PECULIARITIES OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Прочие сельскохозяйственные науки»

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УДК 338.43

Aysachev A.A. intern-researcher Andijan Machine-Building Institute Uzbekistan, Andijan


Annotation: This article discusses the specific features of the agricultural economy.

Key words: agriculture, economy, market, infrastructure, development.

Accelerating the pace of development of agriculture and the country's agro-industrial complex in the context of the transition to market relations largely depends on the effective use of all factors of production, strengthening the material and technical base of organizations, introducing the achievements of scientific and technological progress, innovative and investment activities in the industry. Increasing agricultural production, increasing labor productivity and increasing the efficiency of agriculture, in turn, involves improving the training of highly qualified personnel and, above all, improving their economic education. The most important problem of the modern development of agriculture is to increase the efficiency of the use of land, labor and material costs, improve the quality of products and increase the profitability of agricultural organizations. The transition to a market economy in Uzbekistan has caused great changes in agriculture and the country's agro-industrial complex. The organizational structure of the agro-industrial complex, the management system, land relations, and the principles of the functioning of the economic system as a whole undergo a significant transformation. All this predetermined the need for a theoretical understanding of the ongoing reforms in agriculture, the development of practical recommendations on the formation of material and technical resources, the development of market relations, state support for the economy of the industry, contributing to an increase in the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex as a whole.

Agriculture is one of the most important sectors of the national economy. It produces food for the country's population, raw materials for the processing industry and provides other needs of society. Almost 75% of the population's demand for consumer goods is covered by agriculture. The development of agriculture in many respects depends on the standard of living and well-being of the population: the size and structure of food, per capita income, consumption of goods and services, social living conditions. The agro-industrial complex is a combination of sectors of the national economy related to the development of agriculture, maintenance of its production and bringing agricultural products to the consumer. The main task of the agro-industrial complex is to meet the needs of the population in products and consumer goods. 5 Agriculture includes three areas. The first sphere consists of industries that provide the agro-industrial complex

with the means of production, as well as industries engaged in industrial and technical services for agriculture.

This sphere includes industries and production: tractor and agricultural engineering, production of mineral fertilizers and chemical plant protection products, microbiological industry, repair of agricultural machinery, capital construction in the agricultural sector. The second sphere includes enterprises and organizations directly involved in the production of agricultural products. The third sphere of the agro-industrial complex includes sectors and enterprises providing for the procurement, processing of agricultural products and bringing them to consumers. Here are concentrated the food, meat and dairy, fish, flour and cereal, feed industry. In addition, this sector includes partially light industry for processing agricultural raw materials, food trade and catering.

Agriculture is the most important branch of the agro-industrial complex. It occupies a special place not only in the agricultural sector, but also in the entire national economy. Agricultural products constitute the main source of satisfying the vital goods of the population. It cannot be reproduced in other areas or replaced by other types of products. In agriculture, such specific means of production are used as land, plants, animals, microorganisms. Here, economic processes of reproduction are very closely intertwined with natural ones. The basis for the formation of the agro-industrial complex is agro-industrial integration. It is a process of strengthening production ties and the organic connection of agriculture with other sectors involved in servicing agriculture and bringing its products to the consumer. Economic relations between the sectors of the agricultural sector are implemented through the objective establishment of the optimal level of prices for products and services.

The main task of all sectors of the agro-industrial complex is to increase the production of the final product and reduce total costs per unit. In agriculture, the final product is one that is sold outside the industry for direct consumption or industrial processing. Intra-industry product turnover is not included in the final results. He acts in this case as an intermediate.

He acts in this case as an intermediate product. At the same time, part of the agricultural products that enter the population without industrial processing (grain, potatoes, vegetables, milk, meat, etc.) is included in the final product of the agro-industrial complex. Agriculture focuses mainly on the production of raw materials for processing industry, and the economic results of its activities are increasingly determined by the conditions of the intersectoral balance. 6 Consequently, the final results of agricultural production from the point of view of the agro-industrial complex are intermediate. The effective functioning of the entire agro-industrial complex depends not only on agricultural activities, but also on the quality of work of all the units involved in bringing the final product to the consumer. The final product of the agro-industrial complex is the entire volume of products created over a certain period of time and entered into personal or industrial consumption. In kind, the final product consists of: - agricultural products directly supplied to the population; - commodities from agricultural raw materials; -agricultural products and items of its processing; - products of the first sectors of

the agricultural sector. The economic efficiency of the sectors and production of the agro-industrial complex is characterized by a system of economic indicators that reflect the level and final results of the activity of specific areas. The main indicator of the effectiveness of the entire agro-industrial complex is the number of food and non-food products obtained from agricultural raw materials per capita.

The food security strategy involves: - protectionist measures in relation to the labor resources of the agro-industrial complex and the achievement of state support for various segments of the population; - maintaining the optimal balance of labor resources in the system of production, storage, processing and distribution of food; - re-profiling of the agro-industrial complex system for energy and resource saving technologies; - the functioning of the system of state planning and supply of agricultural activity. Infrastructure is a complex of industries and industries designed to provide normal conditions for economic and social reproduction. It contributes to the effective functioning of the agro-industrial complex through the implementation of technological, industrial, economic and organizational ties arising in the production process. Infrastructure is an integral part of the productive forces of society. It ensures the efficient operation of enterprises and organizations and is aimed at obtaining a large quantity and better quality of the final product of the agro-industrial complex. Infrastructure acts as one of the most important factors in the intensification of agricultural production and the growth of its efficiency. Modern delivery of raw materials, materials, finished products in many ways involves the amount of resources in economic circulation. The main prerequisite for the formation of infrastructure sectors is the overall growth of the country's economic potential. The need for more rapid development of the infrastructure of the agro-industrial complex is caused by a change in the growth factors of the industries and industries included in it. In the conditions of the development of market relations, the functions of industries and infrastructure production have significantly changed. There is no system for supplying agriculture with material resources, machinery, and equipment. On the basis of existing services and industries, various joint-stock companies and partnerships for the sale of material resources to agricultural enterprises are being created. The most important task of the infrastructure of material production is the gradual release of agricultural enterprises from performing the functions of servicing production and focusing their efforts on the main 8 production activities. The infrastructure is designed to create the necessary conditions for increasing production volumes and improving the quality of the main types of agricultural products. The economic importance of production infrastructure. The production infrastructure includes industries that ensure the normal functioning of the means of production and contribute to the preservation of their performance for a long time.

Sources used:

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2. «Экономика сельского хозяйства». Учебник для студентов высших учебных заведений / Н.Я. Коваленко, Ю.И. Агирбов, Н.А. Серова и др. - М.: ЮРКНИГА, 2004 г.

3. Шермухамедова Н. А. ИНСТИТУТ ПРЕЗИДЕНТСТВА: ОПЫТ УЗБЕКИСТАНА И СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО С КАЗАХСТАНОМ //П26 Первый Президент Республики Казахстан-Елбасы: стратегия государственного управления и феномен лидерства: сборник. - 2018. - С. 38.

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