Научная статья на тему 'PASSIONATE RAILROADERS'

PASSIONATE RAILROADERS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
railroaders / brave heart / machinist
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Текст научной работы на тему «PASSIONATE RAILROADERS»

УДК 62

Атаев А., студент Ачылова О., студентка Аннамаммедов А., студент Атанова А.,


Институт Инженерно-технических и транспортных коммуникаций Туркменистана PASSIONATE RAILROADERS

Key words:

railroaders, brave heart, machinist.

Our humanitarian nation always remembers the people who sacrificed their lives for our country. Our forefathers turned this situation into a permanent way of life of our people. Dear reader, the story we are going to talk about is about the meaningful work path of people who are married, and its continuation.

Drivers driving a train at night can see the bright light on the track. Machinist Kuly Shamyradov and his assistant Anatoliy Sazonov accidentally hit the brakes of the locomotive. More than a hundred people were resting on the train. At this point, it was only a matter of language to put the brakes on the train and stop it in a fraction of a second. If they cared, they could have jumped off the train. But they wanted to save the passengers. So they did. They persevered through their lives and finally managed to stop the train. None of the passengers were hurt. The entire nation bowed to the heroic action of machinists Kuly Shamyradov and Anatoliy Sazonov. Kuly Shamyradov was born on January 1, 1927 in the village of Garkyn, Sayat Etrap, Lebap Velayat, which lies along the shores of the ancient river Jeyhu. Like all the village children of Turkmen, Kuly was brought up by his parents and his siblings. From an early age, he helps his parents in household and field work. Kuli studies in a village school and receives partial secondary education.

Then he studied at a one-year training school for locomotive drivers of Mary of the Ashgabat Railway. He has successfully completed this school and credits his chosen career with his destiny. Of his 37 years, 19 of whom were dedicated to the railroad, this man had 12 years of experience driving locomotives. He worked as a driver's assistant for three years, and for the past 9 years he has been a freelancer on a locomotive. Due to his sincere approach to his work and setting an example to others, Kuly has been the recipient of letters of respect and gratitude, as well as valuable awards. The career path of Kuly Shamyradov is connected with the career path of his colleague Anatoliy Sazonov. As for Anatoliy Sazonov, he was born in 1934 in the village of Kuropatkino, Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan in a working family. In 1936, when his father was transferred to Mary, the family moved to Mary. In 1943, he entered secondary school No. 1 in the city of Mary and successfully graduated in 1950. In the same year, he entered training at the 3rd railway station in the city of Mary and received advanced training as an assistant driver of the Locomotive Brigade team. Then he is sent to work at Charjev railway depot by special delivery. First, he worked there as a foreman, then as an assistant driver of a locomotive brigade, gaining experience.

In 1953, Anatoly Sazonov was transferred to the position of an assistant driver at the railway depot of Mary. Anatoly Sazonov, his slave's assistant, learns a lot from him. Yes, Anatoly Sazonov was one of the honest, brave, loyal people. He died while working with his mentor, Kuly Shamyradov. They have passed away, but everything in the depot—the archival materials, the pictures on the Honor Board, the signatures on the labor commitments—will always remember them. In our country, the memory of heroic actions is held in high esteem. On May 13, 1964, veteran railway workers Kuly Shamyradov and Teplovoz driver's assistant Anatoliy Vasilyevich Sazonov were awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for their bravery and indifference in their duty.

Also, at the site of the incident and at Mary's Locomotive Depot, where they worked, there is a monument with the names of the railroad heroes. Whenever the drivers of the two trains pass by, they remember their colleagues by sounding the locomotive's long horn. In 1968, based on the literary basis written by N.Gurbanseyidov, Boris Ataev's documentary film "Courage at a Hundred Meters" was shot in the studio of Ashgabat Television and released to the public. Heroism of Merdana drivers is widely reported in Moscow-based "Izvestiya" and in the media of Turkmenistan.

By the relevant decision of the Mary city government, the names of locomotive brigade driver Kuly Shamyradov and locomotive brigade driver's assistant Anatoly Sazonov are attached to the streets around the Mary locomotive depot. For several years now, the 3rd cultural and recreational park in the center of Ashgabat, the capital of our beautiful country, has been named after Kuly Shamyradov. On the wall at the main entrance of the amusement park, his image driving a locomotive always attracts attention. Today, this cultural and recreational park is overgrown. It is beautiful and serves as one of the favorite vacation spots of the capital city. Literature:

1. Turkmen silk road newspaper 26.08.2023y.

2. Railway gov.tm

© Атаев А., AMbmoBa O., AHHaMaMMegoB A., ATaHOBa A., 2023

УДК 911

Мухамметныязов Д.,

Старший преподаватель, Туркменский государственный архитектурно-строительный институт,

Ашхабад, Туркменистан Амандурдыев С., Студент,

Туркменский государственный архитектурно-строительный институт,

Ашхабад, Туркменистан Аллабердиев А., Студент,

Туркменский государственный архитектурно-строительный институт,

Ашхабад, Туркменистан Научный руководитель: Гурдова Г.,

Старший преподаватель, Международный университет нефти и газа имени Ягшыгелди Какаева,

Ашхабад, Туркменистан



Рассмотрены гидрогеологические условия территории Туркменистана.

Ключевые слова:

гидрогеологические условия, неоген-четвертичные отложения, подземные воды, водоупоры, карбонатные образования, складчатые области.

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