PATHOGENIC TEXTS IDENTIFICATION: CASE OF UKRAINE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
pathogenic text / advertising / manipulation / suggestion / information space / media space / Ukraine / legistation / identification mechanisms.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kovalevska A.

The article is dedicated to the analysis of researches available in contemporary scientific paradigms on the study of pathogenic texts, defining the general concept of a pathogenic text and picking out the typical features of pathogenic texts available in the Ukrainian information space. Particular attention is paid to the coherence of the legislative aspect of this problem with the actual linguistic features, whereas relevant legislation and bylaws do not always take into account the inherent suggestiveness of advertising texts, which significantly complicates the process of identifying them for further appropriate management decisions to be taken to limit their distribution or totally prohibit operation in the state information field. The article also considers the issue of correlation between influential, suggestive and manipulative texts and highlights the differences between these units, which would allow a more accurate qualification of the arrays of this such nature in the Ukrainian information space. The author also distinguishes the concepts of illegal and pathogenic texts. The prospects of research in the paradigm of studying pathogenic texts are also outlined

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Kovalevska A.

Odesa Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine PhD in Philology, Associate Professor


The article is dedicated to the analysis of researches available in contemporary scientific paradigms on the study of pathogenic texts, defining the general concept of a pathogenic text and picking out the typical features of pathogenic texts available in the Ukrainian information space. Particular attention is paid to the coherence of the legislative aspect of this problem with the actual linguistic features, whereas relevant legislation and bylaws do not always take into account the inherent suggestiveness of advertising texts, which significantly complicates the process of identifying them for further appropriate management decisions to be taken to limit their distribution or totally prohibit operation in the state information field. The article also considers the issue of correlation between influential, suggestive and manipulative texts and highlights the differences between these units, which would allow a more accurate qualification of the arrays of this such nature in the Ukrainian information space. The author also distinguishes the concepts of illegal and pathogenic texts. The prospects of research in the paradigm of studying pathogenic texts are also outlined.

Keywords: pathogenic text, advertising, manipulation, suggestion, information space, media space, Ukraine, legistation, identification mechanisms.


The modern information space, which currently includes most of the developed countries of the world, makes its adjustments in the lives of humanity as a whole and its individual members, as it is "accompanied not only by quantitative changes which result in deeper penetration of communication into all spheres of society, but also qualitative changes" [2, p. 86], among which M. Butyrina singles out, for example, "changes in the nature of production and transmission of information, homogenization and massification of the audience under the influence of homogeneous content, the emergence of media criticism" [2, p. 86].

But, despite the obvious advantages of new information technologies in general and mass media in particular, one should not forget about the obvious consequences of these results of communication, which in both philosophical and technical-technological sense is considered "not only as a benefit to mankind, but and as a problem that can have dramatic consequences" [2, p. 86], which determines the relevance of this research, aimed at identifying typical features of pathogenic texts in incorrect advertising by analyzing the legislative aspect of this problem, defining general criteria for incorrect advertising and research coherence of legislation texts and actually linguistic indicators of incorrect advertising. The object of our study is the pathogenic text as such, and the subject is the objective criteria for identifying pathogenic texts in the area legislation of Ukraine.

In this aspect, there is also the phenomenon of harmful or pathogenic texts as such semiotic structures with built-in mechanisms of self-expansion, which are "prohibited by law or do not fit into the framework of dominant social morality" [13, p. 32], and which are present in almost all prevalent in modern information space of information: advertising, news, and especially

- in the texts distributed in the information wars, the main purpose of which is to manipulate the masses and weaken the moral and material forces of the enemy or competitor and strengthen their own.

Analysis of recent studies

Ukrainian researchers of the phenomenon of pathogenic texts B. Potyatynyk and M. Lozynsky single out the following features of a pathogenic text: focus on undermining faith in God; focus on undermining national and state interests; threat to global security; threat to public morality; leading to neglect of fundamental human rights and freedoms; harmful psychological influence (excessive demonstration of violence) [10, p. 32], where the latter is of concern to scientists who note the harmful ability of certain products distributed in the media through communication technologies to have an exciting effect on the audience and potential "harm to moral and mental health of an individual, nation, state, humanity" [10, 209], for a low-quality text that exists in a free information space can also cause disease, but not of an individual organism, but of the whole society, which motivates the researchers to search for ways to find a "cure" of a kind.

According to Y. Vasylkivsky, a pathogenic text has a detrimental effect on the recipient, causes emotions of satisfaction, dissatisfaction or mixed ones, and akso brings a negative perlocutionary effect, which is manifested through the development of dependence on a particular person or idea, generation of myths, stereotypes, destruction of critical thinking, thus, such texts are "informationally empty" because they are of no value and waste the reader's time [3, p. 360].

According to the Ukrainian researcher of media space K. Serazhym, pathogenic texts are ones that contain propaganda of class, racial hatred, pornography, hyperbolized advertising, totalitarian communication

[12, p. 156], because "these are not isolated cases related, for example, with inaccurate information, deception, which, of course, can have harmful or even fatal consequences for a certain person" [12, p. 157].

Another Ukrainian researcher, S. Proskurkina, defines pathogenic texts as ones "aimed at destroying faith in God; aimed at undermining national and state interests; those that threaten the security of mankind; texts that pose a threat to public morality; texts that have a harmful psychological effect on a person; texts that promote evil in any form: it is callousness, cruelty, hatred, rudeness, permissiveness, and so on..." [11].

N. Lishchynska notes that pathogenicity is manifested at the level of content (information content of the text), form, influence on the consciousness of the recipient in a particular context, as well as at the level of "conflict of interpretations": one text is perceived differently by recipients due to different contexts (nontextual factor, which is determined by the information experience, which is formed under the influence of the information environment). In this case, the pathogenicity is "taken out of the text" [8].

According to L. Massimova, "in a broad sense, any low-quality text is a pathogenic one. In a narrow sense, it is a text in which a mechanism is built in that forces the reader to waste his time. And these are not necessarily texts that depict erotica for the sake of erotica, or violence for the sake of violence. These texts are seemingly innocent, because they adhere to the established norms of morality. The harmfulness of such texts is that they teach to consume information without any effort, thus developing the habit of uncritical perception of texts. The unifying element in this classification is the manipulation of consciousness and the negative impact on the audience" [9].

Analysis and results

In this context, in our opinion, the concept of ma-nipulativeness and influence of the text needs to be clarified, as not all influential texts are manipulative [7]. Sharing the opinion of researchers of linguistic and communicative influence T. Yu. Kovalevskaya and N. Kutuza, we emphasize that the difference between these concepts is that the concept of influence, being a hyperonym, includes both the concept of manipulation and the concept of suggestion and persuasion, where :

- persuasion is "influence on consciousness by building a rational argument" [7, p. 152];

- suggestion is the influence on the consciousness or subconscious "through the emotional sphere" [7, p. 152] with the help of appropriate verbal or nonverbal techniques, but without a clear goal of the addressee to achieve certain tangible or intangible goals through the implementation of this influence;

- manipulation is also an impact on the consciousness or subconscious "through the emotional sphere" [7, p. 152] with the help of appropriate verbal or nonverbal techniques, but with a clear goal of the addressee to achieve certain tangible or intangible goals through the implementation of this influence.

Given this understanding of influence, it makes more sense to attribute manipulative texts to pathogenic texts rather than all influential ones in general, since texts such as religious treatises, as research has shown

[6], have a hallmark of suggestiveness, which nevertheless, does not make them actually pathogenic.

Thus, according to the scientific achievements of scientists who care about the environmental problems of the domestic media space, the main features of pathogenic texts can be attributed to:

- wasting time of the recipient (this feature is especially evident when the actual advertising texts are intentionally presented as documentary or informational);

- manipulation of the recipient's attention (eg, shifting the focus of the recipient's attention to objectively uninformative sentences and details of the text in order to distract from the main thing);

- incorrect use of technical means, which leads to incorrect perception or understanding of advertising, which, in turn, negatively affects the reader;

- gender imbalance (eg, stereotypical portrayal of a woman as a housewife, servant or toy, or deliberate sexualization of her image);

- non-compliance with the law (violation by advertisers of the legal requirements set out in the relevant regulations) [3, p. 362 - 363].

In our work, we will pay special attention to the last aspect, because, given the European vector of Ukraine's development, its legislation must be harmonized and brought into line with the best European standards, and the security of the country's information space is one of the keys to security of its citizens. Many scholars emphasize the possibility of identifying the pathogenicity of a text by determining its relationship to a non-linguistic category of compliance with current legislation. In view of this, it should be noted that in Ukraine, this aspect is regulated by a number of laws, including the Law of Ukraine on Printed Mass Media (Press) in Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine on Information, the Law of Ukraine on Advertising, etc., but legislation does not always consider the specifics of advertising as an immanently suggestogenic text [6, 7, 14], which significantly complicates diagnosing the level of its path-ogenicity.

For example, s/p 4 of item 1 of Art. 8 of the "Law of Ukraine on Advertising" states that advertising prohibits "the use of tools and technologies that affect the subconscious of consumers of advertising" [5], however, as it wasproved in studies of leading Ukrainian and foreign scientists, the leading function of any advertising is suggestive one, which is realized precisely in influence on the subconscious of the recipient, activating the non-dominant perception and carrying out corrective processes in the psychostructure of the individual. Therefore, in the advertising text, it is almost impossible to avoid the use of appropriate psycholin-guistic technologies without causing their significant damage to its effectiveness, and hence the marketing component of the advertising campaign in general.

Paragraph 1 of Art. 10 of the Law of Ukraine "On Advertising" prohibits the use of "unfair" advertising [5], defined in the same Law as one that "misleads or may mislead consumers of advertising, harm individuals, the state or society due to inaccuracy, ambiguity, exaggeration, silence, violation of the requirements for time, place and method of distribution" [5]. However,

such elements as ambiguity (having several meanings), exaggeration and omission are components of the metamodel of language [6, 12, 14], through which the influential function of advertising in part and fideistic texts in general is realized.

Paragraph 3 of Art. 7 of the "Law of Ukraine on Advertising" states that advertising "should not contain information or images that violate ethical, humanistic, moral norms, disregard the rules of decency" [5], but the very concept of ethics, humanities and moral norms in the Law is not interpreted, therefore, their definition is left to the discretion of the general public, which, in our opinion, is unacceptable, as such concepts are too layered, diffuse for a clear conventional interpretation, which makes it completely impossible to comply with this rule.

The same could be said about one of the principles of advertising, defined in the Law as "the use of forms and means that do not harm the consumer advertising" [5], as the question of the division of advertising forms and means into harmful and harmless remains open.

B. Potyatynyk and M. Lozynsky generally divide pathogenic texts into those that contribute to the spread in mass communication: violence; pornography; texts of totalitarian ideology and propaganda [10, 34].

The first two varieties are obviously pathogenic, based on the emotions of dissatisfaction and satisfaction, respectively, and are explicitly prohibited by current legislation, as the Art. 3 of the Law of Ukraine "On Print Media (Press) in Ukraine" states that it is prohibited to use the printed media for:

- calls for the seizure of power, forcible change of the constitutional order or territorial integrity of Ukraine;

- propaganda of war, violence and cruelty;

- incitement to racial, national, religious hatred;

- distribution of pornography, as well as for the purpose of committing terrorist acts and other criminal acts;

- propaganda of communist and / or National Socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes and their symbols;

- popularization or propaganda of the aggressor state and its authorities, representatives of the aggressor state authorities and their actions that create a positive image of the aggressor state, justify or recognize the lawful occupation of the territory of Ukraine [4].

The third type of pathogenic texts, although related to paragraphs 1, 5, 6 of Art. 3 of the Law, is quite difficult to attribute to the actually illegal, because, even correlating them with all the previous ones, we can agree with F. Batsevich, who argues that "these features are not subject to a clear criterion and are largely subjective" [1, p. 153] , because it is not always possible to definitively determine the pathogenicity or adequacy of the text, and to take appropriate preventive measures, because legislation, unfortunately, does not always keep pace with the rapid development of new information technologies and scientific advances in modern society.

Suggestions and prospects of further research

We believe that the clarification of inaccuracies and contradictory provisions in the legislation on the is-

sues covered in the work will serve not only in the eth-icization and ecologization of the state's information space, and in the possible formation of appropriate software solutions in the field of state information security of Ukraine, which emphasizes the prospects for further development of this problem and requires not only clarification of the definition of the actual pathogenicity of the text or discourse, but also by neutralizing and typol-ogizing these concepts, which will be the focus of our further scientific research.


1. Batsevych F. S. Osnovy komunikatyvnoi linhvistyky : pidruchnyk [Fundamentals of communicative linguistics: a textbook]. - Kyiv : Akademiia, 2004. - 344 p.

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14. Kovalevska T. & Kovalevska A. Utilizing the Neurolinguistic Programming Technologies in Foreign languages Teaching Practice in Ukrainian Universities. Arab World English Journal: Special Issue on English in Ukrainian Context, 2020. - Pp. 184 - 193. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.24093/awej/elt3.16.


Ахвледиани М.

Батумский государственный университет Шота Руставели (Грузия)

Ассоциированный профессор


Akhvlediani M.

Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University (Georgia)

Associate Professor


Статья посвящена одному из наиболее живых и социально значимых процессов, происходящих в русском языке - заимствованию иноязычной лексики. В исследовании приводится и классифицируется большая часть наиболее употребительных слов, заимствованных из близкородственных языков. Прослеживается сложный путь вхождения некоторых из них в лексическую систему русского языка.

Большая часть заимствований приходится на старославянский и западноевропейские языки. Заимствования же из близкородственных славянских языков сравнительно немногочисленны. В русском языке имеются заимствования из польского, украинского, белорусского языков. Единичны заимствования из чешского, болгарского, сербского языков.

Особую роль в пополнении русской лексики сыграл польский язык, через который в русский язык пришли многие слова из западноевропейских языков. Большая часть польских заимствований в русском языке образована от чужеродных корней и, в свою очередь, восходит к немецкому, латинскому, французскому, итальянскому и другим языкам.

Языком-посредником при заимствованиях в русский из западных языков служили также украинский и белорусский языки.

Заимствований из современного болгарского языка в русском почти нет. Однако в русском и болгарском языках есть слова, которые звучат сходным образом, но имеют разные значения: булка (невеста), чушка (перец), майка (мать).

Все родственные славянские заимствования близки русскому языку, его грамматической системе, быстро ассимилировались и лишь этимологически могут быть названы заимствованиями.


Borrowing foreign words is one of the most active and socially important processes in the Russian Language.

Most borrowings comprise the old Slavic and West European languages. However, the number of words from the related Slavic languages is relatively modest. The existing ones have come from Polish, Ukrainian, and Belarus, as well as singular cases of words borrowed from Czech, contemporary Bulgarian, and Serbian. The Polish language played the crucial role in building Russian vocabulary as it enriched Russian with multiple words from the Western European languages. Most Polish borrowings in Russian have foreign roots with the German, Latin, French, Italian, etc. origin.

The transit languages for transferring words from the Western European languages were Ukrainian and Belarus.

There are nearly no borrowings from the Bulgarian language; there are number of words though, which sound similarly but differ in meaning: булка (невеста - bride), чушка (перец - pepper), майка (мать - mother).

All related Slavic borrowings are close to Russian and its grammatical system, assimilate quickly, and only etymologically can bear the name of borrowings.

Ключевые слова: родственные славянские заимствования, язык- приёмник, язык-посредник, чужеродные корни, польские заимствования.

Keywords: Related Slavic borrowing, recipient language, mediator language, foreign roots, Polish borrowing.

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