with their stepmother. In the last sentence, a «wind» is compared to the death of the mother and symbolizes a misfortune that took the joy out of the girl's heart.

It should be noted that the principles of singing this song combined the methods of Western (bel canto) and native Chinese music schools. The song «Little cabbage» contains not only a melody, but also an appropriate acting, in which it is necessary to show the emotions of pain and despair of a child with the help of skillful control of the volume and strength of the voice.

Folk song of Guizhou

The melody of Guizhou province «Sun is shining on Baiyan» (^Hft^MSS, taiyang chulai zhao baiyan), which tells about the sincere love between a man and a woman, was included in the «National collection of Folk Songs» (^HKS^®, quanguo mingeji) in the 1980s, and became one of the most representative songs of the region. In addition to the fact that the song in the positive atmosphere (which is characteristic of southern peoples) talks about the sincerity and simplicity of the innermost feeling, it also conveys the cultural specificity of the southern province of Guizhou, and is also quite easy to be perceived by ear. Here we present the notes and lyrics of the song «Sun is shining on Baiyan» in Chinese with the author's translation in English and Russian.

Text in Chinese [3, 65- Text in Russian Text in English


Светит солнце на Байянь Sun is shining on Baiyan

Светит солнце на Байянь, Sun is shining on

Т*; вешним цветом полон Baiyan, hill is full of

холм; spring flowers;

Н е милы мне те цв е ты, But I don't like those

только голос мил ее. flowers, only voice of her I love.

ТШ; Светит солнце на Баньпо,

в е шним цв е том по ло н склон; Sun is shining on Banpo, slope is full of spring flowers;

ятпптмп, й^жшй Н е милы мне те цв е ты, только голос мил его. But I don't like those flowers, only voice of

А луна как будто серп, две звезды на двух концах; him I love.

Зацепились вмиг концы And the moon is like

крепко как сердца двоих. a sickle, and two stars hang at both

А луна как будто клин, две ends;

ВД'ЙЙ» звезды на двух концах; Two ends snagged in

'Шо Звезды те как сердца два an instant,

рядом вместе навсегда. as tightly as loving

МВД; На луну утес глядит, как hearts.

красавец на красу; And the moon is like

Предложить он ей спешит a wedge, and two

радость, счастье и уют. stars hang at both ends; Two stars are like loving hearts will together evermore. Cliff is looking on the moon, such as he is watching her; H e ha s mind t o o ffe r her happiness and cozy home.

In total, the song «Sun is shining on Baiyan» consists of five musical phrases, and from phrase to phrase we can see an inner dynamic that indicates changes in the relationship between a man and a woman. If the first two phrases are the beginning of communication, demonstrating a certain love, then the last phrase tells that a woman and a man are already together, perhaps married. Obviously, the song should be sung by both a man and a woman: 1, 3 phrases are sung by a man, 2, 4 - by a woman, and the last fifth phrase should be performed by two people, although it is possible to sing together, starting with the 3rd musical phrase. It must be said that the author found different versions of the lyrics, which are similar in meaning, but have a difference of just a few words, so it is possible to understand that the song should be performed either by a man, or a woman, or together.

As a rule, village folk songs are sung impromptu during agricultural work, have a diverse content, simple structure, bright melody, free rhythm, indicate the sincerity of emotions, and are also common among residents of highlands, mountainous areas, fishing villages, and regions of national minorities. Guizhou, where the song «Sun is shining on Baiyan» appeared, is located in the mountains. There are two villages mentioned in the song: Baiyan (SS) itself and Banpo (¥$).

This song has is very symbolic. The spring flowers mentioned in the first musical phrase are golden rapeseed flowers and silver plum flowers, symbolizing inspiration, joy, and the beginning of a feeling. On the Chinese language, the second line starts with the phrase that can be literally translated like «golden and silver flowers» jinhua yinghua).

However, flowers, no matter how beautiful they are, cannot replace love of a man and woman, so the song tells: «But I don't like those flowers, only voice of her I love». The

image of the «moon» expresses the sincerity of the feeling, since it is a symbol of purity. At the same time, the moon represents sadness, as the two beloveds are far away from each other and count the days, looking at the «sickle», turning into a sharp «wedge». At the beginning of the last sentence there is an image of a «rhinoceros' cliff» (in literal translation) that looks at the beautiful moon, just as a man looks at a beautiful woman: he is ready to give her the heart and at the end gets her consent to be together.


The article presents two Chinese folk songs that reflect the specificity and cultural features of the development of the north and south of China. The author, by analyzing the melodies and lyrics of the songs «Little cabbage» and «Sun is shining on Baiyan», points out some features of the folk songwriting of China. It is noted the influence of natural and socio-cultural realities on the tunes of songs. Hebei is a northeastern province which climate is in sharp contrast to the subtropical climate conditions of Guizhou, where there are no sudden temperature changes, and the location in a mountainous area gives coolness even on a hot summer day. Philosophers and historians have long talked about the undoubted influence of geographical and climatic conditions on the culture, art and worldview of the population,

and it can be seen in the example of the songs presented in the article J41. Moreover, in Ancient China, music was correlated with natural characteristics, months of the year, cardinal directions and constellations, and considered as one of the most important elements of the universe

In addition, the two folk music works «Little cabbage» and «Sun is shining on Baiyan» are characterized by symbolism and the use of metaphors, that may make it difficult for perception to a person unfamiliar with the cultural and natural features of the development of Hebei and Guizhou, but at the same time gives melodies peculiarity and researchers' attention.

From the point of musical form, other features of the two proposed songs are their unison singing, and also a basis on a pentatonic scale that has existed since ancient times in China, developing its own canons.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

3. т±тшх / йи:

2018^. - ^68^ [Zhang Hong. Selected Folk Songs of Children and Adolescents of Guizhou. Study on the design and application of piano accompaniment: Master's thesis / Guiyang: Guizhou Normal University, 2018. - 68 p.] (In Chinese)

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5- Eremeev V.E. Akustiko-muzykal'naya teoriya [Acoustic-musical theory] // Synologia. ru. - URL: https://www.synologia.ru/a/Музыкальная_теория (Accessed: 1st May 2021) (In Rus.)

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«О, Запад есть Запад, Восток есть Восток, и с мест они не сойдут, Пока не предстанет Небо с Землей на Страшный господень суд. Но нет Востока, и Запада нет, что племя, родина, род,

Если сильный с сильным лицом к лицу у края земли встает?» Эти строчки Р. Киплинга наглядно отражают диалектический подход в дихотомии Запад-Восток. И сегодня не только социально-политическое устройство, но и особенности культуры стран Востока привлекают внимание различных специалистов и простых наблюдателей. В этой связи культура динамично развивающегося полуторамиллиардного Китая вызывает все больший интерес и россиян.

Указанные обстоятельства определяют актуальность представленной на рецензирование статьи, предметом которой являются особенности песенненого народного творчества народов Китая. Автор ставит своими задачами показать особенности многонационального Китая, в том числе с учетом климатических условий, а также выявить песенные особенности северного и южного Китая.

Работа основана на принципах историзма, анализа и синтеза, достоверности, методологической базой статьи выступает системный подход, в основе которого находится рассмотрение объекта как целостного комплекса взаимосвязанных элементов. В исследовании автор применяет также сравнительный метод.

Научная новизна статьи заключается в самой постановке темы: автор стремится охарактеризовать народные песни, отражающие специфику и культурные особенности освоения севера и юга Китая.

Рассматривая библиографический список статьи, как позитивный момент отметим привлечение зарубежных материалов, что определяется самой постановкой темы. Конечно, сам по себе список литературы краток: автор привлекает только пять различных источников и исследований, однако это во многом связано с достаточно редкой для нашей страны тематикой. Из привлекаемых автором трудов отметим работы Н.Ю. Агеевой и китайских специалистов, в центре внимания которых находятся особенности музыкальной культуры «Срединной империи». В целом, на наш взгляд, использование различных источников и исследований способствовало решению стоящих пе ре д а в тором з а да ч.

Стиль написания статьи можно отнести к научному, вместе с тем доступному для понимания не только специалистам, но и широкому кругу читателей, всех, кто интересуется как китайской культурой, в целом, так и ее музыкальной составляющей, в частности. Аппеляция к оппонентам представлена на уровне собранной информации, полученной автором в ходе работы над темой статьи.

Структура работы отличается определённой логичностью и последовательностью, в ней можно выделить введение, основную часть, заключение. В начале автор определяет актуальность темы, показывает, что работа «может служить справочным материалом для тех, кто изучает культуру, в частности музыкальное искусство Китая, и переводит китайские народные материалы». Далее автор показывает как общие особенности китайской традиционной музыки, так и региональные отличия на примере песенного

творчества северо-восточной провинции Хэбэй и южной провинции Гуйчжоу. В работе обращается внимание на то, что «в Древнем Китае музыку соотносили с природными характеристиками, месяцами года, сторонами света и созвездиями и считали одним из важнейших элементов Вселенной». Важным достоинством рецензируемой статьи является приводимый автором параллельный перевод песен на английский и русский язык.

Главным выводом статьи является то, что рассмотренные автором примеры песенного творчества «характеризуются символизмом и использованием метафор, что может затруднить восприятие человеком, незнакомым с культурными и природными особенностями развития Хэбэя и Гуйчжоу».

Представленная на рецензирование статья посвящена актуальной теме, написана на английском языке, снабжена 2 таблицами, вызовет читательский интерес, а ее материалы могут быть использованы как в учебных курсах, так и в прикладных исследованиях китайской музыкальной культуры.

К статье есть замечания (так, список литературы предельно краток), однако, в целом, на наш взгляд, статья может быть рекомендована для публикации в журнале «SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences».

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