UDC 537; 53.044
© V.E. Gromov, Y.F. Ivanov, D.A. Romanov, G. Tang, S.V. Raykov, E.A. Budovskikh, L.P. Baschenko, G. Song
Key words: electroexplosive alloying; copper; electron beam processing; structure; phase composition; properties. The surface relief and structure peculiarities of steel 45 (0.45 wt. % C) after electroexplosive copper plating and subsequent electron beam treatment are investigated by methods of scanning and transmission electron microscopy. It is established that the copper concentration in surface layer is increased in 2 times with the growth of electron beam pulses number. The high speed crystallization of modified layer is accompanied by microhardness growth of surface layer under the small impulse number (5 and 10 pls.). The further increase of irradiation pulses number leads to essential decrease of surface layer microhardness.
Electroexplosive alloying (EEA) [1] and electron-beam processing (EBP) [2] are modern and effective methods of modification of the structure, phase composition and properties of metals and alloys surface. The instruments of the effect on the surface are pulse multiphase plasma jets and electronic beams accordingly.
Pulse multiphase plasma jets, used for the electroexplo-sive alloying, and low-energy high-current electron beams combine well with each other, having comparable values of the absorbed power density (about 105 W/cm2), the square of irradiation surface (up to 10-15 cm2) and the depth of hardening zone (about several tens of micrometers). Time of the impulse in the EEA is 100 ^s, the EBP - 50, 100, 150 and 200 ^s.
The main idea of combined processing, including EEA and EBP, is in the levelling of the surface topography of processing and modification of the structure, phase composition and properties of alloying area.
In this article the authors analyze the results obtained in the studies of the structure and the properties of surface layers of steel 45 (C < 0.45 wt. %), subjected to electroex-plosive copper plating and subsequent electron-beam processing.
EEA of the samples surface was carried out by electric explosion of copper foils with a thickness of 20 ^m. Conditions for the implementation of the pulse of liquid-phase alloying is given by the quantity of charging voltage of the drive energy accelerator, the diameter of the charmer nozzle and the distance from it up to the sample, which amounted appropriately ~2,3 kV, 20 mm and 20 mm, correspondingly. With these parameters the depth and the radius of alloying zone were maximal. The processing time was 100 ^s, absorbed power density on the axis of the jet was ~ 5.5 GW/m2, dynamic pressure of shock-compressed layer near the surface was 11.2 MPa, the area of the surface of alloying was ~ 3 cm2. The thickness of the area of alloy-
ing in the center of the area was ~ 25 ^m. Its distinguishing feature is a strong influence on the results of the pressure jets processing on the surface, leading to a radial flow of the melt from the center of the alloying area to the periphery and even to the backlash. With this regime of the processing the maximum depth zone of the alloying, the degree of saturation of the alloying elements and the level of generated properties are achieved.
A pulsed electron-beam processing of the samples surface was carried out at the installation «SOLO» as in the works [3-6]. The constructive peculiarity of this setup is the opportunity for independent control of the parameters of the electron beam (the energy of the accelerated electrons U, electron beam energy density ES, pulse duration t, pulse frequency f, the number of pulses processing N), purposefully changing the regime of processing. In the present work, using the possibility of «SOLO» installation, the authors used two variants of surface processing of steel electroexplosive alloying by copper. In the first case, we fixed the values of the energy density (ES = 20 J/cm2), the frequency (f = 0.3 Hz) and pulse duration (t = 50 ^s) and varied the number of pulses within N = 5...50. In the second case, the duration (t = 50 ^s), the frequency f = 0.3 Hz) and the number of pulses (10 pls.) were fixed; electron beam energy density was varied within the ES = 15...30 J/cm2. In both the processing was carried out in the inert medium (argon) of the chamber at a pressure ~ 10-2 Pa.
The research of the structure of the radiation surface, of the etched metallographic section (direct and seating metallographic section) of the modified samples were carried out by the methods of electron scanning (the SEM-515 «Phillips») and transmission electron (devices EM-125 and JEM-2100 F) microscopy, X-ray structure analysis (device DRON-7) [7-9]. The change mechanical properties of a material were characterized by microhardness, determined by the Vickers method with a load of 0.98 N. The accuracy of the measurement is amounted to 7 %. For phase identification diffraction analysis with the use of darkfield method and subsequent indicating of micro-electronograms was used.
Analysis of the structure and profile of the micro-hardness of steel subjected to a surface treatment. Elec-troexplosive alloying, transforming the structural-phase state of the surface layer of the processed material exercises, influences on the mechanical properties. In Fig. 1 the authors present the profiles of microhardness of steel after electroexplosive copper plating (curve 1) and after the EBP of the surface, not subjected to alloying (curve 2). Here a horizontal line A marks the microhardness of steel, hardened from furnace heating (850 oC, 1.5 hours). The dependence of microhardness of steel, subjected to electroex-plosive copper plating on the distance to the surface of the treatment has non-linear character. This allows to identify the surface layer of thickness of about ~5 ^m, microhard-ness of which is lower than that of microhardness of hardened steel; intermediate layer of thickness of about ~7 ^m, which is marked on the figure 1 by vertical straight lines B and C, microhardness of which is higher or equal to the microhardness of hardened steel, and the transition layer of thickness of about ~ 30 ^m, microhardness of which gradually falls to the quntity of the initial condition. Microhardness of the intermediate layer changes on the curve with a maximum, located at a depth of ~ 7 ^m.
Microhardness of steel after the EBP has the maximum value on the surface of radiation, and monotonically
Figure 1. The profile of the steel microhardness: 1 - after electroexplosive copper alloying; 2 - after electron-beam processing armoring to the regime: 12 J/cm2; 50 ^s; 0.3 Hz, 3 pls.A horizontal line A marks microhardness of steel 45, quenched from furnace heating (850 °C, 1.5 hour)
decreases with the depth. The thickness of the hardened layer after EBP is approximately 5 ^m (Fig. 1, vertical line B), which, obviously, is determined by the selected steel processing regime. Besides the maximum of microhardness of steel after EBP exceeds the maximum values of micro-hardness of steel, hardened after furnace heating and after EEA. Electron-microscopic studies have shown that this is due to the formation of ultra fine-grained (0.54 ± 0.20 ^m) structure on the surface of processing (Fig. 2). The dimensions of martensite crystals in such grains change considerably within the following limits: cross - 30...50 nm, longitudinal - 120...500 nm.
The interpretation of the non-linear dependence of mi-crohardness on the distance to the surface of steel treatment after electroexplosive copper plating follows from the analysis of the results presented in the work [1]. The surface layer of steel, having the microhardness below the microhardness of steel after furnace quenching is formed by the structure of the mesh crystallization of the melt, enriched by the atoms of copper, carbon and oxygen. The intermediate layer, the values of microhardness of which exceed the microhardness of steel after furnace hardening, obviously, has formed as a result of the high-speed quenching of iron. A higher value of the microhardness of the layer (relative to the quenched steel) can be connected both with increased concentration of carbon and the existence of atoms of copper in this layer, so and with dispersion of the structure of the surface layer of steel due to the speed quenching caused by the impulse action. The rise of the microhardness of the hardened layer on the distance surface treatment can mean the reduction of volume fraction of residual austenite, stabilized by the atoms of copper and carbon. The subsequent hardness decrease is caused by the decrease of carbon concentration in the material, about that the change of morphology of martensite: the transition from lamellar martensite, characteristic for carbon steel, to the packet martensite typical for low- and medium-carbon steel.
Therefore, electroexplosive alloying of steel is accompanied by the saturation of the surface layer by the atoms of copper, carbon and oxygen. The following high-speed cooling of steel is accompanied by foliation of liquid phase and the formation of a surface layer with the structure of the cellular crystallization. The thickness of cellular crystallization is about ~ 5 ^m. The thickness of the layer of quenched steel, located at a depth of 5 microns, is about ~ 7 ^m.
Figure 2. Structure being formed in the surface layer of steel subjected to electron-beam treatment (12 J/cm2, 50 ^s, 0.3 Hz, 3 pls.). a - bright field; c - dark field, resulting in reflex [110] a-Fe; b, d - electron diffraction patterns at (a) and (c) respectively
Figure 3. Image of the steel surface subjected to electroexplosive alloying and subsequent electron-beam treatment according to the regime for 15 J/cm2: 50 ^s, 0.3 Hz, 10 pls. a - copper drop; b - copper islands
The structure of the steel surface subjected to electroexplosive alloying by copper and subsequent irradiation by electron beam. Electroexplosive alloying leads to the formation on the surface of the processed material a thin-layer coating, formed by mainly droplet fraction of exploding wire. Subsequent EBP, without changing the elemental composition of the material, allows to fulfill high-speed homogenization of surface layer due to the high-intensity thermal effect.
The evolution of the steel surface structure subjected to a combined formation processing in the conditions of the variation of the energy density of electron beam (Es = = 15...30 J/cm2). By the methods of scanning electron microscopy is established that the melting of the surface layer of the sample is fixing under the energy density of electron beam Es ~ 15 J/cm2. This leads, on the one hand, to the removal of micro-craters and the influxes of copper, forming a coating, on the other hand, to the formation of numerous drops of copper of spherical shape, the dimensions of which can range from 1 to 12 цт (Fig. 3, a). The latter indicates the coagulation of copper coating located on the steel surface. It should be noted, that this EBP regime does not lead to the full smoothing of the surface of alloying - in some places of the sample the islands of copper remain (Fig. 3, b).
Surface treatment EEA by electron beam with the energy density of the beam electrons 20...30 J/cm2 is accompanied by widespread melting of the surface layer of steel - drops and islands of copper are not observed.
High speed crystallization of the melt leads to the formation of a dendrite structure. It is established, that the structure of the dendrites depends on the energy density of electron beam. When processing with the energy density of the electron beams 15...20 J/cm2 the mainly a dendritic structure with the axes of the first order forms (on the surface of radiation is so-called structure of cellular crystallization); dendrites with greater energy density have the axis of the first and the second order. It is obvious that the den-drite structure is determined by the speed of the cooling of the melt. It is shown [10] that the axes of the second order are not formed already during the cooling rate, exceeding ~ 106 K/s. With the further increase of the cooling rate the complete degeneration of the dendritic growth and stabilization flat crystallization front is observed.
The increase of the energy density is accompanied not only by the change of morphology of dendrite structure, but also by increase in medium-sized dendrites. The estimates show that the dendrites of minimum medium size are formed under the processing of the steel surface by elec-
tron-beam with the energy density Es = 15 J/cm2. The increase of the energy density from 15 J/cm2 up to 30 J/cm2 is accompanied by the growth of average size dendrites from 0.16 to 0.45 ^m, i.e. in ~ 3 times (Fig. 4, curve 1). The revealed facts allow us to conclude that the increase of the energy density of the beam electrons in the interval from 15 J/cm2 to 30 J/cm2 leads to the decrease in the rate of cooling of the steel surface layer.
The average grain size of the surface layer of steel depends on the rate of cooling. However, such a dependence, as for the elements of the dendrite structure, is not observed. As it follows from the analysis of the results presented in Fig. 4 (curve 2) the average size of grains is increasing in 1.4 times in the revised interval of energy density of electron beam. In previous work [4] such a circumstance was explained by the fact that the size of the grains in the crystallized layer depends not only on the cooling rate (value of supercooling), but also on the number of active centers of grain nucleation in the melt.
Electron-beam treatment of steel is accompanied by the formation of the microcracks on the surface. The reason is the thermal stresses, which are formed in the surface layer of the material due to high cooling rates. When the energy density of electron beam Es is ~ 15 J/cm2 the cracks are located chaotically, their number is insignificant. At the large values of Es the cracks break the surface of the specimen on the fragments, the average sizes of which vary within the range of 45...50 ^m and practically do not depend on the energy density of electron beam. The depth of
Figure 4. The dependence of the medium-sized dendrites d (1) and grains D size (2) on the energy density of electron beam
microcracks depends on the value of energy density of electron beam.
Figure 5 shows a diagram demonstrating the change of copper concentration in the surface layer of steel, subjected to EEA and following by EBP. From the analyses of the results it follows that in the surface layer of thickness 4 -5 ^m (thickness layer of steel, subjected to analysis) the average concentration of copper is reduced from ~ 14 wt. % at a energy density of electron beam Es = 15 J/cm2 up to 5.6 wt. % when Es = 30 J/cm2. It should also be noted that on the surface of steel, processed by electron beam when Es = 15 J/cm2, there are drops and islets, the concentration of copper in which can reach 100 wt. %. Analyzing the results presented in Fig. 5, it can be noted that the high speed crystallization of steel, alloyed by copper, and the following cooling do not always lead to the hardening of the surface layer. Hardness of the surface layer of steel, not treated by electron beam and treated by electron beam with the energy density of electron beam Es = 15 J/cm2 is slightly lower than the hardness of steel, quenched in the water with the furnace heating and significantly below the hardness of steel, processed by electron-beam with the energy density of electron beam Es = = 20...30 J/cm2. Comparing the results, presented in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, it can be found the connection between the con centration of copper in the surface layer of steel, and the value microhardness. Namely, the high values of the concentration of copper correspond to relatively low values of microhardness of a surface layer.
Functional dependence, connecting the concentration of copper in the surface layer and microhardness of the surface radiation is represented in Fig. 7. It is clearly seen that the microhardness of the surface layer of steel decreases with the increase of copper concentration. However, the linear correlation between these characteristics is not detected, which may denote the indirect (by changing the parameters of the structure and phase composition) influence of copper atoms on the hardness of the investigated steel, formed in the conditions of high-energy effect.
The evolution of surface morphology of steel subjected to combined formation processing in the conditions of the variation of the number of pulses of electron beam (N = 5...50 imp.). As shown above, the processing of the alloying surface by the electron beam with energy density of the electron beam 20 J/cm2 and above is accompanied by extensive melting of the surface layer of steel. After 5...15 pulses of the electron beam action the islands and the nodules of copper, presenting on the surface of the steel,
Figure 6. Microhardness of the steel surface layer, subjected to the different treatment regimes: 0 - electron-beam treatment (12 J/cm2, 50 |is, 0.3 Hz, 3 pls.); 1 - electroexplosive copper alloying; 2 - 5 - electroexplosive copper alloying and subsequent electron-beam processing (N = 10 pls., r= 50 ^s) at Es = 15 (2), 20 (3), 25 (4), 30 (5) J/cm2. A horizontal line denotes a microhardness of steel, quenched from furnace heating (850o C, 1.5 hours.)
Figure 5. The change in the copper concentration
Figure 7. The dependence of the microhardness of the steel surface, subjected to combined treatment (electroexplosive alloying and subsequent electron-beam processing) on the copper concentration of in the surface layer
subjected to EEA are not detected by methods of scanning microscopy. The surface of the samples is fully smoothed. After 25 and 50 pulses of the electron beam effect on the surface one can see a large number of craters.
High-speed crystallization of the melt, as already noted, leads to the formation of a dendrite structure. It is found that the structure of the dendrites depends on the number of pulses of the electron beam effect. When the number of pulses being, changed within the limits of 5...15, on the surface of the steel the dendritic structure with the axes of the first order is formed (so-called structure of cellular crystallization). With a larger number of pulses of the electron beam (25 and 50 pls.) the dendrites mainly have the axes of the first and the second order.
The composition of the dendrite structure, as noted above, is determined by the speed of the cooling of the melt. Therefore, the increase of the number pulses of the electron beam on the steel surface leads to a decrease of cooling rate. The increase of the number pulses practically has no influence on the average size of the dendrites (Fig. 8, curve 1) and leads to a small increase in average size of the grains (Fig. 8, curve 2).
Figure 8. The dependence of the medium-sized dendrites d (1), grains Dd (2) and fragments of Dn (3) sise on the number of electron beam pulses
Figure 9. The change of the copper concentration in the surface layer of steel after electroexplosive alloying and subsequent electron-beam processing with different number of pulses of electron beam (20 J/cm2, 50 ^s; 0.3 Hz)
Electron-beam treatment of steel is accompanied, as noted above, by the formation of cracks on the surface radiation, dividing the surface of the specimen on the fragments. The average sizes of the fragments change in the range of 30...60 ^m and increase with the number pulses of electron beam (Fig. 8, curve 3). This fact confirms the mentioned above assumption of the speed cooling decreasing with the increasing of radiation pulses number. In spite of the fact that the increase in the number of pulses of the electron beam leads to a decrease in a linear density of microcracks (growth of medium-sized fragments), their depth, judging by the size of the disclosure of microcracks, apparently, is increasing.
A diagram in Fig. 9 shows the change of the copper concentration in the surface layer of steel, subjected to EEA and the subsequent EBP. From the analysis of the results it follows that with the increasing of pulses number the copper concentration in the surface layer thickness of 4...5 ^m is increasing steadily from ~ 8 % at 5 pulses to 18 % at 50 pulses, i.e. more than in 2 times. It can be assumed, that one of the reasons of the revealed concentration of copper in the surface layer of steel is a displacement of copper atoms from the surface of sample volume with its multiple melting. In metallurgy of steel this process is
Figure 10. Microhardness of the steel surface layer, subjected to the different types of irradiation: 0 - electron-beam treatment (12 J/cm2, 50 |xs, 0.3 Hz, 3 pls.); 1 - electroexplosive copper alloying; 2 - 6 - electroexplosive copper alloying and subsequent electron-beam processing (ES = 20 J/cm2, x = 50 ^s, 0.3 Hz) at N = 5 (2); 10 (3); 15 (4); 25 (5); 50 (6) pulses number of the electron beam. A horizontal line denotes a microhardness of steel, quenched from furnace heating (850 oC, 1.5 hours.)
named refining (clearing) of melts from harmful or unwanted elements (electron-beam treatment) [10, 11].
Analyzing the results, presented in Fig. 10, it can be noted that the high speed crystallization of steel, alloyed by copper, and following after that cooling are accompanied by a significant increase of the surface layer hardness only in small pulses number of the electron beam (5 and 10 pulses). A further increase of the radiation pulses number is accompanied by a significant decrease in hardness of the surface layer of steel.
Comparing the results, presented in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10, one can establish the relationship between the copper concentration in the surface layer of steel, and the quantity of microhardness. Namely, the low quantity of microhardness of the surface layer to the high values of the copper concentration corresponds. However, the correlation between the characteristics of the steel is negligible, that may indicate the indirect (through the changing of the structure parameters and the phase of composition) effect of copper on the hardness of the steel surface layer.
1. Electroexplosive copper plating of steel is accompanied by the saturation of the surface layer of copper, carbon and oxygen atoms. Subsequent high-speed cooling of steel is accompanied by the separation of the liquid phase and the formation of a surface layer with the structure of the cellular crystallization. The thickness of cellular structure is about 5 цт. The thickness of the layer of hardened steel, located at a depth of 5 цт, is about 7 цт.
2. Electron-beam treatment of steel is accompanied by the formation of micro-cracks dividing the surface of the specimen into the fragments. The average size of the fragments varies within the range of 30...60 цт and grows with an increase in the number of pulses of electron beam action.
3. With the increase of pulses number of electron beam the copper concentration in the surface layer of thickness 4...5 um increases from 8 wt. % at 5 pulses to 18 wt. % at 50 pulses, i.e. more than in 2 times.
4. High speed crystallization of steel, alloyed by copper, and following after that cooling are accompanied by a significant (more than in ~ 1.5 times in comparison with the hardness of steel, quenched from furnace heating) increase of the surface layer hardness only under small quantities of pulses (5 and 10 pulses.). A further increase of the pulses number of radiation is accompanied by a significant decrease in hardness of the surface layer of steel.
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1. This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 13-02-12009 ofi_m); and by the Ministry of Education and Science (project no. 270ST).
2. This work was supported by the framework of the project of the state tasks in the sphere of scientific activity (task no. 3.1496.2014/K) and under partial financial support of RFBR (project no. 13-02-12009 OFI_M).
Поступила в редакцию 23 декабря 2014 г.
Методами сканирующей и просвечивающей электронной микроскопии исследованы закономерности структуры и рельефа поверхности стали 45 (0,45 % С (по массе)) после электровзрывного меднения и последующей электронно-пучковой обработки. Установлено, что концентрация меди в поверхностном слое увеличивается до двух раз при увеличении числа импульсов электронного пучка. Высокая скорость кристаллизации модифицированного слоя сопровождается ростом микротвердости поверхностного слоя при малом числе импульсов (5 и 10 импульсов). Дальнейшее увеличение числа импульсов приводит к значительному снижению микротвердости поверхностного слоя.
Ключевые слова: электровзрывное легирование; медь; электронно-пучковая обработка; структура; фазовый состав; свойства.
Громов Виктор Евгеньевич, Сибирский государственный индустриальный университет, г. Новокузнецк, Кемеровская область, Российская Федерация, доктор физико-математических наук, профессор, зав. кафедрой физики им. В.М. Финкеля, e-mail: gromov@physics.sibsiu.ru
Gromov Viktor Evgenievich, Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region, Russian Federation, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of V.M. Finkel Physics Department, e-mail: gromov@physics.sibsiu.ru
Иванов Юрий Федорович, Институт сильноточной электроники Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук, г. Томск, Российская Федерация, доктор физико-математических наук, профессор, главный научный сотрудник, e-mail: yufi55@mail.ru
Ivanov Yury Fedorovich, Institute of High Current Electronics Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russian Federation, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Main Scientific Worker, e-mail: yufi55@mail.ru
Романов Денис Анатольевич, Сибирский государственный индустриальный университет, г. Новокузнецк, Кемеровская область, Российская Федерация, кандидат технических наук, доцент кафедры физики им. В.М. Финкеля, e-mail: romanov_da@physics. sibsiu.ru
Romanov Denis Anatolyevich, Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region, Russian Federation, Candidate of Technics, Associate Professor of V.M. Finkel Physics Department, e-mail: romanov_da@physics.sibsiu.ru
Танг Г., Научно-исследовательский институт университета Циньхуа в Шэньчжэне, Шэнчьжэнь, Китайская Народная Республика, доктор технических наук, профессор, e-mail: tanggy@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
Tang G., Scientific-Research Institute of University Tsinghua in Shenzhen, Shenzhen, People's Republic of China, Doctor of Technics, Professor, e-mail: tanggy@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
Райков Сергей Валентинович, Сибирский государственный индустриальный университет, г. Новокузнецк, Кемеровская область, Российская Федерация, кандидат технических наук, доцент кафедры физики им. В.М. Финкеля, e-mail: gromov@physics.sibsiu.ru
Raykov Sergey Valentinovich, Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region, Russian Federation, Candidate of Technics, Associate Professor of V.M. Finkel Physics Department, e-mail: gromov@physics.sibsiu.ru
Будовских Евгений Александрович, Сибирский государственный индустриальный университет, г. Новокузнецк, Кемеровская область, Российская Федерация, доктор технических наук, профессор кафедры физики им. В.М. Фин-келя, e-mail: budovskih_ea@physics.sibsiu.ru
Budovskikh Evgeny Aleksandrovich, Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region, Russian Federation, Doctor of Technics, Professor of V.M. Finkel Physics Department, e-mail: budovskih_ea@physics.sibsiu.ru
Бащенко Людмила Петровна, Сибирский государственный индустриальный университет, г. Новокузнецк, Кемеровская область, Российская Федерация, кандидат технических наук, ведущий редактор журнала «Известия высших учебных заведений. Черная металлургия», e-mail: luda.baschenko@gmail.com
Baschenko Lyudmila Petrovna, Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region, Russian Federation, Candidate of Technics, Senior Editor of journal "Izvestiya vuzov. Chernaya metallurgiya", e-mail: luda. baschenko @gmail .com
Сонг Г., Научно-исследовательский институт университета Циньхуа в Шэньчжэне, Шэнчьжэнь, Китайская Народная Республика, доктор технических наук, профессор, e-mail: tanggy@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
Song G., Research Institute of University Tsinghua in Shenzhen, Shenzhen, People's Republic of China, Doctor of Technics, Professor, e-mail: tanggy@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn