PECULIARITIES OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF POTATO VARIETIES DEPENDING ON NUTRITION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
potatoes / feeding area / number of tubers / marketability / yield.

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Koval A., Ilchuk R.

The research on the issue of improving certain elements of the technology of growing potato varieties of different maturity groups in relation to soil and climatic conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine is analyzed and generalized. The expediency and urgency of using agro-technological methods that increase crop yields are highlighted, namely: basic nutrition and foliar fertilization with micronutrients, nutrition area both individually and in combination. Solving these problems is a difficult task, as it requires a unified approach with appropriate priority areas, where the greatest effect can be achieved if you implement integrated elements of technology, complementing and enhancing each other's action.

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Koval A.

researcher of the department of crops' selection

Ilchuk R.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Agriculture of Carpathian region NAAS


The research on the issue of improving certain elements of the technology of growing potato varieties of different maturity groups in relation to soil and climatic conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine is analyzed and generalized. The expediency and urgency of using agro-technological methods that increase crop yields are highlighted, namely: basic nutrition and foliar fertilization with micronutrients, nutrition area both individually and in combination. Solving these problems is a difficult task, as it requires a unified approach with appropriate priority areas, where the greatest effect can be achieved if you implement integrated elements of technology, complementing and enhancing each other's action.

Keywords: potatoes, feeding area, number of tubers, marketability, yield.

Formulation of the problem. World experience shows that highly developed potato growing is able to meet the growing needs of the population in food, and the needs of processing industry - in raw materials. But it should be based on the latest scientific and technological advances: intensive varieties, the use of high quality seeds, advanced techniques of cultivation technologies, an effective system of fertilizers and plant protection products, a high level of logistics. These techniques and elements of technology must be adapted to individual soil and climatic zones. This approach in highly developed countries allows to reach the level of potato yield in the range of 45 - 55 t/ha. In Ukraine, it ranges only 16 - 18 t/ha. This is due to the low willingness of producers to improve potato growing technologies and changes in weather conditions in recent decades, especially during the growing season.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, boron, sulfur, manganese and other elements are necessary for obtaining high yields of potatoes with high quality tubers. Potatoes have the greatest need for nutrients in relation to NPK. The lack of these elements in the first periods of growth disrupts normal metabolism. Therefore, the rate of mineral fertilizers should be such as to ensure adequate nutrition of potato plants throughout the growing season [1, 2, 3-p.3-10, 4, 5-p.18-26, 6-p.89-92].

To ensure the use of the required amount of fertilizers for potato plants and their application in optimal doses and ratios we must take into account biological properties of the variety (for food purposes, processing, seed production, etc.), as well as soil type, fertility, form of fertilizers, terms and norms of their introduction, soil and climatic conditions of the growing zone [7].

Potatoes respond well to the use of micronutrients only on soils with very low and low levels of micronutrients. It is established that on soils with such supply of boron, copper, molybdenum, zinc, manganese the yield of potato tubers increases with the

application of microfertilizers. Questions about the timing of foliar feeding of Legend potato plants, including Alpha Grow extra, Intermag and the use of growth stimulant Alpha Nano Grow showed that foliar fertilization with micronutrients in combination with growth stimulant significantly affected the formation of vegetative mass of plants. The most effective foliar fertilization was Intermag - potatoe + growth stimulant Alpha Nano Grow. The number of stems per plant was 5.8 pieces, plant height - 64.5 cm, leaf assimilation surface 44.7 thousand m2/ha, net photosynthesis productivity 11.3 g/m2/day. Alpha Grow extra (boron) + Alpha Nano Grow was also effective: number of stems per plant - 6.0 pieces, plant height 68.7 cm, leaf assimilation surface 49.9 thousand m2/ha, net photosynthesis productivity 12.5 g/m2/day. The highest yield of potatoes (40.5 and 41.4 t/ha) was obtained on the options with microfertilizer Intermag - potato and Alpha Grow extra (boron) at a rate of 2.0 l/ha in the phase of full germination and budding + double treatment of plants with growth stimulant Alpha Nano Grow at a rate of 30 ml/ha. The increase in yield after the application of this agronomic measure was 13.3 -14.2 t/ha or 48.9 - 52.2% [8-p.75-78, 9-p.224, 10].

Studies of terms and norms of application of microfertilizers Kristalon brown and Kristalon yellow showed that the highest yield of 26.2 t/ha of medium-ripe variety Vira was obtained by applying foliar fertilization at the rate of 3.0 kg/ha in the germination phase + 1.0 kg/ha in the phase of plants' budding and flowering on the options with the introduction of siderates as the main fertilization + N90P90K120. The increase in yield from foliar fertilization was 4.5 t/ha or 20.7%. Foliar fertilization with Kristalon microfertilizers is more effective on the options with the introduction of the main fertilizer. The increase in yield was 1.1-3.8 t/ha or 7.2-24.8%. The positive effect of foliar fertilization on the yield and quality of potato tubers has been proven by the results of numerous studies in different soil and climatic conditions [11-p.88-94, 12-p.93, 13-p.145, 14-p.52, 15-s.94].

The aim of the article and our research is to

develop the optimal elements of the technology of growing potato varieties for obtaining high yields.

The task includes:

- set the optimal dose of nutrition in combination with additional treatment with microfertilizers, feeding area to obtain the maximum number of potato tubers, their high marketability which will ensure the highest productivity;

- to establish the optimal combination of these factors, the effectiveness of their action and interaction.

The experiments were conducted in the fields of 4-field crop rotation of the Department of Crop Breeding of the Institute of Agriculture of the Carpathian Region of NAAS. The predecessor of potatoes were winter cereals with post-harvest sowing of green manure crops.

The research was carried out according to generally accepted methods in potato growing [16, 17, 19, 20], experimental data were processed on a computer using Microsoft Excel and methods [18].

Research results. Obtaining high yields of potatoes is ensured by the presence of high-yielding varieties, high-quality seed material and cultivation technology, which allows to realize the potential of the first two components.

The correct ratio of technological methods helps to establish the optimal effect of individual factors and is the basis for developing the most effective technology for growing potatoes. Therefore, for developing the technology of growing relatively new varieties of potatoes, it is necessary to study the effect of all agro-technological measures in the complex.

The scheme of the experiment and the method of its implementation includes digging potatoes jn 60 -

70th day after planting in order to achieve dynamic accumulation of the crop. Also accounting was carried out to determine the number of tubers, fractional composition and percentage of marketability.

On the 60th day after planting potatoes we carried out dynamic digging of potatoes and received such results. in the control variant (without fertilizers) the total number of tubers under one bush during the years of research was in the Aria variety - 5.6 pieces, in the Gurman variety 8.8 pieces, in the variant with recommended dose of N90P90K120 fertilizers in the Aria variety the number of tubers was 5 pieces, in the Gurman variety - 15 pieces.

The largest number of tubers under one bush on the 60th day after planting was observed in the variety Aria on the variant with feeding area of 70x30 cm and recommended dose of fertilizer N90P90K120 with micronutrient treatment - 9.6 pcs. Accordingly, in the Gurman variety, this figure was observed in the variant with a feeding area of 70x25 cm and the introduction of the recommended dose of fertilizer N90P90K120 with micronutrient treatment - 11 pcs.

In all other variants of research, the number of tubers under one bush was in the Aria variety on the feeding area 70x20 cm - 5 pieces; on the feeding area 70x25 cm - 4 pcs. In the Gurman variety these indicators were observed on the feeding area of 70x20 cm - 10.5 pieces and on 70x30 cm - 10 pieces.

The percentage of marketability on the 60th day after planting was 50.0% on the control variant without fertilizers for the Aria variety and 48.8% for the Gurman variety. The dynamics of increasing the percentage of marketability on the 60th day after planting is shown in Figures 1 and 2.


Marketability of tubers, %


0,0% 10,0% 20,0% 30,0% 40,0% 50,0% 60,0%

70x30 cm ■ 70x25 cm ■ 70x20 cm ■ N90P90K120 ■ Control without fertilizers

Figure 1. Marketability of Aria tubers on the 60th day after planting

0,0% 10,0% 20,0% 30,0% 40,0% 50,0% 60,0%

■70x30 cm «70x25 cm «70x20 cm ■ PflA N90P90K120 «Control without fertilizers

Figure 2. Marketability of Gurman tubers on 60th day after planting

In the variant with recommended dose of N90P90K120 fertilizers, the percentage of marketability in the Aria variety was 54.0%, and in the Gurman variety - 25.3%.

The best indicators of marketability were in the variant with recommended dose of fertilizers and microfertilizers in the variety Aria on the area of 70x20 cm - 54.6%, respectively in the Gurman variety the highest percentage of marketability was on the area of 70x25 cm - 45.4%.

In all other variants with the application of the recommended dose of fertilizers N90P90K120 and treatment with microfertilizers, the percentage of marketability was for the variety Aria on the feeding area of 70x25 cm - 50.0%; 70x30 cm - 37.5%, in the Gurman variety the percentage of marketability was on the feeding area of 70x20 cm - 33.3%; 70x30 cm -41.0%.

According to the method and scheme of the experiment, on the 70th day after planting potatoes, a dynamic digging of potatoes was carried out, where the yield accumulation was determined, the number of tubers and the percentage of marketability were calculated. The number of potato tubers for the Aria variety in the control variant (without fertilizers) was 7.5, and for the Gurman variety - 9 pieces. In the

variant with application of recommended dose N90P90K120 fertilizers, the number of tubers was 10 in the Aria variety and 9.2 in the Gurman variety.

The highest indicator of the tubers' number was observed for the variety Aria in the variant with the recommended dose of N90P90K120 and treatment with microfertilizers on a feeding area of 70x30 cm - 17 pcs. In all other variants with the application of the recommended dose of fertilizer N90P90K120 and treatment with microfertilizers with different feeding areas, the number of tubers under the bush of the Aria variety was 13 pieces on the feeding area 70x20 cm; 70x25 cm - 8 pcs. Accordingly, in the Gurman variety, these indicators of the tubers' number were on the feeding area of 70x20 cm - 14 pieces, respectively on the area of 70x30 cm - 9 pieces.

The percentage of tubers' marketability in the control without fertilizers for the variety Aria was 46.7%, respectively for the variety Gurman the percentage of marketability was 44.4%. In the variant with application of recommended dose of N90P90K120 fertilizers in the Aria variety, the percentage of marketability of tubers was 60.0% and in the Gurman variety 56.5%. The dynamics of increasing the percentage of marketability on the 70th day after planting is shown in Figures 3 and 4.

Marketability of tubers, %




0,0% 10,0% 20,0% 30,0% 40,0% 50,0% 60,0% 70,0% 70x30 cm ■ 70x25 cm ■ 70x20 cm ■ Pflfl, N90P90K120 ■ Control without fertilizers

Figure 3. Marketability of the Aria variety tubers on the 70th day after planting


Marketability of tubers, %



10,0% 20,0% 30,0% 40,0% 50,0% 60,0% 70,0% 80,0%

70x30 cm ■ 70x25 cm ■ 70x20 cm ■ Pflfl, N90P90K120 ■ Control without fertilizers

Figure 4. Marketability of Gurman tubers for 70th day after planting

The highest percentage of tuber marketability was observed in the variant with the recommended dose of N90P90K120 fertilizers with microfertilizer treatment at a feeding area of 70x25 cm - 62.5% in Aria variety and 70x20 cm - 71.4% in Gurman variety.

In all other variants, the percentage of marketability was for the Aria variety on the area of 70x20 cm -53.8%; 70x30 cm - 52.9%. Accordingly, in the Gur-man variety the percentage of marketability on the feeding area was 70x25 cm - 57.8%; 70x30 cm -66.7%.

Introduction of intensive cultivation technologies requires the use of high rates of mineral fertilizers and pesticides, significant energy and material costs, which negatively affects the cleanliness of the environment.

When growing potatoes, the optimal and timely application of agro-technological measures has a significant impact on the final yield of potatoes. An important factor in obtaining a high yield of potatoes, first

of all, is the level of plant nutrition. Fertilizer rates that provide a significant increase in yield for varieties of different maturity groups.

When harvesting, we counted the number of tubers under one bush depending on the feeding area and applying recommended dose of fertilizer N90P90K120 with micronutrient treatment.

Therefore, in the control variant (without fertilizers) the average number of tubers of one bush in the variety Aria was 8 pieces, respectively in the variety Gurman the average number of tubers in one bush was 9 pieces. In the variant with the application of recommended dose of N90P90K120 fertilizers, the number of tubers under one bush in the Aria variety was 8, and in the Gurman variety 10 pieces.

The dynamics of the tubers' number under one bush during harvest is shown in Figures 5 and 6.

Figure 5. The number of tubers of the Aria variety depending on the research options for the harvest period.







ai 60



n 3 40






□ Big BSeminal E3Small E3Total HAverage number of tubers under one bush





22 22

28 29

I 8





25 i



control of PAA N90P90K120 fertilizers

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70x25 cm






70x30 cm




The highest number of tubers was observed in the variant with application of the recommended dose of fertilizer N90P90K120 with micronutrient treatment on a

In all other variants with the application of recommended dose of fertilizer N90P90K120 with micronutrient treatment, the number of tubers under one bush was in the Aria variety on feeding area of 70x25 cm 9 pcs; 70x30 cm - 8 pcs. In the Gurman variety these figures were on the feeding area of 70x25 cm - 10 pieces; 70x30 cm - 8 pcs.

According to the results of research in the control option (without fertilizers) for the variety Aria at a tuber weight of 59 kg the average yield was 23.6 t/ha. In the Gurman variety tuber weight was 43 kg, average

feeding area of 70x20 cm in both Aria and Gurman variety.

In Aria variety, the number of tubers was 10, in

yield - 17.2 t/ha. Therefore the percentage of tubers' marketability in the variety Aria was 91.5%, in the variety Gurman - 89.3%.

In the variant of recommended dose N90P90K120 fertilizers, the yield of Aria variety was 25.2 t/ha by tuber weight 63 kg. In the Gurman variety, the weight of tubers was 67 kg, respectively the yield was 26.8 t/ha.

The percentage of marketability in this variant with introduction of recommended dose of fertilizers N90P90K120 was for the variety Aria - 93.5%, for the variety Gurman - 92.1% (Table 1).

Gurman variety - 11 pieces. H Big E3Seminal EISmall EITotal HAverage number of tubers under one bush



S3 80

u ai 'q.

£ 60



40 34 3




6 6

I i

96 96

3534|:: 27






26 m




Control without PAA N90P90K120 70x20 cm fertilizers











70x25 cm

85 j



70x30 cm

Figure 6. The number of Gurman tubers depending on the study options for the harvest period



Table 1

Yield of Aria and Gurman varieties depending on the feeding area and applied fertilizer dose

Experimental variants Years Weight of variant tubers, kg Yield, t/ha Marketability percentage, %

Aria Gurman Aria Gurman Aria Gurman

Control without fertilizers 2018 73 44 28,8 17,4 93,1 88,6

2019 50 48 20,0 19,2 92,0 92,9

2020 52 37 20,8 14,8 90,3 86,4

average for 2018-2020 59 43 23,6 17,2 91,5 89,3

Recommended dose N90P90K120 (70x30 cm) 2018 74 73 29,4 29,1 94,6 93,6

2019 56 63 22,4 25,2 93,0 90,6

2020 58 64 23,3 25,6 93,1 92,1

average 62 67 24,8 26,8 93,5 92,1

Recommended dose N90P90K120 + microfertilizers (70x20см) 2018 134 123 53,0 49,0 95,5 91,0

2019 133 140 53,0 56,1 89,5 91,2

2020 118 121 47,2 48,4 93,2 90,0

average 128 129 51,2 51,2 92,7 90,7

Recommended dose N90P90K120 + microfertilizers (70х25см) 2018 84 83 33,4 32,9 90,5 90,3

2019 86 86 34,9 34,4 93,4 87,2

2020 76 74 30,4 29,6 93,4 87,8

average 82 80 32,9 32,0 92,4 88,4

Recommended dose N90P90K120 + microfertilizers (70х30см) 2018 89 77 35,1 30,5 96,7 94,8

2019 74 65 29,2 26,0 93,2 90,7

2020 73 63 29,2 25,2 93,1 90.4

average 78 68 31,1 27,2 94,3 92,0

The highest yield was observed in the variant with application of recommended dose of fertilizer N90P90K120 with micronutrient treatment and feeding area of 70x20 cm. Tubers weight in cultivar Aria was 128 kg, in Gurman - 129 kg. Yield was 51.2 t/ha.

The highest percentage of marketability was observed in the feeding area of 70x30 cm with the introduction of the recommended dose of fertilizers N90P90K120 with microfertilizer treatment. For the variety Aria the percentage of marketability was 94.3%, respectively for the variety Gurman - 92.0%.

In all other variants, the yield of potatoes for the period of research was on the area 70x25 cm for Aria variety weight of tubers was 82 kg, the yield - 32.9 t/ha, and on the 70x30 cm area by tubers' weight 78 kg the yield was 31.1 t/ha.

By the Gurman variety, on the feeding area of 70x25 cm by the weight of tubers 80 kg the yield was 32.0 t/ha, and on the feeding area of 70x30 cm the weight of the tubers was 68 kg, the yield - 27.2 t/ha.

The percentage of marketability of the Aria variety on the feeding area of 70x20 cm was 92.7%; by 70x25 cm - 92.4%. In the Gurman variety on the feeding area 70x20 cm the percentage of marketability was 90.7%; by 70x25 cm - 88.4%.

Over the years of research, the smallest increase in yield in the Aria variety was observed on the areas of 70x30 cm and 70x25 cm, namely 5.9 t/ha and 7.7 t/ha. The largest increase in yield was observed in the feeding area of 70x20 cm - 27.8 t/ha. In the Gurman variety the smallest increase in yield was also observed in the

feeding areas of 70x30 cm and 70x25 cm, namely 5.5 t/ha and 0.4 t/ha. The largest increase in the feeding area of 70x20 cm was 24.4 t/ha.

That is, with the application of the recommended dose of fertilizers with the addition of microfertilizers, an increase in yield was observed in all experimental plots with different feeding areas for both the Aria and Gurman variety.

Conclusions. Therefore, the effect of the recommended dose of fertilizers and microfertilizers on the growth and development of potato plants depended on the biological characteristics of the varieties studied.

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After counting the number of tubers, percentage of marketability and yield on the 60th day after planting, it was found that the largest number of tubers was in the area of 70x30 cm with the recommended dose of fertilizer N90P90K120 and micronutrient treatment in variety Aria - 9.6 pieces. The marketability percentage on the feeding area 70x20 was 56.0%. In the Gurman variety the largest number of tubers on the feeding area of 70x25 cm - 11 pieces, percentage of marketability on the feeding area of 70x25 cm - 45.4%. The highest yields on the 60th day after planting were in the Aria variety on a feeding area of 70x20 cm - 26.7 t/ha and in the Gurman variety on a feeding area of 70x25 cm -33.6 t/ha.

On the 70th day after planting the largest number of tubers was in the variety Aria on a feeding area of 70x30 cm - 17 pieces, and the commodity percentage on a feeding area of 70x25 cm - 62.5%. In the Gurman variety the largest number of tubers on the feeding area

of 70x25 cm - 19 pieces, the highest percentage of marketability on the feeding area 70x20 cm - 71.4%. The highest yields were recorded both in the Aria variety with a feeding area of 70x20 cm - 33.4 t/ha and in the Gurman variety with a feeding area of 70x20 cm - 46.1 t/ha.

The largest number of tubers was on the feeding area of 70x20 cm with the application of the recommended dose of fertilizer N90P90K120 and treatment with micronutrients in the variety Aria - 10 pcs, in the variety Gurman - 11 pcs. The highest yield and yield increase relative to the application of the recommended dose of N90P90K120 fertilizers was observed in the area of 70x20 cm with the application of the recommended dose of N90P90K120 and treatment with microfertilizers in variety Aria - 53.0 t/ha, yield increase was 27.8 t/ha. In Gurman variety yield was 51.2 t/ha, the increase was 24.4 t/ha.


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