Научная статья на тему 'Peculiarities of improvement qualification at Newcastle university for teachers in higher education'

Peculiarities of improvement qualification at Newcastle university for teachers in higher education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Makhmetova A.T.

In the given article we discussed the peculiarities of Higher education at Newcastle university, using different teaching methods on the basis of the theme Mass media on the discipline "Basic foreign language". (level B1)

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Текст научной работы на тему «Peculiarities of improvement qualification at Newcastle university for teachers in higher education»

Makhmetova A.T. ©

Karaganda state university named after academician Y.A. Buketov Karaganda, Kazakhstan



In the given article we discussed the peculiarities of Higher education at Newcastle university, using different teaching methods on the basis of the theme Mass media on the discipline "Basic foreign language". (levelB1)

Ключевые слова: microteaching, interactive lecturing, teaching methods, Bloom's taxonomy.

As a senior teacher at foreign languages and translation studies department at the foreign languages faculty of academician Ye. A. Buketov Karaganda state university we teach different disciplines, namely: Lexicology, Text interpretation, Basic foreign language (levels A1, A2, B1, B2), etc. basically we will talk about specialty 5B021000 "Foreign philology" in the bachelor's programme [1, 132]. We studied at Newcastle University in the program "Learning and teaching in Higher education" (LTHE) from 1-10 June 2015, which was a great opportunity for us to develop professionally, culturally as teachers, professors and etc. first of all I wanted to improve my language, skills and habits in lecturing.

Through participating in the Learning and Teaching in Higher Education programme first of all we improved my qualification of English language, methods of teaching, as I am working in the sphere of higher education as a teacher.

In the given article, we would like to describe the discipline "Basic foreign language" (level B1), since principally, a foreign language has great potential for the development of skills to describe the most points of the scheme and I use some of them, and we would like to describe briefly some methods of teaching experience at the above disciplines. According to a working curriculum aim of the course -is development of skills of oral and written language as a result of mastering speech samples containing new lexical and grammatical phenomena. Initially it is better to give an example of teaching discipline on a specific topic, in this case the theme "Mass media" would be perfect.

One of the points of "problem-oriented learning", this process consists of learning through living situations, problem solving and creative tasks, obtaining a proper knowledge, targeted training group work. Based on this definition, for example, on the theme "Mass media" was given the task to watch a problem video on a task and solve the problem, also to give feedback as we were learned to make it in Newcastle university in Microteaching session 2, that will develop communication skills of students, making team decisions, solving their current tasks with the necessary knowledge, as well by this method can be described and the method of socialization, which involves the development of skills how correctly to speak in a foreign language to communicate with a group or team, to be able to find solutions to the assigned tasks, the development of skills as the monologue and dialogue speech. We think it was very interesting and useful, because we can use different methods and techniques in our lessons and I feel very enthusiastic about it. Next time I would like to listen to peers' recommendations-to rethink the pre and after video tasks correctly. Other peers offered their recommendations how f.e. to use odd one out, role-playing and so on. It was a good opportunity to see others' peer experience. (See the Picture 1).

© Makhmetova A.T., 2016 г.

Picture 1

The workshops and the issues that I would like to say about are:

1. Principles of professional development

2. Module design

3. Inquiry based learning Online learning

4. Microteaching

5. Interactive lecturing

6. Assessing and promoting learning

7. Action plan

We would like to say that we expanded our worldview, have communicated with English speaking academics. I think our level of English was not of high level, we could freely speak, but we would like to make our level better, though we are working in the faculty of foreign languages, that is why first of all, we wanted to participate in this programme, as we have heard about it before from teachers and they call forth in a good way. And of course this course will be good for me in my further occupation, research field and so on. In the future I would like to use: online study, module design, different interactive games, enquiry based learning to develop myself and teach students especially.

On the first day at Newcastle we got introduced with Anna Reid and other stuff, I found the whole workshop "Orientation and course introduction" was very interesting, there were many interesting issues, I have known about Newcastle university, its programme for international students, language recourse centre and its great recourses. We have discussed different teaching methods which were useful for us and for our peers, also e were introduced to Moodle system which is very productive in online teaching and so on. It was an introductory workshops, we have just discussed general information about Newcastle University, we had questions about using resources in language centre , we had all questions answered this day. It was an introductory day in general, that is why I can't say that I can apply it in my teaching. We just took the first steps of the programme.

On the second day we had two workshops : "Introduction to student learning" by Anna Reid and Rene Koglbauer and "Module design" by Ulrike Thomas, we enjoyed the activity "map for memory" (the activity in which we had to remember on some seconds the map of Newcastle and in groups we have to draw a map), activity "Odd one out" (to find the odd word which are not connected to the other words and why)working in small groups answering the question "How to teach something effectively?". We have enjoyed the Robinson library where we got registered and had a chance to search material online and we discussed the term "plagiarism", which is essential

nowadays. It has answered a lot of questions for example how to work in groups, how to use map activity, "odd one out" activity, which we can use in teaching. Professionally I can use a lot of things from this day , we have understood the terms like confusion, reflection, practice and context. I could apply in my teaching in different ways, for example remembering the bones of human body to improve our vocabulary, knowledge. On

On the third day we had two workshops:

1 .Professional development and action planning by Rene Koglbauer 2. Module design by Ulrike Thomas

1 .According to two workshops I liked the workshop on Professional development by Rene Koglbauer, we set some criteria according to which the teachers should be develop professionally, e have discussed what is smart aim, what is module design and what is module. Also I liked the picture of a boat, it was bread for thought

2.we have answered the questions like Why do you think teacher development is important? and what factors motivated me as a teacher?

3.for example defining smart goal was more important according to the whole day, this method can be used in my teaching

For developing my aims I set a smart goal to achieve them:

Smart aim :To prepare a practicum on Home reading on the discipline Basic English language B1 level for students of the specialty "English philologists"

S -to improve reading, writing, speaking skills on 15%, using I will prepare a practicum on Home reading on the discipline Basic English language B1 level for students of the specialty "English philologists" as there is a lack of books on this discipline

M -the aim is attainable, because with the help of this book students will improve their reading, writing, speaking skills on 15% using a practicum practicum on Home reading on the discipline Basic English language B1.The aim is measurable because as a result we will have a printed book with tasks, texts and questions.

A - the aim is attainable, because with the help of this book students will improve their reading, writing, speaking skills on 15% using a practicum on the discipline "Home reading ".

R -the aim is relevant because there is a lack of books in English on Home reading, as the discipline was set in the curriculum in 2014

T - the aim will be achieved in march 2016 by the publication of a practicum on Home reading on the discipline Basic English language B1 for students of the specialty "English philologists" as it set on the individual plan.

On the fourth day we had two workshops: 1 .Inquary based learning by Anna Preston 2. Online learning by Eleonora Gordon

1.According to two workshops we liked the workshop on "Online learning" held by Anne Preston, we have visited a digital kitchen, tried to work with interactive table and visited a Sole laboratory, we have discussed what is enquiry based learning, we have worked in small groups and discussed some issues to understand how to do it in our on lessons, also we tried in the same small groups to fit into 9 steps of EBL to use them again on our lessons, on the second workshop we discussed hat is e-learning, we practiced on the online system Moodle with Eleonora Gordon and made practical tasks. We have answered the questions like How we can use E-learning at home in our teaching? I can say that we can use different sites that Eleonora Gordon had given to us on Moodle discussion board and we will try to use them as often as possible in our lessons.

In general it was very productive and interesting day, we have gained a lot of practical material

On the fifth day I enjoyed the workshop about microteaching, we have made the table of peer observation, principles of attuned interaction, Golb's cycle, supervising, we have discussed the reasons why should the project and dissertation work included, and the teacher's role in supervision.

We have got understood what is microteaching, what we should make for it. On the example of microteaching we can share the experience of peers and use their experience on practice

On the sixth day we had one workshop on lecturing, how to conduct interactive lecture and the types of lectures: traditional, problem oriented, serialistic, also how to use f.ex. pass the buck (when we wrote the answers individually on papers about "How to improve attuned interaction", we give our solutions and passed the papers to neighbor), team-pair-solo (the same task of "pass the buck", but we had to work in a group, with a partner, in three person, that is why it was called team-pair-solo, it can be used in interactive lecturing) and one activity "soldiers line" ( when we had to stand face to face with a partner and discuss again the questions, also mostly used in interactive lecturing). These interactive activities are useful not only for lectures but only for seminars, as we can use practical skills. For future development i would like to use "pass the buck"-this activity helps to develop communicative skills and e.t.c. For me the theme "Lecturing" was interesting and interactive as I can use the skills given by Anna Reid on lectures.

On Monday day we conducted a microteaching or Critical Analysis incident. First of all we would like to tell about Microteaching session, because this session was given by the demands of our qualification improvement, because it's very good and important thing to talk about. We prepared an extract from my subject "Basic English" on the theme "Mass media", first of all we set up the aim, gave pre-video task (video presentation on Social media) and presented a video to each other, then we asked them questions, set a problem and we in groups discussed the topic, shared our ideas. I think it was very interesting and useful, because we can use different methods and techniques in our lessons and I feel very enthusiastic about it. Next time I would like to listen to peers' recommendations-to rethink the pre and after video tasks correctly. Other peers offered their recommendations how f.e. to use odd one out, role-playing and so on. It was a good opportunity to see others' peer experience.

During studying at Newcastle it was created 3 D book on the theme Mass media, and the quizzing tests. Also It was worked out the Bloom's taxonomy [2] diagram on the basis of the given theme. (See the Picture 2)

Picture 2

On the last day we had one workshop by Anne Reid "Assessing and promoting learning" and Plans for the future-next steps. We have discussed the criteria of assessing in Kazakhstan and England, they were very different, the principles and types of assessing students, also we made an action plan-what will we do in the future-our goals after completing this course. And it was the last day, we said our farewells to academics.


1. Typical educational programme on the speciality "Foreign philology" 2014.-383c.

2. http://www.openclass.ru/node/42873

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