PECULIARITIES OF TEACHING POLICE OFFICERS THE BASICS OF THE RUSSIAN SIGN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Naurazbaeva Liliya V.

The article shows the practical aspects of training employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as presents the means of developing linguistic competence and ways of forming students’ creative capabilities. The object of the research is to develop pedagogical principles for organizing the learning process that contribute to the study of educational material in Russian Sign Language. The subject of the research is Russian Sign Language. The research methods consist of theoretical analysis of the works of Russian and foreign linguists, method of empirical analysis. The results of the scientific work are aimed at improving the efficiency of educational work with students during the training program “Training skills of the Russian sign language for duty units employees, district police officers, patrol service, traffic road safety, criminal investigation department, for migration issues”.

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DOI: 10.12731/2077-1770-2022-14-3-300-308 UDC 81-11


L.V. Naurazbaeva

The article shows the practical aspects of training employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as presents the means of developing linguistic competence and ways of forming students ' creative capabilities.

The object of the research is to develop pedagogical principles for organizing the learning process that contribute to the study of educational material in Russian Sign Language.

The subject of the research is Russian Sign Language.

The research methods consist of theoretical analysis of the works of Russian and foreign linguists, method of empirical analysis.

The results of the scientific work are aimed at improving the efficiency of educational work with students during the training program "Training skills of the Russian sign language for duty units employees, district police officers, patrol service, traffic road safety, criminal investigation department, for migration issues".

Keywords: Russian sign language; dactylology; gestures; training program; educational process


Л.В. Науразбаева

В статье представлены практические аспекты обучения сотрудников органов внутренних дел МВД России, средства разви-

тия лингвистической компетентности и способы формирования креативных возможностей личности обучающихся.

Цель научного исследования - выработать педагогические принципы организации процесса обучения, способствующие изучению учебного материала по русскому жестовому языку.

Предметом научной работы является русский жестовый язык.

При изучении вопросов жестовых языков применялись такие методы, как теоретический анализ работ отечественных и зарубежных исследователей, метод эмпирического анализа.

Результаты научной работы направлены на повышение эффективности образовательной работы с обучающимися во время прохождения программы профессионального обучения «Обучение навыкам русского жестового языка сотрудников подразделений дежурных частей, участковых уполномоченных полиции, патрульно-постовой службы, по обеспечению безопасности дорожного движения, уголовного розыска, по вопросам миграции».

Ключевые слова: русский жестовый язык; дактилология; жесты; программа обучения; образовательный процесс

There is a growing concern in Russia for the well-being of people with hearing impairments. Therefore, it is a deep study of the Russian sign language is believed to be beneficial for those who can help people with hearing impairments.

There is no universal sign language. Different countries have their own sign languages. Thus, it is the Russian sign language that is used in the Russian Federation. It is a complete and natural language that has the same linguistic properties as spoken languages, with grammar being different from the Russian spoken language. It is the primary language of the Russians who are deaf and hard of hearing and is used by some hearing people as well.

The process of teaching police officers the Russian sign language (RSL) includes learning gestures. These are significant units of the sign language that capture target concepts. They are expressed by movements of hands and face as well as dactylology, i.e., dactyl signs, which are the letters of a particular national alphabet expressed by means of fingers.

The practice of teaching the Russian sign language made it possible to develop some pedagogical principles for organization of the learning process that contribute to the study of educational material and the achievement of the goal of the in-training program "Training skills of the Russian sign language for duty units employees, district police officers, patrol service, traffic road safety, criminal investigation department, for migration issues".

The experience of teaching the Russian sign language shows that a limited period of study, an intensive educational program, target audiences, lack of knowledge and experience of police officers cause difficulties in communicating with the deaf and hearing-impaired citizens.

In general, the structure of practical classes can be represented in the following way:

- performing exercises to develop the skills of dactyling and reading the text from a dactylating hand;

- introduction of lexical and grammatical material;

- formation of lexical skills;

- development of lexical and grammatical skills;

- monitoring the level of knowledge, skills and abilities;

- formation and development of speech skills;

- formation and development of translation skills [9].

The methods and forms of teaching used in the traditional educational system are often predictable and monotonous. The specificity of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs adheres to the traditional system of education found most of universities. However, learning any foreign language including the Russian sign language is believed to be a creative process.

In order to improve any educational process efficiency, it is necessary to apply modern approaches to the organization of educational activities. For example, at the beginning of a training course on the Russian sign language training program for police officers it is essential to establish contact with the target audience. The teacher's engagement, motivation, emotional drive will certainly give a rise to a response from students.

It should be of great importance to implement creative ideas and instead of, for example, an ordinary room design, several separate desktops might be arranged that can be arranged in a non-standard way to carry out a number of tasks aimed at getting students out of their comfort zone. For example, during the "Dialogue in the Dark" training, students cover their eyes with a bandage, then they (in groups or independently) perform various tasks, i.e., identifying an object by touch, making a small structure, performing a task within a limited period of time. Without being able to see, students are completely immersed in an environment that is unusual for them, they have to learn to express their thoughts clearly and work in a team.

Games have a special role in a teaching program as they facilitate language learning. From the point of view of the motivating function, it is useful to include a small game element in the script of each class, for example, articulation tasks, conducting various quizzes.

A well-chosen and interestingly told story is also a helpful learning tool. After studying several topics of the program, a tutor invite ask students to make up their own stories. It could be their life story, their professional activity case, a situation they saw happen, a story told by a friend or an anecdote.

Playing various scenes at language classes aimed at developing speech skills helps to overcome both language and psychological barriers in the process of communication between police officers and a deaf man or a person with a hearing impairment.

In the process (especially at the beginning) of teaching the Russian sign language to police officers, it is advisable to ask as many questions as possible, which triggers the students' thinking activity to formulate answers. The "Interesting Fact" technique is intended to attract the attention of the audience by stating an interesting fact that is directly related to a given topic: "Did you know that there is a sign theater and even sign singing?" or "Have you ever wondered what would happen if you couldn't hear or see...".

In conclusion, it should be noted that the role of relaxation techniques at various stages of the classes help to relieve tension in the group

and cause a positive perception of subsequent information. Thus, the fingering task may include funny expressions or poems, which might appeal to students and serve as motivation for active work in practical classes.

Thus, the analysis of the process of teaching police officers the basics of the Russian sign language as part of the training program is believed to have made it possible to identify problems, formulate principles and develop methods for teaching the Russian sign language skills, which stimulate to organize the educational process successfully. The intention to organize the educational process effectively under the professional development program "Training skills of the Russian sign language for duty units employees, district police officers, patrol service, traffic road safety, criminal investigation department, for migration issues" might contribute to obtaining high results in police training.


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DATA ABOUT THE AUTHOR Liliya V. Naurazbaeva, Senior Lecturer

Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia 2, Muksinova Street, Ufa, 450130, Russian Federation lilianv1979@mail.ru

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1970-3617 ДАННЫЕ ОБ АВТОРЕ

Науразбаева Лилия Викторовна, старший преподаватель

Уфимский ЮИ МВД России

ул. Муксинова, 2, г. Уфа, 450103, Российская Федерация lilianv1979@mail.ru

Поступила 24.08.2022

После рецензирования 05.09.2022

Принята 22.09.2022

Received 24.08.2022 Revised 05.09.2022 Accepted 22.09.2022

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