Научная статья на тему 'Peculiarities of technoscience, technics, technology and their humanitarian and moral comprehension'

Peculiarities of technoscience, technics, technology and their humanitarian and moral comprehension Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Kudlach Vira

The article explores the problem of humanitarian and moral assessment and measurement of contemporary neoclassical and post-neoclassical technics and technologies. Foreign and domestic scholars are involved in the discourse. The author develops a new moral imperative of the technogenic civilization: execute and use technical and technological construction of the world for the common good rather than harm.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Peculiarities of technoscience, technics, technology and their humanitarian and moral comprehension»

периментах), остается открытым вопрос коли- от милосердного поступка?). Факторы, которые,

чественного описания данного тезиса, т. е. каким предположительно, не так остро проявляется

образом будет меняться отношение участников в экспериментах, где х имеет большее или гораз-

выбирающих C к участникам, выбирающим D, до большее значение для участников. При этом

в зависимости от изменения величины х. достигнутое равновесие не выглядит иррацио-

Какие можно сделать выводы? При Д3-3, как нальным и не логичным, а значит — существу-

мы видели, на рассуждения участников могут ют, следует признать, условия ДЗ, где больший

вполне измеримо влиять аксиологические факто- выигрыш участников при обоюдном выборе C

ры (что дороже: один цент или удовлетворение не носит парадоксального характера.

Список литературы:

1. Белогородов Р. О возможной модели социоэкономического человека. Revista de Filosofie, Sociologie si Stiinte Politice - № 1 (170). - Chisinau - "Tipografie Centrala". - 2016. - С. 192-197.

2. Белогородов Р. Социальные эксперименты, основанные на дилемме заключенного, как инструмент количественного описания сотрудничества индивидов. Актуальные вопросы общественных наук: социология, политология, философия, история. Сб. ст. по материалам LXIV междунар. науч.-практ. конф. - № 8 (58). - Новосибирск. - Изд. АНС «СибАК». - 2016. - С. 55-61.

3. Flood M. Some Experimental Games. Research Memorandum RM-789, - June. P. - Santa Monica -RAND Corporation. - 1952.

4. Kuhn S. Prisoner's Dilemma. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. - Stanford. - Ed. Edward N. Zalta. -2014.

5. Nash J. Non-Cooperative Games. The Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, - Volume 54, Issue 2 (Sep). - Princeton. - Ed. Princeton University. - 1951. - P. 286-295.

6. Nowak M., R. Highfield R. Supercooperators: Altruism, Evolution, and Why We Need Each Other to Succeed. - New York. - Free Press. - 2011.

7. Poundstone W. Prisoner's dilemma. - New-York. - lst Anchor Books ed. - 1993.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJH-16-9.10-57-61

Kudlach Vira,

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas Associate Professor of the Philosophy Department

E-mail: vira2566@ukr.net

Peculiarities of technoscience, technics, technology and their humanitarian and moral comprehension

Abstract: The article explores the problem of humanitarian and moral assessment and measurement of contemporary neoclassical and post-neoclassical technics and technologies. Foreign and domestic scholars are involved in the discourse. The author develops a new moral imperative of the technogenic civilization: execute and use technical and technological construction of the world for the common good rather than harm.

Keywords: technics, technology, science, moral, human.

Technics and technologies moved the mankind communication development. They require humani-forward, brought it to a new stage of information and tarian and moral consideration. Belgian philosopher

Gilbert Hottois coined the term 'technoscience' in the late 1970s to describe contemporary scientific research practices intertwined in the innovative technological setting.

Technical knowledge is an important realm of knowledge accountable for creating different instruments, tools, devices, mechanisms, machines necessary for human activity. In the course of technics development a technical aspect of natural sciences knowledge had been distilled, and a specific technical realm of knowledge was formed. Technical sciences, technical knowledge faced a task of offering theoretically grounded, profitable and technologically doable recommendations, calculations, projects on producing various technical goods to industry and agriculture. Recently the task has also incorporated production of eco-friendly goods.

Technical sciences by drawing on theoretical provisions for solving practical engineering tasks require a description, calculations, methodical recommendations. Research findings (models, calculations) constitute science. Initially, technical sciences were only applied, however, gradually they evolved into independent theoretical sections of other sciences.

The object of technical knowledge and technical sciences is machines, equipment, mechanisms, as well as theoretical basics of developing systems of machines, technical complexes including the whole technological process. The more complicated labour instruments are produced, the more critical need is to dismember scientific knowledge, knowledge about properties of natural bodies and knowledge about the ways of their implementation. Machine technics requires conscious use of these natural sciences. Technics serves as link between a human and nature. It is founded on the reason according to Karl Jaspers that is solid calculations.

Technical sciences have a distinguishing feature revealing that their research tasks demand design and engineering developments. Technical object-systems cannot be produced by science alone, they need a complex of technological, natural, social, humanitarian, ecological sciences. Complete and grounded quantification of any science implies desirable perfection that can be achieved not only by

being measured. Engineers need to realize the importance of humanitarian and social sciences in their practice. Ideology of higher technical education should not be limited to a specialized component but rather be complimented by humanitarian and social sciences [5, 33]. Their social characteristics indicate acceptable expenditures, feasibility of production, economic effects, eco-friendly functioning conditions.

Technical knowledge is directly related to the human activity as a whole. Therefore, it can be discovered through the analysis of the activity. Any activity has two sides — objective and subjective; two approaches to the view of objective structures — morphological and functional. Technical knowledge has two levels: empirical and theoretical. At the empirical level connections in a structure and functions are merely described, whereas at the theoretical level such connections are explained. Today a theoretical level comprises a subjective side of technical knowledge — operative technical theories, scientific principles of work organization.

The theory of cognition also distinguishes a metaphysical (philosophical) level. In terms of technical knowledge, it means a discovery of the world structure (potential and actual, possible and real, effect, anti-effect and post-effect) and relation to other types of knowledge, e. g. socio-humanitarian one. Such questions are not explored by natural or technical scientists. This is the scope of philosophers and sociologists. That is why there exist such sections, realms of philosophical and sociological knowledge as philosophy of science, philosophy of technics, sociology of science, sociology of technics and others. Technical knowledge realized in a form of different machines, devices also draws our attention to two approaches: relation to the environment (observance of ecological norms) and relation to a human (consistency, compatibility of technical devices with a human organism).

Technical sciences demonstrate tendencies to ontologization (representation of engineering developments in schemes) and mathematization (reduction of engineering objects to mathematical models). The above mentioned promotes invention, engineering, calculation and other technical actions

and procedures. Ontologization and mathematiza-tion led to the establishment of ideal objects and theoretical technical knowledge.

Contemporary Italian philosopher Evandro Ag-azzi suggested the concept of moral dimension of science and technics. He comes out of the fact that science (as a system of activity and knowledge) answers 'why' question, technics answers 'how' question, technology — both 'why' and 'how'. That implies technology united science and technics. 'In the framework ofpurely sociological concept of science any mention of ethics and responsibility is unnecessary. If science is a social product, it simply expressed the ethics of society, and there is no sense in judging it from the standpoint of moral or regulation' [1, 24]. This is an interesting position. Since science is a social product and a good, scientific knowledge (technical and technological) can be used to harm a human. Scientific knowledge (namely their realization) needs to be morally evaluated. For this purpose, humanitarian examinations are widely used. Evandro Agazzi states that instead of blaming science and technology for penetrating all pores of our existence, we should ask ourselves to what degree their penetration became possible because of cognizing and practical negligence of those values designed to preserve the sense of existence and ensure our vigilance [1, 103].

Technics is the amount of materials means used by a human, a system of artificial things created in the process of materializing knowledge, objectifying labour functions. Technology is a goal-oriented introduction of new ways, means, rules and methods of receiving, processing and reprocessing substances, energy and information into practice. Nowadays technology went beyond purely manufacturing activities, various social and political technologies increasingly become widespread. At the same time, technology is a spiritual and practical form of transforming the world that is placed in between science and technics. Technology creates means and possesses them. It is a practical methodology of creating something.

Technology is impossible without technics, whereas technics cannot function without technology. Changes in technics lead to changes in technol-

ogy and vice versa. Technology is a special operational system that is comprehended and rationalized. The development of culture and civilization brings technology into various relationships and types of activities.

Based on the development of technics and technology there appeared technoscience (merging of science and technics), technosphere (an array of techno mass, techno substances, information technologies, energy sources), technological park (a form of integration of science, technics, technology, education and manufacturing expressed in the form of union between scientific organizations, design bureaus, educational institutions, manufacturing enterprises). Technoparks are established to accelerate development and implementation of scientific, technical and technological accomplishments by concentrating high-profile specialists and utilizing manufacturing, experimental and information base.

German philosopher Ernst Junger generally regarded technics as immoral because it erases nature, triggers violence as a mode of life in the whole society and causes wars; a human is subordinated to technics and its technical rationality. Such statements and thoughts about technics are widespread in philosophy. However, these deliberations are mistaken: technics does not produce evil, a human does. Whether the technics does good or harms, it depends on a human. Consequentially, the position of a human is dependent upon a type of society. 'An aspiration to completely subordinate a human to the requirements of technical rationality... gradually supresses the spiritual .Everything instinctive and dark in a human... is not overcome but is exacerbated' [2, 198].

A human has to succumb to technics: he/she works long hours because electricity prolongs a daytime, instead walking in the open air he/she sits (or lies) watching TV, works or plays on the computer, uses transport to get to a workplace (a person weakens his/her organism by reducing the load on the body). Yet everything depends on a human, his/her qualities of character, whether his/her guiding needs, interests and values are met.

Lewis Mumford contends that the level of a civilized society depends on the way if machine func-

tioning [4, 271]. Crises of culture and civilization, civilization and a human, a human and a machine are not caused by technological process but by socio-moral factors. Technological progress superseded the humanitarian and moral one.

A human as a creator, inventor, consumer and evaluator stands behind any discovery of science, technics and technology. At the turn of the XXth -XXIst centuries the revolution aimed at generating scientific and manufacturing innovations took place. The lack of funds led universities to become a part of market relations (research grants and contracts, service contracts, partnerships with industry and government). Nowadays scientists developed mechanisms of commercializing results of scientific research. The difficulty of innovations lies in a mul-tidisciplinary nature of technologies entailing the enlargement of scope and categories of consumers. For instance, nanotechnology patent can be applied in designing semiconductors, biotechnology, materials science, the telecommunications field. A human factor plays a large role: clear vision, sensitivity to changes in the work environment, team needs, a personal attitude combined with enthusiasm and ambitions [3, 206].

The emergence of a new existential sphere of information and communication technologies enabled a human to receive necessary information, knowledge, senses, images, ideas. The qualitative interaction of technologies is called NBIC-convergence (N — nano-, B — bio-, I — info-, C — cogno-) or convertible technologies. The difficulties of moral evaluation of technics and technologies are connected not only with a variety of judgments, separation of moral judgments from tasteful, emotional and ideological but also with the existence of different ethical theories. An analytical ethical theory researches moral language, a naturalistic one draws analogies between the order in nature and that in the society, an intuitive theory appeals to evidence and clarity. Utilitarian, hedonistic, deontological moral knowledge develops its own concepts. The same moral situation can be differently described in theoretical and moral

languages. In this case, Agazzi suggests viewing different ethical theories as mutually complimentary' [1, 260].

An optimal humanitarian and moral evaluation depends on one more fact — a human. 'The turning point of such optimization must become a human self-understanding' [7, 97]. Due attention must be paid not only to a desired image of a human but also to his/her real self, given his/her gender, general, special and individual features.

It is easier to make a humanitarian and moral evaluation out the fact that a human is a natural bio-psychosocial, spiritual and cultural being [6, 15]. If a person is a natural creature, his/her life completely depends on the nature as the basis of life, then the development of science, technics and technology in no way should pollute the nature with harmful wastes (wasteless production must be in action). The human biology is very vulnerable and sensitive to any changes. It (as a second human nature) demands responsible attitude. As a psychological creature, a human does not always stand the tense imposed by technics on his/her nerves and brain. That is why tense should be commensurate with the capacity of a human nervous system. As a social creature, a human must be rendered assistance by science and technics in the effort to shape a fair society and comfortable life. Given a spiritual nature of human, science and technics must intellectually develop him/her, unburden mind from performing purely mechanic, routine functions (search of information, its storage, relay) and leave it to only creative functions. As a cultural creature, a human benefits from science and technics in shaping the world based on the knowledge.

The entire space is filled with technics with more time being spent on it. Technics is an essential component of our daily life. A technical human becomes a special constructive creature. The responsibility for technics now rests on the whole mankind. We deem it significant to formulate a new moral imperative of a technogenic civilization: direct technical and technological construction to the common good rather than harm.


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