Научная статья на тему 'Peculiarities of interaction between the State and NGOs in Ukraine'

Peculiarities of interaction between the State and NGOs in Ukraine Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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European science review
Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Tkachuk Iryna Jaroslavivna

The models of public sector development in Europe are regarded in the article. The peculiarities of these models functioning are defined. The institutionalization level and independence level of Ukrainian civil sector are analyzed. It is defined, that according to these criteria the development of civil sector is found in the intersection of the Continental and the Mediterranean models. It is noticed that the main reason of Ukrainian civil society underdevelopment is critical lack of financial resources for nongovernmental organizations projects and events realization. It is summed up that the best way to change situation is to use such methods of NGOs funding which are not common in Ukraine.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Peculiarities of interaction between the State and NGOs in Ukraine»

Section 15. Economics and management

специализированной многопрофильной детской клиники самого высокого международного уровня, а также более ста новых объектов детского спорта.

Узбекистан идет по пути благополучия, процветания и прогресса, стремится занять достойное место в мировом сообществе.

Список литературы:

1. Доклад президента Республики Узбекистан Ислама Каримова на заседания кабинета министров, посвящённом итогам социально-экономического развития Узбекистана в 2013 году и важнейшим приоритететным направлениям экономической программы на 2014 год. Газета «Народное слова», 18 января 2014 г., стр. 1-3.

2. Электронный ресурс. Режим доступа: http://www.uza.uz.

3. Электронный ресурс. Режим доступа: http://www.press-service.uz.

Tkachuk Iryna Jaroslavivna, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Assistant of the Finance and Credit Department, Faculty of Economics E-mail: [email protected]

Peculiarities of interaction between the State and NGOs in Ukraine

Abstract: The models of public sector development in Europe are regarded in the article. The peculiarities of these models functioning are defined. The institutionalization level and independence level of Ukrainian civil sector are analyzed. It is defined, that according to these criteria the development of civil sector is found in the intersection of the Continental and the Mediterranean models. It is noticed that the main reason of Ukrainian civil society underdevelopment is critical lack of financial resources for nongovernmental organizations projects and events realization. It is summed up that the best way to change situation is to use such methods of NGOs funding which are not common in Ukraine.

Keywords: public sector, civil society, nongovernmental organizations, funding, the institutionalization level.

Today the character of interaction between public sector and the State defines the peculiarities of NGOs functioning. So it is very important for Ukrainian NGOs funding investigators to understand which model of public sector development is the most congruous for them.


Секция 15.Экономика и управление

There are four main models of public sector development in Europe. They were created by European center for Not-for-Profit Law. To understand the place of Ukrainian public sector in these models it is reasonably to analyze each of them.

The base of analyzing is two criteria: levels of independence and institutionalization.

The Continental model is typical for Germany, France, Austria, Sweden, Belgium, and the Netherlands. In this model NGOs take a prominent place in the process of public services providing and may act as their main supplier. For example, in Germany according to the principle of subsidiarity, preferences are given to those services which are as close as possible to the ultimate user. But the role of the State is very high and the substantial part of public sector incomes is formed by it (55-75 %) [3]. State cooperates with big NGOs in the process of important social-economical projects realization. In the process of this cooperation the Councils for Social Partnership are created. These Councils define socially useful NGOs and distribute the money between them [8].

The Anglo-Saxon model. This model is typical for such Anglo-Saxon countries as Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Sweden, Ireland and also for Australia and New Zealand. As in the previous model, nongovernmental organizations take active part in social life. But this model differs from the previous one. In these countries dominant ideology of individualism has lead to the promotion of private initiative, so State plays the role of freedoms guarantor (especially business freedoms) [1]. Thereby partner agreement is the base of relations between the State and NGOs.

Historically the Anglo-Saxon model is based on a voluntary basis, so a wide network of donors coexists in the NGOs environment. Despite the significant part of financing from government (35 %-55 %) [3], NGOs own wider sources of funding than NGOs from the previous model. As follows in the developed countries, deposits of individuals constitute more than 88 % of NGOs budget [2].

The Nordic (social democratic) model combines Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, and can be applied in Central and Eastern Europe. Government is the main provider of public services. NGOs direct their services not at important social issues solving, but at their member interests satisfying (basically sport, professional and cultural NGOs are established in these countries). OSCE Project Coordinator described relations between these sectors with the slogan “Live and let live” [3], that is why the level of NGOs support by government is inconsiderable and varies in the borders 25-35 %. The level ofcivil sector institutionalization is insignificant too. This is due to the fact that it does not need to perform complicated operations ofsocial services (as already noted, in Scandinavian countries they are provided by the Government). It is important to note that because of financial crisis in these countries this model has received critique from scientists today [2; 8].

The Mediterranean model (used in developing countries) is characteristic for countries of the Mediterranean and also for some states in Central and Eastern Eu-


Section 15. Economics and management

rope (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Latvia). Nongovernmental organizations activities were ignored or banned by the State and the Church during all the history, because of that civil society in these countries is traditionally less developed [8]. So relations between State and civil society organizations are characterized by the law level of NGOs funding (less than 20 % of public funding). Private revenues of different origin are insignificant too. The level of civil society institutialization is law as well, because traditionally social problems are solved by the Church, a social group or even family.

Despite the civil sector is less developed, it is incorrectly to ignore this model (as, for example, Matviichuk A. does). In his own investigation, OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine notes, that in the near future these countries will use one of the other three models. This process is inevitable, due to globalization and cooperation of such countries and developed economies [3]. Thus, analyzing the features of these countries development, we can assume that over time Estonia and Slovakia will operate within the Anglo-Saxon model, Hungary and the Czech Republic — within the Continental model, Slovenia and Latvia — within the Nordic model.

We can see the difference between NGOs role in the countries that use more independent models (Nordic and Anglo Saxon). At the countries where civil society and State cooperate within the Anglo Saxon model NGOs really can solve different social and economic problems. At the same time in the countries with Nordic model State plays the main role in the process of solving social problems. Nongovernmental organizations in this process often don’t take part or act as observers.

There is a difference between two less independent models (Continental and Mediterranean). NGOs, that act within the Continental model, are partners of the State, but NGOs, that function in the developing countries, are not recognized or even banned by the State and the Church.

As for Ukraine, it is important to notice, that determination of the pattern interrelation between public organizations and the State can significantly indicate the direction of reforming and rebooting of nongovernmental organizations funding mechanism. Thus we should analyze Ukrainian nongovernmental organizations levels of independence and institutionalization.

The independence level. Many years Ukrainian state operated within the Soviet Union. As a result, the highest Ukrainian authorities try to control all the sectors that could affect the social and political situation in the country. Social sector is not an exception.

Despite the demonstrative declaration of partner cooperation between the State and Nongovernmental organizations at all levels, real support of civil sector remains miserable. So the creation of such councils as the Public Council by President Yushchenko V. [4], the Coordination Council on civil society development by President Yanukovych V [5] and the adoption of Public policy for civil society development and priority measures


Секция 15.Экономика и управление

for its realization [7], as well as the approval of the Action Plan implementation in the 2013 Government policy of civil society development in Ukraine [6], different forums and conferences conduction didn’t favour the public funding of nongovernmental organizations, which was less than 8 % in 2012 [9].

At the same time, complexity of creation, registration and reporting procedures, existing of a large number of normative legal acts, which regulate the activity of nongovernmental organizations, don’t promote independent functioning of the civil sector. Thus, it is apparent that by the criterion of civil sector independence Ukraine belongs to less independent countries.

The institutionalization level. Ukrainian civil sector is transformed from the less developed Soviet pattern to well developed European one. In the Soviet Union a wide network of nongovernmental organizations existed. They were formed to protect the common interests of their members, but they didn’t solve any global problems of social and economical character, because according to the official position there were no such problems in the Soviet Union. In modern Ukraine the role of civil society in the process of democracy becoming is being recognized, thereby the NGOs activity in the social sector is encouraged at all power levels [4; 5; 6; 7]. But the level of nongovernmental sector institutionalization requires much to be desired. “Soviet Union citizen” residual mentality is not the only reason of it. The main reason of such situation is critical lack of financial resources for nongovernmental organizations projects and events realization.

Thereby, the development of civil sector is found in the intersection of the Continental and the Mediterranean models. Despite the recognition of NGOs role (fixed in normative legal acts) by the authorities and activation their activity in the struggle for independence (Orange revolution-2004; Euromaidan-2014), we can assume that Ukraine refers to the Continental model, where the State takes part in the nongovernmental organizations functioning as a regulator (normative and legal regulation). However, Ukrainian NGOs should not hope for substantial financial support from the State (Germany), and try to diversify sources of funding to increase the independence and improve the quality of services provided. It is important to notice, that the best way in this direction is to use such methods of NGOs funding as percentage philanthropy, endowment funds, corporate philanthropy and others, which were not common in Ukraine.


1. Василенко Л., Зелшський С. Фшансове забезпечення дшльносп й розвитку громад^ких оргашзацш//Фшанси Украши. - 2002. - № 8. - с. 33-39.

2. Матвшчук А. Основш способи взаемоди громадських оргашзацш i3 державою [Електронный ресурс]. - Режим обращения: http://lib.chdu.edu.ua/pdf/ ukrpolituk/3/27.pdf.


Section 15. Economics and management

3. Мiжнароднi практики фшансування оргашзацш громадянського сустльства Проект координатора проект1в ОБСС в Укра!ш [Електронный ресурс]. -Режим обращения: http://www.osce.org/uk/ukraine/86175?download=true.

4. Питання Ради громадськостi Указ Президента Укра!ни вiд23.02.2007 р. [Електрон-ний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/139/2007.

5. Питання сприяння розвитку громадянського сустльства в Укра!т Указ Президента Украши № 32/2012 вщ 25.01.2012 р. [Електронный ресурс]. - Режим обращения: http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/32/2012.

6. Про План заходiв щодо реалззацп у 2013 рощ Стратеги державно! полыики сприяння розвитку громадянського суспьльства в Укра!т Указ Президента Украши № 342/2013 вщ 25.06.2013 р. [Електронный ресурс]. - Режим обращения: http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/342/2013.

7. Про Стратегш державно! политики сприяння розвитку громадянського суспПьства в Укра!т та першочерговi заходи щодо i! реалазацй' Указ Президента Укра!ни № 212/2012 вщ 24.03.2012 р. [Електронный ресурс]. - Режим обращения: http://www.president.gov.ua/documents/14621.html.

8. Усаченко Л. Заруб1жний досвщ неурядових оргашзацш: функцюнальш моделi суспльства [Електронный ресурс]. - Режим обращения: http://www. academy.gov.ua/ej/ej11/txts/10ulmofm.pdf.

9. Швец. Н., Ткачук И. Украинский опыт социального партнерства между государством и общественными организациями [Електронный ресурс]. - Режим обращения: http://www.teoria-practica.ru/-12-2013/economics/shvetz-tkachuk.pdf.

Fisenko Andrei Ivanovich, Maritime State University named after Admiral G. N. Nevelskoy, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of Finance Department

E-mail: [email protected]

Transport aspects of the development of the cargo base in Southern Zone of Pacific Russia

Abstract: The article examines the state, trends and problems of development of sea ports and railways of the Southern Zone of Pacific Russia as а material logistics bases of formation and development of the cargo base of the Russian Far East and improve the competitiveness of domestic legs of international transport corridors.

Keywords: cargo turnover, cargo base, sea ports, Trans-Siberian railway, transport and logistics hubs.


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